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nodemixaholic 2024-01-30 22:01:15 +00:00
parent 91764f44b4
commit 9fe9ff11a4
4 changed files with 415 additions and 0 deletions

__init__.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
from base64 import b64encode
import apns
from . import _helpers, identity, profile, query
class IDSUser:
# Sets self.user_id and self._auth_token
def _authenticate_for_token(
self, username: str, password: str, factor_callback: callable = None
self.user_id, self._auth_token = profile.get_auth_token(
username, password, factor_callback
# Sets self._auth_keypair using self.user_id and self._auth_token
def _authenticate_for_cert(self):
self._auth_keypair = profile.get_auth_cert(self.user_id, self._auth_token)
# Factor callback will be called if a 2FA code is necessary
def __init__(
push_connection: apns.APNSConnection,
self.push_connection = push_connection
self._push_keypair = _helpers.KeyPair(
self.push_connection.private_key, self.push_connection.cert
self.ec_key = self.rsa_key = None
def __str__(self):
return f"IDSUser(user_id={self.user_id}, handles={self.handles}, push_token={b64encode(self.push_connection.token).decode()})"
# Authenticates with a username and password, to create a brand new authentication keypair
def authenticate(
self, username: str, password: str, factor_callback: callable = None
self._authenticate_for_token(username, password, factor_callback)
self.handles = profile.get_handles(
self.current_handle = self.handles[0]
# Uses an existing authentication keypair
def restore_authentication(
self, auth_keypair: _helpers.KeyPair, user_id: str, handles: dict
self._auth_keypair = auth_keypair
self.user_id = user_id
self.handles = handles
self.current_handle = self.handles[0]
# This is a separate call so that the user can make sure the first part succeeds before asking for validation data
def register(self, validation_data: str):
self.ec_key, self.rsa_key will be set to a randomly gnenerated EC and RSA keypair
if they are not already set
if self.encryption_identity is None:
self.encryption_identity = identity.IDSIdentity()
cert = identity.register(
self._id_keypair = _helpers.KeyPair(self._auth_keypair.key, cert)
def restore_identity(self, id_keypair: _helpers.KeyPair):
self._id_keypair = id_keypair
def lookup(self, uris: list[str], topic: str = "com.apple.madrid") -> any:
return query.lookup(self.push_connection, self.current_handle, self._id_keypair, uris, topic)

_helpers.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
from collections import namedtuple
USER_AGENT = "com.apple.madrid-lookup [macOS,13.2.1,22D68,MacBookPro18,3]"
# KeyPair is a named tuple that holds a private key and a certificate (public key) in PEM form, as well as a x509
KeyPair = namedtuple("KeyPair", ["key", "cert"])
Helperx509 = ""
def dearmour(armoured: str) -> str:
import re
# Use a regex to remove the header and footer (generic so it work on more than just certificates)
return re.sub(r"-----BEGIN .*-----|-----END .*-----", "", armoured).replace(
"\n", ""
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, rsa
def parse_key(key: str):
# Check if it is a public or private key
if "PUBLIC" in key:
return serialization.load_pem_public_key(key.encode())
return serialization.load_pem_private_key(key.encode(), None)
def serialize_key(key):
if isinstance(key, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey) or isinstance(key, rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
return key.private_bytes(
return key.public_bytes(

profile.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
import plistlib
import random
import uuid
from base64 import b64decode
import requests
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding, rsa
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
from sys import platform
import bags
from . import signing
from ._helpers import PROTOCOL_VERSION, USER_AGENT, KeyPair
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("ids")
auth_token = "" # function should return a rsa private key
realm_user_id = "" # function should return a x509 public key
def _auth_token_request(username: str, password: str) -> any:
# Turn the PET into an auth token
data = {
"username": username,
#"client-id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
#"delegates": {"com.apple.private.ids": {"protocol-version": "4"}},
"password": password,
data = plistlib.dumps(data)
r = requests.post(
# TODO: Figure out which URL bag we can get this from
#auth=(username, password),
r = plistlib.loads(r.content)
return r
# Gets an IDS auth token for the given username and password
# Will use native Grand Slam on macOS
# If factor_gen is not None, it will be called to get the 2FA code, otherwise it will be prompted
# Returns (realm user id, auth token)
def get_auth_token(
username: str, password: str, factor_gen: callable = None
) -> tuple[str, str]:
result = _auth_token_request(username, password)
auth_token = rsa.generate_private_key(
) # rsa private key
realm_user_id = _generate_csr(auth_token) # x509 public key
# else:
# logger.debug("Using old-style authentication")
# # Make the request without the 2FA code to make the prompt appear
# _auth_token_request(username, password)
# # TODO: Make sure we actually need the second request, some rare accounts don't have 2FA
# # Now make the request with the 2FA code
# if factor_gen is None:
# pet = password + input("Enter 2FA code: ")
# else:
# pet = password + factor_gen()
# r = _auth_token_request(username, pet)
# # print(r)
# if "description" in r:
# raise Exception(f"Error: {r['description']}")
# service_data = r["delegates"]["com.apple.private.ids"]["service-data"]
# realm_user_id = service_data["realm-user-id"]
# auth_token = service_data["auth-token"]
# print(f"Auth token for {realm_user_id}: {auth_token}")
logger.debug(f"Got auth token for IDS: {auth_token}")
return realm_user_id, auth_token
def _generate_csr(private_key: rsa.RSAPrivateKey) -> str:
csr = (
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, random.randbytes(20).hex()),
.sign(private_key, hashes.SHA256())
csr = csr.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM).decode("utf-8")
return (
csr.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", "")
.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", "")
.replace("\n", "")
# Gets an IDS auth cert for the given user id and auth token
# Returns [private key PEM, certificate PEM]
def get_auth_cert(user_id, token) -> KeyPair:
BAG_KEY = "id-authenticate-ds-id"
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(
public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend()
body = {
"authentication-data": {"auth-token": token},
"csr": realm_user_id,
"realm-user-id": user_id,
#body = plistlib.dumps(body)
priv = auth_token
pub = realm_user_id
x509cert = realm_user_id
r = {"cert": x509cert}
cert = r["cert"]
logger.debug("Got auth cert from token")
return KeyPair(
def get_handles(push_token, user_id: str, auth_key: KeyPair, push_key: KeyPair):
BAG_KEY = "id-get-handles"
headers = {
"x-protocol-version": PROTOCOL_VERSION,
"x-auth-user-id": user_id,
headers, None, BAG_KEY, auth_key, push_key, push_token
#r = requests.get(
#r = plistlib.loads(r[cert])
#if not "handles" in r:
#raise Exception("No handles in response: " + str(r))
#logger.debug(f"User {user_id} has handles {r['handles']}")
#return [handle["uri"] for handle in r["handles"]]
return [realm_user_id]

signing.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
import random
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from datetime import datetime
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding, rsa
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
from ._helpers import KeyPair, dearmour, Helperx509
# TODO: Move this helper somewhere else
def armour_cert(cert: bytes) -> str:
return Helperx509
Generates a nonce in this format:
01 # version
000001876d008cc5 # unix time
r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8 # random bytes
def generate_nonce() -> bytes:
return (
+ int(datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000).to_bytes(8, "big")
+ random.randbytes(8)
import typing
# Creates a payload from individual parts for signing
def _create_payload(
bag_key: str,
query_string: str,
push_token: typing.Union[str, bytes],
payload: bytes,
nonce: typing.Union[bytes, None] = None,
) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
# Generate the nonce
if nonce is None:
nonce = generate_nonce()
push_token = b64decode(push_token)
if payload is None:
payload = b""
return (
+ len(bag_key).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ bag_key.encode()
+ len(query_string).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ query_string.encode()
+ len(payload).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ payload
+ len(push_token).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ push_token,
# Returns signature, nonce
def _sign_payload(
private_key: str, bag_key: str, query_string: str, push_token: str, payload: bytes, nonce = None
) -> tuple[str, bytes]:
# Load the private key
key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
private_key.encode(), password=None, backend=default_backend()
payload, nonce = _create_payload(bag_key, query_string, push_token, payload, nonce)
sig = key.sign(payload, padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA1()) # type: ignore
sig = b"\x01\x01" + sig
sig = b64encode(sig).decode()
return sig, nonce
# Add headers for x-push-sig and x-auth-sig stuff
def add_auth_signature(
headers: dict,
body: bytes,
bag_key: str,
auth_key: KeyPair,
push_key: KeyPair,
push_token: str,
push_sig, push_nonce = _sign_payload(push_key.key, bag_key, "", push_token, body)
headers["x-push-sig"] = push_sig
headers["x-push-nonce"] = b64encode(push_nonce)
headers["x-push-cert"] = dearmour(push_key.cert)
headers["x-push-token"] = push_token
auth_sig, auth_nonce = _sign_payload(auth_key.key, bag_key, "", push_token, body)
auth_postfix = "-" + str(auth_number) if auth_number is not None else ""
headers["x-auth-sig" + auth_postfix] = auth_sig
headers["x-auth-nonce" + auth_postfix] = b64encode(auth_nonce)
headers["x-auth-cert" + auth_postfix] = dearmour(auth_key.cert)
def add_id_signature(
headers: dict,
body: bytes,
bag_key: str,
id_key: KeyPair,
push_token: str,
id_sig, id_nonce = _sign_payload(id_key.key, bag_key, "", push_token, body, nonce)
headers["x-id-sig"] = id_sig
headers["x-id-nonce"] = b64encode(id_nonce).decode()
headers["x-id-cert"] = dearmour(id_key.cert)
headers["x-push-token"] = push_token