/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file baseParticleRenderer.h * @author charles * @date 2000-06-20 */ #ifndef BASEPARTICLERENDERER_H #define BASEPARTICLERENDERER_H #include "pandabase.h" #include "referenceCount.h" #include "physicsObject.h" #include "renderState.h" #include "geomNode.h" #include "colorBlendAttrib.h" #include "nodePath.h" #include "particleCommonFuncs.h" #include "baseParticle.h" #include "pvector.h" /** * Pure virtual particle renderer base class */ class EXPCL_PANDA_PARTICLESYSTEM BaseParticleRenderer : public ReferenceCount { PUBLISHED: enum ParticleRendererAlphaMode { PR_ALPHA_NONE, PR_ALPHA_OUT, PR_ALPHA_IN, PR_ALPHA_IN_OUT, PR_ALPHA_USER, PR_NOT_INITIALIZED_YET }; enum ParticleRendererBlendMethod { PP_NO_BLEND, PP_BLEND_LINEAR, PP_BLEND_CUBIC }; virtual ~BaseParticleRenderer(); INLINE GeomNode *get_render_node() const; INLINE NodePath get_render_node_path() const; INLINE void set_alpha_mode(ParticleRendererAlphaMode am); INLINE ParticleRendererAlphaMode get_alpha_mode() const; INLINE void set_user_alpha(PN_stdfloat ua); INLINE PN_stdfloat get_user_alpha() const; INLINE void set_color_blend_mode(ColorBlendAttrib::Mode bm, ColorBlendAttrib::Operand oa = ColorBlendAttrib::O_zero, ColorBlendAttrib::Operand ob = ColorBlendAttrib::O_zero); void set_ignore_scale(bool ignore_scale); INLINE bool get_ignore_scale() const; virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const; virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent=0) const; public: virtual BaseParticleRenderer *make_copy() = 0; protected: ParticleRendererAlphaMode _alpha_mode; BaseParticleRenderer(ParticleRendererAlphaMode alpha_decay = PR_ALPHA_NONE); BaseParticleRenderer(const BaseParticleRenderer& copy); void update_alpha_mode(ParticleRendererAlphaMode am); void enable_alpha(); void disable_alpha(); INLINE PN_stdfloat get_cur_alpha(BaseParticle* bp); virtual void resize_pool(int new_size) = 0; CPT(RenderState) _render_state; private: PT(GeomNode) _render_node; NodePath _render_node_path; PN_stdfloat _user_alpha; bool _ignore_scale; // birth and kill particle are for renderers that might do maintenance // faster if it was notified on a per-event basis. An example: // geomParticleRenderer maintains an arc for every particle. Instead of // visiting EVERY entry in the arc array, individual arcs are changed on // birth and death. Brings it down a little from O(N) every update. virtual void birth_particle(int index) = 0; virtual void kill_particle(int index) = 0; virtual void init_geoms() = 0; virtual void render(pvector< PT(PhysicsObject) >& po_vector, int ttl_particles) = 0; friend class ParticleSystem; }; #include "baseParticleRenderer.I" #endif // BASEPARTICLERENDERER_H