2024-01-16 11:20:27 -06:00

150 lines
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\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ this is a C-to-Forth translation from the translate
\ address code in the client
\ with extensions to handle different sizes of #size-cells
\ this tries to figure out if it is a PCI device what kind of
\ translation is wanted
\ if prop_type is 0, "reg" property is used, otherwise "assigned-addresses"
: pci-address-type ( node address prop_type -- type )
-rot 2 pick ( prop_type node address prop_type )
0= IF
swap s" reg" rot get-property ( prop_type address data dlen false )
swap s" assigned-addresses" rot get-property ( prop_type address data dlen false )
IF 2drop -1 EXIT THEN 4 / 5 /
\ advance (phys-addr(3) size(2)) steps
0 DO
\ BARs and Expansion ROM must be in assigned-addresses...
\ so if prop_type is 0 ("reg") and a config space offset is set
\ we skip this entry...
dup l@ FF AND 0<> ( prop_type address data cfgspace_offset? )
3 pick 0= ( prop_type address data cfgspace_offset? reg_prop? )
2dup 4 + ( prop_type address data address data' )
2dup @ 2 pick 8 + @ + <= -rot @ >= and IF
l@ 03000000 and 18 rshift nip
( prop_type type )
swap drop ( type )
\ advance in 4 byte steps and (phys-addr(3) size(2)) steps
4 5 * +
3drop -1
: (range-read-cells) ( range-addr #cells -- range-value )
\ if number of cells != 1; do 64bit read; else a 32bit read
1 = IF l@ ELSE @ THEN
\ this functions tries to find a mapping for the given address
\ it assumes that if we have #address-cells == 3 that we are trying
\ to do a PCI translation
\ nac - #address-cells
\ nsc - #size-cells
\ pnac - parent #address-cells
: (map-one-range) ( type range pnac nsc nac address -- address true | address false )
\ only check for the type if nac == 3 (PCI)
over 3 = 5 pick l@ 3000000 and 18 rshift 7 pick <> and IF
>r 2drop 3drop r> false EXIT
\ get size
4 pick 4 pick 3 pick + 4 * +
\ get nsc
3 pick
\ read size
( type range pnac nsc nac address range nsc )
( type range pnac nsc nac address size )
\ skip type if PCI
5 pick 3 pick 3 = IF
4 +
\ get nac
3 pick
( type range pnac nsc nac address size range nac )
\ read child-mapping
( type range pnac nsc nac address size child-mapping )
dup >r dup 3 pick > >r + over <= r> or IF
\ address is not inside the mapping range
>r 2drop 3drop r> r> drop false EXIT
dup r> -
( type range pnac nsc nac address offset )
\ add the offset on the parent mapping
5 pick 5 pick 3 = IF
\ skip type if PCI
4 +
3 pick 4 * +
( type range pnac nsc nac address offset parent-mapping-address )
\ get pnac
5 pick
\ read parent mapping
( type range pnac nsc nac address offset parent-mapping )
+ >r 3drop 3drop r> true
\ this word translates the given address starting from the node specified
\ in node; the word will return to the node it was started from
: translate-address ( node address -- address )
\ check for address type in "assigned-addresses"
2dup 1 pci-address-type ( node address type )
dup -1 = IF
\ not found in "assigned-addresses", check in "reg"
drop 2dup 0 pci-address-type ( node address type )
rot parent BEGIN
\ check if it is the root node
dup parent 0= IF 2drop EXIT THEN
( address type parent )
s" #address-cells" 2 pick get-property 2drop l@ >r \ nac
s" #size-cells" 2 pick get-property 2drop l@ >r \ nsc
s" #address-cells" 2 pick parent get-property 2drop l@ >r \ pnac
-rot ( node address type )
s" ranges" 4 pick get-property IF
ABORT" no ranges property; not translatable"
r> r> r> 3 roll
( node address type ranges pnac nsc nac length )
4 / >r 3dup + + >r 5 roll r> r> swap / 0 ?DO
( node type ranges pnac nsc nac address )
6dup (map-one-range) IF
nip leave
\ advance ranges
4 roll
( node type pnac nsc nac address ranges )
4 pick 4 pick 4 pick + + 4 * + 4 -roll
>r 2drop 2drop r> ( node type address )
swap rot parent ( address type node )
dup 0=
\ this words translates the given address starting from the current node
: translate-my-address ( address -- address' )
get-node swap translate-address