# LOW LEVEL imessage function, decryption etc # Don't handle APNS etc, accept it already setup ## HAVE ANOTHER FILE TO SETUP EVERYTHING AUTOMATICALLY, etc # JSON parsing of keys, don't pass around strs?? import base64 import gzip import logging import plistlib import random import uuid from dataclasses import dataclass, field from hashlib import sha1, sha256 from io import BytesIO from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from xml.etree import ElementTree import apns import ids logger = logging.getLogger("imessage") NORMAL_NONCE = b"\x00" * 15 + b"\x01" # This is always used as the AES nonce class BalloonBody: """Represents the special parts of message extensions etc.""" def __init__(self, type: str, data: bytes): self.type = type self.data = data # TODO : Register handlers based on type id class AttachmentFile: def data(self) -> bytes: raise NotImplementedError() @dataclass class MMCSFile(AttachmentFile): url: str | None = None size: int | None = None owner: str | None = None signature: bytes | None = None decryption_key: bytes | None = None def data(self) -> bytes: import requests logger.info( requests.get( url=self.url, headers={ "User-Agent": f"IMTransferAgent/900 CFNetwork/596.2.3 Darwin/12.2.0 (x86_64) (Macmini5,1)", # "MMCS-Url": self.url, # "MMCS-Signature": str(base64.encodebytes(self.signature)), # "MMCS-Owner": self.owner }, ).headers ) return b"" @dataclass class InlineFile(AttachmentFile): _data: bytes def data(self) -> bytes: return self._data @dataclass class Attachment: name: str mime_type: str versions: list[AttachmentFile] def __init__(self, message_raw_content: dict, xml_element: ElementTree.Element): attrib = xml_element.attrib self.name = attrib["name"] if "name" in attrib else None self.mime_type = attrib["mime-type"] if "mime-type" in attrib else None if "inline-attachment" in attrib: # just grab the inline attachment ! self.versions = [ InlineFile(message_raw_content[attrib["inline-attachment"]]) ] else: # suffer versions = [InlineFile(b"")] print(attrib) # for attribute in attrs: # if attribute.startswith("mmcs") or \ # attribute.startswith("decryption-key") or \ # attribute.startswith("file-size"): # segments = attribute.split('-') # if segments[-1].isnumeric(): # index = int(segments[-1]) # attribute_name = segments[:-1] # else: # index = 0 # attribute_name = attribute # while index >= len(versions): # versions.append(MMCSFile()) # val = attrs[attribute_name] # match attribute_name: # case "mmcs-url": # versions[index].url = val # case "mmcs-owner": # versions[index].owner = val # case "mmcs-signature-hex": # versions[index].signature = base64.b16decode(val) # case "file-size": # versions[index].size = int(val) # case "decryption-key": # versions[index].decryption_key = base64.b16decode(val)[1:] self.versions = versions def __repr__(self): return f'' class Message: def __init__(self, text: str, sender: str, participants: list[str], id: uuid.UUID, _raw: dict, _compressed: bool = True): self.text = text self.sender = sender self.id = id self._raw = _raw self._compressed = _compressed def from_raw(message: bytes, sender: str | None = None) -> "Message": """Create a `Message` from raw message bytes""" raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(): raise NotImplementedError() class SMSReflectedMessage(Message): def from_raw(message: bytes, sender: str | None = None) -> "SMSReflectedMessage": """Create a `SMSIncomingMessage` from raw message bytes""" # Decompress the message try: message = gzip.decompress(message) compressed = True except: compressed = False message = plistlib.loads(message) return SMSReflectedMessage( text=message["mD"]["plain-body"], sender=sender, participants=[re["id"] for re in message["re"]] + [sender], id=uuid.UUID(message["mD"]["guid"]), _raw=message, _compressed=compressed, ) def __str__(self): return f"[SMS {self.sender}] '{self.text}'" class SMSIncomingMessage(Message): def from_raw(message: bytes, sender: str | None = None) -> "SMSIncomingMessage": """Create a `SMSIncomingMessage` from raw message bytes""" # Decompress the message try: message = gzip.decompress(message) compressed = True except: compressed = False message = plistlib.loads(message) logger.debug(f"Decompressed message : {message}") return SMSIncomingMessage( text=message["k"][0]["data"].decode(), sender=message["h"], # Don't use sender parameter, that is the phone that forwarded the message participants=[message["h"], message["co"]], id=uuid.UUID(message["g"]), _raw=message, _compressed=compressed, ) def __str__(self): return f"[SMS {self.sender}] '{self.text}'" class iMessage(Message): def from_raw(message: bytes, sender: str | None = None) -> "iMessage": """Create a `iMessage` from raw message bytes""" # Decompress the message try: message = gzip.decompress(message) compressed = True except: compressed = False message = plistlib.loads(message) return iMessage( text=message["t"], participants=message["p"], sender=sender, id=uuid.UUID(message["r"]), _raw=message, _compressed=compressed, ) def __str__(self): return f"[iMessage {self.sender}] '{self.text}'" @dataclass class OldiMessage: """Represents an iMessage""" text: str = "" """Plain text of message, always required, may be an empty string""" xml: str | None = None """XML portion of message, may be None""" participants: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) """List of participants in the message, including the sender""" sender: str | None = None """Sender of the message""" id: uuid.UUID | None = None """ID of the message, will be randomly generated if not provided""" group_id: uuid.UUID | None = None """Group ID of the message, will be randomly generated if not provided""" body: BalloonBody | None = None """BalloonBody, may be None""" effect: str | None = None """iMessage effect sent with this message, may be None""" _compressed: bool = True """Internal property representing whether the message should be compressed""" _raw: dict | None = None """Internal property representing the original raw message, may be None""" def attachments(self) -> list[Attachment]: if self.xml is not None: return [ Attachment(self._raw, elem) for elem in ElementTree.fromstring(self.xml)[0] if elem.tag == "FILE" ] else: return [] def sanity_check(self): """Corrects any missing fields""" if self.id is None: self.id = uuid.uuid4() if self.group_id is None: self.group_id = uuid.uuid4() if self.sender is None: if len(self.participants) > 1: self.sender = self.participants[-1] else: logger.warning( "Message has no sender, and only one participant, sanity check failed" ) return False if self.sender not in self.participants: self.participants.append(self.sender) if self.xml != None: self._compressed = False # XML is never compressed for some reason return True def from_raw(message: bytes, sender: str | None = None) -> "OldiMessage": """Create an `iMessage` from raw message bytes""" compressed = False try: message = gzip.decompress(message) compressed = True except: pass message = plistlib.loads(message) logger.debug(f"Decompressed message : {message}") try: return OldiMessage( text=message[ "t" ], # Cause it to "fail to parse" if there isn't any good text to display, temp hack xml=message.get("x"), participants=message.get("p", []), sender=sender if sender is not None else message.get("p", [])[-1] if "p" in message else None, id=uuid.UUID(message.get("r")) if "r" in message else None, group_id=uuid.UUID(message.get("gid")) if "gid" in message else None, body=BalloonBody(message["bid"], message["b"]) if "bid" in message and "b" in message else None, effect=message["iid"] if "iid" in message else None, _compressed=compressed, _raw=message, ) except: #import json dmp = str(message) return OldiMessage(text=f"failed to parse: {dmp}", _raw=message) def to_raw(self) -> bytes: """Convert an `iMessage` to raw message bytes""" if not self.sanity_check(): raise ValueError("Message failed sanity check") d = { "t": self.text, "x": self.xml, "p": self.participants, "r": str(self.id).upper(), "gid": str(self.group_id).upper(), "pv": 0, "gv": "8", "v": "1", "iid": self.effect, } # Remove keys that are None d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not None} # Serialize as a plist d = plistlib.dumps(d, fmt=plistlib.FMT_BINARY) # Compression if self._compressed: d = gzip.compress(d, mtime=0) return d def to_string(self) -> str: message_str = f"[{self.sender}] '{self.text}'" if self.effect is not None: message_str += f" with effect [{self.effect}]" return message_str class iMessageUser: """Represents a logged in and connected iMessage user. This abstraction should probably be reworked into IDS some time...""" def __init__(self, connection: apns.APNSConnection, user: ids.IDSUser): self.connection = connection self.user = user def _parse_payload(payload: bytes) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]: payload = BytesIO(payload) tag = payload.read(1) # print("TAG", tag) body_length = int.from_bytes(payload.read(2), "big") body = payload.read(body_length) signature_len = payload.read(1)[0] signature = payload.read(signature_len) return (body, signature) def _construct_payload(body: bytes, signature: bytes) -> bytes: payload = ( b"\x02" + len(body).to_bytes(2, "big") + body + len(signature).to_bytes(1, "big") + signature ) return payload def _hash_identity(id: bytes) -> bytes: iden = ids.identity.IDSIdentity.decode(id) # TODO: Combine this with serialization code in ids.identity output = BytesIO() output.write(b"\x00\x41\x04") output.write( ids._helpers.parse_key(iden.signing_public_key) .public_numbers() .x.to_bytes(32, "big") ) output.write( ids._helpers.parse_key(iden.signing_public_key) .public_numbers() .y.to_bytes(32, "big") ) output.write(b"\x00\xAC") output.write(b"\x30\x81\xA9") output.write(b"\x02\x81\xA1") output.write( ids._helpers.parse_key(iden.encryption_public_key) .public_numbers() .n.to_bytes(161, "big") ) output.write(b"\x02\x03\x01\x00\x01") return sha256(output.getvalue()).digest() def _encrypt_sign_payload( self, key: ids.identity.IDSIdentity, message: bytes ) -> bytes: # Generate a random AES key random_seed = random.randbytes(11) # Create the HMAC import hmac hm = hmac.new( random_seed, message + b"\x02" + iMessageUser._hash_identity(self.user.encryption_identity.encode()) + iMessageUser._hash_identity(key.encode()), sha256, ).digest() aes_key = random_seed + hm[:5] # print(len(aes_key)) # Encrypt the message with the AES key cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(aes_key), modes.CTR(NORMAL_NONCE)) encrypted = cipher.encryptor().update(message) # Encrypt the AES key with the public key of the recipient recipient_key = ids._helpers.parse_key(key.encryption_public_key) rsa_body = recipient_key.encrypt( aes_key + encrypted[:100], padding.OAEP( mgf=padding.MGF1(algorithm=hashes.SHA1()), algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), label=None, ), ) # Construct the payload body = rsa_body + encrypted[100:] sig = ids._helpers.parse_key(self.user.encryption_identity.signing_key).sign( body, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA1()) ) payload = iMessageUser._construct_payload(body, sig) return payload def _decrypt_payload(self, payload: bytes) -> dict: payload = iMessageUser._parse_payload(payload) body = BytesIO(payload[0]) rsa_body = ids._helpers.parse_key( self.user.encryption_identity.encryption_key ).decrypt( body.read(160), padding.OAEP( mgf=padding.MGF1(algorithm=hashes.SHA1()), algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), label=None, ), ) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(rsa_body[:16]), modes.CTR(NORMAL_NONCE)) decrypted = cipher.decryptor().update(rsa_body[16:] + body.read()) return decrypted def _verify_payload(self, payload: bytes, sender: str, sender_token: str) -> bool: # Get the public key for the sender self._cache_keys([sender], "com.apple.madrid") if not sender_token in self.KEY_CACHE: logger.warning("Unable to find the public key of the sender, cannot verify") return False identity_keys = ids.identity.IDSIdentity.decode( self.KEY_CACHE[sender_token]["com.apple.madrid"][0] ) sender_ec_key = ids._helpers.parse_key(identity_keys.signing_public_key) payload = iMessageUser._parse_payload(payload) try: # Verify the signature (will throw an exception if it fails) sender_ec_key.verify( payload[1], payload[0], ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA1()), ) return True except: return False def receive(self) -> Message | None: """ Will return the next iMessage in the queue, or None if there are no messages """ # Check for iMessages body = self._receive_raw(100, "com.apple.madrid") t = iMessage if body is None: # Check for SMS messages body = self._receive_raw(143, "com.apple.private.alloy.sms") t = SMSReflectedMessage if body is None: # Check for SMS incoming messages body = self._receive_raw(140, "com.apple.private.alloy.sms") t = SMSIncomingMessage if body is None: return None if not self._verify_payload(body["P"], body["sP"], body["t"]): raise Exception("Failed to verify payload") logger.debug(f"Encrypted body : {body}") decrypted = self._decrypt_payload(body["P"]) return t.from_raw(decrypted, body["sP"]) KEY_CACHE_HANDLE: str = "" KEY_CACHE: dict[bytes, dict[str, tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = {} """Mapping of push token : topic : (public key, session token)""" USER_CACHE: dict[str, list[bytes]] = {} """Mapping of handle : [push tokens]""" def _cache_keys(self, participants: list[str], topic: str): # Clear the cache if the handle has changed if self.KEY_CACHE_HANDLE != self.user.current_handle: self.KEY_CACHE_HANDLE = self.user.current_handle self.KEY_CACHE = {} self.USER_CACHE = {} # Check to see if we have cached the keys for all of the participants if all([p in self.USER_CACHE for p in participants]): return # Look up the public keys for the participants, and cache a token : public key mapping lookup = self.user.lookup(participants, topic=topic) logger.debug(f"Lookup response : {lookup}") for key, participant in lookup.items(): if len(participant["identities"]) == 0: logger.warning(f"Participant {key} has no identities, this is probably not a real account") for key, participant in lookup.items(): if not key in self.USER_CACHE: self.USER_CACHE[key] = [] for identity in participant["identities"]: if not "client-data" in identity: continue if not "public-message-identity-key" in identity["client-data"]: continue if not "push-token" in identity: continue if not "session-token" in identity: continue self.USER_CACHE[key].append(identity["push-token"]) # print(identity) if not identity["push-token"] in self.KEY_CACHE: self.KEY_CACHE[identity["push-token"]] = {} self.KEY_CACHE[identity["push-token"]][topic] = ( identity["client-data"]["public-message-identity-key"], identity["session-token"], ) def _send_raw( self, type: int, participants: list[str], topic: str, payload: bytes | None = None, id: uuid.UUID | None = None, extra: dict = {}, ): self._cache_keys(participants, topic) dtl = [] for participant in participants: for push_token in self.USER_CACHE[participant]: if push_token == self.connection.token: continue # Don't send to ourselves identity_keys = ids.identity.IDSIdentity.decode( self.KEY_CACHE[push_token][topic][0] ) p = { "tP": participant, "D": not participant == self.user.current_handle, "sT": self.KEY_CACHE[push_token][topic][1], "t": push_token, } if payload is not None: p["P"] = self._encrypt_sign_payload(identity_keys, payload) logger.debug(f"Encoded payload : {p}") dtl.append(p) message_id = random.randbytes(4) if id is None: id = uuid.uuid4() body = { "c": type, "fcn": 1, "v": 8, "i": int.from_bytes(message_id, "big"), "U": id.bytes, "dtl": dtl, "sP": self.user.current_handle, } body.update(extra) body = plistlib.dumps(body, fmt=plistlib.FMT_BINARY) self.connection.send_message(topic, body, message_id) def _receive_raw(self, c: int | list[int], topic: str | list[str]) -> dict | None: def check_response(x): if x[0] != 0x0A: return False # Check if it matches any of the topics if isinstance(topic, list): for t in topic: if apns._get_field(x[1], 2) == sha1(t.encode()).digest(): break else: return False else: if apns._get_field(x[1], 2) != sha1(topic.encode()).digest(): return False resp_body = apns._get_field(x[1], 3) if resp_body is None: return False resp_body = plistlib.loads(resp_body) #logger.debug(f"See type {resp_body['c']}") if isinstance(c, list): if not resp_body["c"] in c: return False elif resp_body["c"] != c: return False return True payload = self.connection.incoming_queue.pop_find(check_response) if payload is None: return None body = apns._get_field(payload[1], 3) body = plistlib.loads(body) return body def activate_sms(self) -> bool: """ Try to activate SMS forwarding Returns True if we are able to perform SMS forwarding, False otherwise Call repeatedly until it returns True """ act_message = self._receive_raw(145, "com.apple.private.alloy.sms") if act_message is None: return False self._send_raw( 147, [self.user.current_handle], "com.apple.private.alloy.sms", extra={ "nr": 1 } ) def send(self, message: OldiMessage): # Set the sender, if it isn't already if message.sender is None: message.sender = self.user.handles[0] # TODO : Which handle to use? message.sanity_check() # Sanity check MUST be called before caching keys, so that the sender is added to the list of participants self._cache_keys(message.participants, "com.apple.madrid") self._send_raw( 100, message.participants, "com.apple.madrid", message.to_raw(), message.id, { "E": "pair", } ) # Check for delivery count = 0 total = 0 import time start = time.time() for p in message.participants: for t in self.USER_CACHE[p]: if t == self.connection.token: continue total += 1 while count < total and time.time() - start < 2: resp = self._receive_raw(255, "com.apple.madrid") if resp is None: continue count += 1 logger.debug(f"Received response : {resp}") if resp["s"] != 0: logger.warning(f"Message delivery to {base64.b64encode(resp['t']).decode()} failed : {resp['s']}") if count < total: logger.error(f"Unable to deliver message to all devices (got {count} of {total})")