import json import logging import os import threading import time from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from getpass import getpass from rich.logging import RichHandler import apns import ids import imessage logging.basicConfig( level=logging.NOTSET, format="%(message)s", datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()] ) # Set sane log levels logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("py.warnings").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Ignore warnings from urllib3 logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("jelly").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("nac").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("apns").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("albert").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("ids").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("bags").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("imessage").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.captureWarnings(True) # Try and load config.json try: with open("config.json", "r") as f: CONFIG = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: CONFIG = {} conn = apns.APNSConnection( CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("key"), CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("cert") ) def safe_b64decode(s): try: return b64decode(s) except: return None conn.connect(token=safe_b64decode(CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("token"))) conn.set_state(1) conn.filter(["", ""]) user = ids.IDSUser(conn) if CONFIG.get("auth", {}).get("cert") is not None: auth_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["auth"]["key"], CONFIG["auth"]["cert"]) user_id = CONFIG["auth"]["user_id"] handles = CONFIG["auth"]["handles"] user.restore_authentication(auth_keypair, user_id, handles) else: username = input("Username: ") password = getpass("Password: ") user.authenticate(username, password) user.encryption_identity = ids.identity.IDSIdentity( encryption_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("rsa_key"), signing_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("ec_key"), ) if ( CONFIG.get("id", {}).get("cert") is not None and user.encryption_identity is not None ): id_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["id"]["key"], CONFIG["id"]["cert"]) user.restore_identity(id_keypair) else:"Registering new identity...") import emulated.nac vd = emulated.nac.generate_validation_data() vd = b64encode(vd).decode() user.register(vd)"Waiting for incoming messages...") # Write config.json CONFIG["encryption"] = { "rsa_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key, "ec_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key, } CONFIG["id"] = { "key": user._id_keypair.key, "cert": user._id_keypair.cert, } CONFIG["auth"] = { "key": user._auth_keypair.key, "cert": user._auth_keypair.cert, "user_id": user.user_id, "handles": user.handles, } CONFIG["push"] = { "token": b64encode(user.push_connection.token).decode(), "key": user.push_connection.private_key, "cert": user.push_connection.cert, } with open("config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(CONFIG, f, indent=4) im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, user) INPUT_QUEUE = apns.IncomingQueue() def input_thread(): from prompt_toolkit import prompt while True: try: msg = prompt('>> ') except: msg = 'quit' INPUT_QUEUE.append(msg) threading.Thread(target=input_thread, daemon=True).start() print("Type 'help' for help") def fixup_handle(handle): if handle.startswith('tel:+'): return handle elif handle.startswith('mailto:'): return handle elif handle.startswith('tel:'): return 'tel:+' + handle[4:] elif handle.startswith('+'): return 'tel:' + handle # If the handle starts with a number elif handle[0].isdigit(): # If the handle is 10 digits, assume it's a US number if len(handle) == 10: return 'tel:+1' + handle # If the handle is 11 digits, assume it's a US number with country code elif len(handle) == 11: return 'tel:+' + handle else: # Assume it's an email return 'mailto:' + handle current_participants = [] current_effect = None while True: msg = im.receive() if msg is not None: # print(f'[{msg.sender}] {msg.text}') print(msg.to_string()) attachments = msg.attachments() if len(attachments) > 0: attachments_path = f"attachments/{}/" os.makedirs(attachments_path, exist_ok=True) for attachment in attachments: with open(attachments_path +, "wb") as attachment_file: attachment_file.write(attachment.versions[0].data()) print(f"({len(attachments)} attachment{'s have' if len(attachments) != 1 else ' has'} been downloaded and put " f"in {attachments_path})") if len(INPUT_QUEUE) > 0: msg = INPUT_QUEUE.pop() if msg == '': continue if msg == 'help' or msg == 'h': print('help (h): show this message') print('quit (q): quit') #print('send (s) [recipient] [message]: send a message') print('filter (f) [recipient]: set the current chat') print('effect (e): adds an iMessage effect to the next sent message') print('note: recipient must start with tel: or mailto: and include the country code') print('handle : set the current handle (for sending messages)') print('\\: escape commands (will be removed from message)') elif msg == 'quit' or msg == 'q': break elif msg == 'effect' or msg == 'e' or msg.startswith("effect ") or msg.startswith("e "): msg = msg.split(" ") if len(msg) < 2 or msg[1] == "": print("effect [effect namespace]") else: print(f"next message will be sent with [{msg[1]}]") current_effect = msg[1] elif msg == 'filter' or msg == 'f' or msg.startswith('filter ') or msg.startswith('f '): # Set the curernt chat msg = msg.split(' ') if len(msg) < 2 or msg[1] == '': print('filter [recipients]') else: print(f'Filtering to {[fixup_handle(h) for h in msg[1:]]}') current_participants = [fixup_handle(h) for h in msg[1:]] elif msg == 'handle' or msg.startswith('handle '): msg = msg.split(' ') if len(msg) < 2 or msg[1] == '': print('handle [handle]') print('Available handles:') for h in user.handles: if h == user.current_handle: print(f'\t{h} (current)') else: print(f'\t{h}') else: h = msg[1] h = fixup_handle(h) if h in user.handles: print(f'Using {h} as handle') user.current_handle = h else: print(f'Handle {h} not found') elif current_participants != []: if msg.startswith('\\'): msg = msg[1:] im.send(imessage.iMessage( text=msg, participants=current_participants, sender=user.current_handle, effect=current_effect )) current_effect = None else: print('No chat selected, use help for help') time.sleep(0.1) # elif msg.startswith('send') or msg.startswith('s'): # msg = msg.split(' ') # if len(msg) < 3: # print('send [recipient] [message]') # else: # im.send(imessage.iMessage( # text=' '.join(msg[2:]), # participants=[msg[1], user.handles[0]], # #sender=user.handles[0] # ))