@echo off REM REM Check the Windows architecture and determine with Python REM to use; 64-bit or 32-bit. Verify that we can find the REM 'makepanda' python script and the python interpreter. REM If we can find both, then run 'makepanda'. REM if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 ( set pythondir=win-python-x64 ) else ( set pythondir=win-python ) set thirdparty=thirdparty if defined MAKEPANDA_THIRDPARTY set thirdparty=%MAKEPANDA_THIRDPARTY% if not exist makepanda\makepanda.py goto :missing1 if not exist %thirdparty%\%pythondir%\python.exe goto :missing2 %thirdparty%\%pythondir%\python.exe makepanda\makepanda.py %* if errorlevel 1 if x%1 == x--slavebuild exit 1 goto done :missing1 echo You need to change directory to the root of the panda source tree echo before invoking makepanda. For further install instructions, read echo the installation instructions in the file doc/INSTALL-MK. goto done :missing2 echo %thirdparty% echo You seem to be missing the 'thirdparty' directory. You probably checked echo the source code out from sourceforge. The sourceforge repository is echo missing the 'thirdparty' directory. You will need to supplement the echo code by downloading the 'thirdparty' directory from www.panda3d.org goto done :done