2023-05-02 20:53:18 -04:00

330 lines
10 KiB

import gzip
import plistlib
import random
import uuid
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
import requests
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding, rsa
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
import apns
import bags
import gsa
USER_AGENT = " [macOS,13.2.1,22D68,MacBookPro18,3]"
KeyPair = namedtuple("KeyPair", ["key", "cert"])
# Nonce Format:
# 01000001876bd0a2c0e571093967fce3d7
# 01 # version
# 000001876d008cc5 # unix time
# r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8 # random bytes
def generate_nonce() -> bytes:
return (
+ int( * 1000).to_bytes(8, "big")
+ random.randbytes(8)
def _create_payload(
bag_key: str,
query_string: str,
push_token: str,
payload: bytes,
nonce: bytes = None,
) -> tuple[str, bytes]:
# Generate the nonce
if nonce is None:
nonce = generate_nonce()
push_token = b64decode(push_token)
return (
+ len(bag_key).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ bag_key.encode()
+ len(query_string).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ query_string.encode()
+ len(payload).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ payload
+ len(push_token).to_bytes(4, "big")
+ push_token,
def sign_payload(
private_key: str, bag_key: str, query_string: str, push_token: str, payload: bytes
) -> tuple[str, bytes]:
# Load the private key
key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
private_key.encode(), password=None, backend=default_backend()
payload, nonce = _create_payload(bag_key, query_string, push_token, payload)
sig = key.sign(payload, padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA1())
sig = b"\x01\x01" + sig
sig = b64encode(sig).decode()
return sig, nonce
# global_key, global_cert = load_keys()
def _send_request(
conn: apns.APNSConnection,
bag_key: str,
topic: str,
body: bytes,
keypair: KeyPair,
username: str,
) -> bytes:
body = gzip.compress(body, mtime=0)
push_token = b64encode(conn.token).decode()
# Sign the request
signature, nonce = sign_payload(keypair.key, bag_key, "", push_token, body)
headers = {
"x-id-cert": keypair.cert.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "")
.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "")
.replace("\n", ""),
"x-id-nonce": b64encode(nonce).decode(),
"x-id-sig": signature,
"x-push-token": push_token,
"x-id-self-uri": "mailto:" + username,
"User-Agent": USER_AGENT,
"x-protocol-version": "1630",
# print(headers)
msg_id = random.randbytes(16)
req = {
"cT": "application/x-apple-plist",
"U": msg_id,
"c": 96,
"u": bags.ids_bag()[bag_key],
"h": headers,
"v": 2,
"b": body,
conn.send_message(topic, plistlib.dumps(req, fmt=plistlib.FMT_BINARY))
# resp = conn.wait_for_packet(0x0A)
def check_response(x):
if x[0] != 0x0A:
return False
resp_body = apns._get_field(x[1], 3)
if resp_body is None:
return False
resp_body = plistlib.loads(resp_body)
return resp_body["U"] == msg_id
# Lambda to check if the response is the one we want
# conn.incoming_queue.find(check_response)
payload = conn.incoming_queue.wait_pop_find(check_response)
# conn._send_ack(apns._get_field(payload[1], 4))
resp = apns._get_field(payload[1], 3)
return plistlib.loads(resp)
# Performs an IDS lookup
# conn: an active APNs connection. must be connected and have a push token. will be filtered to the IDS topic
# self: the user's email address
# keypair: a KeyPair object containing the user's private key and certificate
# topic: the IDS topic to query
# query: a list of URIs to query
def lookup(
conn: apns.APNSConnection, self: str, keypair: KeyPair, topic: str, query: list[str]
) -> any:
query = {"uris": query}
resp = _send_request(conn, "id-query", topic, plistlib.dumps(query), keypair, self)
# resp = plistlib.loads(resp)
# print(resp)
resp = gzip.decompress(resp["b"])
resp = plistlib.loads(resp)
return resp
def _auth_token_request(username: str, password: str) -> any:
# Turn the PET into an auth token
data = {
"apple-id": username,
"client-id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"delegates": {"": {"protocol-version": "4"}},
"password": password,
data = plistlib.dumps(data)
r =
auth=(username, password),
r = plistlib.loads(r.content)
return r
# Gets an IDS auth token for the given username and password
# If use_gsa is True, GSA authentication will be used, which requires anisette
# If use_gsa is False, it will use a old style 2FA code
# If factor_gen is not None, it will be called to get the 2FA code, otherwise it will be prompted
# Returns (realm user id, auth token)
def _get_auth_token(
username: str, password: str, use_gsa: bool = False, factor_gen: callable = None
) -> tuple[str, str]:
if use_gsa:
g = gsa.authenticate(username, password, gsa.Anisette())
pet = g["t"][""]["token"]
# Make the request without the 2FA code to make the prompt appear
_auth_token_request(username, password)
# Now make the request with the 2FA code
if factor_gen is None:
pet = password + input("Enter 2FA code: ")
pet = password + factor_gen()
r = _auth_token_request(username, pet)
# print(r)
if "description" in r:
raise Exception(f"Error: {r['description']}")
service_data = r["delegates"][""]["service-data"]
realm_user_id = service_data["realm-user-id"]
auth_token = service_data["auth-token"]
# print(f"Auth token for {realm_user_id}: {auth_token}")
return realm_user_id, auth_token
def _generate_csr(private_key: rsa.RSAPrivateKey) -> str:
csr = (
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, random.randbytes(20).hex()),
.sign(private_key, hashes.SHA256())
csr = csr.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM).decode("utf-8")
return (
csr.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", "")
.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", "")
.replace("\n", "")
# Gets an IDS auth cert for the given user id and auth token
# Returns [private key PEM, certificate PEM]
def _get_auth_cert(user_id, token) -> tuple[str, str]:
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(
public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend()
body = {
"authentication-data": {"auth-token": token},
"csr": b64decode(_generate_csr(private_key)),
"realm-user-id": user_id,
body = plistlib.dumps(body)
r =
headers={"x-protocol-version": "1630"},
r = plistlib.loads(r.content)
if r["status"] != 0:
raise (Exception(f"Failed to get auth cert: {r}"))
cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(r["cert"])
return (
def _register_request(
push_token, info, auth_cert, auth_key, push_cert, push_key, validation_data
body = {
"hardware-version": "MacBookPro18,3",
"language": "en-US",
"os-version": "macOS,13.2.1,22D68",
"software-version": "22D68",
"services": [
"capabilities": [{"flags": 1, "name": "Messenger", "version": 1}],
"service": "",
"users": [
"uris": [{"uri": info["uri"]}],
"user-id": info["user_id"],
"validation-data": b64decode(validation_data),
body = plistlib.dumps(body)
body = gzip.compress(body, mtime=0)
push_sig, push_nonce = sign_payload(push_key, "id-register", "", push_token, body)
auth_sig, auth_nonce = sign_payload(auth_key, "id-register", "", push_token, body)
headers = {
"x-protocol-version": "1640",
"content-type": "application/x-apple-plist",
"content-encoding": "gzip",
"x-auth-sig-0": auth_sig,
"x-auth-cert-0": auth_cert.replace("\n", "")
.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "")
.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", ""),
"x-auth-user-id-0": info["user_id"],
"x-auth-nonce-0": b64encode(auth_nonce),
"x-pr-nonce": b64encode(auth_nonce),
"x-push-token": push_token,
"x-push-sig": push_sig,
"x-push-cert": push_cert.replace("\n", "")
.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "")
.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", ""),
"x-push-nonce": b64encode(push_nonce),
r =
r = plistlib.loads(r.content)
print(f'Response code: {r["status"]}')
if "status" in r and r["status"] == 6004:
raise Exception("Validation data expired!")
return r