from base64 import b64encode from getpass import getpass import logging import apns from . import _helpers, identity, profile, query, encryption from typing import Callable, Any class IDSUser: # Sets self.user_id and self._auth_token def _authenticate_for_token( self, username: str, password: str, factor_callback: Callable | None = None ): self.user_id, self._auth_token = profile.get_auth_token( username, password, factor_callback ) # Sets self._auth_keypair using self.user_id and self._auth_token def _authenticate_for_cert(self): self._auth_keypair = profile.get_auth_cert(self.user_id, self._auth_token) # Factor callback will be called if a 2FA code is necessary def __init__( self, push_connection: apns.APNSConnection, ): self.push_connection = push_connection self._push_keypair = _helpers.KeyPair( self.push_connection.credentials.private_key, self.push_connection.credentials.cert ) # set the encryption_identity to a default randomized value so that # it's still valid if we can't pull it from the config self.encryption_identity: identity.IDSIdentity = identity.IDSIdentity() self.ec_key = self.rsa_key = None def __str__(self): return f"IDSUser(user_id={self.user_id}, handles={self.handles}, push_token={b64encode(self.push_connection.credentials.token).decode()})" # Authenticates with a username and password, to create a brand new authentication keypair def authenticate( self, username: str, password: str, factor_callback: Callable | None = None ): self._authenticate_for_token(username, password, factor_callback) self._authenticate_for_cert() self.handles = profile.get_handles( b64encode(self.push_connection.credentials.token), self.user_id, self._auth_keypair, self._push_keypair, ) self.current_handle = self.handles[0] # Uses an existing authentication keypair def restore_authentication(self, auth_keypair: _helpers.KeyPair, user_id: str, handles: list[str]): self._auth_keypair = auth_keypair self.user_id = user_id self.handles = handles self.current_handle = self.handles[0] self.ngm = encryption.NGMIdentity(self.extra.get("device_key"), self.extra.get("prekey")) # This is a separate call so that the user can make sure the first part succeeds before asking for validation data def register(self, validation_data: str): """ self.ec_key, self.rsa_key will be set to a randomly gnenerated EC and RSA keypair if they are not already set """ self.ngm = encryption.NGMIdentity(self.extra.get("device_key"), self.extra.get("prekey")) self.extra["device_key"] = self.ngm.device_key self.extra["prekey"] = self.ngm.pre_key cert = identity.register( b64encode(self.push_connection.credentials.token), self.handles, self.user_id, self._auth_keypair, self._push_keypair, self.encryption_identity, validation_data, self.ngm ) self._id_keypair = _helpers.KeyPair(self._auth_keypair.key, cert) #self.extra = extra def restore_identity(self, id_keypair: _helpers.KeyPair): self._id_keypair = id_keypair def auth_and_set_encryption_from_config(self, config: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]): self.extra = config.get("extra", {}) auth = config.get("auth", {}) if ( ((key := auth.get("key")) is not None) and ((cert := auth.get("cert")) is not None) and ((user_id := auth.get("user_id")) is not None) and ((handles := auth.get("handles")) is not None) ): auth_keypair = _helpers.KeyPair(key, cert) self.restore_authentication(auth_keypair, user_id, handles) else: username = input("Username: ") password = getpass("Password: ") self.authenticate(username, password) encryption: dict[str, str] = config.get("encryption", {}) id: dict[str, str] = config.get("id", {}) if ( (rsa_key := encryption.get("rsa_key")) and (signing_key := encryption.get("ec_key")) and (cert := id.get("cert")) and (key := id.get("key")) ): self.encryption_identity = identity.IDSIdentity( encryption_key=rsa_key, signing_key=signing_key, ) id_keypair = _helpers.KeyPair(key, cert) self.restore_identity(id_keypair) else:"Registering new identity...") import emulated.nac vd = emulated.nac.generate_validation_data() vd = b64encode(vd).decode() self.register(vd) async def lookup(self, uris: list[str], topic: str = "") -> Any: return await query.lookup(self.push_connection, self.current_handle, self._id_keypair, uris, topic)