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synced 2025-01-09 17:33:47 +00:00
Daemon flag addition (#41)
* `--keepalive` flag added * Time zones fixed, minor changes and bug fixes * Update logging, `--daemon` is finished * Reuse APNs connection when running `--daemon` * Stability updates for `--daemon` * refactor daemon code --------- Co-authored-by: JJTech0130 <jjtech@jjtech.dev>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 91 additions and 149 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import time
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from getpass import getpass
from cryptography import x509
import datetime
from rich.logging import RichHandler
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ logging.getLogger("jelly").setLevel(logging.INFO)
@ -60,7 +61,12 @@ def get_not_valid_after_timestamp(cert_data):
except Exception as e:
return None # Return None in case of an error
expiration = None
async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
global expiration
# Load any existing push credentials
token = CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("token")
token = b64decode(token) if token is not None else b""
@ -74,6 +80,59 @@ async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
vd = b64encode(vd).decode()
users = ids.register(conn, users, vd, args.client_data or args.reg_notify)
return users
async def reregister(conn: apns.APNSConnection, users: list[ids.IDSUser]) -> datetime.datetime:
register(conn, users)
CONFIG["users"] = []
expiration = None
# Format time as HH:MM:SS PM/AM EST/EDT (X minutes from now)
expire_msg = lambda expiration: f"Number registration is valid until {str(expiration.astimezone().strftime('%I:%M:%S %p %Z'))} ({str(int((expiration - datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)).total_seconds()/60))} minutes from now)"
email_user = None
email_addr = None # For HACK below
for user in users:
# Clear the config and re-save everything to match the new registration
"id": user.user_id,
"auth_key": user.auth_keypair.key,
"auth_cert": user.auth_keypair.cert,
"encryption_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"signing_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"id_cert": user.id_cert,
"handles": user.handles,
# If this is a phone number user, then it's got the be the one we just linked
# so pull out the expiration date from the certificate
if "P:" in str(user.user_id):
# There is not really a good reason to try/catch here: If we couldn't reregister, just crash (very unlikely we can recover)
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(user.id_cert.encode('utf-8'))
expiration = cert.not_valid_after
# Make it a UTC aware timezone, for reasons
expiration = expiration.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
# This is an Apple ID user, so we can use it to send the notification iMessage (if enabled)
if "U:" in str(user.user_id):
email_user = user
for n in range(len(user.handles)):
# HACK: Just pick the first email address they have to avoid picking the linked phone number
# TODO: Properly fix this, so that the linked phone number is not in the Apple ID user's list of handles
if "mailto:" in str(user.handles[n]):
email_addr = user.handles[n]
# Save the config to disk
# Send the notification iMessage (if enabled)
if args.reg_notify:
im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, email_user)
im.current_handle = email_addr # HACK: See above
await im.send(imessage.iMessage.create(im, expire_msg(expiration), [email_addr]))
return expiration
async with apns.APNSConnection.start(push_creds) as conn:
# Save the push credentials to the config
@ -110,19 +169,25 @@ async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
if input("> ").lower() == "y":
import sms_registration
if args.phone is None:
raise GatewayConnectionError("You did not supply an IP address.")
if "phone" in CONFIG:
phone_sig = b64decode(CONFIG["phone"].get("sig"))
phone_number = CONFIG["phone"].get("number")
elif args.pdu is not None:
phone_number, phone_sig = sms_registration.parse_pdu(args.pdu, None)
if args.phone is None:
#raise GatewayConnectionError("You did not supply an IP address.")
# Prompt for IP address
print("Please enter the IP address of your phone.")
print("This should be displayed in the SMS registration helper app")
print("You must be on the same network as your phone.")
phone = input("> ")
phone = args.phone
import sms_registration
phone_number, phone_sig = sms_registration.register(push_token=conn.credentials.token,
no_parse=args.trigger_pdu, gateway=args.gateway,
CONFIG["phone"] = {
"number": phone_number,
"sig": b64encode(phone_sig).decode(),
@ -138,52 +203,27 @@ async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
users.append(ids.IDSAppleUser.authenticate(conn, username, password))
users = register(conn, users)
await reregister(conn, users)
CONFIG["users"] = []
for user in users:
"id": user.user_id,
"auth_key": user.auth_keypair.key,
"auth_cert": user.auth_keypair.cert,
"encryption_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"signing_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"id_cert": user.id_cert,
"handles": user.handles,
if args.daemon:
wait_time_minutes = 5 # this is in minutes. 5 recommended
expiration = await reregister(conn, users)
while True:
reregister_time = expiration - datetime.timedelta(minutes=wait_time_minutes) # wait_time_minutes before expiration
reregister_delta = (reregister_time - datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)).total_seconds()
logging.info(f"Reregistering in {int(reregister_delta / 60)} minutes...")
await trio.sleep(reregister_delta)
register(conn, users)
if args.reregister:
register(conn, users)
CONFIG["users"] = []
for user in users:
"id": user.user_id,
"auth_key": user.auth_keypair.key,
"auth_cert": user.auth_keypair.cert,
"encryption_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"signing_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"id_cert": user.id_cert,
"handles": user.handles,
if "P:" in str(user.user_id):
expiration = get_not_valid_after_timestamp(user.id_cert)
expiration = str(expiration) + " UTC"
print(f"Number registration is valid until {expiration}. (YYYY/MM/DD)")
email_user = user
for n in range(len(user.handles)):
if "mailto:" in str(user.handles[n]):
email_addr = user.handles[n]
if args.reg_notify:
im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, email_user)
im.current_handle = email_addr
await im.send(imessage.iMessage.create(im, "Number registration is valid until " + expiration, [email_addr]))
await reregister(conn, users)
@ -192,105 +232,6 @@ async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
while True:
await trio.sleep(20)
# im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, users[0])
# await im.send(imessage.iMessage.create(im, "Hello world!", ["tel:+16106632676", "mailto:testu3@icloud.com"]))
# while True:
# print(await im.receive())
# user = ids.IDSUser(conn)
# if CONFIG.get("auth", {}).get("cert") is not None:
# auth_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["auth"]["key"], CONFIG["auth"]["cert"])
# user_id = CONFIG["auth"]["user_id"]
# handles = CONFIG["auth"]["handles"]
# user.restore_authentication(auth_keypair, user_id, handles)
# else:
# username = input("Username: ")
# password = getpass("Password: ")
# user.authenticate(username, password)
# import sms_registration
# phone_sig = safe_b64decode(CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("sig"))
# phone_number = CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("number")
# if phone_sig is None or phone_number is None:
# print("Registering phone number...")
# phone_number, phone_sig = sms_registration.register(user.push_connection.credentials.token)
# CONFIG["phone"] = {
# "number": phone_number,
# "sig": b64encode(phone_sig).decode(),
# }
# if CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("auth_key") is not None and CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("auth_cert") is not None:
# phone_auth_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["phone"]["auth_key"], CONFIG["phone"]["auth_cert"])
# else:
# phone_auth_keypair = ids.profile.get_phone_cert(phone_number, user.push_connection.credentials.token, [phone_sig])
# CONFIG["phone"]["auth_key"] = phone_auth_keypair.key
# CONFIG["phone"]["auth_cert"] = phone_auth_keypair.cert
# user.encryption_identity = ids.identity.IDSIdentity(
# encryption_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("rsa_key"),
# signing_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("ec_key"),
# )
# #user._auth_keypair = phone_auth_keypair
# user.handles = [f"tel:{phone_number}"]
# print(user.user_id)
# # user.user_id = f"P:{phone_number}"
# if (
# CONFIG.get("id", {}).get("cert") is not None
# and user.encryption_identity is not None
# ):
# id_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["id"]["key"], CONFIG["id"]["cert"])
# user.restore_identity(id_keypair)
# else:
# logging.info("Registering new identity...")
# import emulated.nac
# vd = emulated.nac.generate_validation_data()
# vd = b64encode(vd).decode()
# ids.register
# user.register(vd, [("P:" + phone_number, phone_auth_keypair)])
# #user.register(vd)
# print("Handles: ", user.handles)
# # Write config.json
# CONFIG["encryption"] = {
# "rsa_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key,
# "ec_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key,
# }
# CONFIG["id"] = {
# "key": user._id_keypair.key,
# "cert": user._id_keypair.cert,
# }
# CONFIG["auth"] = {
# "key": user._auth_keypair.key,
# "cert": user._auth_keypair.cert,
# "user_id": user.user_id,
# "handles": user.handles,
# }
# CONFIG["push"] = {
# "token": b64encode(user.push_connection.credentials.token).decode(),
# "key": user.push_connection.credentials.private_key,
# "cert": user.push_connection.credentials.cert,
# }
# with open("config.json", "w") as f:
# json.dump(CONFIG, f, indent=4)
# im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, user)
# Send a message to myself
# async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
# nursery.start_soon(input_task, im)
# nursery.start_soon(output_task, im)
async def input_task(im: imessage.iMessageUser):
while True:
cmd = await trio.to_thread.run_sync(input, "> ", cancellable=True)
@ -314,6 +255,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.add_argument("--pdu", type=str, help="Override the PDU REG-RESP")
parser.add_argument("--phone", type=str, help="Override the phone IP")
parser.add_argument("--gateway", type=str, help="Override the gateway phone number")
parser.add_argument("--daemon", action="store_true", help="Continuously reregister 5 minutes before the certificate expires")
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class IDSUser:
encryption_identity: identity.IDSIdentity | None = None
id_cert: bytes | None = None
id_cert: str | None = None
Short-lived identity certificate,
same private key as auth_keypair
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def register(
logger.warning(f"Sending IDS registration request: {body}")
logger.debug(f"Sending IDS registration request: {body}")
body = plistlib.dumps(body)
Reference in a new issue