""" NonPhysicsWalker.py is for avatars. A walker control such as this one provides: - creation of the collision nodes - handling the keyboard and mouse input for avatar movement - moving the avatar it does not: - play sounds - play animations although it does send messeges that allow a listener to play sounds or animations based on walker events. """ from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.showbase import DirectObject from direct.controls.ControlManager import CollisionHandlerRayStart from direct.showbase.InputStateGlobal import inputState from direct.task.Task import Task from panda3d.core import * class NonPhysicsWalker(DirectObject.DirectObject): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("NonPhysicsWalker") wantDebugIndicator = ConfigVariableBool('want-avatar-physics-indicator', False) # Ghost mode overrides this: slideName = "slide-is-disabled" # special methods def __init__(self): DirectObject.DirectObject.__init__(self) self.worldVelocity = Vec3.zero() self.collisionsActive = 0 self.speed=0.0 self.rotationSpeed=0.0 self.slideSpeed=0.0 self.vel=Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.stopThisFrame = 0 def setWalkSpeed(self, forward, jump, reverse, rotate): assert self.debugPrint("setWalkSpeed()") self.avatarControlForwardSpeed=forward #self.avatarControlJumpForce=jump self.avatarControlReverseSpeed=reverse self.avatarControlRotateSpeed=rotate def getSpeeds(self): #assert self.debugPrint("getSpeeds()") return (self.speed, self.rotationSpeed, self.slideSpeed) def setAvatar(self, avatar): self.avatar = avatar if avatar is not None: pass # setup the avatar def setAirborneHeightFunc(self, getAirborneHeight): self.getAirborneHeight = getAirborneHeight def setWallBitMask(self, bitMask): self.cSphereBitMask = bitMask def setFloorBitMask(self, bitMask): self.cRayBitMask = bitMask def swapFloorBitMask(self, oldMask, newMask): self.cRayBitMask = self.cRayBitMask &~ oldMask self.cRayBitMask |= newMask if self.cRayNodePath and not self.cRayNodePath.isEmpty(): self.cRayNodePath.node().setFromCollideMask(self.cRayBitMask) def initializeCollisions(self, collisionTraverser, avatarNodePath, avatarRadius = 1.4, floorOffset = 1.0, reach = 1.0): """ Set up the avatar for collisions """ assert not avatarNodePath.isEmpty() self.cTrav = collisionTraverser self.avatarNodePath = avatarNodePath # Set up the collision sphere # This is a sphere on the ground to detect barrier collisions self.cSphere = CollisionSphere(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, avatarRadius) cSphereNode = CollisionNode('NPW.cSphereNode') cSphereNode.addSolid(self.cSphere) self.cSphereNodePath = avatarNodePath.attachNewNode(cSphereNode) cSphereNode.setFromCollideMask(self.cSphereBitMask) cSphereNode.setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32.allOff()) # Set up the collison ray # This is a ray cast from your head down to detect floor polygons. # This ray start is arbitrarily high in the air. Feel free to use # a higher or lower value depending on whether you want an avatar # that is outside of the world to step up to the floor when they # get under valid floor: self.cRay = CollisionRay(0.0, 0.0, CollisionHandlerRayStart, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0) cRayNode = CollisionNode('NPW.cRayNode') cRayNode.addSolid(self.cRay) self.cRayNodePath = avatarNodePath.attachNewNode(cRayNode) cRayNode.setFromCollideMask(self.cRayBitMask) cRayNode.setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32.allOff()) # set up wall collision mechanism self.pusher = CollisionHandlerPusher() self.pusher.setInPattern("enter%in") self.pusher.setOutPattern("exit%in") # set up floor collision mechanism self.lifter = CollisionHandlerFloor() self.lifter.setInPattern("on-floor") self.lifter.setOutPattern("off-floor") self.lifter.setOffset(floorOffset) self.lifter.setReach(reach) # Limit our rate-of-fall with the lifter. # If this is too low, we actually "fall" off steep stairs # and float above them as we go down. I increased this # from 8.0 to 16.0 to prevent this self.lifter.setMaxVelocity(16.0) self.pusher.addCollider(self.cSphereNodePath, avatarNodePath) self.lifter.addCollider(self.cRayNodePath, avatarNodePath) # activate the collider with the traverser and pusher self.setCollisionsActive(1) def deleteCollisions(self): del self.cTrav del self.cSphere self.cSphereNodePath.removeNode() del self.cSphereNodePath del self.cRay self.cRayNodePath.removeNode() del self.cRayNodePath del self.pusher del self.lifter def setTag(self, key, value): self.cSphereNodePath.setTag(key, value) def setCollisionsActive(self, active = 1): assert self.debugPrint("setCollisionsActive(active%s)"%(active,)) if self.collisionsActive != active: self.collisionsActive = active if active: self.cTrav.addCollider(self.cSphereNodePath, self.pusher) self.cTrav.addCollider(self.cRayNodePath, self.lifter) else: self.cTrav.removeCollider(self.cSphereNodePath) self.cTrav.removeCollider(self.cRayNodePath) # Now that we have disabled collisions, make one more pass # right now to ensure we aren't standing in a wall. self.oneTimeCollide() def placeOnFloor(self): """ Make a reasonable effor to place the avatar on the ground. For example, this is useful when switching away from the current walker. """ # With these on, getAirborneHeight is not returning the correct value so # when we open our book while swimming we pop down underneath the ground # self.oneTimeCollide() # self.avatarNodePath.setZ(self.avatarNodePath.getZ()-self.getAirborneHeight()) # Since this is the non physics walker - wont they already be on the ground? return def oneTimeCollide(self): """ Makes one quick collision pass for the avatar, for instance as a one-time straighten-things-up operation after collisions have been disabled. """ tempCTrav = CollisionTraverser("oneTimeCollide") tempCTrav.addCollider(self.cSphereNodePath, self.pusher) tempCTrav.addCollider(self.cRayNodePath, self.lifter) tempCTrav.traverse(render) def addBlastForce(self, vector): pass def displayDebugInfo(self): """ For debug use. """ onScreenDebug.add("controls", "NonPhysicsWalker") def _calcSpeeds(self): # get the button states: forward = inputState.isSet("forward") reverse = inputState.isSet("reverse") turnLeft = inputState.isSet("turnLeft") turnRight = inputState.isSet("turnRight") slide = inputState.isSet(self.slideName) or 0 #jump = inputState.isSet("jump") # Check for Auto-Run if base.localAvatar.getAutoRun(): forward = 1 reverse = 0 # Determine what the speeds are based on the buttons: self.speed=(forward and self.avatarControlForwardSpeed or reverse and -self.avatarControlReverseSpeed) # Should fSlide be renamed slideButton? self.slideSpeed=slide and ((reverse and turnLeft and -self.avatarControlReverseSpeed*(0.75)) or (reverse and turnRight and self.avatarControlReverseSpeed*(0.75)) or (turnLeft and -self.avatarControlForwardSpeed*(0.75)) or (turnRight and self.avatarControlForwardSpeed*(0.75))) self.rotationSpeed=not slide and ( (turnLeft and self.avatarControlRotateSpeed) or (turnRight and -self.avatarControlRotateSpeed)) def handleAvatarControls(self, task): """ Check on the arrow keys and update the avatar. """ if not self.lifter.hasContact(): # hack fix for falling through the floor: messenger.send("walkerIsOutOfWorld", [self.avatarNodePath]) self._calcSpeeds() if __debug__: debugRunning = inputState.isSet("debugRunning") if debugRunning: self.speed*=4.0 self.slideSpeed*=4.0 self.rotationSpeed*=1.25 if self.wantDebugIndicator: self.displayDebugInfo() # How far did we move based on the amount of time elapsed? dt=ClockObject.getGlobalClock().getDt() # Check to see if we're moving at all: if self.speed or self.slideSpeed or self.rotationSpeed: if self.stopThisFrame: distance = 0.0 slideDistance = 0.0 rotation = 0.0 self.stopThisFrame = 0 else: distance = dt * self.speed slideDistance = dt * self.slideSpeed rotation = dt * self.rotationSpeed # Take a step in the direction of our previous heading. self.vel=Vec3(Vec3.forward() * distance + Vec3.right() * slideDistance) if self.vel != Vec3.zero(): # rotMat is the rotation matrix corresponding to # our previous heading. rotMat=Mat3.rotateMatNormaxis(self.avatarNodePath.getH(), Vec3.up()) step=rotMat.xform(self.vel) self.avatarNodePath.setFluidPos(Point3(self.avatarNodePath.getPos()+step)) self.avatarNodePath.setH(self.avatarNodePath.getH()+rotation) messenger.send("avatarMoving") else: self.vel.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.__oldPosDelta = self.avatarNodePath.getPosDelta(render) self.__oldDt = dt try: self.worldVelocity = self.__oldPosDelta*(1/self.__oldDt) except: # divide by zero self.worldVelocity = 0 return Task.cont def doDeltaPos(self): assert self.debugPrint("doDeltaPos()") def reset(self): assert self.debugPrint("reset()") def getVelocity(self): return self.vel def enableAvatarControls(self): """ Activate the arrow keys, etc. """ assert self.debugPrint("enableAvatarControls") assert self.collisionsActive taskName = "AvatarControls-%s"%(id(self),) # remove any old taskMgr.remove(taskName) # spawn the new task taskMgr.add(self.handleAvatarControls, taskName) def disableAvatarControls(self): """ Ignore the arrow keys, etc. """ assert self.debugPrint("disableAvatarControls") taskName = "AvatarControls-%s"%(id(self),) taskMgr.remove(taskName) def flushEventHandlers(self): if hasattr(self, 'cTrav'): self.pusher.flush() self.lifter.flush() # not currently defined or needed if __debug__: def debugPrint(self, message): """for debugging""" return self.notify.debug( str(id(self))+' '+message)