/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file pfmFile.I * @author drose * @date 2010-12-23 */ /** * */ INLINE bool PfmFile:: is_valid() const { return _num_channels != 0 && (_x_size * _y_size * _num_channels <= (int)_table.size()); } /** * The "scale" is reported in the pfm header and is probably meaningless. */ INLINE PN_float32 PfmFile:: get_scale() const { return _scale; } /** * The "scale" is reported in the pfm header and is probably meaningless. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_scale(PN_float32 scale) { _scale = scale; } /** * Returns true if there is a valid point at x, y. This always returns true * unless a "no data" value has been set, in which case it returns false if * the point at x, y is the "no data" value. */ INLINE bool PfmFile:: has_point(int x, int y) const { return _has_point(this, x, y); } /** * Returns the cth channel of the point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE PN_float32 PfmFile:: get_channel(int x, int y, int c) const { nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size && c >= 0 && c < _num_channels, 0.0f); return _table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels + c]; } /** * Replaces the cth channel of the point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_channel(int x, int y, int c, PN_float32 value) { nassertv(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size && c >= 0 && c < _num_channels); _table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels + c] = value; } /** * Returns the 1-component point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE PN_float32 PfmFile:: get_point1(int x, int y) const { nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size, 0.0); return _table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]; } /** * Replaces the 1-component point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point1(int x, int y, PN_float32 point) { //nassertv(!cnan(point)); nassertv(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size); _table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels] = point; } /** * Returns the 2-component point value at the indicated point. In a 1-channel * image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE const LPoint2f &PfmFile:: get_point2(int x, int y) const { nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size, LPoint2f::zero()); return *(LPoint2f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]; } /** * Replaces the 2-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point2(int x, int y, const LVecBase2f &point) { //nassertv(!point.is_nan()); nassertv(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size); switch (_num_channels) { case 1: _table[(y * _x_size + x)] = point[0]; break; case 2: *(LPoint2f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels] = point; break; case 3: (*(LPoint3f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]).set(point[0], point[1], 0.0); break; case 4: (*(LPoint4f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]).set(point[0], point[1], 0.0, 0.0); break; } } /** * Replaces the 2-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point2(int x, int y, const LVecBase2d &point) { set_point2(x, y, LCAST(PN_float32, point)); } /** * Returns a modifiable 2-component point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE LPoint2f &PfmFile:: modify_point2(int x, int y) { #ifndef NDEBUG static LPoint2f dummy_value = LPoint2f::zero(); nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size, dummy_value); #endif return *(LPoint2f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]; } /** * Returns the 3-component point value at the indicated point. In a 1-channel * image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE const LPoint3f &PfmFile:: get_point(int x, int y) const { return get_point3(x, y); } /** * Replaces the 3-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point(int x, int y, const LVecBase3f &point) { set_point3(x, y, point); } /** * Replaces the 3-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point(int x, int y, const LVecBase3d &point) { set_point3(x, y, point); } /** * Returns a modifiable 3-component point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE LPoint3f &PfmFile:: modify_point(int x, int y) { return modify_point3(x, y); } /** * Returns the 3-component point value at the indicated point. In a 1-channel * image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE const LPoint3f &PfmFile:: get_point3(int x, int y) const { nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size, LPoint3f::zero()); return *(LPoint3f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]; } /** * Replaces the 3-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point3(int x, int y, const LVecBase3f &point) { //nassertv(!point.is_nan()); nassertv(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size); switch (_num_channels) { case 1: _table[(y * _x_size + x)] = point[0]; break; case 2: (*(LPoint2f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]).set(point[0], point[1]); break; case 3: *(LPoint3f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels] = point; break; case 4: (*(LPoint4f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]).set(point[0], point[1], 0.0f, 0.0f); break; } } /** * Replaces the 3-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point3(int x, int y, const LVecBase3d &point) { set_point3(x, y, LCAST(PN_float32, point)); } /** * Returns a modifiable 3-component point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE LPoint3f &PfmFile:: modify_point3(int x, int y) { #ifndef NDEBUG static LPoint3f dummy_value = LPoint3f::zero(); nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size, dummy_value); #endif return *(LPoint3f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]; } /** * Returns the 4-component point value at the indicated point. In a 1-channel * image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE const LPoint4f &PfmFile:: get_point4(int x, int y) const { nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size, LPoint4f::zero()); return *(LPoint4f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]; } /** * Replaces the 4-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point4(int x, int y, const LVecBase4f &point) { //nassertv(!point.is_nan()); nassertv(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size); switch (_num_channels) { case 1: _table[(y * _x_size + x)] = point[0]; break; case 2: (*(LPoint2f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]).set(point[0], point[1]); break; case 3: (*(LPoint3f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]).set(point[0], point[1], point[2]); break; case 4: *(LPoint4f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels] = point; break; } } /** * Replaces the 4-component point value at the indicated point. In a * 1-channel image, the channel value is in the x component. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_point4(int x, int y, const LVecBase4d &point) { set_point4(x, y, LCAST(PN_float32, point)); } /** * Returns a modifiable 4-component point value at the indicated point. */ INLINE LPoint4f &PfmFile:: modify_point4(int x, int y) { #ifndef NDEBUG static LPoint4f dummy_value = LPoint4f::zero(); nassertr(x >= 0 && x < _x_size && y >= 0 && y < _y_size, dummy_value); #endif return *(LPoint4f *)&_table[(y * _x_size + x) * _num_channels]; } /** * Fills the table with all of the same value. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: fill(PN_float32 value) { fill(LPoint4f(value, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } /** * Fills the table with all of the same value. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: fill(const LPoint2f &value) { fill(LPoint4f(value[0], value[1], 0.0f, 0.0f)); } /** * Fills the table with all of the same value. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: fill(const LPoint3f &value) { fill(LPoint4f(value[0], value[1], value[2], 0.0f)); } /** * Computes the minimum range of x and y across the PFM file that include all * points. If there are no points with no_data_value in the grid--that is, * all points are included--then this will return (0, get_x_size(), 0, * get_y_size()). */ INLINE bool PfmFile:: calc_autocrop(LVecBase4f &range) const { int x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end; bool result = calc_autocrop(x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end); range.set(x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end); return result; } /** * Computes the minimum range of x and y across the PFM file that include all * points. If there are no points with no_data_value in the grid--that is, * all points are included--then this will return (0, get_x_size(), 0, * get_y_size()). */ INLINE bool PfmFile:: calc_autocrop(LVecBase4d &range) const { int x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end; bool result = calc_autocrop(x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end); range.set(x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end); return result; } /** * Sets the zero_special flag. When this flag is true, values of (0, 0, 0) in * the pfm file are treated as a special case, and are not processed. * * This is a special case of set_no_data_value(). */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_zero_special(bool zero_special) { if (zero_special) { set_no_data_value(LPoint4f::zero()); } else { clear_no_data_value(); } } /** * Sets the no_data_chan4 flag. When this flag is true, and the pfm file has * 4 channels, then a negative value in the fourth channel indicates no data. * When it is false, all points are valid. * * This is a special case of set_no_data_value(). */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_no_data_chan4(bool chan4) { if (chan4 && _num_channels == 4) { _has_no_data_value = true; _has_no_data_threshold = false; _no_data_value.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0); _has_point = has_point_chan4; } else { clear_no_data_value(); } } /** * Sets the special value that means "no data" when it appears in the pfm * file. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_no_data_value(const LPoint4d &no_data_value) { set_no_data_value(LCAST(PN_float32, no_data_value)); } /** * Sets the special threshold value. Points that are below this value in all * components are considered "no value". */ INLINE void PfmFile:: set_no_data_threshold(const LPoint4d &no_data_threshold) { set_no_data_threshold(LCAST(PN_float32, no_data_threshold)); } /** * Removes the special value that means "no data" when it appears in the pfm * file. All points will thus be considered valid. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: clear_no_data_value() { _has_no_data_value = false; _has_no_data_threshold = false; _no_data_value = LPoint4f::zero(); _has_point = has_point_noop; } /** * Returns whether a "no data" value has been established by * set_no_data_value(). */ INLINE bool PfmFile:: has_no_data_value() const { return _has_no_data_value; } /** * Returns whether a "no data" threshold value has been established by * set_no_data_threshold(). */ INLINE bool PfmFile:: has_no_data_threshold() const { return _has_no_data_threshold; } /** * If has_no_data_value() returns true, this returns the particular "no data" * value. */ INLINE const LPoint4f &PfmFile:: get_no_data_value() const { nassertr(_has_no_data_value, LPoint4f::zero()); return _no_data_value; } /** * Applies the indicated transform matrix to all points in-place. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: xform(const LMatrix4d &transform) { xform(LCAST(PN_float32, transform)); } /** * Computes the minmax bounding volume of the points in 3-D space, assuming * the points represent a mostly-planar surface. * * This algorithm works by sampling the (square) sample_radius pixels at the * four point_dist corners around the center (cx - pd, cx + pd) and so on, to * approximate the plane of the surface. Then all of the points are projected * into that plane and the bounding volume of the entire mesh within that * plane is determined. If points_only is true, the bounding volume of only * those four points is determined. * * center, point_dist and sample_radius are in UV space, i.e. in the range * 0..1. */ INLINE PT(BoundingHexahedron) PfmFile:: compute_planar_bounds(const LPoint2d ¢er, PN_float32 point_dist, PN_float32 sample_radius, bool points_only) const { return compute_planar_bounds(LCAST(PN_float32, center), point_dist, sample_radius, points_only); } /** * Assuming the image was constructed with a gamma curve of from_gamma in the * RGB channels, converts it to an image with a gamma curve of to_gamma in the * RGB channels. Does not affect the alpha channel. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: gamma_correct(float from_gamma, float to_gamma) { apply_exponent(from_gamma / to_gamma); } /** * Assuming the image was constructed with a gamma curve of from_gamma in the * alpha channel, converts it to an image with a gamma curve of to_gamma in * the alpha channel. Does not affect the RGB channels. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: gamma_correct_alpha(float from_gamma, float to_gamma) { apply_exponent(1.0, from_gamma / to_gamma); } /** * Adjusts each channel of the image by raising the corresponding component * value to the indicated exponent, such that L' = L ^ exponent. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: apply_exponent(float gray_exponent) { apply_exponent(gray_exponent, gray_exponent, gray_exponent, 1.0); } /** * Adjusts each channel of the image by raising the corresponding component * value to the indicated exponent, such that L' = L ^ exponent. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: apply_exponent(float gray_exponent, float alpha_exponent) { apply_exponent(gray_exponent, gray_exponent, gray_exponent, alpha_exponent); } /** * Adjusts each channel of the image by raising the corresponding component * value to the indicated exponent, such that L' = L ^ exponent. For a * grayscale image, the blue_exponent value is used for the grayscale value, * and red_exponent and green_exponent are unused. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: apply_exponent(float c0_exponent, float c1_exponent, float c2_exponent) { apply_exponent(c0_exponent, c1_exponent, c2_exponent, 1.0); } /** * This is a very low-level function that returns a read-only reference to the * internal table of floating-point numbers. Use this method at your own * risk. */ INLINE const vector_float &PfmFile:: get_table() const { return _table; } /** * This is a very low-level function that completely exchanges the PfmFile's * internal table of floating-point numbers with whatever you supply. The * provided table must have an appropriate size. Use this method at your own * risk. */ void PfmFile:: swap_table(vector_float &table) { _table.swap(table); } /** * Computes xmin, ymin, xmax, and ymax, based on the input parameters for * copy_sub_image() and related methods. */ INLINE void PfmFile:: setup_sub_image(const PfmFile ©, int &xto, int &yto, int &xfrom, int &yfrom, int &x_size, int &y_size, int &xmin, int &ymin, int &xmax, int &ymax) { if (x_size < 0) { x_size = copy.get_x_size() - xfrom; } if (y_size < 0) { y_size = copy.get_y_size() - yfrom; } if (xfrom < 0) { xto += -xfrom; x_size -= -xfrom; xfrom = 0; } if (yfrom < 0) { yto += -yfrom; y_size -= -yfrom; yfrom = 0; } if (xto < 0) { xfrom += -xto; x_size -= -xto; xto = 0; } if (yto < 0) { yfrom += -yto; y_size -= -yto; yto = 0; } x_size = std::min(x_size, copy.get_x_size() - xfrom); y_size = std::min(y_size, copy.get_y_size() - yfrom); xmin = xto; ymin = yto; xmax = std::min(xmin + x_size, get_x_size()); ymax = std::min(ymin + y_size, get_y_size()); }