from ids import * import ids import getpass import json # Open config try: with open("config.json", "r") as f: CONFIG = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: CONFIG = {} def input_multiline(prompt): print(prompt) lines = [] while True: line = input() if line == "": break lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) def refresh_token(): # If no username is set, prompt for it if "username" not in CONFIG: CONFIG["username"] = input("Enter iCloud username: ") # If no password is set, prompt for it if "password" not in CONFIG: CONFIG["password"] = getpass.getpass("Enter iCloud password: ") # If grandslam authentication is not set, prompt for it if "use_gsa" not in CONFIG: CONFIG["use_gsa"] = input("Use grandslam authentication? [y/N] ").lower() == "y" def factor_gen(): return input("Enter iCloud 2FA code: ") CONFIG["user_id"], CONFIG["token"] = ids._get_auth_token( CONFIG["username"], CONFIG["password"], CONFIG["use_gsa"], factor_gen=factor_gen ) def refresh_cert(): CONFIG["key"], CONFIG["auth_cert"] = ids._get_auth_cert( CONFIG["user_id"], CONFIG["token"] ) def create_connection(): conn = apns.APNSConnection() token = conn.connect() #conn.filter(['']) CONFIG['push'] = { 'token': b64encode(token).decode(), 'cert': conn.cert, 'key': conn.private_key } return conn def restore_connection(): conn = apns.APNSConnection(CONFIG['push']['key'], CONFIG['push']['cert']) conn.connect(True, b64decode(CONFIG['push']['token'])) #conn.filter(['', '']) return conn def refresh_ids_cert(): info = { "uri": "mailto:" + CONFIG["username"], "user_id": CONFIG['user_id'], } resp = None try: if "validation_data" in CONFIG: resp = ids._register_request( CONFIG['push']['token'], info, CONFIG['auth_cert'], CONFIG['key'], CONFIG['push']['cert'], CONFIG['push']['key'], CONFIG["validation_data"], ) except Exception as e: print(e) resp = None if resp is None: print( "Note: Validation data can be obtained from @JJTech, or intercepted using a HTTP proxy." ) validation_data = ( input_multiline("Enter validation data: ") .replace("\n", "") .replace(" ", "") ) resp = ids._register_request( CONFIG['push']['token'], info, CONFIG['auth_cert'], CONFIG['key'], CONFIG['push']['cert'], CONFIG['push']['key'], validation_data, ) CONFIG["validation_data"] = validation_data ids_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate( resp["services"][0]["users"][0]["cert"] ) ids_cert = ( ids_cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM).decode("utf-8").strip() ) CONFIG["ids_cert"] = ids_cert if not 'push' in CONFIG: print("No existing APNs credentials, creating new ones...") #print("No push conn") conn = create_connection() else: print("Restoring APNs credentials...") conn = restore_connection() print("Connected to APNs!") if not 'ids_cert' in CONFIG: print("No existing IDS certificate, creating new one...") if not 'key' in CONFIG: print("No existing authentication certificate, creating new one...") if not 'token' in CONFIG: print("No existing authentication token, creating new one...") refresh_token() print("Got authentication token!") refresh_cert() print("Got authentication certificate!") refresh_ids_cert() print("Got IDS certificate!") ids_keypair = ids.KeyPair(CONFIG['key'], CONFIG['ids_cert']) def lookup(topic:str, users: list[str]): print(f"Looking up users {users} for topic {topic}...") resp = ids.lookup(conn, CONFIG['username'], ids_keypair, topic, users) #r = list(resp['results'].values())[0] for k, v in resp['results'].items(): print(f"Result for user {k} topic {topic}:") i = v['identities'] print(f"IDENTITIES: {len(i)}") for iden in i: print("IDENTITY", end=" ") print(f"Push Token: {b64encode(iden['push-token']).decode()}", end=" ") if 'client-data' in iden: print(f"Client Data: {len(iden['client-data'])}") else: print("No client data") # Hack to make sure that the requests and responses match up # This filter MUST contain all the topics you are looking up conn.filter(['', '', '']) import time print("...waiting for queued messages... (this is a hack)") time.sleep(5) # Let the server send us any messages it was holding conn.sink() # Dump the messages lookup("", [""]) lookup("", [""]) lookup("", [""]) lookup("", [""]) lookup("", [""]) # Save config with open("config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(CONFIG, f, indent=4)