from __future__ import annotations import logging import random import ssl import time from base64 import b64encode from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from hashlib import sha1 from typing import Callable import trio from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding import albert import bags logger = logging.getLogger("apns") # Pick a random courier server from 01 to APNSCourierHostcount try: COURIER_HOST = f"{random.randint(1, bags.apns_init_bag()['APNSCourierHostcount'])}-{bags.apns_init_bag()['APNSCourierHostname']}" except: COURIER_HOST = "" COURIER_PORT = 5223 ALPN = [b"apns-security-v3"] async def apns_test(): async with APNSConnection.start() as connection: print(b64encode(connection.credentials.token).decode()) while True: await trio.sleep(1) print(".") # await connection.set_state(1) print("Finished") def main(): from rich.logging import RichHandler logging.basicConfig( level=logging.NOTSET, format="%(message)s", datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()], ) # Set sane log levels logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("py.warnings").setLevel( logging.ERROR ) # Ignore warnings from urllib3 logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("jelly").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("nac").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("apns").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("albert").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("ids").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("bags").setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("imessage").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.captureWarnings(True) print("APNs Test:") @dataclass class PushCredentials: private_key: str = "" cert: str = "" token: bytes = b"" class APNSConnection: """A connection to the APNs server""" _incoming_queue: list[APNSPayload] = [] """A queue of payloads that have been received from the APNs server""" _queue_park: trio.Event = trio.Event() """An event that is set when a new payload is added to the queue""" async def _send(self, payload: APNSPayload): """Sends a payload to the APNs server""" while True: try: await payload.write_to_stream(self.sock) return except trio.BusyResourceError: print("Can't send payload, stream is busy; trying again in 0.2") await trio.sleep(0.2) continue except Exception as e: print(f"Can't send payload: {e}") return async def _receive(self, id: int, filter: Callable[[APNSPayload], bool] | None = None): """ Waits for a payload with the given id to be added to the queue, then returns it. If filter is not None, it will be called with the payload as an argument, and if it returns False, the payload will be ignored and another will be waited for. NOTE: It is not defined what happens if receive is called twice with the same id and filter, as the first payload will be removed from the queue, so the second call might never return """ # Check if anything currently in the queue matches the id for payload in self._incoming_queue: if == id: if filter is not None: if filter(payload): return payload else: return payload while True: await self._queue_park.wait() # Wait for a new payload to be added to the queue logger.debug(f"Woken by event, checking for {id}") # Check if the new payload matches the id if len(self._incoming_queue) == 0: continue # all payloads have been removed by someone else if self._incoming_queue[-1].id != id: continue if filter is not None: if not filter(self._incoming_queue[-1]): continue return self._incoming_queue.pop() # Otherwise, wait for another payload to be added to the queue async def _queue_filler(self): """Fills the queue with payloads from the APNs socket""" while True: payload = await APNSPayload.read_from_stream(self.sock) logger.debug(f"Received payload: {payload}") self._incoming_queue.append(payload) # TODO: Hack: Send an ACK if this is a notification # We do this because as of now pypush does not handle all incoming notifications # and if you do not ACK a notification, APNs will keep resending it and eventually kill the connection if == 0xA: await self._send_ack(payload.fields_with_id(4)[0].value) # Signal to any waiting tasks that we have a new payload self._queue_park.set() self._queue_park = trio.Event() # Reset the event logger.debug(f"Queue length: {len(self._incoming_queue)}") async def _keep_alive(self): """Sends keep alive messages to the APNs server every 5 minutes""" while True: await trio.sleep(300) logger.debug("Sending keep alive message") await self._send(APNSPayload(0x0C, [])) await self._receive(0x0D) logger.debug("Got keep alive response") @asynccontextmanager @staticmethod async def start(credentials: PushCredentials = PushCredentials()): """Sets up a nursery and connection and yields the connection""" async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: connection = APNSConnection(nursery, credentials) await connection.connect() yield connection nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() # Cancel heartbeat and queue filler tasks await connection.sock.aclose() # Close the socket def __init__( self, nursery: trio.Nursery, credentials: PushCredentials = PushCredentials() ): """Creates a raw APNSConnection. Make sure to call aclose() on the socket and cancel the nursery when you're done with it""" self._nursery = nursery self.credentials = credentials async def _connect_socket(self): sock = await trio.open_tcp_stream(COURIER_HOST, COURIER_PORT) context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) context.set_alpn_protocols(["apns-security-v3"]) # Turn off certificate verification, for the proxy context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE self.sock = trio.SSLStream(sock, context, server_hostname=COURIER_HOST) await self.sock.do_handshake() async def connect(self): """Connects to the APNs server and starts the keep alive and queue filler tasks""" await self._connect_socket()"Connected to APNs ({COURIER_HOST})") if self.credentials.cert == "" or self.credentials.private_key == "": ( self.credentials.private_key, self.credentials.cert, ) = albert.generate_push_cert() # Start the queue filler and keep alive tasks self._nursery.start_soon(self._queue_filler) self._nursery.start_soon(self._keep_alive) self.credentials.token = await self._connect(self.credentials.token) async def _connect(self, token: bytes | None = None, root: bool = False) -> bytes: """Sends the APNs connect message""" cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(self.credentials.cert.encode()) private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key( self.credentials.private_key.encode(), password=None ) if token is None: logger.debug(f"Sending connect message without token (root={root})") else: logger.debug( f"Sending connect message with token {b64encode(token).decode()} (root={root})" ) flags = 0b01000001 if root: flags |= 0b0100 cert = cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER) nonce = ( b"\x00" + int(time.time() * 1000).to_bytes(8, "big") + random.randbytes(8) ) signature = b"\x01\x01" + private_key.sign(nonce, padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA1()) # type: ignore payload = APNSPayload( 7, [ APNSField(0x2, b"\x01"), APNSField(0x5, flags.to_bytes(4, "big")), APNSField(0xC, cert), APNSField(0xD, nonce), APNSField(0xE, signature), ], ) if token: payload.fields.insert(0, APNSField(0x1, token)) await self._send(payload) payload = await self._receive(8) if payload.fields_with_id(1)[0].value != b"\x00": raise Exception("Failed to connect") if len(payload.fields_with_id(3)) > 0: new_token = payload.fields_with_id(3)[0].value else: if token is None: raise Exception("No token received") new_token = token logger.debug( f"Received connect response with token {b64encode(new_token).decode()}" ) return new_token old_topics = [] async def filter(self, topics: list[str]): """Sends the APNs filter message""" if topics == self.old_topics: return topics = list(set(topics + self.old_topics)) self.old_topics = topics logger.debug(f"Sending filter message with topics {topics}") payload = APNSPayload(9, [APNSField(1, self.credentials.token)]) for topic in topics: payload.fields.append(APNSField(2, sha1(topic.encode()).digest())) await payload.write_to_stream(self.sock) async def send_notification(self, topic: str, payload: bytes, id=None): """Sends a notification to the APNs server""" logger.debug(f"Sending notification to topic {topic}") if id is None: id = random.randbytes(4) p = APNSPayload( 0xA, [ APNSField(4, id), APNSField(1, sha1(topic.encode()).digest()), APNSField(2, self.credentials.token), APNSField(3, payload), ], ) await self._send(p) # Wait for ACK r = await self._receive(0xB) # TODO: Check ACK code async def expect_notification(self, topics: str | list[str], filter: Callable | None = None): """Waits for a notification to be received, and acks it""" if isinstance(topics, list): topic_hashes = [sha1(topic.encode()).digest() for topic in topics] else: topic_hashes = [sha1(topics.encode()).digest()] def f(payload: APNSPayload): if payload.fields_with_id(2)[0].value not in topic_hashes: return False if filter is not None: return filter(payload) return True r = await self._receive(0xA, f) # await self._send_ack(r.fields_with_id(4)[0].value) return r async def set_state(self, state: int): """Sends the APNs state message""" logger.debug(f"Sending state message with state {state}") await self._send( APNSPayload( 0x14, [ APNSField(1, state.to_bytes(1, "big")), APNSField(2, 0x7FFFFFFF.to_bytes(4, "big")), ], ) ) async def _send_ack(self, id: bytes): """Sends an ACK for a notification with the given id""" logger.debug(f"Sending ACK for message {id}") payload = APNSPayload( 0xB, [ APNSField(1, self.credentials.token), APNSField(4, id), APNSField(8, b"\x00"), ], ) await self._send(payload) @dataclass class APNSField: """A field in an APNS payload""" id: int value: bytes @staticmethod def from_buffer(stream: bytes) -> APNSField: id = int.from_bytes(stream[:1], "big") length = int.from_bytes(stream[1:3], "big") value = stream[3 : 3 + length] return APNSField(id, value) def to_buffer(self) -> bytes: return (, "big") + len(self.value).to_bytes(2, "big") + self.value ) async def receive_exact(stream:, amount: int): """Reads exactly the given amount of bytes from the given stream""" buffer = b"" while len(buffer) < amount: # Check for EOF if (b := await stream.receive_some(1)) == b"": return None # None is how EOF's were represented in the old code, so we'll keep it that way buffer += b return buffer @dataclass class APNSPayload: """An APNS payload""" id: int fields: list[APNSField] @staticmethod async def read_from_stream(stream: -> APNSPayload: """Reads a payload from the given stream""" if not (id_bytes := await receive_exact(stream, 1)): raise Exception("Unable to read payload id from stream") id: int = int.from_bytes(id_bytes, "big") if (length := await receive_exact(stream, 4)) is None: raise Exception("Unable to read payload length from stream") length = int.from_bytes(length, "big") if length == 0: return APNSPayload(id, []) buffer = await receive_exact(stream, length) if buffer is None: raise Exception("Unable to read payload from stream") fields = [] while len(buffer) > 0: field = APNSField.from_buffer(buffer) fields.append(field) buffer = buffer[3 + len(field.value) :] return APNSPayload(id, fields) async def write_to_stream(self, stream: """Writes the payload to the given stream""" payload = b"" for field in self.fields: payload += field.to_buffer() buffer =, "big") + len(payload).to_bytes(4, "big") + payload await stream.send_all(buffer) def fields_with_id(self, id: int): """Returns all fields with the given id""" return [field for field in self.fields if == id] if __name__ == "__main__": main()