""" Modified from https://github.com/aaronst/macholibre/blob/master/macholibre/parser.py This file is Copyright 2016 Aaron Stephens Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import hashlib from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from json import dump from math import exp, log from os import SEEK_END from re import split from struct import unpack from uuid import UUID #from asn1crypto.cms import ContentInfo #from asn1crypto.x509 import DirectoryString from plistlib import loads #import mdictionary as mdictionary from io import BytesIO import logging logger = logging.getLogger("jelly") class Parser(): """Main object containing all the necessary functions to parse a mach-o binary. """ def __init__(self, file): """Initialize instance variables and flags.""" self.__extract_certs = False self.__file = BytesIO(file) self.__is_64_bit = True # default place-holder self.__is_little_endian = True # ^^ self.__macho = {} self.__output = { 'name': 'IMDAppleServices' } self.file = self.__file def add_abnormality(self, abnormality): """Add abnormality to output.""" if 'abnormalities' not in self.__output: self.__output['abnormalities'] = [] self.__output['abnormalities'].append(abnormality) def calc_entropy(self, b): """Calculate byte entropy for given bytes.""" byte_counts = Counter() entropy = 0 for i in b: byte_counts[i] += 1 total = float(sum(byte_counts.values())) for count in byte_counts.values(): p = float(count) / total entropy -= p * log(p, 256) return entropy def get_string(self): """Read a null-terminated string from macho.""" string = bytearray() c = self.__file.read(1) while c not in (b'\x00', ''): string += c c = self.__file.read(1) return string.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') def get_int(self, ignore_endian=False): """Read a 4-byte integer from macho, account for endian-ness.""" integer = self.__file.read(4) if self.__is_little_endian and not ignore_endian: return int.from_bytes(integer, byteorder='little') return int.from_bytes(integer, byteorder='big') def get_ll(self): """Read an 8-byte long long from macho, account for endian-ness.""" longlong = self.__file.read(8) if self.__is_little_endian: return int.from_bytes(longlong, byteorder='little') return int.from_bytes(longlong, byteorder='big') def make_version(self, version): """Construct a version number from given bytes.""" vx = version >> 16 vy = (version >> 8) & 0xff vz = version & 0xff return '{}.{}.{}'.format(vx, vy, vz) def identify_file(self): """Identify if the given file is a single Mach-O or a Universal binary.""" magic = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if magic in mdictionary.machos: return mdictionary.machos[magic] else: raise ValueError('Provided file has unrecognized magic: {}'.format( magic)) def parse_macho_flags(self, flags): """Parse ``flags`` into list of readable flags.""" output = [] i = 0 while i < 28: if (0x1 & (flags >> i)) == 0x1: if 2 ** i in mdictionary.flags: output.append(mdictionary.flags[2 ** i]) else: self.add_abnormality('Unknown mach-o flag "{}".'.format( 2 ** i)) i += 1 return output def get_segment_entropy(self, m_offset, offset, size): """Determine byte-entropy for this segment.""" old = self.__file.tell() self.__file.seek(m_offset + offset) #print("seeking to: " + str(m_offset + offset)) entropy = self.calc_entropy(self.__file.read(size)) self.__file.seek(old) return entropy def parse_section_attrs(self, attrs): """Parse section attributes.""" output = [] for a in mdictionary.section_attrs: if attrs & a == a: output.append(mdictionary.section_attrs[a]) return output def parse_section_flags(self, output, flags): """Parse section flags into section type and attributes.""" output['type'] = mdictionary.section_types[flags & 0xff] attrs = flags & 0xffffff00 output['attrs'] = self.parse_section_attrs(attrs) def parse_section(self): """Parse section.""" name = self.__file.read(16).decode().rstrip('\u0000') segname = self.__file.read(16).decode().rstrip('\u0000') addr = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() size = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() offset = self.get_int() align = self.get_int() reloff = self.get_int() nreloc = self.get_int() flags = self.get_int() r1 = self.get_int() r2 = self.get_int() r3 = self.get_int() #self.__file.read(12) if self.__is_64_bit else self.__file.read(8) output = { 'name': name, 'segname': segname, 'addr': addr, 'offset': offset, 'align': align, 'reloff': reloff, 'nreloc': nreloc, 'size': size, 'r1': r1, 'r2': r2, 'r3': r3 } self.parse_section_flags(output, flags) return output def parse_segment_flags(self, flags): """Parse segment flags into readable list.""" output = [] i = 1 while i < 9: if flags & i == i: output.append(mdictionary.segment_flags[i]) i <<= 1 return output def parse_segment(self, m_offset, m_size, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse segment command.""" name = self.__file.read(16).decode().rstrip('\u0000') vmaddr = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() vmsize = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() offset = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() segsize = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() maxprot = self.get_int() initprot = self.get_int() nsects = self.get_int() flags = self.get_int() maxprot = mdictionary.protections[maxprot & 0b111] initprot = mdictionary.protections[initprot & 0b111] entropy = self.get_segment_entropy(m_offset, offset, segsize) output = { 'm_offset': m_offset, 'cmd': cmd, 'size': cmd_size, 'name': name, 'vmaddr': vmaddr, 'vmsize': vmsize, 'offset': offset, 'segsize': segsize, 'maxprot': maxprot, 'initprot': initprot, 'nsects': nsects, 'entropy': entropy, 'sects': [] } sect_size = 80 if self.__is_64_bit else 68 for _ in range(nsects): if self.__file.tell() + sect_size > m_offset + m_size: self.add_abnormality('Section at offset "{}" with size "{}" ' 'greater than mach-o size.'.format( self.__file.tell(), sect_size)) break output['sects'].append(self.parse_section()) output['flags'] = self.parse_segment_flags(flags) return output def parse_symtab(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse symbol table load command.""" symoff = self.get_int() nsyms = self.get_int() stroff = self.get_int() strsize = self.get_int() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'symoff': symoff, 'nsyms': nsyms, 'stroff': stroff, 'strsize': strsize } return output def parse_symseg(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse link-edit gdb symbol table info (obsolete).""" offset = self.get_int() size = self.get_int() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'offset': offset, 'size': size } return output def parse_thread(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse thread load command.""" state = self.get_int() count = self.get_int() self.__file.read(cmd_size - 16) # skip thread_state objects. # TODO: parse them, definitions in if state in mdictionary.thread_states: state = mdictionary.thread_states[state] else: self.add_abnormality('Invalid THREAD STATE FLAVOR "{}" at offset ' '"{}".'.format(state, self.__file.tell() - 8)) output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'state': state, 'count': count } return output def parse_fvmlib(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse fvmlib load command.""" offset = self.__file.tell() - 8 self.__file.read(4) # skip name offset minor_version = self.get_int() header_addr = self.get_int() name = self.get_string() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'name': name, 'minor_version': self.make_version(minor_version), 'header_addr': header_addr } self.__file.read(cmd_size - (self.__file.tell() - offset)) return output def parse_ident(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse object identification info (obsolete).""" output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'strings': [] } end = self.__file.tell() - 8 + cmd_size while self.__file.tell() < end: string = self.get_string() if string != '': output['strings'].append(string) return output def parse_fvmfile(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse fixed VM file inclusion (internal use).""" name = self.get_string() header_addr = self.get_int() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'name': name, 'header_addr': header_addr } return output def parse_prepage(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse prepage command (internal use). Load command structure not found. """ self.__file.read(cmd_size - 8) output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size } return output def parse_dysymtab(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse dynamic link-edit symbol table info.""" ilocalsym = self.get_int() # index to local symbols nlocalsym = self.get_int() # number of local symbols iextdefsym = self.get_int() # index to externally defined sybmols nextdefsym = self.get_int() # number of externally defined symbols iundefsym = self.get_int() # index to undefined symbols nundefsym = self.get_int() # number of externally defined symbols tocoff = self.get_int() # file offset to table of contents ntoc = self.get_int() # number of module table entries modtaboff = self.get_int() # file offset to module table nmodtab = self.get_int() # number of module table entries extrefsymoff = self.get_int() # offset to referenced symbol table nextrefsyms = self.get_int() # number of referenced symbol table entries indirectsymoff = self.get_int() # file offset to the indirect symbol table nindirectsyms = self.get_int() # number of indirect symbol table entries extreloff = self.get_int() # offset to external relocation entries nextrel = self.get_int() # number of external relocation entries locreloff = self.get_int() # offset to local relocation entries nlocrel = self.get_int() # number of local relocation entries output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'ilocalsym': ilocalsym, 'nlocalsym': nlocalsym, 'iextdefsym': iextdefsym, 'nextdefsym': nextdefsym, 'iundefsym': iundefsym, 'nundefsym': nundefsym, 'tocoff': tocoff, 'ntoc': ntoc, 'modtaboff': modtaboff, 'nmodtab': nmodtab, 'extrefsymoff': extrefsymoff, 'nextrefsyms': nextrefsyms, 'indirectsymoff': indirectsymoff, 'nindirectsyms': nindirectsyms, 'extreloff': extreloff, 'nextrel': nextrel, 'locreloff': locreloff, 'nlocrel': nlocrel } return output def parse_load_dylib(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse dylib load command.""" offset = self.__file.tell() - 8 self.__file.read(4) # skip name offset timestamp = self.get_int() current_version = self.get_int() compatibility_version = self.get_int() name = self.get_string() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'name': name, 'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'current_version': self.make_version(current_version), 'compatability_version': self.make_version(compatibility_version) } # skip padding self.__file.read(cmd_size - (self.__file.tell() - offset)) return output def parse_load_dylinker(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse dylinker load command.""" offset = self.__file.tell() - 8 self.__file.read(4) # skip name offset output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'name': self.get_string() } # skip padding self.__file.read(cmd_size - (self.__file.tell() - offset)) return output def parse_prebound_dylib(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse prebound dylib load command. An executable that is prebound to its dynamic libraries will have one of these for each library that the static linker used in prebinding. """ name = self.get_string() nmodules = self.get_int() linked_modules = self.get_string() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'name': name, 'nmodules': nmodules, 'linked_modules': linked_modules } return output def parse_routines(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse routines load command. The routines command contains the address of the dynamic shared library initialization routine and an index into the module table for the module that defines the routine. """ init_address = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() init_module = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() self.__file.read(48) if self.__is_64_bit else self.__file.read(24) output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'init_address': init_address, 'init_module': init_module } return output def parse_sub_stuff(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse sub_* load command.""" output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'name': self.get_string() } return output def parse_twolevel_hints(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse two-level hints load command.""" offset = self.get_int() nhints = self.get_int() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'offset': offset, 'nhints': nhints } return output def parse_prebind_cksum(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse prebind checksum load command.""" cksum = self.get_int() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'cksum': cksum } return output def parse_uuid(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse UUID load command.""" uuid = self.__file.read(16) if self.__is_little_endian: uuid = unpack('<16s', uuid)[0] output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'uuid': UUID(bytes=uuid).hex } return output def parse_linkedit_data(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse link-edit data load command.""" dataoff = self.get_int() # file offset of data in __LINKEDIT segment datasize = self.get_int() # file size of data in __LINKEDIT segment output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'dataoff': dataoff, 'datasize': datasize } return output def parse_encryption_info(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse encryption info load command. Contains the file offset and size of an encrypted segment. """ cryptoff = self.get_int() cryptsize = self.get_int() cryptid = self.get_int() if cmd.endswith('64'): self.__file.read(4) # skip padding output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'cryptoff': cryptoff, 'cryptsize': cryptsize, 'cryptid': cryptid } return output def parse_dyld_info(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse dyld info load command. contains the file offsets and sizes of the new compressed form of the information dyld needs to load the image. This information is used by dyld on Mac OS X 10.6 and later. All information pointed to by this command is encoded using byte streams, so no endian swapping is needed to interpret it. """ rebase_off = self.get_int() # file offset to rebase info rebase_size = self.get_int() # size of rebase info bind_off = self.get_int() # file offset to binding info bind_size = self.get_int() # size of binding info weak_bind_off = self.get_int() # file offset to weak binding info weak_bind_size = self.get_int() # size of weak binding info lazy_bind_off = self.get_int() # file offset to lazy binding info lazy_bind_size = self.get_int() # size of lazy binding info export_off = self.get_int() # file offset to export info export_size = self.get_int() # size of offset info output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'rebase_off': rebase_off, 'rebase_size': rebase_size, 'bind_off': bind_off, 'bind_size': bind_size, 'weak_bind_off': weak_bind_off, 'weak_bind_size': weak_bind_size, 'lazy_bind_off': lazy_bind_off, 'lazy_bind_size': lazy_bind_size, 'export_off': export_off, 'export_size': export_size } return output def parse_version_min_os(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse minimum OS version load command.""" version = self.get_int() sdk = self.get_int() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'version': self.make_version(version), 'sdk': self.make_version(sdk) } return output def parse_source_version(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse source version load command.""" version = self.get_ll() # A.B.C.D.E packed as a24.b10.c10.d10.e10 mask = 0b1111111111 # 10 bit mask for B, C, D, and E a = version >> 40 b = (version >> 30) & mask c = (version >> 20) & mask d = (version >> 10) & mask e = version & mask output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'version': '{}.{}.{}.{}.{}'.format(a, b, c, d, e) } return output def parse_linker_option(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse linker options load command.""" start = self.__file.tell() - 8 count = self.get_int() linker_options = [] for _ in range(count): linker_options.append(self.get_string()) self.__file.read(cmd_size - (self.__file.tell() - start)) output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'count': count, 'linker_options': linker_options } return output def parse_rpath(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse rpath load command.""" offset = self.__file.tell() - 8 self.__file.read(4) # skip path offset path = self.get_string() output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'path': path } self.__file.read(cmd_size - (self.__file.tell() - offset)) return output def parse_main(self, cmd, cmd_size): """Parse main load command.""" entryoff = self.get_ll() # file (__TEXT) offset of main() stacksize = self.get_ll() # if not zero, initialize stack size output = { 'cmd': cmd, 'cmd_size': cmd_size, 'entryoff': entryoff, 'stacksize': stacksize } return output def parse_lcs(self, offset, size, nlcs, slcs): """Determine which load commands are present and parse each one accordingly. Return as a list. Load command structures found in '/usr/include/mach-o/loader.h'. """ self.__macho['lcs'] = [] self.segments = [] for _ in range(nlcs): cmd = self.get_int() # Load command type cmd_size = self.get_int() # Size of load command if self.__is_64_bit and cmd_size % 8 != 0: raise ValueError('Load command size "{}" for 64-bit mach-o at ' 'offset "{}" is not divisible by 8.'.format( cmd_size, self.__file.tell() - 4)) elif cmd_size % 4 != 0: raise ValueError('Load command size "{}" for 32-bit mach-o at ' 'offset "{}" is not divisible by 4.'.format( cmd_size, self.__file.tell() - 4)) if cmd in mdictionary.loadcommands: cmd = mdictionary.loadcommands[cmd] else: self.add_abnormality('Unknown load command "{}" at offset ' '"{}".'.format( cmd, self.__file.tell() - 8)) self.__file.read(cmd_size - 8) # skip load command if cmd == 'SEGMENT' or cmd == 'SEGMENT_64': #self.segments.append((offset, size, cmd, cmd_size)) #self.__macho['lcs'].append( parsed = self.parse_segment(offset, size, cmd, cmd_size) self.__macho['lcs'].append(parsed) self.segments.append(parsed) elif cmd == 'SYMTAB': self.symtab = self.parse_symtab(cmd, cmd_size) self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.symtab) elif cmd == 'SYMSEG': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_symseg(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('THREAD', 'UNIXTHREAD'): self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_thread(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('LOADFVMLIB', 'IDFVMLIB'): self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_fvmlib(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'IDENT': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_ident(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'FVMFILE': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_fvmfile(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'PREPAGE': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_prepage(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'DYSYMTAB': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_dysymtab(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('LOAD_DYLIB', 'ID_DYLIB', 'LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB', 'LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB', 'REEXPORT_DYLIB', 'LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB'): self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_load_dylib(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('LOAD_DYLINKER', 'ID_DYLINKER', 'DYLD_ENVIRONMENT'): self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_load_dylinker(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'PREBOUND_DYLIB': self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_prebound_dylib(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('ROUTINES', 'ROUTINES_64'): self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_routines(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('SUB_FRAMEWORK', 'SUB_UMBRELLA', 'SUB_CLIENT', 'SUB_LIBRARY'): self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_sub_stuff(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'TWOLEVEL_HINTS': self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_twolevel_hints(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'PREBIND_CKSUM': self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_prebind_cksum(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'UUID': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_uuid(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('CODE_SIGNATURE', 'SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO', 'FUNCTION_STARTS', 'DATA_IN_CODE', 'DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS', 'LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT'): self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_linkedit_data(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('ENCRYPTION_INFO', 'ENCRYPTION_INFO_64'): self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_encryption_info(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd in ('DYLD_INFO', 'DYLD_INFO_ONLY'): self.dyld_info = self.parse_dyld_info(cmd, cmd_size) self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.dyld_info) elif cmd in ('VERSION_MIN_MACOSX', 'VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS', 'VERSION_MIN_WATCHOS', 'VERSION_MIN_TVOS'): self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_version_min_os(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'SOURCE_VERSION': self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_source_version(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'LINKER_OPTION': self.__macho['lcs'].append( self.parse_linker_option(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'RPATH': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_rpath(cmd, cmd_size)) elif cmd == 'MAIN': self.__macho['lcs'].append(self.parse_main(cmd, cmd_size)) def parse_syms(self, offset, size, lc_symtab): """Parse symbol and string tables. Symbol table format found in: /usr/include/mach-o/nlist.h /usr/include/mach-o/stab.h """ # Check if symbol table offset is within mach-o if lc_symtab['symoff'] > size: self.add_abnormality('Symbol table at offset "{}" out of ' 'bounds.'.format( offset + lc_symtab['symoff'])) return true_offset = offset + lc_symtab['symoff'] # beginning of symbol table symbol_size = 16 if self.__is_64_bit else 12 self.__file.seek(true_offset) entropy = self.calc_entropy(self.__file.read( lc_symtab['nsyms'] * symbol_size)) if entropy >= 0.8: self.add_abnormality('Symbol table with entropy of "{}" is ' 'probably packed. Not attempting to ' 'parse.'.format(entropy)) return if lc_symtab['symoff'] + lc_symtab['nsyms'] * symbol_size > size: self.add_abnormality('Symbol table at offset "{}" partially out ' 'of bounds. Attempting to parse as many ' 'symbols as possible.'.format(true_offset)) self.__file.seek(true_offset) # jump to beginning of symbol table self.__macho['symtab'] = [] for _ in range(lc_symtab['nsyms']): if self.__file.tell() + symbol_size > offset + size: break n_strx = self.get_int() n_type = int(self.__file.read(1).hex(), 16) n_sect = int(self.__file.read(1).hex(), 16) n_desc = int(self.__file.read(2).hex(), 16) n_value = self.get_ll() if self.__is_64_bit else self.get_int() symbol = { 'n_strx': n_strx, 'n_sect': n_sect, 'n_desc': n_desc, 'n_value': n_value } if n_type >= 32: if n_type in mdictionary.stabs: symbol['stab'] = mdictionary.stabs[n_type] else: self.add_abnormality( 'Unknown stab type "{}" at offset "{}".'.format( n_type, self.__file.tell() - symbol_size + 4)) else: n_pext = n_type & 0x10 # private external symbol flag n_ext = n_type & 0x01 # external symbol flag n_type = n_type & 0x0e # symbol type if n_type in mdictionary.n_types: n_type = mdictionary.n_types[n_type] else: self.add_abnormality( 'Unknown N_TYPE "{}" at offset "{}".'.format( n_type, self.__file.tell() - symbol_size + 4)) if self.__is_little_endian: dylib = n_desc & 0x0f ref = (n_desc >> 8) & 0xff else: dylib = (n_desc >> 8) & 0xff ref = n_desc & 0x0f symbol['pext'] = n_pext symbol['n_type'] = n_type symbol['ext'] = n_ext symbol['dylib'] = dylib symbol['ref'] = ref self.__macho['symtab'].append(symbol) def parse_strings(self, offset, size, lc_symtab): """Parse string table.""" # Check is string table offset is within mach-o if lc_symtab['stroff'] > size: self.add_abnormality( 'String table at offset "{}" greater than mach-o size.'.format( offset + lc_symtab['stroff'])) return true_offset = offset + lc_symtab['stroff'] self.__file.seek(true_offset) #self.strtab = bytes(self.__file.read(lc_symtab['strsize'])) #self.__file.seek(true_offset) entropy = self.calc_entropy(self.__file.read(lc_symtab['strsize'])) if entropy >= 0.8: self.add_abnormality('String table with entropy of "{}" is ' 'probably packed. Not attempting to ' 'parse.'.format(entropy)) return if true_offset + lc_symtab['strsize'] > offset + size: self.add_abnormality('String Table at offset "{}" partially out ' 'of bounds. Attempting to parse as many ' 'strings as possible.'.format(true_offset)) self.__macho['strtab'] = [] self.__file.seek(true_offset) while self.__file.tell() < true_offset + lc_symtab['strsize']: try: string = self.get_string() if string != '': self.__macho['strtab'].append(string) except: break def parse_imports(self, offset, size, lc_symtab, lc_dysymtab=None, lc_dylibs=None): """Parse undefined external symbols (imports) out of the symbol and string tables. """ self.__macho['imports'] = [] true_offset = offset + lc_symtab['stroff'] undef_syms = None if lc_dysymtab is not None: # Use symtab layout info from DYSYMTAB i_undef = lc_dysymtab['nlocalsym'] + lc_dysymtab['nextdefsym'] - 1 j_undef = i_undef + lc_dysymtab['nundefsym'] undef_syms = self.__macho['symtab'][i_undef:j_undef] else: # Find undefined symbols manually by checking n_type undef_syms = filter(lambda sym: sym['n_type'] in ('UNDF', 'PBUD'), self.__macho['symtab']) for sym in undef_syms: self.__file.seek(true_offset + sym['n_strx']) value = self.get_string() if lc_dylibs is not None: # If created with two-level namespace dylib = sym['dylib'] if dylib == 0: dylib = 'SELF_LIBRARY' elif dylib == 254: dylib = 'DYNAMIC_LOOKUP' elif dylib == 255: dylib = 'EXECUTABLE' elif dylib > len(lc_dylibs): dylib = f'{dylib} (OUT_OF_RANGE)' else: dylib = lc_dylibs[dylib - 1]['name'] self.__macho['imports'].append((value, dylib)) else: self.__macho['imports'].append(value) def parse_certs(self, sig_offset, index_offset): """Parse X509 certificates out of code signature.""" prev = self.__file.tell() true_offset = sig_offset + index_offset self.__file.seek(true_offset) magic = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if magic != mdictionary.signatures['BLOBWRAPPER']: self.add_abnormality('Bad magic "{}" for certificate blob wrapper ' 'at offset "{}".'.format(magic, true_offset)) return [] # subtract 8 to ignore magic and size fields size = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) - 8 if size <= 0: self.add_abnormality('Non-positive CMS size "{}" at offset ' '"{}".'.format(size, self.__file.tell() - 4)) return [] signed_data = ContentInfo.load(self.__file.read(size))['content'] self.__macho['code_signature']['certs'] = [] for cert in signed_data['certificates']: cert = cert.chosen if self.__extract_certs: c_bytes = cert.dump() open(hashlib.md5(c_bytes).hexdigest(), 'wb').write(c_bytes) subject = {} for rdn in cert.subject.chosen: name = rdn[0]['type'].human_friendly value = rdn[0]['value'] if name == 'Country': subject['country'] = str(value.chosen) elif name == 'Organization': subject['org'] = str(value.chosen) elif name == 'Organizational Unit': subject['org_unit'] = str(value.chosen) elif name == 'Common Name': subject['common_name'] = str(value.chosen) else: if isinstance(value, DirectoryString): subject[name] = str(value.chosen) else: subject[name] = str(value.parsed) issuer = {} for rdn in cert.issuer.chosen: name = rdn[0]['type'].human_friendly value = rdn[0]['value'] if name == 'Country': issuer['country'] = str(value.chosen) elif name == 'Organization': issuer['org'] = str(value.chosen) elif name == 'Organizational Unit': issuer['org_unit'] = str(value.chosen) elif name == 'Common Name': issuer['common_name'] = str(value.chosen) else: if isinstance(value, DirectoryString): issuer[name] = str(value.chosen) else: issuer[name] = str(value.parsed) certificate = { 'subject': subject, 'issuer': issuer, 'serial': cert.serial_number, 'is_ca': cert.ca } self.__macho['code_signature']['certs'].append(certificate) self.__file.seek(prev) def parse_codedirectory(self, sig_offset, index_offset): """Parse code directory from code signature.""" prev = self.__file.tell() true_offset = sig_offset + index_offset self.__file.seek(true_offset) magic = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if magic != mdictionary.signatures['CODEDIRECTORY']: self.add_abnormality('Bad magic "{}" for code directory at offset ' '"{}".'.format(magic, self.__file.tell() - 4)) return size = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) version = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) # TODO: not sure how to parse flags yet... flags = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) hash_offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) ident_offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) n_special_slots = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) n_code_slots = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) code_limit = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) hash_size = int(self.__file.read(1).hex(), 16) hash_type = mdictionary.hashes[int(self.__file.read(1).hex(), 16)] if version >= 0x20200: platform = int(self.__file.read(1).hex(), 16) else: self.__file.read(1) # skip spare1 page_size = int(round(exp( int(self.__file.read(1).hex(), 16) * log(2)))) self.__file.read(4) # skip spare2 if version >= 0x20100: scatter_offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if version >= 0x20200: team_id_offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) self.__file.seek(true_offset + team_id_offset) team_id = self.get_string() self.__file.seek(true_offset + ident_offset) identity = self.get_string() self.__macho['code_signature']['codedirectory'] = { 'size': size, 'version': version, 'flags': flags, 'hash_offset': hash_offset, 'n_special_slots': n_special_slots, 'n_code_slots': n_code_slots, 'code_limit': code_limit, 'hash_size': hash_size, 'hash_type': hash_type, 'page_size': page_size, 'identity': identity, 'hashes': [] } if version >= 0x20100: self.__macho['code_signature']['codedirectory']['scatter_offset'] = scatter_offset if version >= 0x20200: self.__macho['code_signature']['codedirectory']['platform'] = platform self.__macho['code_signature']['codedirectory']['team_id_offset'] = team_id_offset self.__macho['code_signature']['codedirectory']['team_id'] = team_id self.__file.seek( true_offset + hash_offset - n_special_slots * hash_size) count = n_special_slots + n_code_slots for _ in range(count): self.__macho['code_signature']['codedirectory']['hashes'].append( self.__file.read(hash_size).hex()) self.__file.seek(prev) def get_oid(self, db, p): """OID parser implementation from: http://opensource.apple.com/source/Security/Security-57337.20.44/ OSX/libsecurity_cdsa_utilities/lib/cssmdata.cpp """ q = 0 while True: q = q * 128 + (db[p] & ~0x80) if p < len(db) and db[p] & 0x80: p += 1 else: p += 1 break return q, p def to_oid(self, length): """Convert bytes to correct OID.""" if length == 0: return '' data_bytes = [ int(self.__file.read(1).hex(), 16) for i in range(length) ] p = 0 # first byte is composite (q1, q2) oid1, p = self.get_oid(data_bytes, p) q1 = min(oid1 / 40, 2) data = str(q1) + '.' + str(oid1 - q1 * 40) while p < len(data_bytes): d, p = self.get_oid(data_bytes, p) data += '.' + str(d) self.__file.read(-length & 3) return data def parse_entitlement(self, sig_offset, index_offset): """Parse entitlement from code signature.""" prev = self.__file.tell() true_offset = sig_offset + index_offset self.__file.seek(true_offset) magic = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if magic != mdictionary.signatures['ENTITLEMENT']: self.add_abnormality('Bad magic "{}" for entitlement at offset ' '"{}".'.format(magic, self.__file.tell() - 4)) return # size of plist minus magic and size values size = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) - 8 try: plist = loads(self.__file.read(size)) except Exception as exc: plist = {} self.add_abnormality('Unable to parse plist at offset "{}". ' '{}.'.format(self.__file.tell() - size, exc)) if 'entitlements' not in self.__macho['code_signature']: self.__macho['code_signature']['entitlements'] = [] self.__macho['code_signature']['entitlements'].append({ 'size': size, 'plist': plist }) self.__file.seek(prev) def parse_data(self): """Parse data for requirement expression.""" length = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) data = self.__file.read(length) self.__file.read(-length & 3) # skip padding return data def parse_match(self): """Parse match for requirement expression.""" match_type = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if match_type in mdictionary.matches: match_type = mdictionary.matches[match_type] if match_type == 'matchExists': return ' /* exists */' elif match_type == 'matchEqual': return ' = "{}"'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif match_type == 'matchContains': return ' ~ "{}"'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif match_type == 'matchBeginsWith': return ' = "{}*"'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif match_type == 'matchEndsWith': return ' = "*{}"'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif match_type == 'matchLessThan': return ' < {}'.format(int(self.parse_data(), 16)) elif match_type == 'matchGreaterThan': return ' > {}'.format(int(self.parse_data(), 16)) elif match_type == 'matchLessEqual': return ' <= {}'.format(int(self.parse_data(), 16)) elif match_type == 'matchGreaterEqual': return ' >= {}'.format(int(self.parse_data(), 16)) else: return ' UNKNOWN MATCH TYPE "{}"'.format(match_type) def parse_expression(self, in_or=False): """Parse requirement expression. Recurse if necessary""" # Zero out flags in high byte (TODO: Look into flags field) operator = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) operator = mdictionary.operators[operator & 0xfff] expression = '' if operator == 'False': expression += 'never' elif operator == 'True': expression += 'always' elif operator == 'Ident': expression += 'identity "{}"'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif operator == 'AppleAnchor': expression += 'anchor apple' elif operator == 'AppleGenericAnchor': expression += 'anchor apple generic' elif operator == 'AnchorHash': cert_slot = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if cert_slot in mdictionary.cert_slots: cert_slot = mdictionary.cert_slots[cert_slot] expression += 'certificate {} = {}'.format( cert_slot, self.parse_data().decode()) elif operator == 'InfoKeyValue': expression += 'info[{}] = "{}"'.format( self.parse_data().decode(), self.parse_data().decode()) elif operator == 'And': if in_or: expression += '({} and {})'.format( self.parse_expression(), self.parse_expression()) else: expression += '{} and {}'.format( self.parse_expression(), self.parse_expression()) elif operator == 'Or': if in_or: expression += '({} or {})'.format( self.parse_expression(in_or=True), self.parse_expression(in_or=True)) else: expression += '{} or {}'.format( self.parse_expression(in_or=True), self.parse_expression(in_or=True)) elif operator == 'Not': expression += '! {}'.format(self.parse_expression()) elif operator == 'CDHash': expression += 'cdhash {}'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif operator == 'InfoKeyField': expression += 'info[{}]{}'.format( self.parse_data().decode(), self.parse_match()) elif operator == 'EntitlementField': expression += 'entitlement[{}]{}'.format( self.parse_data().decode(), self.parse_match()) elif operator == 'CertField': cert_slot = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if cert_slot in mdictionary.cert_slots: cert_slot = mdictionary.cert_slots[cert_slot] expression += 'certificate {}[{}]{}'.format( cert_slot, self.parse_data().decode(), self.parse_match()) elif operator == 'CertGeneric': cert_slot = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if cert_slot in mdictionary.cert_slots: cert_slot = mdictionary.cert_slots[cert_slot] length = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) expression += 'certificate {}[field.{}]{}'.format( cert_slot, self.to_oid(length), self.parse_match()) elif operator == 'CertPolicy': cert_slot = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if cert_slot in mdictionary.cert_slots: cert_slot = mdictionary.cert_slots[cert_slot] expression += 'certificate {}[policy.{}]{}'.format( cert_slot, self.parse_data().decode(), self.parse_match()) elif operator == 'TrustedCert': cert_slot = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if cert_slot in mdictionary.cert_slots: cert_slot = mdictionary.cert_slots[cert_slot] expression += 'certificate {} trusted'.format(cert_slot) elif operator == 'TrustedCerts': expression += 'anchor trusted' elif operator == 'NamedAnchor': expression += 'anchor apple {}'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif operator == 'NamedCode': expression += '({})'.format(self.parse_data().decode()) elif operator == 'Platform': platform = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) expression += 'platform = {}'.format(platform) return expression def parse_requirement(self, reqs_offset, req_type, req_offset): """Parse single requirement from code signature.""" prev = self.__file.tell() true_offset = reqs_offset + req_offset self.__file.seek(true_offset) magic = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if magic != mdictionary.signatures['REQUIREMENT']: self.add_abnormality('Bad magic "{}" for requirement at offset ' '"{}".'.format(magic, self.__file.tell() - 4)) return self.__file.read(8) # skip size and kind fields # (TODO: look into ``kind`` field) self.__macho['code_signature']['requirements'].append({ 'req_type': req_type, 'req_offset': req_offset, 'expression': self.parse_expression() }) self.__file.seek(prev) def parse_requirements(self, sig_offset, index_offset): """Parse requirements from code signature.""" prev = self.__file.tell() true_offset = sig_offset + index_offset self.__file.seek(true_offset) magic = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if magic != mdictionary.signatures['REQUIREMENTS']: self.add_abnormality('Bad magic "{}" for requirements at offset ' '"{}".'.format(magic, self.__file.tell() - 4)) return self.__file.read(4) # skip size field count = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) self.__macho['code_signature']['requirements'] = [] for _ in range(count): req_type = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) req_type = mdictionary.requirements[req_type] req_offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) self.parse_requirement(true_offset, req_type, req_offset) self.__file.seek(prev) def parse_sig(self, offset, size, lc_codesig): """Parse code signature in its entirety.""" if lc_codesig['dataoff'] + lc_codesig['datasize'] > size: self.add_abnormality('CODE_SIGNATURE at offset "{}" with size ' '"{}" greater than mach-o size.'.format( offset + lc_codesig['dataoff'], lc_codesig['datasize'])) return true_offset = offset + lc_codesig['dataoff'] self.__file.seek(true_offset) magic = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if magic != mdictionary.signatures['EMBEDDED_SIGNATURE']: self.add_abnormality('Bad magic "{}" for embedded signature at ' 'offset "{}".'.format(magic, true_offset)) return self.__macho['code_signature'] = {} size = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) count = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) for _ in range(count): index_type = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if index_type in mdictionary.indeces: index_type = mdictionary.indeces[index_type] else: self.add_abnormality('Unknown code signature index type "{}" ' 'at offset "{}".'.format( index_type, self.__file.tell() - 4)) self.__file.read(4) # skip offset continue index_offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) if index_type == 'SignatureSlot': self.parse_certs(true_offset, index_offset) elif index_type == 'CodeDirectorySlot': self.parse_codedirectory(true_offset, index_offset) elif index_type == 'EntitlementSlot': self.parse_entitlement(true_offset, index_offset) elif index_type == 'RequirementsSlot': self.parse_requirements(true_offset, index_offset) def parse_macho(self, offset, size): """Parse mach-o binary, possibly contained within a universal binary. """ if size is None: self.__file.seek(0, SEEK_END) # find the end of the file size = self.__file.tell() # jump to the location of this mach-o within the file self.__file.seek(offset) identity = self.identify_file() self.__is_64_bit = identity[0] self.__is_little_endian = identity[1] cputype = self.get_int() # CPU type subtype = self.get_int() # CPU sub-type filetype = self.get_int() # Mach-o file type nlcs = self.get_int() # Number of load commands slcs = self.get_int() # Size of load commands flags = self.get_int() # Mach-o flags if self.__is_64_bit: self.__file.read(4) # skip padding if cputype in mdictionary.cputypes: if subtype in mdictionary.cputypes[cputype]: subtype = mdictionary.cputypes[cputype][subtype] else: self.add_abnormality('Unknown SUBTYPE "{}" for CPUTYPE "{}" ' 'at offset "{}".'.format( subtype, cputype, offset + 8)) cputype = mdictionary.cputypes[cputype][-2] else: raise ValueError('Unknown or unsupported CPUTYPE "{}" at offset ' '"{}".'.format(cputype, offset + 4)) if filetype in mdictionary.filetypes: filetype = mdictionary.filetypes[filetype] else: self.add_abnormality('Unknown FILETYPE "{}" at offset ' '"{}".'.format(filetype, offset + 12)) flags = self.parse_macho_flags(flags) self.__macho['cputype'] = cputype self.__macho['subtype'] = subtype self.__macho['filetype'] = filetype self.__macho['nlcs'] = nlcs self.__macho['slcs'] = slcs self.__macho['flags'] = flags # Parse load commands self.parse_lcs(offset, size, nlcs, slcs) lcs = list(map(lambda x: x['cmd'], self.__macho['lcs'])) # Check for symbol and strings tables and parse if present if 'SYMTAB' in lcs: lc_symtab = self.__macho['lcs'][lcs.index('SYMTAB')] self.parse_syms(offset, size, lc_symtab) self.parse_strings(offset, size, lc_symtab) # If symbol and strings tables were parsed, parse imports if 'symtab' in self.__macho and 'strtab' in self.__macho: lc_dysymtab = None lc_dylibs = None # Check for presence of DYSYMTAB load command and, if present, use # it to parse undefined external symbols (imports). Otherwise, find # imports manually. if 'DYSYMTAB' in lcs: lc_dysymtab = self.__macho['lcs'][lcs.index('DYSYMTAB')] self.dysymtab = lc_dysymtab # Check if the static linker used the two-level namespace feature. # If so, pass in the list of dynamic libraries (dylibs) given in # the 'DYLIB' load commands. if 'TWOLEVEL' in self.__macho['flags']: lc_dylibs = list(filter(lambda x: x['cmd'].endswith('DYLIB'), self.__macho['lcs'])) self.parse_imports(offset, size, lc_symtab, lc_dysymtab=lc_dysymtab, lc_dylibs=lc_dylibs) # Check for a code signature and parse if present if 'CODE_SIGNATURE' in lcs: lc_codesig = self.__macho['lcs'][lcs.index('CODE_SIGNATURE')] #self.parse_sig(offset, size, lc_codesig) #self.__macho['strtab'] = None #self.__macho['symtab'] = None self.__macho['imports'] = None return self.__macho def parse_universal(self): """Parses universal binary.""" self.__output['universal'] = { 'machos': [] } # number of mach-o's contained in this binary n_machos = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) for i in range(n_machos): self.__file.read(8) # skip cputype and subtype fields offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) size = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) self.__file.read(4) # skip align field prev = self.__file.tell() self.parse_macho(offset, size) self.__file.seek(prev) self.__output['universal']['machos'].append(self.__macho.copy()) self.__macho.clear() def u_get_offset(self, cpu_type = None, uni_index = None): self.__file.seek(0) # return to beginning of file if self.__file.read(4) != b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe': # Throw a fit logger.critical("Wrong magic for universal binary?") n_machos = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) for i in range(n_machos): self.__file.read(8) # skip cputype and subtype fields offset = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) size = self.get_int(ignore_endian=True) self.__file.read(4) # skip align field # Read the cpu type and subtype in the macho old = self.__file.tell() self.__file.seek(offset) identity = self.identify_file() self.__is_64_bit = identity[0] self.__is_little_endian = identity[1] cputype = self.get_int() # CPU type subtype = self.get_int() # CPU sub-type if cputype in mdictionary.cputypes: if subtype in mdictionary.cputypes[cputype]: subtype = mdictionary.cputypes[cputype][subtype] else: logger.debug("UNKNOWN CPU TYPE: " + str(cputype)) cputype = mdictionary.cputypes[cputype][-2] #print(f"CPU TYPE: {cputype} SUBTYPE: {subtype}") self.__file.seek(old) if i == uni_index or cpu_type == cputype: return offset, size #prev = self.__file.tell() #self.parse_macho(offset, size) #self.__file.seek(prev) #self.__output['universal']['machos'].append(self.__macho.copy()) #self.__macho.clear() def parse_file(self): """Determines characteristics about the entire file and begins to parse. """ contents = self.__file.read() self.__output['size'] = len(contents) self.__output['hashes'] = { 'md5': hashlib.md5(contents).hexdigest(), 'sha1': hashlib.sha1(contents).hexdigest(), 'sha256': hashlib.sha256(contents).hexdigest() } self.__file.seek(0) # return to beginning of file if self.__file.read(4) == b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe': self.parse_universal() else: self.parse_macho(0, self.__output['size']) self.__output['macho'] = self.__macho def parse(self, certs: bool=False, out=None): """Parse Mach-O file at given path, and either return a dict or write output to provided file. """ self.__extract_certs = certs self.parse_file() if out is None: return self.__output dump(self.__output, out) class mdictionary: cert_slots = { -1: 'root', 0: 'leaf' } hashes = { 0: 'No Hash', 1: 'SHA-1', 2: 'SHA-256' } segment_flags = { 1: 'HIGHVM', 2: 'FVMLIB', 4: 'NORELOC', 8: 'PROTECTED_VERSION_1' } n_types = { 0x0: 'UNDF', 0x2: 'ABS', 0xe: 'SECT', 0xc: 'PBUD', 0xa: 'INDR' } machos = { 4277009102: (False, False), # 32 bit, big endian 4277009103: (True, False), # 64 bit, big endian 3472551422: (False, True), # 32 bit, little endian 3489328638: (True, True) # 64 bit, little endian } requirements = { 1: 'HostRequirementType', 2: 'GuestRequirementType', 3: 'DesignatedRequirementType', 4: 'LibraryRequirementType', 5: 'PluginRequirementType', } indeces = { 0: 'CodeDirectorySlot', 1: 'InfoSlot', 2: 'RequirementsSlot', 3: 'ResourceDirSlot', 4: 'ApplicationSlot', 5: 'EntitlementSlot', 0x10000: 'SignatureSlot' } matches = { 0: 'matchExists', 1: 'matchEqual', 2: 'matchContains', 3: 'matchBeginsWith', 4: 'matchEndsWith', 5: 'matchLessThan', 6: 'matchGreaterThan', 7: 'matchLessEqual', 8: 'matchGreaterEqual' } protections = { 0b000: '---', 0b001: 'r--', 0b010: '-w-', 0b011: 'rw-', 0b100: '--x', 0b101: 'r-x', 0b110: '-wx', 0b111: 'rwx' } signatures = { 'REQUIREMENT': 0xfade0c00, 'REQUIREMENTS': 0xfade0c01, 'CODEDIRECTORY': 0xfade0c02, 'ENTITLEMENT': 0xfade7171, 'BLOBWRAPPER': 0xfade0b01, 'EMBEDDED_SIGNATURE': 0xfade0cc0, 'DETACHED_SIGNATURE': 0xfade0cc1, 'CODE_SIGN_DRS': 0xfade0c05 } section_attrs = { 0x80000000: 'PURE_INSTRUCTIONS', 0x40000000: 'NO_TOC', 0x20000000: 'STRIP_STATIC_SYMS', 0x10000000: 'NO_DEAD_STRIP', 0x08000000: 'LIVE_SUPPORT', 0x04000000: 'SELF_MODIFYING_CODE', 0x02000000: 'DEBUG', 0x00000400: 'SOME_INSTRUCTIONS', 0x00000200: 'EXT_RELOC', 0x00000100: 'LOC_RELOC' } filetypes = { 1: 'OBJECT', 2: 'EXECUTE', 3: 'FVMLIB', 4: 'CORE', 5: 'PRELOAD', 6: 'DYLIB', 7: 'DYLINKER', 8: 'BUNDLE', 9: 'DYLIB_STUB', 10: 'DSYM', 11: 'KEXT_BUNDLE' } section_types = { 0x0: 'REGULAR', 0x1: 'ZEROFILL', 0x2: 'CSTRING_LITERALS', 0x3: '4BYTE_LITERALS', 0x4: '8BYTE_LITERALS', 0x5: 'LITERAL_POINTERS', 0x6: 'NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS', 0x7: 'LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS', 0x8: 'SYMBOL_STUBS', 0x9: 'MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS', 0xa: 'MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS', 0xb: 'COALESCED', 0xc: 'GB_ZEROFILL', 0xd: 'INTERPOSING', 0xe: '16BYTE_LITERALS', 0xf: 'DTRACE_DOF', 0x10: 'LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS', 0x11: 'THREAD_LOCAL_REGULAR', 0x12: 'THREAD_LOCAL_ZEROFILL', 0x13: 'THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLES', 0x14: 'THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS', 0x15: 'THREAD_LOCAL_INIT_FUNCTION_POINTERS' } operators = { 0: 'False', 1: 'True', 2: 'Ident', 3: 'AppleAnchor', 4: 'AnchorHash', 5: 'InfoKeyValue', 6: 'And', 7: 'Or', 8: 'CDHash', 9: 'Not', 10: 'InfoKeyField', 11: 'CertField', 12: 'TrustedCert', 13: 'TrustedCerts', 14: 'CertGeneric', 15: 'AppleGenericAnchor', 16: 'EntitlementField', 17: 'CertPolicy', 18: 'NamedAnchor', 19: 'NamedCode', 20: 'Platform' } thread_states = { 1: 'x86_THREAD_STATE32', 2: 'x86_FLOAT_STATE32', 3: 'x86_EXCEPTION_STATE32', 4: 'x86_THREAD_STATE64', 5: 'x86_FLOAT_STATE64', 6: 'x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64', 7: 'x86_THREAD_STATE', 8: 'x86_FLOAT_STATE', 9: 'x86_EXCEPTION_STATE', 10: 'x86_DEBUG_STATE32', 11: 'x86_DEBUG_STATE64', 12: 'x86_DEBUG_STATE', 13: 'THREAD_STATE_NONE', 14: 'x86_SAVED_STATE_1 (INTERNAL ONLY)', 15: 'x86_SAVED_STATE_2 (INTERNAL ONLY)', 16: 'x86_AVX_STATE32', 17: 'x86_AVX_STATE64', 18: 'x86_AVX_STATE' } flags = { 1: 'NOUNDEFS', 2: 'INCRLINK', 4: 'DYLDLINK', 8: 'BINDATLOAD', 16: 'PREBOUND', 32: 'SPLIT_SEGS', 64: 'LAZY_INIT', 128: 'TWOLEVEL', 256: 'FORCE_FLAT', 512: 'NOMULTIDEFS', 1024: 'NOFIXPREBINDING', 2048: 'PREBINDABLE', 4096: 'ALLMODSBOUND', 8192: 'SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS', 16384: 'CANONICAL', 32768: 'WEAK_DEFINES', 65536: 'BINDS_TO_WEAK', 131072: 'ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION', 262144: 'ROOT_SAFE', 524288: 'SETUID_SAFE', 1048576: 'NOREEXPORTED_DYLIBS', 2097152: 'PIE', 4194304: 'DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB', 8388608: 'HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS', 16777216: 'NO_HEAP_EXECUTION', 33554432: 'APP_EXTENSION_SAFE' } stabs = { 0x20: 'GSYM', 0x22: 'FNAME', 0x24: 'FUN', 0x26: 'STSYM', 0x28: 'LCSYM', 0x2a: 'MAIN', 0x2e: 'BNSYM', 0x30: 'PC', 0x32: 'AST', 0x3a: 'MAC_UNDEF', 0x3c: 'OPT', 0x40: 'RSYM', 0x44: 'SLINE', 0x46: 'DSLINE', 0x48: 'BSLINE', 0x4e: 'ENSYM', 0x60: 'SSYM', 0x64: 'SO', 0x66: 'OSO', 0x80: 'LSYM', 0x82: 'BINCL', 0x84: 'SOL', 0x86: 'PARAMS', 0x88: 'VERSION', 0x8a: 'OLEVEL', 0xa0: 'PSYM', 0xa2: 'EINCL', 0xa4: 'ENTRY', 0xc0: 'LBRAC', 0xc2: 'EXCL', 0xe0: 'RBRAC', 0xe2: 'BCOMM', 0xe4: 'ECOMM', 0xe8: 'ECOML', 0xfe: 'LENG' } loadcommands = { 1: 'SEGMENT', 2: 'SYMTAB', 3: 'SYMSEG', 4: 'THREAD', 5: 'UNIXTHREAD', 6: 'LOADFVMLIB', 7: 'IDFVMLIB', 8: 'IDENT', 9: 'FVMFILE', 10: 'PREPAGE', 11: 'DYSYMTAB', 12: 'LOAD_DYLIB', 13: 'ID_DYLIB', 14: 'LOAD_DYLINKER', 15: 'ID_DYLINKER', 16: 'PREBOUND_DYLIB', 17: 'ROUTINES', 18: 'SUB_FRAMEWORK', 19: 'SUB_UMBRELLA', 20: 'SUB_CLIENT', 21: 'SUB_LIBRARY', 22: 'TWOLEVEL_HINTS', 23: 'PREBIND_CKSUM', 25: 'SEGMENT_64', 26: 'ROUTINES_64', 27: 'UUID', 29: 'CODE_SIGNATURE', 30: 'SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO', 32: 'LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB', 33: 'ENCRYPTION_INFO', 34: 'DYLD_INFO', 36: 'VERSION_MIN_MACOSX', 37: 'VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS', 38: 'FUNCTION_STARTS', 39: 'DYLD_ENVIRONMENT', 41: 'DATA_IN_CODE', 42: 'SOURCE_VERSION', 43: 'DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS', 44: 'ENCRYPTION_INFO_64', 45: 'LINKER_OPTION', 46: 'LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT', 47: 'VERSION_MIN_TVOS', 48: 'VERSION_MIN_WATCHOS', 49: 'NOTE', 50: 'BUILD_VERSION', 2147483672: 'LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB', 2147483676: 'RPATH', 2147483679: 'REEXPORT_DYLIB', 2147483682: 'DYLD_INFO_ONLY', 2147483683: 'LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB', 2147483688: 'MAIN', } # CPU Types & Subtypes as defined in # http://opensource.apple.com/source/cctools/cctools-822/include/mach/machine.h cputypes = { -1: { -2: 'ANY', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'LITTLE_ENDIAN', 1: 'BIG_ENDIAN' }, 1: { -2: 'VAX', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'VAX_ALL', 1: 'VAX780', 2: 'VAX785', 3: 'VAX750', 4: 'VAX730', 5: 'UVAXI', 6: 'UVAXII', 7: 'VAX8200', 8: 'VAX8500', 9: 'VAX8600', 10: 'VAX8650', 11: 'VAX8800', 12: 'UVAXIII' }, 6: { -2: 'MC680x0', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 1: 'MC680x0_ALL or MC68030', 2: 'MC68040', 3: 'MC68030_ONLY' }, 7: {-2: 'X86 (I386)', -1: 'MULITPLE', 0: 'INTEL_MODEL_ALL', 3: 'X86_ALL, X86_64_ALL, I386_ALL, or 386', 4: 'X86_ARCH1 or 486', 5: '586 or PENT', 8: 'X86_64_H or PENTIUM_3', 9: 'PENTIUM_M', 10: 'PENTIUM_4', 11: 'ITANIUM', 12: 'XEON', 15: 'INTEL_FAMILY_MAX', 22: 'PENTPRO', 24: 'PENTIUM_3_M', 26: 'PENTIUM_4_M', 27: 'ITANIUM_2', 28: 'XEON_MP', 40: 'PENTIUM_3_XEON', 54: 'PENTII_M3', 86: 'PENTII_M5', 103: 'CELERON', 119: 'CELERON_MOBILE', 132: '486SX' }, 10: { -2: 'MC98000', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'MC98000_ALL', 1: 'MC98601' }, 11: { -2: 'HPPA', -1: 'MULITPLE', 0: 'HPPA_ALL or HPPA_7100', 1: 'HPPA_7100LC' }, 12: { -2: 'ARM', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'ARM_ALL', 1: 'ARM_A500_ARCH', 2: 'ARM_A500', 3: 'ARM_A440', 4: 'ARM_M4', 5: 'ARM_V4T', 6: 'ARM_V6', 7: 'ARM_V5TEJ', 8: 'ARM_XSCALE', 9: 'ARM_V7', 10: 'ARM_V7F', 11: 'ARM_V7S', 12: 'ARM_V7K', 13: 'ARM_V8', 14: 'ARM_V6M', 15: 'ARM_V7M', 16: 'ARM_V7EM' }, 13: { -2: 'MC88000', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'MC88000_ALL', 1: 'MMAX_JPC or MC88100', 2: 'MC88110' }, 14: { -2: 'SPARC', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'SPARC_ALL or SUN4_ALL', 1: 'SUN4_260', 2: 'SUN4_110' }, 15: { -2: 'I860 (big-endian)', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'I860_ALL', 1: 'I860_860' }, 18: { -2: 'POWERPC', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'POWERPC_ALL', 1: 'POWERPC_601', 2: 'POWERPC_602', 3: 'POWERPC_603', 4: 'POWERPC_603e', 5: 'POWERPC_603ev', 6: 'POWERPC_604', 7: 'POWERPC_604e', 8: 'POWERPC_620', 9: 'POWERPC_750', 10: 'POWERPC_7400', 11: 'POWERPC_7450', 100: 'POWERPC_970' }, 16777223: { -2: 'X86_64', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'INTEL_MODEL_ALL', 3: 'X86_ALL, X86_64_ALL, I386_ALL, or 386', 4: 'X86_ARCH1 or 486', 5: '586 or PENT', 8: 'X86_64_H or PENTIUM_3', 9: 'PENTIUM_M', 10: 'PENTIUM_4', 11: 'ITANIUM', 12: 'XEON', 15: 'INTEL_FAMILY_MAX', 22: 'PENTPRO', 24: 'PENTIUM_3_M', 26: 'PENTIUM_4_M', 27: 'ITANIUM_2', 28: 'XEON_MP', 40: 'PENTIUM_3_XEON', 54: 'PENTII_M3', 86: 'PENTII_M5', 103: 'CELERON', 119: 'CELERON_MOBILE', 132: '486SX', 2147483648 + 0: 'INTEL_MODEL_ALL', 2147483648 + 3: 'X86_ALL, X86_64_ALL, I386_ALL, or 386', 2147483648 + 4: 'X86_ARCH1 or 486', 2147483648 + 5: '586 or PENT', 2147483648 + 8: 'X86_64_H or PENTIUM_3', 2147483648 + 9: 'PENTIUM_M', 2147483648 + 10: 'PENTIUM_4', 2147483648 + 11: 'ITANIUM', 2147483648 + 12: 'XEON', 2147483648 + 15: 'INTEL_FAMILY_MAX', 2147483648 + 22: 'PENTPRO', 2147483648 + 24: 'PENTIUM_3_M', 2147483648 + 26: 'PENTIUM_4_M', 2147483648 + 27: 'ITANIUM_2', 2147483648 + 28: 'XEON_MP', 2147483648 + 40: 'PENTIUM_3_XEON', 2147483648 + 54: 'PENTII_M3', 2147483648 + 86: 'PENTII_M5', 2147483648 + 103: 'CELERON', 2147483648 + 119: 'CELERON_MOBILE', 2147483648 + 132: '486SX' }, 16777228: { -2: 'ARM64', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'ARM64_ALL', 1: 'ARM64_V8', 2147483648 + 0: 'ARM64_ALL', 2147483648 + 1: 'ARM64_V8' }, 16777234: { -2: 'POWERPC64', -1: 'MULTIPLE', 0: 'POWERPC_ALL', 1: 'POWERPC_601', 2: 'POWERPC_602', 3: 'POWERPC_603', 4: 'POWERPC_603e', 5: 'POWERPC_603ev', 6: 'POWERPC_604', 7: 'POWERPC_604e', 8: 'POWERPC_620', 9: 'POWERPC_750', 10: 'POWERPC_7400', 11: 'POWERPC_7450', 100: 'POWERPC_970', 2147483648 + 0: 'POWERPC_ALL (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 1: 'POWERPC_601 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 2: 'POWERPC_602 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 3: 'POWERPC_603 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 4: 'POWERPC_603e (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 5: 'POWERPC_603ev (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 6: 'POWERPC_604 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 7: 'POWERPC_604e (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 8: 'POWERPC_620 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 9: 'POWERPC_750 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 10: 'POWERPC_7400 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 11: 'POWERPC_7450 (LIB64)', 2147483648 + 100: 'POWERPC_970 (LIB64)' } }