import readline from 'readline'; import Ollama from 'ollama-js-client'; import spawn from 'child_process'; var answerParsed = "" let generation = 1; function prompt(q) { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); return new Promise((resolve) => { rl.question(`${q}`, function (a) { rl.close(); resolve(a); }); }); } let problem = await prompt("What's the project? (no external libs or reqs): "); let lang = await prompt("What's the lang? (js, python, ppython [panda3d python]): "); console.log("coding!"); function langExec(langCode) { if (lang == "js") { return eval(langCode); } else if (lang == "python") { const pythonProcess = spawn('python', ['-c', langCode]); // Handle stderr data from the Python process return pythonProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => { return Error(`${data}`); }); } else if (lang == "ppython") { const ppythonProcess = spawn('ppython', ['-c', langCode]); // Handle stderr data from the Python process return ppythonProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => { return Error(`${data}`); }); } else { console.error("Language command not found!") } } const instance = new Ollama({ model: "codellama", url: "", }); function getLangID() { if (lang == "ppython") { return "panda3d python" } else { return lang; } } let answer = await instance.prompt(`${problem} - This must be coded in pure ${getLangID()}, no external libraries or requirements. Please provide the code, the full code, and nothing but the code. No chit-chat, no markdown, just code.`); async function main() { let problemSolved = false; while (problemSolved == false) { try { console.log(`Generation ${generation}`) console.log(answer.response) answerParsed = answer.response.replaceAll("```javascript","").replaceAll("```",""); langExec(answerParsed); problemSolved = true; generation = generation + 1; } catch (error) { answer = await instance.prompt(`There was an error: ${error.message}. Please only provide the code, the full code, and nothing but the code. No chit-chat, no markdown, just code. Also, make sure it's written in ${getLangID()} without any libraries besides included.`) } } } main().then(() => { console.log(`!!!ANSWER COMPUTED!!! ${answerParsed}`); });