2024-01-16 11:20:27 -06:00

103 lines
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(* Capstone Disassembly Engine
* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <aquynh@gmail.com>, 2013-2014 *)
open Printf
open Capstone
open Arm
open Arm_const
let print_string_hex comment str =
printf "%s" comment;
for i = 0 to (Array.length str - 1) do
printf "0x%02x " str.(i)
printf "\n"
let _ARM_CODE = "\xED\xFF\xFF\xEB\x04\xe0\x2d\xe5\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe0\x83\x22\xe5\xf1\x02\x03\x0e\x00\x00\xa0\xe3\x02\x30\xc1\xe7\x00\x00\x53\xe3";;
let _ARM_CODE2 = "\xd1\xe8\x00\xf0\xf0\x24\x04\x07\x1f\x3c\xf2\xc0\x00\x00\x4f\xf0\x00\x01\x46\x6c";;
let _THUMB_CODE2 = "\x4f\xf0\x00\x01\xbd\xe8\x00\x88\xd1\xe8\x00\xf0";;
let _THUMB_CODE = "\x70\x47\xeb\x46\x83\xb0\xc9\x68\x1f\xb1";;
let all_tests = [
(CS_ARCH_ARM, [CS_MODE_THUMB], _ARM_CODE2, "Thumb-mixed");
let print_op handle i op =
( match op.value with
| ARM_OP_INVALID _ -> (); (* this would never happens *)
| ARM_OP_REG reg -> printf "\t\top[%d]: REG = %s\n" i (cs_reg_name handle reg);
| ARM_OP_CIMM imm -> printf "\t\top[%d]: C-IMM = %u\n" i imm;
| ARM_OP_PIMM imm -> printf "\t\top[%d]: P-IMM = %u\n" i imm;
| ARM_OP_IMM imm -> printf "\t\top[%d]: IMM = 0x%x\n" i imm;
| ARM_OP_FP fp -> printf "\t\top[%d]: FP = %f\n" i fp;
| ARM_OP_MEM mem -> ( printf "\t\top[%d]: MEM\n" i;
if mem.base != 0 then
printf "\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.base: REG = %s\n" i (cs_reg_name handle mem.base);
if mem.index != 0 then
printf "\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.index: REG = %s\n" i (cs_reg_name handle mem.index);
if mem.scale != 1 then
printf "\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.scale: %d\n" i mem.scale;
if mem.disp != 0 then
printf "\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.disp: 0x%x\n" i mem.disp;
| ARM_OP_SETEND sd -> printf "\t\top[%d]: SETEND = %u\n" i sd;
if op.shift.shift_type != _ARM_SFT_INVALID && op.shift.shift_value > 0 then
printf "\t\t\tShift: type = %u, value = %u\n"
op.shift.shift_type op.shift.shift_value;
let print_detail handle insn =
match insn.arch with
| CS_INFO_ARM arm -> (
if arm.cc != _ARM_CC_AL && arm.cc != _ARM_CC_INVALID then
printf "\tCode condition: %u\n" arm.cc;
if arm.update_flags then
printf "\tUpdate-flags: True\n";
if arm.writeback then
printf "\tWriteback: True\n";
(* print all operands info (type & value) *)
if (Array.length arm.operands) > 0 then (
printf "\top_count: %d\n" (Array.length arm.operands);
Array.iteri (print_op handle) arm.operands;
printf "\n";
| _ -> ();
let print_insn handle insn =
printf "0x%x\t%s\t%s\n" insn.address insn.mnemonic insn.op_str;
print_detail handle insn
let print_arch x =
let (arch, mode, code, comment) = x in
let handle = cs_open arch mode in
let err = cs_option handle CS_OPT_DETAIL _CS_OPT_ON in
match err with
| _ -> ();
let insns = cs_disasm handle code 0x1000L 0L in
printf "*************\n";
printf "Platform: %s\n" comment;
List.iter (print_insn handle) insns;
match cs_close handle with
| 0 -> ();
| _ -> printf "Failed to close handle";
List.iter print_arch all_tests;;