import json from base64 import b64encode from getpass import getpass from base64 import b64decode import apns import ids import logging from rich.logging import RichHandler FORMAT = "%(message)s" logging.basicConfig( level="NOTSET", format=FORMAT, datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()] ) # Set sane log levels logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("jelly").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("nac").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("apns").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("albert").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("ids").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("bags").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def input_multiline(prompt): print(prompt) lines = [] while True: line = input() if line == "": break lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) # Try and load config.json try: with open("config.json", "r") as f: CONFIG = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: CONFIG = {} def convert_config(old): new = {} new["id"] = { "key": old["key"], "cert": old["ids_cert"], } new["auth"] = { "key": old["key"], "cert": old["auth_cert"], "user_id": old["user_id"], "handles": [ "", ] #"handles": old["handles"], } new["push"] = { "token": old["push"]["token"], "key": old["push"]["key"], "cert": old["push"]["cert"], } return new # Uncomment this to change from an old config.json to a new one #CONFIG = convert_config(CONFIG) conn = apns.APNSConnection( CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("key"), CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("cert") ) def safe_b64decode(s): try: return b64decode(s) except: return None conn.connect(token=safe_b64decode(CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("token"))) conn.set_state(1) conn.filter([""]) #print(b64encode(conn.token).decode()) user = ids.IDSUser(conn) if CONFIG.get("auth", {}).get("cert") is not None: auth_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["auth"]["key"], CONFIG["auth"]["cert"]) user_id = CONFIG["auth"]["user_id"] handles = CONFIG["auth"]["handles"] user.restore_authentication(auth_keypair, user_id, handles) else: username = input("Username: ") password = getpass("Password: ") user.authenticate(username, password) # Generate a new RSA keypair for the identity from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key # Load the old keypair if it exists if CONFIG.get("encrypt") is not None: priv_enc = load_pem_private_key(CONFIG["encrypt"].encode(), password=None) else: priv_enc = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=1280) pub_enc = priv_enc.public_key() if CONFIG.get("id", {}).get("cert") is not None: id_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["id"]["key"], CONFIG["id"]["cert"]) user.restore_identity(id_keypair) else: #vd = input_multiline("Enter validation data: ") import emulated.nac vd = emulated.nac.generate_validation_data() vd = b64encode(vd).decode() from ids.keydec import IdentityKeys published_keys = IdentityKeys(None, pub_enc) user.register(vd, published_keys)"Looked up, got response: {user.lookup([''])}") #"Enter a username to look up, for example:") # while True: # # Read a line from stdin # line = input("> ") # if line == "": # break # # Look up the username # resp = user.lookup([line]) #"Looked up {line}, got response: {user.lookup([line])}") # info = resp[line] # identities = info["identities"] #"Identities: {len(identities)}") # for identity in identities: #"Identity: [yellow]{b64encode(identity['push-token']).decode()}[/] ({len(identity)} properties)", extra={"markup": True}) # if len(identity) > 5: # logging.warning(identity) logging.debug(user.lookup(["", ""])) # resp = user.lookup([""]) # info = resp[""] # identities = info["identities"] # for identity in identities: #"Identity: [yellow]{b64encode(identity['push-token']).decode()}[/] ({len(identity)} properties)", extra={"markup": True}) # if "client-data" in identity: # logging.warning(identity["client-data"])"Waiting for incomming messages...") # Create a thread to send keepalive messages import threading import time def keepalive(): while True: time.sleep(5) conn.keep_alive() threading.Thread(target=keepalive, daemon=True).start() # while True: # # # Wait for a message # # # def check_response(x): # # # if x[0] != 0x0A: # # # return False # # # resp_body = apns._get_field(x[1], 3) # # # if resp_body is None: # # # return False # # # resp_body = apns._get_field(x[1], 3) # # # if resp_body is None: # # # return False # # # resp_body = plistlib.loads(resp_body) # # # return resp_body.get('U') == msg_id # pass # Write config.json CONFIG["id"] = { "key": user._id_keypair.key, "cert": user._id_keypair.cert, } CONFIG["auth"] = { "key": user._auth_keypair.key, "cert": user._auth_keypair.cert, "user_id": user.user_id, "handles": user.handles, } CONFIG["push"] = { "token": b64encode(user.push_connection.token).decode(), "key": user.push_connection.private_key, "cert": user.push_connection.cert, } from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization CONFIG["encrypt"] = priv_enc.private_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption()).decode("utf-8").strip() with open("config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(CONFIG, f, indent=4) def decrypt(payload): import gzip #print(payload[1:3]) length = int.from_bytes(payload[1:3], "big") #print("Length", length) payload = payload[3:length+3] #print("Decrypting payload", payload) from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes decrypted1 = priv_enc.decrypt(payload[:160], padding.OAEP( mgf=padding.MGF1(algorithm=hashes.SHA1()), algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), label=None )) from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(decrypted1[:16]), modes.CTR(b'\x00'*15 + b'\x01')) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() pt = decryptor.update(decrypted1[16:] + payload[160:]) #print(pt) pt = gzip.decompress(pt) payload = plistlib.loads(pt)"Got payload: {payload}") import plistlib while True: def check_response(x): if x[0] != 0x0A: return False resp_body = apns._get_field(x[1], 3) if resp_body is None: return False resp_body = plistlib.loads(resp_body) if "P" not in resp_body: return False return True payload = conn.incoming_queue.wait_pop_find(check_response) resp_body = apns._get_field(payload[1], 3) resp_body = plistlib.loads(resp_body)"Got response: {resp_body}") payload = resp_body["P"] decrypt(payload)