/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file lvec4_ops_src.h * @author drose * @date 2000-03-08 */ // When possible, operators have been defined within the classes. This file // defines operator functions outside of classes where necessary. It also // defines some convenient out-of-class wrappers around in-class functions // (like dot, length, normalize). // scalar * vec (vec * scalar is defined in class) INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LVecBase4) operator * (FLOATTYPE scalar, const FLOATNAME(LVecBase4) &a); INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LPoint4) operator * (FLOATTYPE scalar, const FLOATNAME(LPoint4) &a); INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LVector4) operator * (FLOATTYPE scalar, const FLOATNAME(LVector4) &a); // dot product INLINE_LINMATH FLOATTYPE dot(const FLOATNAME(LVecBase4) &a, const FLOATNAME(LVecBase4) &b); #ifndef FLOATTYPE_IS_INT // Length of a vector. INLINE_LINMATH FLOATTYPE length(const FLOATNAME(LVector4) &a); // A normalized vector. INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LVector4) normalize(const FLOATNAME(LVector4) &v); #endif // FLOATTYPE_IS_INT INLINE_LINMATH void generic_write_datagram(Datagram &dest, const FLOATNAME(LVecBase4) &value); INLINE_LINMATH void generic_read_datagram(FLOATNAME(LVecBase4) &result, DatagramIterator &source); #include "lvec4_ops_src.I"