@echo off cd /D "%~dp0" echo Installing apps fron winget config file.... wingetd.bat echo Running Shutup 10.... oosu10.exe shutmouth.cfg /quiet echo Stopping and Disabling Windows Update services... net stop wuauserv sc config wuauserv start= disabled net stop bits sc config bits start= disabled net stop dosvc sc config dosvc start= disabled echo Setting region to Denmark.... PowerShell Set-WinHomeLocation -GeoID 61 echo Removing stuff CTT Utility missed.... Get-AppxPackage -alluser *Paint* | Remove-Appxpackage Get-AppxPackage -alluser *Notepad* | Remove-Appxpackage Get-AppxPackage -alluser *DevHome* | Remove-Appxpackage Get-AppxPackage -alluser *YourPhone* | Remove-Appxpackage Get-AppxPackage -alluser *WindowsStore* | Remove-Appxpackage echo Done. pause