import hashlib from . import mparser as macholibre from .jelly import Jelly import plistlib import logging from pathlib import Path logger = logging.getLogger("nac") BINARY_HASH = "e1181ccad82e6629d52c6a006645ad87ee59bd13" BINARY_PATH = "emulated/IMDAppleServices" BINARY_URL = "" with open(Path(__file__).parent / "data.plist", "rb") as f: FAKE_DATA = plistlib.load(f) def load_binary() -> bytes: # Open the file at BINARY_PATH, check the hash, and return the binary # If the hash doesn't match, raise an exception # Download the binary if it doesn't exist import os, requests if not os.path.exists(BINARY_PATH):"Downloading IMDAppleServices") resp = requests.get(BINARY_URL) b = resp.content # Save the binary open(BINARY_PATH, "wb").write(b) else: logger.debug("Using already downloaded IMDAppleServices") b = open(BINARY_PATH, "rb").read() if hashlib.sha1(b).hexdigest() != BINARY_HASH: raise Exception("Hashes don't match") return b def get_x64_slice(binary: bytes) -> bytes: # Get the x64 slice of the binary # If there is no x64 slice, raise an exception p = macholibre.Parser(binary) # Parse the binary to find the x64 slice off, size = p.u_get_offset(cpu_type="X86_64") return binary[off : off + size] def nac_init(j: Jelly, cert: bytes): # Allocate memory for the cert cert_addr = j.malloc(len(cert)) j.uc.mem_write(cert_addr, cert) # Allocate memory for the outputs out_validation_ctx_addr = j.malloc(8) out_request_bytes_addr = j.malloc(8) out_request_len_addr = j.malloc(8) # Call the function ret = 0xB1DB0, [ cert_addr, len(cert), out_validation_ctx_addr, out_request_bytes_addr, out_request_len_addr, ], ) #print(hex(ret)) if ret != 0: n = ret & 0xffffffff n = (n ^ 0x80000000) - 0x80000000 raise Exception(f"Error calling nac_init: {n}") # Get the outputs validation_ctx_addr = j.uc.mem_read(out_validation_ctx_addr, 8) request_bytes_addr = j.uc.mem_read(out_request_bytes_addr, 8) request_len = j.uc.mem_read(out_request_len_addr, 8) request_bytes_addr = int.from_bytes(request_bytes_addr, 'little') request_len = int.from_bytes(request_len, 'little') logger.debug(f"Request @ {hex(request_bytes_addr)} : {hex(request_len)}") request = j.uc.mem_read(request_bytes_addr, request_len) validation_ctx_addr = int.from_bytes(validation_ctx_addr, 'little') return validation_ctx_addr, request def nac_key_establishment(j: Jelly, validation_ctx: int, response: bytes): response_addr = j.malloc(len(response)) j.uc.mem_write(response_addr, response) ret = 0xB1DD0, [ validation_ctx, response_addr, len(response), ], ) if ret != 0: n = ret & 0xffffffff n = (n ^ 0x80000000) - 0x80000000 raise Exception(f"Error calling nac_submit: {n}") def nac_sign(j: Jelly, validation_ctx: int): #void *validation_ctx, void *unk_bytes, int unk_len, # void **validation_data, int *validation_data_len out_validation_data_addr = j.malloc(8) out_validation_data_len_addr = j.malloc(8) ret = 0xB1DF0, [ validation_ctx, 0, 0, out_validation_data_addr, out_validation_data_len_addr, ], ) if ret != 0: n = ret & 0xffffffff n = (n ^ 0x80000000) - 0x80000000 raise Exception(f"Error calling nac_generate: {n}") validation_data_addr = j.uc.mem_read(out_validation_data_addr, 8) validation_data_len = j.uc.mem_read(out_validation_data_len_addr, 8) validation_data_addr = int.from_bytes(validation_data_addr, 'little') validation_data_len = int.from_bytes(validation_data_len, 'little') validation_data = j.uc.mem_read(validation_data_addr, validation_data_len) return validation_data def hook_code(uc, address: int, size: int, user_data): logger.debug(">>> Tracing instruction at 0x%x, instruction size = 0x%x" % (address, size)) def malloc(j: Jelly, len: int) -> int: # Hook malloc # Return the address of the allocated memory #print("malloc hook called with len = %d" % len) return j.malloc(len) def memset_chk(j: Jelly, dest: int, c: int, len: int, destlen: int): logger.debug( "memset_chk called with dest = 0x%x, c = 0x%x, len = 0x%x, destlen = 0x%x" % (dest, c, len, destlen) ) j.uc.mem_write(dest, bytes([c]) * len) return 0 def sysctlbyname(j: Jelly): return 0 # The output is not checked def memcpy(j: Jelly, dest: int, src: int, len: int): logger.debug("memcpy called with dest = 0x%x, src = 0x%x, len = 0x%x" % (dest, src, len)) orig = j.uc.mem_read(src, len) j.uc.mem_write(dest, bytes(orig)) return 0 CF_OBJECTS = [] # struct __builtin_CFString { # int *isa; // point to __CFConstantStringClassReference # int flags; # const char *str; # long length; # } import struct def _parse_cfstr_ptr(j: Jelly, ptr: int) -> str: size = struct.calcsize(" str: data = j.uc.mem_read(ptr, 256) # Lazy way to do it return data.split(b"\x00")[0].decode("utf-8") def IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(j: Jelly, entry: int, key: int, allocator: int, options: int): key_str = _parse_cfstr_ptr(j, key) if key_str in FAKE_DATA["iokit"]: fake = FAKE_DATA["iokit"][key_str] logger.debug(f"IOKit Entry: {key_str} -> {fake}") # Return the index of the fake data in CF_OBJECTS CF_OBJECTS.append(fake) return len(CF_OBJECTS) # NOTE: We will have to subtract 1 from this later, can't return 0 here since that means NULL else: logger.debug(f"IOKit Entry: {key_str} -> None") return 0 def CFGetTypeID(j: Jelly, obj: int): obj = CF_OBJECTS[obj - 1] if isinstance(obj, bytes): return 1 elif isinstance(obj, str): return 2 else: raise Exception("Unknown CF object type") def CFDataGetLength(j: Jelly, obj: int): obj = CF_OBJECTS[obj - 1] if isinstance(obj, bytes): return len(obj) else: raise Exception("Unknown CF object type") def CFDataGetBytes(j: Jelly, obj: int, range_start: int, range_end: int, buf: int): obj = CF_OBJECTS[obj - 1] if isinstance(obj, bytes): data = obj[range_start:range_end] j.uc.mem_write(buf, data) logger.debug(f"CFDataGetBytes: {hex(range_start)}-{hex(range_end)} -> {hex(buf)}") return len(data) else: raise Exception("Unknown CF object type") def CFDictionaryCreateMutable(j: Jelly) -> int: CF_OBJECTS.append({}) return len(CF_OBJECTS) def maybe_object_maybe_string(j: Jelly, obj: int): # If it's already a str if isinstance(obj, str): return obj elif obj > len(CF_OBJECTS): return obj #raise Exception(f"WTF: {hex(obj)}") # This is probably a CFString # return _parse_cfstr_ptr(j, obj) else: return CF_OBJECTS[obj - 1] def CFDictionaryGetValue(j: Jelly, d: int, key: int) -> int: logger.debug(f"CFDictionaryGetValue: {d} {hex(key)}") d = CF_OBJECTS[d - 1] if key == 0xc3c3c3c3c3c3c3c3: key = "DADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey" # Weirdness, this is a hack key = maybe_object_maybe_string(j, key) if isinstance(d, dict): if key in d: val = d[key] logger.debug(f"CFDictionaryGetValue: {key} -> {val}") CF_OBJECTS.append(val) return len(CF_OBJECTS) else: raise Exception("Key not found") return 0 else: raise Exception("Unknown CF object type") def CFDictionarySetValue(j: Jelly, d: int, key: int, val: int): d = CF_OBJECTS[d - 1] key = maybe_object_maybe_string(j, key) val = maybe_object_maybe_string(j, val) if isinstance(d, dict): d[key] = val else: raise Exception("Unknown CF object type") def DADiskCopyDescription(j: Jelly) -> int: description = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(j) CFDictionarySetValue(j, description, "DADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey", FAKE_DATA["root_disk_uuid"]) return description def CFStringCreate(j: Jelly, string: str) -> int: CF_OBJECTS.append(string) return len(CF_OBJECTS) def CFStringGetLength(j: Jelly, string: int) -> int: string = CF_OBJECTS[string - 1] if isinstance(string, str): return len(string) else: raise Exception("Unknown CF object type") def CFStringGetCString(j: Jelly, string: int, buf: int, buf_len: int, encoding: int) -> int: string = CF_OBJECTS[string - 1] if isinstance(string, str): data = string.encode("utf-8") j.uc.mem_write(buf, data) logger.debug(f"CFStringGetCString: {string} -> {hex(buf)}") return len(data) else: raise Exception("Unknown CF object type") def IOServiceMatching(j: Jelly, name: int) -> int: # Read the raw c string pointed to by name name = _parse_cstr_ptr(j, name) logger.debug(f"IOServiceMatching: {name}") # Create a CFString from the name name = CFStringCreate(j, name) # Create a dictionary d = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(j) # Set the key "IOProviderClass" to the name CFDictionarySetValue(j, d, "IOProviderClass", name) # Return the dictionary return d def IOServiceGetMatchingService(j: Jelly) -> int: return 92 ETH_ITERATOR_HACK = False def IOServiceGetMatchingServices(j: Jelly, port, match, existing) -> int: global ETH_ITERATOR_HACK ETH_ITERATOR_HACK = True # Write 93 to existing j.uc.mem_write(existing, bytes([93])) return 0 def IOIteratorNext(j: Jelly, iterator: int) -> int: global ETH_ITERATOR_HACK if ETH_ITERATOR_HACK: ETH_ITERATOR_HACK = False return 94 else: return 0 def bzero(j: Jelly, ptr: int, len: int): j.uc.mem_write(ptr, bytes([0]) * len) return 0 def IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry(j: Jelly, entry: int, _, parent: int) -> int: j.uc.mem_write(parent, bytes([entry + 100])) return 0 import requests, plistlib def get_cert(): resp = requests.get("") resp = plistlib.loads(resp.content) return resp["cert"] def get_session_info(req: bytes) -> bytes: body = { 'session-info-request': req, } body = plistlib.dumps(body) resp ="", data=body, verify=False) resp = plistlib.loads(resp.content) return resp["session-info"] def arc4random(j: Jelly) -> int: import random return random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFFFF) #return 0 def load_nac() -> Jelly: binary = load_binary() binary = get_x64_slice(binary) # Create a Jelly object from the binary j = Jelly(binary) hooks = { "_malloc": malloc, "___stack_chk_guard": lambda: 0, "___memset_chk": memset_chk, "_sysctlbyname": lambda _: 0, "_memcpy": memcpy, "_kIOMasterPortDefault": lambda: 0, "_IORegistryEntryFromPath": lambda _: 1, "_kCFAllocatorDefault": lambda: 0, "_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty": IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty, "_CFGetTypeID": CFGetTypeID, "_CFStringGetTypeID": lambda _: 2, "_CFDataGetTypeID": lambda _: 1, "_CFDataGetLength": CFDataGetLength, "_CFDataGetBytes": CFDataGetBytes, "_CFRelease": lambda _: 0, "_IOObjectRelease": lambda _: 0, "_statfs$INODE64": lambda _: 0, "_DASessionCreate": lambda _: 201, "_DADiskCreateFromBSDName": lambda _: 202, "_kDADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey": lambda: 0, "_DADiskCopyDescription": DADiskCopyDescription, "_CFDictionaryGetValue": CFDictionaryGetValue, "_CFUUIDCreateString": lambda _, __, uuid: uuid, "_CFStringGetLength": CFStringGetLength, "_CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding": lambda _, length, __: length, "_CFStringGetCString": CFStringGetCString, "_free": lambda _: 0, "_IOServiceMatching": IOServiceMatching, "_IOServiceGetMatchingService": IOServiceGetMatchingService, "_CFDictionaryCreateMutable": CFDictionaryCreateMutable, "_kCFBooleanTrue": lambda: 0, "_CFDictionarySetValue": CFDictionarySetValue, "_IOServiceGetMatchingServices": IOServiceGetMatchingServices, "_IOIteratorNext": IOIteratorNext, "___bzero": bzero, "_IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry": IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry, "_arc4random": arc4random } j.setup(hooks) return j def generate_validation_data() -> bytes: j = load_nac() logger.debug("Loaded NAC library") val_ctx, req = nac_init(j,get_cert()) logger.debug("Initialized NAC") session_info = get_session_info(req) logger.debug("Got session info") nac_key_establishment(j, val_ctx, session_info) logger.debug("Submitted session info") val_data = nac_sign(j, val_ctx)"Generated validation data") return bytes(val_data) if __name__ == "__main__": from base64 import b64encode val_data = generate_validation_data()"Validation Data: {b64encode(val_data).decode()}") #main()