202 lines
5.8 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
202 lines
5.8 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "CX86Operand"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'Capstone Disassembly Engine bindings for VB6
'Contributed by FireEye FLARE Team
'Author: David Zimmer <david.zimmer@fireeye.com>, <dzzie@yahoo.com>
'License: Apache
'Copyright: FireEye 2017
'// Instruction operand sizeof() reports 48 bytes
'typedef struct cs_x86_op {
' x86_op_type type; // operand type
' union {
' x86_reg reg; // register value for REG operand
' int64_t imm; // immediate value for IMM operand
' double fp; // floating point value for FP operand
' x86_op_mem mem; // base/index/scale/disp value for MEM operand (24bytes max)
' };
' // size of this operand (in bytes).
' uint8_t size;
' // AVX broadcast type, or 0 if irrelevant
' x86_avx_bcast avx_bcast;
' // AVX zero opmask {z}
' bool avx_zero_opmask;
'} cs_x86_op;
'Instruction's operand referring to memory
'This is associated with X86_OP_MEM operand type above
'Public Type x86_op_mem
' segment As Long ' segment register (or X86_REG_INVALID if irrelevant) UNSIGNED
' base As Long ' base register (or X86_REG_INVALID if irrelevant) UNSIGNED
' index As Long ' index register (or X86_REG_INVALID if irrelevant) UNSIGNED
' scale As Long ' scale for index register
' disp As Currency ' displacement value
'End Type
'this shows the alignment padding used by compiler..
' cs_x86_op op;
' op.type = (x86_op_type)1;
' op.reg = (x86_reg)2;
' op.avx_bcast = (x86_avx_bcast)3;
' op.avx_zero_opmask = 4;
' op.size = 0xaa;
' printf("&cs_x86_op = %x", &op);
' _asm int 3
'0x0012FF34 01 00 00 00 cc cc cc cc 02 00 00 00 cc cc cc cc ....<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>....<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
'0x0012FF44 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
'0x0012FF54 aa cc cc cc 03 00 00 00 01 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.....<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
Public optype As x86_op_type
Public size As Byte
Public avx_bcast As x86_avx_bcast
Public avx_zero_opmask As Boolean
'only one of the following will be set based on type
Public reg As x86_reg
Public fp As Currency
Public imm As Currency
Public mem As CX86OpMem
Private hEngine As Long
Private m_raw() As Byte
Function toString() As String
Dim ret() As String
push ret, "X86 Operand:"
push ret, String(45, "-")
push ret, "Raw: "
push ret, HexDump(m_raw)
End If
push ret, "Type: " & opStr()
push ret, "Size: " & size
If avx_bcast <> 0 Then push ret, "BCast: " & bcastStr()
If avx_zero_opmask Then push ret, "AvxOpMask: " & avx_zero_opmask
If optype = X86_OP_FP Then
push ret, "FP: " & cur2str(fp)
ElseIf optype = X86_OP_IMM Then
push ret, "IMM: " & cur2str(imm)
ElseIf optype = x86_op_mem Then
If mem.base <> 0 Then push ret, "Base: " & regName(hEngine, mem.base)
If mem.index <> 0 Then push ret, "Index: " & regName(hEngine, mem.index)
If mem.scale_ <> 1 Then push ret, "Scale: " & Hex(mem.scale_)
If mem.segment <> 0 Then push ret, "Seg: " & regName(hEngine, mem.segment)
If mem.disp <> 0 Then push ret, "Disp: " & cur2str(mem.disp)
ElseIf optype = X86_OP_REG Then
push ret, "Reg: " & regName(hEngine, reg)
End If
toString = Join(ret, vbCrLf)
End Function
Function opStr() As String
If optype = X86_OP_FP Then opStr = "X86_OP_FP"
If optype = x86_op_mem Then opStr = "x86_op_mem"
If optype = X86_OP_IMM Then opStr = "X86_OP_IMM"
If optype = X86_OP_REG Then opStr = "X86_OP_REG"
If optype = X86_OP_INVALID Then opStr = "X86_OP_INVALID"
If Len(opStr) = 0 Then
opStr = "Error: " & Hex(optype)
opStr = opStr & " (" & Hex(optype) & ")"
End If
End Function
Function bcastStr() As String
Dim r As String
If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_INVALID Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_INVALID"
If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_2 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_2"
If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_4 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_4"
If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_8 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_8"
If avx_bcast = X86_AVX_BCAST_16 Then r = "X86_AVX_BCAST_16"
If Len(r) = 0 Then
r = "Unknown: " & Hex(avx_bcast)
r = r & " (" & Hex(avx_bcast) & ")"
End If
bcastStr = r
End Function
Friend Sub LoadDetails(lpStruct As Long, hCapstone As Long)
Dim opMem As x86_op_mem
Dim ptr As Long
Const align4 = 4
Const align3 = 3
hEngine = hCapstone
ReDim m_raw(48)
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(m_raw(0)), ByVal lpStruct, 48
End If
optype = readLng(lpStruct)
ptr = lpStruct + 4 + align4
If optype = X86_OP_FP Then
fp = readCur(ptr)
ElseIf optype = X86_OP_IMM Then
imm = readCur(ptr)
ElseIf optype = x86_op_mem Then
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(opMem), ByVal ptr, LenB(opMem)
Set mem = New CX86OpMem
mem.base = opMem.base
mem.disp = opMem.disp
mem.index = opMem.index
mem.scale_ = opMem.scale
mem.segment = opMem.segment
ElseIf optype = X86_OP_REG Then
reg = readLng(ptr)
End If
ptr = ptr + LenB(opMem)
size = readByte(ptr)
ptr = ptr + 1 + align3
avx_bcast = readLng(ptr)
ptr = ptr + 4
avx_zero_opmask = (readByte(ptr) = 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
'looks like everything is freeing up ok
'Debug.Print "Cx86Operand.Terminate"
End Sub