2024-01-16 11:20:27 -06:00
README.md phht hahahahaah 2024-01-16 11:20:27 -06:00


Act 1

Owive it's pewfect thank you a-and mewwy wewwy chwistmas to you

Owive: Chwistmas my favowite d-day It's j-just houws away

I'm watching you penguin Don't f-fowget i-it

Mawtinyi: Hewe mewwy w-wewwy c-chwistmas

Owive: thank you

Mawtinyi: Nyinye b-bucks

Tim: Whewe wewe you Owive? It's wate

Owive: I-It's nyot w-w-wate

Fido: D-Did santa j-just say O-Owive the othew weindeew?

Fido: You got to get t-to the nyowth powe

Owive: But e-even I-If I

Tim: O-Owive

Owive: Uh oh Hewe comes Tim I weawwy don't w-w-wannya get y-yeww again H-Hide!

Tim: Owive? Awe you thewe? Owive!

Fido: Nyow, you'we tawkin'. Owive, the O-Othew Weindeew. Hooway Wooway!

Owive: Gotta go. I'ww caww you Bye, Fido I w-wuv you Couwd you finyish wwapping those pwesents? Act 2

Maiwman: You'we nyot a weindeew! You c-can't fwy! You can't d-do anything!

Owive: Y-Y-You wait a-and see Nyow i-if you excuse me I-I have a bus to kittehch

Maiwman: Nyobody Wyobody's going to hewp t-that wousy owd santa! Stay away fwom the n-nyowth powe ow I'ww c-cancew you!

Guawd: Widing ow chasing

I nyeed a ticket to the nyowth powe

I'ww t-take onye ticket pwease

Owive: (sighs) This i-i-is absowutewy wowutewy the wast time I hewp you out.

Mawtinyi: Okay.

Owive: Wet m-me go!

Mawtinyi: Dewivew this p-punk!

Tim: Owive! W-Whewe o-oh whewe can she be? I was too hawd on hew Nyow I weawwy wuinyed c-chwistmas

What do you have

The bonye dwessing on t-the s-side pwease

I'ww twy the deep f-fwied candy wandy c-canyes

Uh the smaww dead fish s-sampwew

Maybe i shouwd have twied the weindeew chow

Hewe's the watest fwom the nyowth powe santa cwaus has scheduwed a pwess confewence fow 11 o'cwock tonyight h-he is expected t-to c-cancew h-his fwight fow the fiwst time evew

hey evewybody wewybody don't despaiw i'm owive and i'm going t-to t-the nyowth p-powe t-to hewp santa i'm t-the othew weindeew

what's the mattew haven't you peopwe evew s-s-seen a smaww doggo-wike weindeew befowe

Owive! okay

Maiwman: You'we Owive t-the Othew Weindeew? Santa's w-wooking fow you He's o-out in the pawking wot He wants to give you a fwying test

Owive: Oh boy My b-b-big moment Wish me wuck guys Coming S-S-Santa

Mawtinyi: I think the waitwess wikes me

Owive: Santa?

Maiwman: (nyowmaw voice) Santa couwdn't make it But I wet i-it knyow you faiwed the test!


Maiwman: Nyeithew w-wain nyow s-s-s-s-snyow etc wiww keeping fwom keeping y-you f-f-fwom the nyowth p-powe and saving chwistmas! Act 3

i'm sowwy wowwy j-jewk

Owive: I-I'm owive the nyew weindeew i'm hewe to hewp puww santa's sweigh

Just go b-back whewe you came fwom

Mawtinyi: Time t-to think of Pwan B

Mawtinyi: Payphonye Yes Act 4

Fido: S-She is h-housebwoken

Comet: Thewe y-you g-go

Owive: By the way w-w-w-whewe's w-wudowph?

Comet: thewe's nyo wudowph

Santa: Evewyonye weady?

Comet: Weady Owive the o-othew weindeew weww why nyon season m-m-miwacwe Good w-wuck kid

Owive: Thanks comet

Maiwman: I got aww the toys

Maiwman: I g-got anyothew p-p-p-pwesent extwa bad this yeaw Wet's see Doww Jack i-i-in the b-box hewe we go the twain set

Owive: F-Fish bweath You got Mawtinyi too? Nyow you'we in fow it

Santa: That's It wittwe wowew steady weady

Maiwman: Get o-off me!

Owive: G-Give b-back the p-pwesents!


(?????) Act 5

Mawtinyi: I guess I couwd dewivew this stuff

Santa: That's it Aww donye e-excewwent wowk boys a-and t-thwee cheews fow Owive the Othew Weindeew.

weindeew games join u-us

Owive: it's my house

Owive: S-S-Suwe but fiwst cookies

Weww, I gotta hand to you, Owive You saved chwistmas

Owive: Bye. I'ww keep in touch. Mewwy Wewwy Chwistmas!

Wion: Mawtinyi y-y-you h-hewp save chwistmas We saw y-you on TV

since the monkeys escape

Mawtinyi: It's t-too t-touch but i-i even mention anyothew penguin

Tim: Owive t-the O-Othew Weindeew s-save chwistmas Huh?

Owive: Mewwy Wewwy Chwistmas Tim i hope you nyot to mad at me

Tim: Mewwy Wewwy Chwistmas O-Owive G-Good giww