import json import logging import threading import time from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from getpass import getpass from rich.logging import RichHandler import apns import ids import imessage logging.basicConfig( level=logging.NOTSET, format="%(message)s", datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()] ) # Set sane log levels logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("jelly").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("nac").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("apns").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("albert").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("ids").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("bags").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("imessage").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Try and load config.json try: with open("config.json", "r") as f: CONFIG = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: CONFIG = {} conn = apns.APNSConnection( CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("key"), CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("cert") ) def safe_b64decode(s): try: return b64decode(s) except: return None conn.connect(token=safe_b64decode(CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("token"))) conn.set_state(1) conn.filter([""]) user = ids.IDSUser(conn) if CONFIG.get("auth", {}).get("cert") is not None: auth_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["auth"]["key"], CONFIG["auth"]["cert"]) user_id = CONFIG["auth"]["user_id"] handles = CONFIG["auth"]["handles"] user.restore_authentication(auth_keypair, user_id, handles) else: username = input("Username: ") password = getpass("Password: ") user.authenticate(username, password) user.encryption_identity = ids.identity.IDSIdentity( encryption_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("rsa_key"), signing_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("ec_key"), ) if ( CONFIG.get("id", {}).get("cert") is not None and user.encryption_identity is not None ): id_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["id"]["key"], CONFIG["id"]["cert"]) user.restore_identity(id_keypair) else:"Registering new identity...") import emulated.nac vd = emulated.nac.generate_validation_data() vd = b64encode(vd).decode() user.register(vd)"Waiting for incoming messages...") # Write config.json CONFIG["encryption"] = { "rsa_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key, "ec_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key, } CONFIG["id"] = { "key": user._id_keypair.key, "cert": user._id_keypair.cert, } CONFIG["auth"] = { "key": user._auth_keypair.key, "cert": user._auth_keypair.cert, "user_id": user.user_id, "handles": user.handles, } CONFIG["push"] = { "token": b64encode(user.push_connection.token).decode(), "key": user.push_connection.private_key, "cert": user.push_connection.cert, } with open("config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(CONFIG, f, indent=4) im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, user) INPUT_QUEUE = apns.IncomingQueue() def input_thread(): from prompt_toolkit import prompt while True: try: msg = prompt('>> ') except: msg = 'quit' INPUT_QUEUE.append(msg) threading.Thread(target=input_thread, daemon=True).start() print("Type 'help' for help") current_participants = [] while True: msg = im.receive() if msg is not None: print(msg.to_string()) if len(INPUT_QUEUE) > 0: msg = INPUT_QUEUE.pop() if msg == '': continue if msg == 'help' or msg == 'h': print('help (h): show this message') print('quit (q): quit') #print('send (s) [recipient] [message]: send a message') print('filter (f) [recipient]: set the current chat') print('note: recipient must start with tel: or mailto: and include the country code') print('\\: escape commands (will be removed from message)') elif msg == 'quit' or msg == 'q': break elif msg.startswith('filter ') or msg.startswith('f '): # Set the curernt chat msg = msg.split(' ') if len(msg) < 2 or msg[1] == '': print('filter [recipients]') else: print(f'Filtering to {msg[1:]}') current_participants = msg[1:] elif current_participants != []: if msg.startswith('\\'): msg = msg[1:] im.send(imessage.iMessage( text=msg, participants=current_participants, sender=user.handles[0] )) else: print('No chat selected, use help for help') # elif msg.startswith('send') or msg.startswith('s'): # msg = msg.split(' ') # if len(msg) < 3: # print('send [recipient] [message]') # else: # im.send(imessage.iMessage( # text=' '.join(msg[2:]), # participants=[msg[1], user.handles[0]], # #sender=user.handles[0] # ))