#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail err() { echo -e "\e[31m[!]\e[0m ${1}" 1>&2 } inf() { echo -e "\e[34m[*]\e[0m ${1}" } leave() { [ -f /etc/hosts.bak ] && { inf "Fixing /etc/hosts..." && sudo mv /etc/hosts.bak /etc/hosts; } [ -z ${lldb_pid+x} ] || { inf "Killing attached lldb..." && { sudo kill "$lldb_pid" 2>/dev/null || :; }; } [ -z ${mitm_pid+x} ] || { inf "Killing mitmweb..." && { kill "$mitm_pid" 2>/dev/null || :; }; } [ -z ${proxy_pid+x} ] || { inf "Killing proxy..." && { kill "$proxy_pid" 2>/dev/null || :; }; } cd "$old_dir" || : exit 0 } [[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]] && { err "This can only be run on macOS" && exit 1; } old_dir="$(pwd)" root_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" full_dir="$root_dir" [[ "$old_dir" == "$root_dir" ]] && root_dir="." trap 'leave' INT ERR proxy_dir="${root_dir}" inf "Setting up \e[1mhosts.proxy\e[0;34m..." hosts_proxy="${proxy_dir}/hosts.proxy" cat /etc/hosts > "$hosts_proxy" python3 "${proxy_dir}/hosts.py" >> "$hosts_proxy" echo -e "\e[32m[?]\e[0;1m ${hosts_proxy}\e[0m must be copied over to /etc/hosts. Would you like us to do that for you? [y/n]" read -rn1 answer if [[ "${answer,,}" == "y" ]] then inf "Backing up /etc/hosts to /etc/hosts.bak and copying ${hosts_proxy} to /etc/hosts" sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak sudo cp "$hosts_proxy" /etc/hosts fi lldb_commands="${proxy_dir}/lldb_commands.txt" cat << EOF > "$lldb_commands" breakpoint set -n "SecTrustEvaluateWithError" -C "thread return 1" -C "c" c EOF inf "Attaching to lldb..." env TERM=xterm-256color sudo lldb -p $(pgrep apsd) -s "$lldb_commands" >/dev/null & lldb_pid=$! cat << EOF > "${proxy_dir}/imessage_proxy.pac" // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_auto-config for reference function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { // to redirect apns tcp traffic if (shExpMatch(host, '*-courier.push.apple.com')) { // this should redirect it to mitmproxy if it's running. // should fail to respond, it should just forward it return 'PROXY; DIRECT'; } // to redirect ids stuff if (shExpMatch(host, '*ess.apple.com')) { return 'PROXY; DIRECT'; } // for everything else, just forward it return 'DIRECT' } EOF inf "Setting up proxy auto-config..." networksetup -setautoproxyurl Wi-Fi "file://${full_dir}/imessage_proxy.pac" inf "Starting up mitmweb..." mitmweb & mitm_pid=$! inf "Running apns proxy..." python3 "${proxy_dir}/proxy.py" & proxy_pid=$! # need to give the proxy a second to start up or it yells at us sleep 1 inf "Restarting wifi to force apsd to reconnect..." networksetup -setairportpower en0 off networksetup -setairportpower en0 on while true; do read -rn1 _; done