2024-01-16 11:20:27 -06:00

2453 lines
88 KiB

import collections, types
from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
from direct.showbase.InputStateGlobal import inputState
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
from libotp import NametagGroup, WhisperPopup
from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from toontown.battle import SuitBattleGlobals
from toontown.char import CharDNA
from toontown.coghq import CogDisguiseGlobals
from toontown.effects import FireworkShows
from toontown.estate import GardenGlobals
from toontown.fishing import FishGlobals
from toontown.golf import GolfGlobals
from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
from toontown.parties import PartyGlobals
from toontown.quest import Quests
from toontown.racing.KartDNA import *
from toontown.racing import RaceGlobals
from toontown.shtiker import CogPageGlobals
from toontown.toon import NPCToons
from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
from toontown.toon import Experience
from toontown.toon import ToonDNA
from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
import MagicWordConfig
import time
import random
import json
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
magicWordIndex = collections.OrderedDict()
def getMagicWord(name):
magicWord = globals().get(name)
if not magicWord:
magicWord = MagicWord()
return magicWord
class MagicWord:
# Whether this Magic word should be considered "hidden". This impacts if it is shown on the Magic Word page.
hidden = False
# Whether this Magic Word is an administrative command or not.
# Administrative commands will be allowed on "Legit" servers.
# Only these commands can be used on caged Toons.
administrative = False
# List of names that will also invoke this word - a setHP magic word might have "hp", for example.
# A Magic Word will always be callable with its class name, so you don't have to put that in the aliases.
aliases = None
# Description of the Magic Word for use in the Shtikerbook.
desc = "A simple Magic Word."
# Default example with for commands with no arguments set.
example = ""
# The minimum access level required to use this Magic Word. By default, USER.
accessLevel = 'USER'
# A restriction on the Magic Word which sets what kind or set of Distributed Objects it can be used on. By default, AFFECT_EVERYONE.
affectRange = [MagicWordConfig.AFFECT_SINGLE, MagicWordConfig.AFFECT_OTHER, MagicWordConfig.AFFECT_BOTH]
# Where the magic word will be executed -- EXEC_LOC_CLIENT or EXEC_LOC_SERVER.
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_INVALID
# List of all arguments for this word, with the format [(type, isRequired), (type, isRequired)...]
# If the parameter is not required, you must provide a default argument: (type, False, default).
arguments = None
def __init__(self, air=None, cr=None, invokerId=None, targets=None, args=None):
self.air = air
self.cr = cr
self.invokerId = invokerId
self.targets = targets
self.args = args
if self.__class__.__name__ != "MagicWord": # If not the base class,
self.aliases = self.aliases if self.aliases is not None else [] # if we use [] by default, it might get overwritten
self.aliases.insert(0, self.__class__.__name__) # add the class name to the alias list,
self.aliases = map(lambda x: x.lower(), self.aliases) # make all the aliases lowercase,
self.arguments = self.arguments if self.arguments is not None else []
if len(self.arguments) > 0:
for arg in self.arguments:
argInfo = ""
if not arg[MagicWordConfig.ARGUMENT_REQUIRED]:
argInfo += "(DF:{0})".format(arg[MagicWordConfig.ARGUMENT_DEFAULT])
self.example += "[{0}{1}] ".format(arg[MagicWordConfig.ARGUMENT_NAME], argInfo)
self.__register() # and register the magic word.
def __register(self):
for wordName in self.aliases:
magicWordIndex[wordName] = {
'classname': self.__class__.__name__, # This class
'hidden': self.hidden,
'administrative': self.administrative,
'aliases': self.aliases,
'desc': self.desc,
'example': self.example,
'execLocation': self.execLocation,
'access': self.accessLevel,
'affectRange': self.affectRange,
'args': self.arguments
def executeWord(self):
executedWord = None
for avId in self.targets:
invoker = None
toon = None
if self.air:
invoker = self.air.doId2do.get(self.invokerId)
toon = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
elif self.cr:
invoker = self.cr.doId2do.get(self.invokerId)
toon = self.cr.doId2do.get(avId)
if not self.validateTarget(toon):
if hasattr(toon, "getName"):
return "{} is not a valid target!".format(toon.getName())
return "{} is not a valid target!".format(avId)
if self.execLocation == MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT:
self.args = json.loads(self.args)
executedWord = self.handleWord(invoker, avId, toon, *self.args)
if executedWord:
return executedWord
def validateTarget(self, target):
if self.air:
from toontown.toon.DistributedToonAI import DistributedToonAI
return isinstance(target, DistributedToonAI)
elif self.cr:
from toontown.toon.DistributedToon import DistributedToon
return isinstance(target, DistributedToon)
return False
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
# When creating new Magic Words, please try to use a consistent naming etiquette. Here are some rules we should follow:
# Restock - If a word gives you an item that you can consistently obtain and use (for example, a cog summon), but you cannot specify the amount you recieve, we give this command the prefix of "Restock"
# Unlock - If a word gives you an item that you can only ever obtain once (for example, pet trick phrases or emotes), we give this command the prefix of "Unlock"
# Set - If a word gives you an item that you can consistently obtain and use, or if it is a value on your toon (for example, a pinkslip, unite, or laff point value), and you can specify the amount you recieve, we give this command the prefix of "Set"
# Transform - If a word transforms you into something, we give this command the prefix of "Transform"
# Toggle - If a word toggles something on or off, we give this command the prefix of "Toggle"
def lemagic():
cardMaker = CardMaker('laughing-man-cm')
cardMaker.setFrame(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)
nodePath = NodePath('trophy')
lmFace = nodePath.attachNewNode(cardMaker.generate())
return nodePath
def loadMagicCatEffect(head):
card = lemagic()
for nodePath in head.getChildren():
def addMCEffect(toon):
base.localAvatar.getDialogueArray = lambda *args, **kwargs: []
for lod in base.localAvatar.getLODNames():
loadMagicCatEffect(base.localAvatar.getPart('head', lod))
class TransformMagicCat(MagicWord):
aliases = ["magiccat"]
desc = "Sets the target's current laff."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
head = base.localAvatar.getPart('head')
class SetHP(MagicWord):
aliases = ["hp", "setlaff", "laff"]
desc = "Sets the target's current laff."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("hp", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
hp = args[0]
if not -1 <= hp <= toon.getMaxHp():
return "Can't set {0}'s laff to {1}! Specify a value between -1 and {0}'s max laff ({2}).".format(toon.getName(), hp, toon.getMaxHp())
return "{}'s laff has been set to {}.".format(toon.getName(), hp)
class SetMaxHP(MagicWord):
aliases = ["maxhp", "setmaxlaff", "maxlaff"]
desc = "Sets the target's max laff."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("maxhp", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
maxhp = args[0]
if not 15 <= maxhp <= 137:
return "Can't set {}'s max laff to {}! Specify a value between 15 and 137.".format(toon.getName(), maxhp)
return "{}'s max laff has been set to {}.".format(toon.getName(), maxhp)
class ToggleOobe(MagicWord):
aliases = ["oobe"]
desc = "Toggles the out of body experience mode, which lets you move the camera freely."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Oobe mode has been toggled."
class ToggleRun(MagicWord):
aliases = ["run"]
desc = "Toggles run mode, which gives you a faster running speed."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Run mode has been toggled."
class SetSpeed(MagicWord):
aliases = ["speed"]
desc = "Sets your running speed."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
arguments = [("speed", float, False, OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
speed = args[0]
if not 1.0 <= speed <= 1000.0:
return "Can't set speed to {}! Specify a value between 1 and 1000.".format(toon.getName())
if speed == OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed:
base.localAvatar.currentSpeed = OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed
base.localAvatar.currentReverseSpeed = OTPGlobals.ToonReverseSpeed
base.localAvatar.controlManager.setSpeeds(OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed, OTPGlobals.ToonJumpForce,
OTPGlobals.ToonReverseSpeed, OTPGlobals.ToonRotateSpeed)
return "Your speed has been set to the default ({}).".format(OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed)
reverseSpeed = speed / 3
base.localAvatar.currentSpeed = speed
base.localAvatar.currentReverseSpeed = reverseSpeed
base.localAvatar.controlManager.setSpeeds(speed, OTPGlobals.ToonJumpForce, reverseSpeed,
return "Your speed has been set to {}.".format(speed)
class MaxToon(MagicWord):
aliases = ["max", "idkfa"]
desc = "Maxes out the target's stats. You can provide a gag track to exclude from the target's unlocked tracks."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("missingTrack", str, False, '')]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
missingTrack = args[0]
gagTracks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
if missingTrack != '':
index = ('toonup', 'trap', 'lure', 'sound', 'throw',
'squirt', 'drop').index(missingTrack)
return 'Missing Gag track is invalid!'
gagTracks[index] = 0
experience = Experience.Experience(toon.getExperience(), toon)
for i, track in enumerate(toon.getTrackAccess()):
if track:
experience.experience[i] = (
Experience.MaxSkill - Experience.UberSkill)
toon.inventory.maxOutInv(filterUberGags=0, filterPaidGags=0)
laff = toon.getMaxHp() - toon.getHp()
if laff < 15:
laff = 15
toon.b_setCogLevels([ToontownGlobals.MaxCogSuitLevel] * 4 + [0])
toon.b_setCogTypes([7] * 4 + [0])
toon.b_setCogCount(list(CogPageGlobals.COG_QUOTAS[1]) * 4)
cogStatus = [CogPageGlobals.COG_COMPLETE2] * SuitDNA.suitsPerDept
toon.b_setCogStatus(cogStatus * 4)
toon.b_setCogRadar([1] * 4)
toon.b_setBuildingRadar([1] * 4)
for id in toon.getQuests():
toon.b_setRewardHistory(Quests.LOOPING_FINAL_TIER, toon.getRewardHistory()[1])
allFish = TTLocalizer.FishSpeciesNames
fishLists = [[], [], []]
for genus in allFish.keys():
for species in xrange(len(allFish[genus])):
fishLists[2].append(FishGlobals.getRandomWeight(genus, species))
if not toon.hasKart() and simbase.wantKarts:
maxTrophies = RaceGlobals.NumTrophies + RaceGlobals.NumCups
toon.b_setKartingTrophies(range(1, maxTrophies + 1))
toon.b_setGolfHistory([600] * (GolfGlobals.MaxHistoryIndex * 2))
return "Maxed out {}'s stats.".format(toon.getName())
class UnlockEmotes(MagicWord):
aliases = ["emotes"]
desc = "Unlock all of the target's emotes."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
emoteAccess = list(toon.getEmoteAccess())
# Old version of command made emote access list shorter. Let's fix that.
if len(emoteAccess) < len(OTPLocalizer.EmoteFuncDict):
emoteAccess = [0] * len(OTPLocalizer.EmoteFuncDict)
for emoteId in OTPLocalizer.EmoteFuncDict.values():
if emoteId > 25 or emoteId in [17, 18, 19]:
emoteAccess[emoteId] = 1
return "Unlocked all of {}'s emotes.".format(toon.getName())
class SetBeans(MagicWord):
aliases = ["beans", "setjellybeans", "jellybeans", "setmoney", "money"]
desc = "Sets the target's jellybean count."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("beans", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
beans = args[0]
if not 0 <= beans <= toon.getMaxMoney():
return "Can't set {0}'s jellybean count to {1}! Specify a value between 0 and {0}'s jellybean jar size ({2}).".format(toon.getName(), beans, toon.getMaxMoney())
return "{}'s jellybean count has been set to {}.".format(toon.getName(), beans)
class SetMaxBeans(MagicWord):
aliases = ["maxbeans", "setmaxjellybeans", "maxjellybeans", "setmaxmoney", "maxMoney"]
desc = "Sets the target's jellybean jar size."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("maxBeans", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
maxBeans = args[0]
if not 0 <= maxBeans <= ToontownGlobals.MaxJarMoney:
return "Can't set {}'s jellybean jar size to {}! Specify a value between 0 and 9999.".format(toon.getName(), maxBeans)
return "{}'s jellybean jar size has been set to {}.".format(toon.getName(), maxBeans)
class SetEmblems(MagicWord):
aliases = ["emblems"]
desc = "Gives the target a specified amount of silver and gold emblems, respectively."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("silver", int, True), ("gold", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
emblems = (args[0], args[1])
return "Gave {} {} silver and {} gold emblems!".format(toon.getName(), *emblems)
class ToggleImmortal(MagicWord):
aliases = ["immortal"]
desc = "Makes the target immortal."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
toon.b_setImmortalMode(not toon.getImmortalMode())
return "{} is {} immortal!".format(toon.getName(), "now" if toon.getImmortalMode() else "no longer")
class ToggleUnlimitedGags(MagicWord):
aliases = ["unlimitedgags"]
desc = "Toggles unlimited gags for the target."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
inventory = toon.inventory
toon.b_setUnlimitedGags(not toon.getUnlimitedGags())
return "{} {} has unlimited gags!".format(toon.getName(), "now" if toon.getUnlimitedGags() else "no longer")
class ToggleInstaKill(MagicWord):
aliases = ["instakill"]
desc = "Lets the target instantly kill Cogs with any amount of damage."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
toon.b_setInstaKill(not toon.getInstaKill())
return "{} can {} insta-kill Cogs!".format(toon.getName(), "now" if toon.getInstaKill() else "no longer")
class SkipMovie(MagicWord):
desc = "Skips the current round of animations in a Cog battle."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
battleId = toon.getBattleId()
if not battleId:
return "You cannot skip a movie if you are not currently in battle!"
battle = self.air.doId2do.get(battleId)
if not battle:
return "{} is not a valid battle!".format(battleId)
return "Successfully skipped Battle movie!"
class ToggleGod(MagicWord):
aliases = ["god"]
desc = "Makes the target fast, immortal, all-powerful, and omnipotent."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
isGod = not toon.getImmortalMode()
return "God mode {} for {}!".format("enabled" if isGod else "disabled", toon.getName())
class ToggleCollisionsOff(MagicWord):
aliases = ['collisionsoff', 'noclip']
desc = "Disables collisions for the target."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class ToggleCollisionsOn(MagicWord):
aliases = ['collisionson', 'clip', 'yesclip']
desc = "Enables collisions for the target."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class GlobalTP(MagicWord):
aliases = ["alltp"]
desc = "Allows you to teleport anywhere."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
hoodsVisited = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]
return "{} can now teleport anywhere!".format(toon.getName())
class Help(MagicWord):
administrative = True
desc = "Tells you to come here for more info... but you're already here!"
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
# make sure this is running on client
settings = base.settings
except NameError:
# someone made this a server MW, so default to '~'
mw_prefix = MagicWordConfig.PREFIX_ALLOWED[0]
# we're actually client; get the actual prefix, or '~' if invalid
idx = settings.getInt('game', 'magic-word-activator', 0)
idx = idx if 0 <= idx < len(MagicWordConfig.PREFIX_ALLOWED) else 0
mw_prefix = MagicWordConfig.PREFIX_ALLOWED[idx]
return "Refer to your Shticker Book for a list of all commands! Some may require a higher access level. Clicking a Toon's nametag and then using 2 '{}' characters will run a command on them.".format(mw_prefix)
class ToggleSleeping(MagicWord):
aliases = ["sleep", "sleeping"]
desc = "Enables or disables sleeping for your current session. This does not affect other Toons."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
if not base.localAvatar.neverSleep:
return "Sleeping has been deactivated for the current session."
return "Sleeping has been activated for the current session."
class Teleport(MagicWord):
aliases = ["tp"]
desc = "Teleports the target to a specified location."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("hood", str, False, '')]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
hood = args[0]
if not hood:
return "Teleport GUI opened!"
request = ToontownGlobals.hood2Id[hood.upper()]
return "Invalid location!"
hoodId = request[0]
return "Teleporting {0} to {1}!".format(toon.getName(), ToontownGlobals.hoodNameMap[hoodId][-1])
class SetTrackAccess(MagicWord):
aliases = ["trackaccess"]
desc = "Set the tracks a toon has."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("wantTrack", int, True)]*7
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
# args = toonup, trap, lure, sound, throw, squirt, drop
if len(args) == 7:
return "Invalid amount of arguments! There must be 7..."
class SetTracks(MagicWord):
aliases = ["tracks"]
desc = "Grants all the gag tracks, with the option of leaving one out."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("leftOutTrack", str, False, '')]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
leftOutTrack = args[0]
tracks = [("toonup", 1), ("trap", 1), ("lure", 1), ("sound", 1), ("throw", 1), ("squirt", 1), ("drop", 1)]
tracks = collections.OrderedDict(tracks)
if leftOutTrack in tracks.keys():
tracks[leftOutTrack] = 0
if leftOutTrack:
msg = "Set your gag tracks, %sless Toon!" % (leftOutTrack)
msg = "Set your gag tracks, Toon!"
return msg
class Catalog(MagicWord):
desc = "Gives the toon a new catalog."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class GetAccId(MagicWord):
administrative = True
aliases = ["accId", "accountId"]
desc = "Get the accountId from the target player."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
accountId = toon.DISLid
return "%s has the accountId of %d" % (toon.getName(), accountId)
class GetAvId(MagicWord):
administrative = True
aliases = ["avId", "avatarId"]
desc = "Get the avId from the target player."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "%s has the avId of %d" % (toon.getName(), toon.getDoId())
class SetGravity(MagicWord):
aliases = ["gravity"]
desc = "Set your gravity value."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
arguments = [("gravity", float, False, ToontownGlobals.GravityValue * 2.0), ("override", bool, False, False)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
gravityValue = args[0]
overrideWarning = args[1]
if not base.localAvatar:
return "Your Toon does not exist!"
if gravityValue < 1 and not overrideWarning:
return "A value lower than 1 may crash your client."
if gravityValue == ToontownGlobals.GravityValue * 2.0:
return "Gravity returned to normal."
elif gravityValue == ToontownGlobals.GravityValue * 0.75:
return "April fools gravity enabled!"
class GetPos(MagicWord):
desc = "Get the current position of your toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
if not base.localAvatar:
return "Your Toon does not exist!"
return str(base.localAvatar.getPos())
class SetPos(MagicWord):
desc = "Set the current position of your Toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
arguments = [("x", float, True), ("y", float, True), ("z", float, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
toonX = args[0]
toonY = args[1]
toonZ = args[2]
if not base.localAvatar:
return "Your Toon does not exist!"
for arg in args:
if not -2500 <= arg <= 2500:
return "This position is too far out!"
base.localAvatar.setPos(toonX, toonY, toonZ)
class GetH(MagicWord):
desc = "Returns the rotation value of your Toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
if not base.localAvatar:
return "No Toon found!"
return str(base.localAvatar.getH())
class SetH(MagicWord):
desc = "Set the rotation value of your Toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
arguments = [("h", int, True), ("part", str, False, '')]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
toonH = args[0]
if not base.localAvatar:
return "No Toon found!"
part = args[1].lower()
if part in ('head', 'torso', 'legs'):
for lod in toon.getLODNames():
base.localAvatar.getPart(part, lod).setH(toonH)
class TrueFriend(MagicWord):
aliases = ["tf"]
desc = "Automatically add a Toon as a true friend."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("avIdShort", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
avIdShort = args[0]
avIdFull = 400000000 - (300000000 - avIdShort)
av = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avIdFull)
if not av:
return "avId not found/online!"
if int(str(avIdFull)[:2]) >= 40: # AI
return "%s is an NPC!" % av.getName()
if invoker == av:
return "Cannot true friend yourself!"
invoker.extendFriendsList(av.getDoId(), 1)
av.extendFriendsList(invoker.getDoId(), 1)
class ToggleOobeCull(MagicWord):
aliases = ["oobecull"]
desc = "Toggle 'out of body experience' view, with culling debugging."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class ToggleWire(MagicWord):
aliases = ["wire", "wireframe"]
desc = "Toggle wireframe view."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class ToggleTextures(MagicWord):
aliases = ["textures"]
desc = "Toggle textures."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class ToggleFPS(MagicWord):
aliases = ["fps", "showfps"]
desc = "Toggle frame rate meter."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
base.setFrameRateMeter(not base.frameRateMeter)
class GetAccess(MagicWord):
desc = "Get the access level of a target."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Access level: " + str(toon.getAccessLevel())
class Aspect2D(MagicWord):
aliases = ["a2d"]
desc = "Toggles Aspect2d."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
if aspect2d.isHidden():
class InvasionStatus(MagicWord):
desc = "Returns the number of cogs remaining in an invasion."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
invasionMgr = simbase.air.suitInvasionManager
if not invasionMgr.getInvading():
return "There is no invasion in progress!"
invadingCog = invasionMgr.getInvadingCog()
simbase.air.newsManager.sendUpdateToAvatarId(invoker.getDoId(), 'setInvasionStatus', [
ToontownGlobals.SuitInvasionUpdate, invadingCog[0], invasionMgr.numSuits, invadingCog[1]])
class RevealMap(MagicWord):
desc = "Reveals map in the Sellbot Field Office maze game."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
mazeGame = None
from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoMazeGame import DistCogdoMazeGame
for do in base.cr.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistCogdoMazeGame):
if invoker.doId in do.getToonIds():
mazeGame = do
if mazeGame:
return "Map revealed!"
return "You are not in a Maze Game!"
class EndMaze(MagicWord):
desc = "Ends the maze game in a Sellbot Field Office."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
mazeGame = None
from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoMazeGameAI import DistCogdoMazeGameAI
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistCogdoMazeGameAI):
if invoker.doId in do.getToonIds():
mazeGame = do
if mazeGame:
return "Completed Maze Game"
return "You are not in a Maze Game!"
class SpawnBuilding(MagicWord):
aliases = ["building", "spawnbldg", "bldg"]
desc = "Spawns a Cog Building with the given suit index."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("suitName", str, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
suitName = args[0]
suitIndex = SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes.index(suitName)
return "Invalid Cog specified.".format(suitName)
returnCode = invoker.doBuildingTakeover(suitIndex)
if returnCode[0] == 'success':
return "Successfully spawned building with Cog '{0}'!".format(suitName)
return "Couldn't spawn building with Cog '{0}'.".format(suitName)
class SpawnFO(MagicWord):
aliases = ["fo", "spawncogdo", "cogdo"]
desc = "Spawns a Field Office with the given type and difficulty."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("type", str, True), ("difficulty", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
from toontown.building import SuitBuildingGlobals
track = args[0]
difficulty = args[1]
tracks = ['s', 'l']
if track not in tracks:
return "Invalid Field Office type! Supported types are 's' and 'l'"
if not 0 <= difficulty < len(SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo):
return "Difficulty out of bounds!"
building = invoker.findClosestDoor()
except KeyError:
return "You\'re not on a street!"
if building is None:
return "Unable to spawn a %s Field Office with a difficulty of %d." % (ToontownGlobals.Dept2Dept.get(track), difficulty)
building.cogdoTakeOver(track, difficulty, 2)
return "Successfully spawned a %s Field Office with a difficulty of %d!" % (ToontownGlobals.Dept2Dept.get(track), difficulty)
class SetZone(MagicWord):
aliases = ["zone", "setZone"]
desc = "Set zone"
arguments = [("zoneId", int, True, 7666)]
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
zone = args[0]
class Inject(MagicWord):
aliases = ["py", "inject"]
desc = "Inject a bit of code."
arguments = [("pythonCode", str, True, 7666)]
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
code = args[0]
class SetCEIndex(MagicWord):
aliases = ["setce", "ce", "cheesyeffect"]
desc = "Set Cheesy Effect of the target."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("index", int, True), ("zoneId", int, False, 0), ("duration", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
"""Set Cheesy Effect of the target."""
index = args[0]
zoneId = args[1]
duration = args[2]
if not 0 <= index <= 17:
return "Invalid value %s specified for Cheesy Effect." % index
if index == 17 and (not hasattr(self.air, 'holidayManager') or not self.air.holidayManager.isHolidayRunning(ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS)):
return "Invalid value %s specified for Cheesy Effect." % index
if zoneId != 0 and not 100 < zoneId < ToontownGlobals.DynamicZonesBegin:
return "Invalid zoneId specified."
toon.b_setCheesyEffect(index, zoneId, time.time() + duration)
class SetFishingRod(MagicWord):
aliases = ["rod", "setrod"]
desc = "Set target's fishing rod value."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("rodVal", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
rodVal = args[0]
if not 0 <= rodVal <= 4:
return "Rod value must be between 0 and 4."
return "Rod changed to " + str(rodVal)
class SetFishingBucket(MagicWord):
aliases = ["fishbucket", "bucket", "maxtank"]
desc = "Set target's max fish tank value."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("tankVal", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
tankVal = args[0]
if not 20 <= tankVal <= 99:
return "Max fish tank value must be between 20 and 99"
return "Max size of fish tank changed to " + str(tankVal)
class SetPlayRate(MagicWord):
aliases = ["playrate"]
desc = "Set target's play rate."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("playRate", float, False, 1.0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
rate = args[0]
if rate == 1:
return "Set playrate to normal!"
class SetName(MagicWord):
aliases = ["name"]
desc = "Set target's name."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("name", str, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
nameStr = args[0]
oldName = toon.getName()
if not nameStr:
return "Cannot change %s's name to nothing!" % oldName
elif ":" in nameStr:
return "Cannot change %s's name to %s. Invalid characters specified." % (oldName, nameStr)
return "Changed %s's name to %s!" % (oldName, nameStr)
class SetHat(MagicWord):
aliases = ["hat"]
desc = "Set hat of target toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, True), ("textureId", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
hatId = args[0]
hatTex = args[1]
if hatId == 58:
return "Invalid hat specified."
if not 0 <= hatId <= 60:
return "Invalid hat specified."
if not 0 <= hatTex <= 40:
return "Invalid hat texture specified."
toon.b_setHat(hatId, hatTex, 0)
class SetGlasses(MagicWord):
aliases = ["glasses"]
desc = "Set glasses of target toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, True), ("textureId", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
glassesId = args[0]
glassesTex = args[1]
if not 0 <= glassesId <= 24:
return "Invalid glasses specified."
if not 0 <= glassesTex <= 25:
return "Invalid glasses texture specified."
toon.b_setGlasses(glassesId, glassesTex, 0)
class SetBackpack(MagicWord):
aliases = ["backpack"]
desc = "Set backpack of target toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, True), ("textureId", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
bpId = args[0]
bpTex = args[1]
if not 0 <= bpId <= 26:
return "Invalid backpack specified."
if not 0 <= bpTex <= 22:
return "Invalid backpack texture specified."
toon.b_setBackpack(bpId, bpTex, 0)
class SetShoes(MagicWord):
aliases = ["shoes"]
desc = "Set shoes of target toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, True), ("textureId", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
shoesId = args[0]
shoesTex = args[1]
if not 0 <= shoesId <= 3:
return "Invalid shoe type specified."
if (shoesTex == 54 and not __debug__) or not 0 <= shoesTex <= 54:
return "Invalid shoe specified."
toon.b_setShoes(shoesId, shoesTex, 0)
class ClearAccessories(MagicWord):
aliases = ["removeallaccessories", "removeaccessories"]
desc = "Clear's all the accessories of the target."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
toon.b_setHat(0, 0, 0)
toon.b_setGlasses(0, 0, 0)
toon.b_setBackpack(0, 0, 0)
toon.b_setShoes(0, 0, 0)
return "Cleared the target's accessories."
class SetInventory(MagicWord):
aliases = ["inventory"]
desc = "Modify gag inventory. Can reset (clear) inventory or restock."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("command", str, True), ("level", int, False, 5), ("track", int, False, -1)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
type = args[0]
level = args[1]
track = args[2]
inventory = toon.inventory
if type in ('reset', 'clear'):
maxLevelIndex = level or 5
if not 0 <= maxLevelIndex < len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[0]):
return "Invalid max level index: {0}".format(maxLevelIndex)
targetTrack = -1 or track
if not -1 <= targetTrack < len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks):
return "Invalid target track index: {0}".format(targetTrack)
for track in xrange(0, len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks)):
if (targetTrack == -1) or (track == targetTrack):
inventory.inventory[track][:maxLevelIndex + 1] = [0] * (maxLevelIndex + 1)
if targetTrack == -1:
return "Inventory cleared."
return "Inventory cleared for target track index: {0}".format(targetTrack)
elif type == "restock":
maxLevelIndex = level or 5
if not 0 <= maxLevelIndex < len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[0]):
return "Invalid max level index: {0}".format(maxLevelIndex)
targetTrack = -1 or track
if not -1 <= targetTrack < len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks):
return "Invalid target track index: {0}".format(targetTrack)
if (targetTrack != -1) and (not toon.hasTrackAccess(targetTrack)):
return "The target Toon doesn't have target track index: {0}".format(targetTrack)
if targetTrack == -1:
return "Inventory restocked."
return "Inventory restocked for target track index: {0}".format(targetTrack)
targetTrack = int(type)
return "Invalid first argument."
if not toon.hasTrackAccess(targetTrack):
return "The target Toon doesn't have target track index: {0}".format(targetTrack)
maxLevelIndex = level or 6
if not 0 <= maxLevelIndex < len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[0]):
return "Invalid max level index: {0}".format(maxLevelIndex)
for _ in xrange(track):
inventory.addItem(targetTrack, maxLevelIndex)
return "Restored {0} Gags to: {1}, {2}".format(track, targetTrack, maxLevelIndex)
class ToggleGM(MagicWord):
desc = "Toggle the target's GM icon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
access = invoker.getAccessLevel()
if invoker.isGM():
return "You have disabled your GM icon."
if access >= 800:
elif access >= 700:
elif access >=600:
elif access >= 500:
elif access >= 400:
elif access >= 200:
return "You have enabled your GM icon."
class ToggleGhost(MagicWord):
aliases = ["ghost"]
desc = "Set toon to invisible."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
accessLevel = 'MODERATOR'
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
if invoker.ghostMode == 0:
return "Going ghost!"
class SetGM(MagicWord):
aliases = ["gmicon", "gm"]
desc = "Set the target's GM Icon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, True), ("name", bool, False, False)]
accessLevel = 'MODERATOR'
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
gmId = args[0]
name = args[1]
#if gmId == 1:
# return 'This GM is reserved for the Toon Council. Use ~setGM 2 instead.'
if not 0 <= gmId <= 8:
return "Invalid GM Icon specified."
accessLevel = toon.getAccessLevel()
if gmId > 3 and accessLevel < 600:
return "Your access level is too low to use this GM icon."
if (accessLevel < 400 and gmId > 2) or (accessLevel < 500 and gmId > 3):
return "Your access level is too low to use this GM icon."
if toon.isGM() and gmId != 0:
toon.b_setGM(0, name)
elif toon.isGM and gmId == 0:
toon.b_setGM(0, True)
toon.b_setGM(gmId, name)
if __debug__:
return "You have set %s to GM type %s" % (toon.getName(), gmId)
class SetTickets(MagicWord):
aliases = ["tickets"]
desc = "Set the target's racing ticket's value."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("val", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
tixVal = args[0]
if not 0 <= tixVal <= 99999:
return "Ticket value out of range (0-99999)"
return "%s's tickets were set to %s." % (toon.getName(), tixVal)
class GrowFlowers(MagicWord):
desc = "Grow a target's flowers."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
estate = toon.air.estateMgr._lookupEstate(toon)
if not estate:
return "Estate not found!"
house = estate.getAvHouse(avId)
garden = house.gardenManager.gardens.get(toon.doId)
if not garden:
return "Garden not found!"
now = int(time.time())
i = 0
for flower in garden.flowers:
i += 1
return "%d flowers grown." % i
class PickAllFlowers(MagicWord):
aliases = ["pickflowers"]
desc = "Picks all of the target's flowers."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
estate = toon.air.estateMgr._lookupEstate(toon)
if not estate:
return "Estate not found!"
house = estate.getAvHouse(avId)
garden = house.gardenManager.gardens.get(toon.doId)
if not garden:
return "Garden not found!"
i = 0
for flower in garden.flowers.copy():
if flower.getGrowthLevel() >= flower.growthThresholds[2]:
i += 1
return "%d flowers picked." % i
class GrowTrees(MagicWord):
desc = "Grows the target's trees."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("track", str, True), ("index", int, True), ("amount", int, False, 21)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
track = args[0]
index = args[1]
grown = args[2]
estate = toon.air.estateMgr._lookupEstate(toon)
if not estate:
return "Estate not found!"
house = estate.getAvHouse(avId)
garden = house.gardenManager.gardens.get(toon.doId)
if not garden:
return "Garden not found!"
trackIndex = ('toonup', 'trap', 'lure', 'sound', 'throw',
'squirt', 'drop').index(track)
except ValueError:
# Backwards compatibility
trackIndex = int(track)
except ValueError:
return 'Gag track is invalid.'
if trackIndex > 6:
return 'Gag track is invalid.'
tree = garden.getTree(trackIndex, index)
if not tree:
return "Tree not found!"
result = tree.doGrow(grown)
return '%d trees grown.' % result
class PickTrees(MagicWord):
desc = "Picks the target's trees."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("track", str, True), ("index", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
track = args[0]
index = args[1]
estate = toon.air.estateMgr._lookupEstate(toon)
if not estate:
return "Estate not found!"
house = estate.getAvHouse(avId)
garden = house.gardenManager.gardens.get(toon.doId)
if not garden:
return "Garden not found!"
trackIndex = ('toonup', 'trap', 'lure', 'sound', 'throw',
'squirt', 'drop').index(track)
except ValueError:
# Backwards compatibility
trackIndex = int(track)
except ValueError:
return 'Gag track is invalid.'
if trackIndex > 6:
return 'Gag track is invalid.'
tree = garden.getTree(trackIndex, index)
if not tree:
return "Tree not found!"
tree.calculate(0, tree.lastCheck)
tree.sendUpdate('setFruiting', [tree.getFruiting()])
return "Trees picked."
class FlowerAll(MagicWord):
desc = "Flowers the target's flowers."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("species", int, False, 49), ("variety", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
species = args[0]
variety = args[1]
estate = toon.air.estateMgr._lookupEstate(toon)
if not estate:
return "Estate not found!"
house = estate.getAvHouse(avId)
garden = house.gardenManager.gardens.get(toon.doId)
if not garden:
return "Garden not found!"
from toontown.estate.DistributedGardenPlotAI import DistributedGardenPlotAI
i = 0
for obj in garden.objects.copy():
if isinstance(obj, DistributedGardenPlotAI):
if obj.plotType != GardenGlobals.FLOWER_TYPE:
if not obj.plantFlower(species, variety, 1):
return "Error on plot %d!" % i
i += 1
return "%d flowers planted." % i
class RestockFlowerSpecials(MagicWord):
desc = "Give special flowers."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
toon.gardenSpecials = []
for x in (100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 130, 131, 135):
toon.addGardenItem(x, 99)
class MaxDoodle(MagicWord):
desc = "Maxes the target's doodle."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
petId = invoker.getPetId()
pet = simbase.air.doId2do.get(petId)
if not pet:
return "You must be at your estate and own a doodle to use this magic word!"
pet.b_setTrickAptitudes([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
return "Maxed your doodle!"
class LeaveRace(MagicWord):
desc = "Leave the current race you are in."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class SkipCFO(MagicWord):
desc = "Skips to the indicated round of the CFO."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("round", str, False, "next")]
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
battle = args[0]
from toontown.suit.DistributedCashbotBossAI import DistributedCashbotBossAI
boss = None
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedCashbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a CFO!"
battle = battle.lower()
if battle == 'two':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "You can not return to previous rounds!"
return "Skipping to last round..."
if battle == 'next':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleOne', 'BattleOne'):
return "Skipping current round..."
elif boss.state in ('PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "Skipping final round..."
class HitCFO(MagicWord):
desc = "Hits the CFO."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("damage", int, False, 0)]
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
dmg = args[0]
from toontown.suit.DistributedCashbotBossAI import DistributedCashbotBossAI
boss = None
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedCashbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a CFO!"
boss.magicWordHit(dmg, invoker.doId)
class DisableGoons(MagicWord):
desc = "Stuns all of the goons in an area."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
from toontown.suit.DistributedGoonAI import DistributedGoonAI
for goon in simbase.air.doFindAllInstances(DistributedGoonAI):
return "Disabled all Goons!"
class SkipCJ(MagicWord):
desc = "Skips to the indicated round of the CJ."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("round", str, False, "next")]
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
battle = args[0]
from toontown.suit.DistributedLawbotBossAI import DistributedLawbotBossAI
boss = None
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedLawbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a CJ!"
battle = battle.lower()
if battle == 'two':
if boss.state in ('RollToBattleTwo', 'PrepareBattleTwo', 'BattleTwo', 'PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "You can not return to previous rounds!"
return "Skipping to second round..."
if battle == 'three':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "You can not return to previous rounds!"
return "Skipping to final round..."
if battle == 'next':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleOne', 'BattleOne'):
return "Skipping current round..."
elif boss.state in ('RollToBattleTwo', 'PrepareBattleTwo', 'BattleTwo'):
return "Skipping current round..."
elif boss.state in ('PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "Skipping final round..."
class FillJury(MagicWord):
desc = "Fills all of the chairs in the CJ's Jury Round."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
boss = None
from toontown.suit.DistributedLawbotBossAI import DistributedLawbotBossAI
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedLawbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a CJ!"
if not boss.state == 'BattleTwo':
return "You aren't in the cannon round."
for i in xrange(len(boss.chairs)):
return "Filled chairs."
class SkipVP(MagicWord):
desc = "Skips to the indicated round of the VP."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("round", str, False, "next")]
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
battle = args[0]
from toontown.suit.DistributedSellbotBossAI import DistributedSellbotBossAI
boss = None
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedSellbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a VP!"
battle = battle.lower()
if battle == 'three':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "You can not return to previous rounds!"
return "Skipping to final round..."
if battle == 'next':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleOne', 'BattleOne'):
return "Skipping current round..."
elif boss.state in ('PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "Skipping final round..."
class StunVP(MagicWord):
desc = "Stuns the VP in the final round of his battle."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
from toontown.suit.DistributedSellbotBossAI import DistributedSellbotBossAI
boss = None
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedSellbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a VP!"
currState = boss.getCurrentOrNextState()
if currState != 'BattleThree':
return "You aren't in the final round of a VP!"
boss.b_setBossDamage(boss.getBossDamage(), 0, 0)
class SkipCEO(MagicWord):
desc = "Skips to the indicated round of the CEO."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("round", str, False, "next")]
accessLevel = "MODERATOR"
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
battle = args[0]
from toontown.suit.DistributedBossbotBossAI import DistributedBossbotBossAI
boss = None
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedBossbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a CEO!"
battle = battle.lower()
if battle == 'two':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleFour', 'BattleFour', 'PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree', 'PrepareBattleTwo', 'BattleTwo'):
return "You can not return to previous rounds!"
return "Skipping to second round..."
if battle == 'three':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleFour', 'BattleFour', 'PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "You can not return to previous rounds!"
return "Skipping to third round..."
if battle == 'four':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleFour', 'BattleFour'):
return "You can not return to previous rounds!"
return "Skipping to last round..."
if battle == 'next':
if boss.state in ('PrepareBattleOne', 'BattleOne'):
return "Skipping current round..."
elif boss.state in ('PrepareBattleTwo', 'BattleTwo'):
return "Skipping current round..."
elif boss.state in ('PrepareBattleThree', 'BattleThree'):
return "Skipping current round..."
elif boss.state in ('PrepareBattleFour', 'BattleFour'):
return "Skipping final round..."
class FeedDiners(MagicWord):
desc = "Feed the diners in the CEO battle."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
boss = None
from toontown.suit.DistributedBossbotBossAI import DistributedBossbotBossAI
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistributedBossbotBossAI):
if invoker.doId in do.involvedToons:
boss = do
if not boss:
return "You aren't in a CEO!"
if boss.state != 'BattleTwo':
return "You aren't in the waiter round!"
for table in boss.tables:
for chairIndex in table.dinerInfo.keys():
dinerStatus = table.getDinerStatus(chairIndex)
if dinerStatus in (table.HUNGRY, table.ANGRY):
return "All diners have been fed!"
class AbortGame(MagicWord):
aliases = ["abortminigame", "leaveminigame"]
desc = "Abort any minigame you are currently in."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
class SpawnCog(MagicWord):
aliases = ["cog"]
desc = "Spawns a cog with the defined level"
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("suit", str, True), ("level", int, False, 1), ("specialSuit", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
name = args[0]
level = args[1]
specialSuit = args[2]
zoneId = invoker.getLocation()[1]
if name not in SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes:
return "Suit %s is not a valid suit!" % name
if level not in ToontownGlobals.SuitLevels:
return "Invalid Cog Level."
sp = simbase.air.suitPlanners.get(zoneId - (zoneId % 100))
if not sp:
return "Unable to spawn %s in current zone." % name
pointmap = sp.streetPointList
sp.createNewSuit([], pointmap, suitName=name, suitLevel=level)
return "Spawned %s in current zone." % name
class SpawnInvasion(MagicWord):
aliases = ["invasion"]
desc = "Spawn an invasion on the current AI if one doesn't exist."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("command", str, True), ("suit", str, False, "f"), ("amount", int, False, 1000), ("skelecog", bool, False, False)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
cmd = args[0]
name = args[1]
num = args[2]
skeleton = args[3]
if not 10 <= num <= 25000:
return "Can't the invasion amount to {}! Specify a value between 10 and 25,000.".format(num)
invMgr = simbase.air.suitInvasionManager
if cmd == 'start':
if invMgr.getInvading():
return "There is already an invasion on the current AI!"
if not name in SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes:
return "This cog does not exist!"
invMgr.startInvasion(name, num, skeleton)
elif cmd == 'stop':
if not invMgr.getInvading():
return "There is no invasion on the current AI!"
#elif invMgr.undergoingMegaInvasion:
# return "The current invasion is a mega invasion, you must stop the holiday to stop the invasion."
return "You didn't enter a valid command! Commands are ~invasion start or stop."
class SetTrophyScore(MagicWord):
aliases = ["trophyscore"]
desc = "Set the trophy score of target."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("val", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
amt = args[0]
if not 0 <= amt <= 255:
return "The amount must be between 0 and 255!"
simbase.air.trophyMgr.addTrophy(toon.doId, toon.name, amt, True)
class GivePies(MagicWord):
aliases = ["pies"]
desc = "Gives the target pies to throw."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("type", int, True), ("amount", int, False, -1)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
pieType = args[0]
numPies = args[1]
if pieType == -1:
return "Removed %s's pies." % toon.getName()
if not 0 <= pieType <= 7:
return "You can only specify between pie types 0 and 7."
if numPies == -1:
return "Gave %s an infinite amount of pies" % toon.getName()
if not 0 <= numPies <= 99:
return "You can only specify between 0 and 99 pies."
class SetQP(MagicWord):
aliases = ["qp", "questprogress"]
desc = "Get and set the targets quest progress."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, False, 0), ("progress", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
questId = args[0]
progress = args[1]
questIds = ""
for index in range(len(toon.quests)):
questIds += "{0} ".format(toon.quests[index][0])
if toon.quests[index][0] == questId:
toon.quests[index][4] = progress
return questIds
class SetUnites(MagicWord):
aliases = ["unites", "restockunites"]
desc = "Restocks the target's unites. The default amount is 999."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("amount", int, False, 999)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
amt = args[0]
if not 1 <= amt <= 999:
return "Unite amount must be between 0 and 999!"
return "Restocked " + str(amt) + " unites successfully!"
class UnlockTricks(MagicWord):
aliases = ["tricks"]
desc = "Unlock all the target's pet trick phrases."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Unlocked pet tricks!"
class RestockSummons(MagicWord):
desc = "Restock all of the target's CJ summons."
aliases = ["summons"]
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
# Make sure we have every cog in our Cog Page.
cogCount = []
for deptIndex in xrange(5):
for cogIndex in xrange(9):
cogCount.append(CogPageGlobals.COG_QUOTAS[1][cogIndex] if cogIndex != 8 else 0)
invoker.b_setCogStatus(([CogPageGlobals.COG_COMPLETE2] * 8 + [0]) * 5)
return "Restocked all cog summons successfully!"
class SetPinkSlips(MagicWord):
aliases = ["pinkslips", "setfires", "fires"]
desc = "Sets the target's pink slips. The default amount is 255."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("amount", int, False, 255)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
amt = args[0]
plural = 's'
if not 0 <= amt <= 255:
return "The amount must be between 0 and 255!"
if amt == 1:
plural = ''
return "Restocked {0} pink slip{1} successfully!".format(amt, plural)
class QuestTier(MagicWord):
desc = "Sets the target's quest tier to specified value."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("tier", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
tier = args[0]
if not 0 <= tier <= 255:
return "Can't set {}'s quest tier to {}! Specify a value between 0 and 255.".format(toon.getName(), tier)
toon.b_setRewardHistory(tier, [])
return "Set %s's quest tier to %d." % (toon.getName(), tier)
class SetExp(MagicWord):
aliases = ["exp"]
desc = "Sets the target's experience for the specified gag track. The default amount is 0."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("track", str, True), ("amount", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
track = args[0]
amt = args[1]
tracks = ['toon-up', 'trap', 'lure', 'sound', 'throw', 'squirt', 'drop']
maxed = ['max', 'maxxed']
if track not in tracks + maxed:
return "Invalid gag track specified!"
if not 0 <= amt <= 10000:
return "Can't set {0}'s jellybean count to {1}! Specify a value between 0 and 10,000.".format(toon.getName(), amt)
if track in maxed:
for track in tracks:
toon.experience.setExp(track, 10000)
return "Maxed all of {}'s gag tracks.".format(toon.getName())
trackIndex = TTLocalizer.BattleGlobalTracks.index(track)
toon.experience.setExp(trackIndex, amt)
return "Set %s exp to %d successfully." % (track, amt)
class TrackBonus(MagicWord):
desc = "Modify the invoker's track bonus level. "
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("track", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
track = args[0]
trackLength = ToontownBattleGlobals.UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX
numTracks = ToontownBattleGlobals.NUM_GAG_TRACKS
gagAccess = invoker.getTrackAccess()
trackBonusLevel = [-1] * numTracks
if track == 8:
bonusAccess = lambda x: trackLength if x > 0 else x
trackBonusLevel = list(map(bonusAccess, gagAccess))
elif 0 <= track < numTracks:
if gagAccess[track]:
trackBonusLevel[track] = trackLength
return "You don\'t have that track!"
return "Invalid track!"
return "Track bonus set!"
class SetCogSuit(MagicWord):
aliases = ["cogsuit"]
desc = "Set disguise type and level."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("corp", str, True), ("type", str, True), ("level", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
corp = args[0]
type = args[1]
level = args[2]
corps = ['bossbot', 'lawbot', 'cashbot', 'sellbot']
corp = corp.lower()
if corp not in corps:
return "Invalid cog corp. specified."
corpIndex = corps.index(corp)
if type == "nosuit":
# They want to reset their suit entirely.
parts = toon.getCogParts()
parts[corpIndex] = 0
types = toon.getCogTypes()
types[corpIndex] = 0
levels = toon.getCogLevels()
levels[corpIndex] = 0
merits = toon.getCogMerits()
merits[corpIndex] = 0
return "Reset %s disguise and removed all earned parts." % corp.capitalize()
# Get the cog type from the specified short-hand value.
types = SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes[8 * corpIndex:(8 * corpIndex) + 8]
if type not in types:
return "Invalid cog type specified.."
typeIndex = types.index(type)
# Make sure they gave a level that is in range.
if typeIndex == 7:
# The final suit can go up to Level 50.
levelRange = range(8, 51) # Last digit is exclusive.
levelRange = range((typeIndex + 1), (typeIndex + 6))
if level not in levelRange:
return "Invalid level specified for %s disguise %s." % (
corp.capitalize(), SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[type]['name'])
# Reset their merits to 0.
merits = toon.getCogMerits()
merits[corpIndex] = 0
# Ensure they have all the parts.
parts = toon.getCogParts()
parts[corpIndex] = CogDisguiseGlobals.PartsPerSuitBitmasks[corpIndex]
# Find out if they need laff boosts or laff points removed.
for levelBoost in [14, 19, 29, 39, 49]:
if level <= levelBoost and not levelBoost > toon.getCogLevels()[corpIndex]:
if toon.getMaxHp() <= 15:
toon.b_setMaxHp(toon.getMaxHp() - 1)
elif level > levelBoost and not levelBoost <= toon.getCogLevels()[corpIndex]:
if toon.getMaxHp() >= 137:
toon.b_setMaxHp(toon.getMaxHp() + 1)
# Lets be nice and give them a toonup or make them suffer.
if toon.getHp() > toon.getMaxHp():
toon.takeDamage(toon.getHp() - toon.getMaxHp())
toon.toonUp(toon.getMaxHp() - toon.getHp())
# Set their type and level that they specified.
types = toon.getCogTypes()
types[corpIndex] = typeIndex
levels = toon.getCogLevels()
levels[corpIndex] = level - 1 # -1 because it starts at 0
return "Set %s disguise to %s Level %d." % (
corp.capitalize(), SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[type]['name'], level)
class Merits(MagicWord):
desc = "Set the target's merits to the value specified."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("corp", str, True), ("amount", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
corp = args[0]
amount = args[1]
corps = ['bossbot', 'lawbot', 'cashbot', 'sellbot']
if corp not in corps:
return "Invalid cog corp. specified."
corpIndex = corps.index(corp)
merits = toon.getCogMerits()
merits[corpIndex] = amount
class Pouch(MagicWord):
desc = "Set the target's max gag limit."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("amount", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
amt = args[0]
if not 1 <= amt <= 255:
return "Can't set {0}'s pouch size to {1}! Specify a value between 1 and 255.".format(toon.getName(), amt)
return "Set %s's pouch size to %d" % (toon.getName(), amt)
class SetNametagStyle(MagicWord):
aliases = ["setnametag", "nametag", "nametagstyle"]
desc = "Set the style of the target's nametag to the specified ID."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("style", str, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
styleName = args[0]
nametag_list = list(TTLocalizer.NametagFontNames)
for index, item in enumerate(nametag_list):
nametag_list[index] = item.lower()
styleName = styleName.lower()
if styleName in nametag_list:
index = nametag_list.index(styleName)
elif styleName == "basic":
index = 100
return "Invalid nametag name entered."
return "Set %s's nametag style successfully." % toon.getName()
class SetNametagType(MagicWord):
aliases = ["nametagtype", "lacker"]
desc = "Set the style of the target's nametag to the specified ID."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("type", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
type = args[0]
nametagTypeList = [(0, NametagGroup.CCNormal), (1, NametagGroup.CCNonPlayer), (3, NametagGroup.CCSuit)]
for nametag in nametagTypeList:
if type == nametag[0]:
return "Changed %s's nametag type successfully." % toon.getName()
return "Invalid nametag type specified!"
class Phrase(MagicWord):
desc = "Unlocks a new phrase and adds it to target's list of 'My Phrases'."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
phraseId = args[0]
strings = OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings
scId = int(phraseId)*10
id = None
if scId in strings.iterkeys():
id = scId
if id:
if toon.customMessages.count(id) != 0:
return "%s already has this custom phrase!" % toon.getName()
if len(toon.customMessages) >= ToontownGlobals.MaxCustomMessages:
toon.customMessages = toon.customMessages[1:]
return "Added new phrase to %s's custom phrases." % toon.getName()
return "Invalid phrase id!"
class SetSos(MagicWord):
aliases = ["sos"]
desc = "Sets the target's SOS cards. The default is 1 Flippy card."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("name", str, False, 'Flippy'), ("amount", int, False, 1)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
name = args[0]
amt = args[1]
if not 0 <= amt <= 100:
return "The amount must be between 0 and 100!"
for npcId, npcName in TTLocalizer.NPCToonNames.items():
if name.lower() == npcName.lower():
if npcId not in NPCToons.npcFriends:
return "The {0} SOS card was not found!".format(name)
if (amt == 0) and (npcId in invoker.NPCFriendsDict):
del toon.NPCFriendsDict[npcId]
toon.NPCFriendsDict[npcId] = amt
return "Restocked {0} {1} SOS cards successfully!".format(amt, npcName)
class FreeBldg(MagicWord):
desc = "Closest cog building gets freed."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
returnCode = invoker.doBuildingFree()
if returnCode[0] == 'success':
return "Successfully took back building!"
elif returnCode[0] == 'busy':
return "Toons are currently taking back the building!"
return "Couldn't free building."
class MaxGarden(MagicWord):
desc = "Maxes your garden."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
#invoker.b_setFlowerCollection([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
#print invoker.flowerCollection.getNetLists()
class InstaDelivery(MagicWord):
aliases = ["fastdel"]
desc = "Instant delivery of an item."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
invoker.instantDelivery = not invoker.instantDelivery
for item in toon.onOrder:
item.deliveryDate = int(time.time() / 60) # Deliver all the packages that they already ordered, too.
return "Instant Delivery has been turned {0}.".format('on' if invoker.instantDelivery else 'off')
class SetMuzzle(MagicWord):
aliases = ["muzzle"]
desc = "Modify the targets muzzle."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
muzzle = args[0]
if not 0 <= muzzle <= 5:
return "Invalid muzzle. (0-5)"
if muzzle == 0:
return "Returned muzzle to normal!"
class SetEyes(MagicWord):
aliases = ["eyes"]
desc = "Modify the targets eyes."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("id", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
type = args[0]
if not 0 <= type <= 3:
return "The type must be between 0 and 3!"
if type == 0:
return "Returned eyes to normal!"
class SetTaskCarryLimit(MagicWord):
aliases = ["taskcarrylimit", "settaskcarry", "taskcarry", "setcarry"]
desc = "Set the amount of tasks a toon can carry."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("limit", int, False, 1)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
amt = args[0]
plural = 's'
if not 1 <= amt <= 4:
return "The amount must be between 1 and 4!"
if amt == 1:
plural = ''
return "You can now carry {0} task{1}!".format(amt, plural)
class SetAlwaysHitCogs(MagicWord):
aliases = ["alwayshitcogs", "hitcogs"]
desc = "Enable/Disable always hitting cogs."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
if not toon:
if not toon.getAlwaysHitSuits():
return "Toggled always hitting Cogs %s for %s" % ('ON' if toon.getAlwaysHitSuits() else 'OFF', toon.getName())
class EndFlying(MagicWord):
desc = "Ends the flying game in a Lawbot Field Office."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoFlyingGameAI import DistCogdoFlyingGameAI
flyingGame = None
for do in simbase.air.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(do, DistCogdoFlyingGameAI):
if invoker.doId in do.getToonIds():
flyingGame = do
if flyingGame:
return "Completed the flying game."
return "You are not in a flying game!"
class Ping(MagicWord):
desc = "Pong!"
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Pong!"
class GardenGame(MagicWord):
aliases = ["gardendrop"]
desc = "Start the garden drop mini-game."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
from toontown.estate import GardenDropGame
base.localAvatar.game = GardenDropGame.GardenDropGame()
class WinGame(MagicWord):
aliases = ["winminigame"]
desc = "Win the trolley game you are in."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Trolley game won."
class WinFactory(MagicWord):
aliases = ["skipfact"]
desc = "Skip the factory you are in."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Skipped factory."
class GetZone(MagicWord):
aliases = ["getzoneid"]
desc = "Returns the target's zone ID."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "{}'s zone ID is {}.".format(toon.getName(), str(toon.zoneId))
class SetAccessLevel(MagicWord):
administrative = True
aliases = ["accesslevel", "access", "setaccess"]
desc = "Sets the target's access level."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("rank", int, False, 100)]
affectRange = [MagicWordConfig.AFFECT_OTHER]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
rank = args[0]
if not -100 <= rank <= 800:
return "Can't set {0}'s speed to {1}! Specify a value between -100 and 800.".format(toon.getName(), rank)
if invoker.getAccessLevel() == rank:
return "You cannot set the target to your own Access Level!"
rank = OTPGlobals.AccessLevelInt2Name.get(rank)
return "Set {0}'s Access Level to {1}.".format(toon.getName(), rank)
class PrintChildren(MagicWord):
aliases = ["children"]
desc = "Prints all of render's children to the client log."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
arguments = [("type", int, False, 0), ("mode", int, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
type = args[0]
mode = args[1]
if not type:
node = render
node = render2d
if not mode:
print node.getChildren()
elif mode == 2:
for child in node.getChildren():
for secondaryChild in child.getChildren():
print secondaryChild.getChildren()
elif mode == 3:
for child in node.getChildren():
for secondaryChild in child.getChildren():
for thirdChild in secondaryChild.getChildren():
print thirdChild.getChildren()
elif mode == 4:
for child in node.getChildren():
for secondaryChild in child.getChildren():
for thirdChild in secondaryChild.getChildren():
for fourthChild in thirdChild.getChildren():
print fourthChild.getChildren()
elif mode == 5:
for child in node.getChildren():
for secondaryChild in child.getChildren():
for thirdChild in secondaryChild.getChildren():
for fourthChild in thirdChild.getChildren():
for fifthChild in fourthChild.getChildren():
print fifthChild.getChildren()
for child in node.getChildren():
print child.getChildren()
# Instantiate all classes defined here to register them.
# A bit hacky, but better than the old system
for item in globals().values():
if isinstance(item, types.ClassType) and issubclass(item, MagicWord):
i = item()