mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 17:33:47 +00:00
* Add custom exceptions and fix logging * Fix "done" message * Fix gateway stuff * Fix `P:` * Fix cscook's `--reg-notify` code
323 lines
13 KiB
323 lines
13 KiB
import json
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from getpass import getpass
from cryptography import x509
from rich.logging import RichHandler
import apns
import ids
import imessage
import trio
import argparse
from exceptions import *
level=logging.NOTSET, format="%(message)s", datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()]
# Set sane log levels
logging.getLogger("py.warnings").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Ignore warnings from urllib3
# Try and load config.json
with open("config.json", "r") as f:
CONFIG = json.load(f)
except FileNotFoundError:
def safe_b64decode(s):
return b64decode(s)
return None
def safe_config():
with open("config.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(CONFIG, f, indent=4)
def get_not_valid_after_timestamp(cert_data):
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_data.encode('utf-8'))
return cert.not_valid_after
except Exception as e:
return None # Return None in case of an error
async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
# Load any existing push credentials
token = CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("token")
token = b64decode(token) if token is not None else b""
push_creds = apns.PushCredentials(
CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("key", ""), CONFIG.get("push", {}).get("cert", ""), token)
def register(conn, users):
import emulated.nac
vd = emulated.nac.generate_validation_data()
vd = b64encode(vd).decode()
users = ids.register(conn, users, vd, args.client_data or args.reg_notify)
return users
async with apns.APNSConnection.start(push_creds) as conn:
# Save the push credentials to the config
CONFIG["push"] = {
"token": b64encode(conn.credentials.token).decode(),
"key": conn.credentials.private_key,
"cert": conn.credentials.cert,
# Activate the connection
await conn.set_state(1)
await conn.filter(["com.apple.madrid"])
# If the user wants a phone number, we need to register it WITH an Apple ID, then register the Apple ID again
# otherwise we encounter issues for some reason
users = []
if "id" in CONFIG:
logging.debug("Restoring old-style identity...")
users.append(ids.IDSAppleUser(conn, CONFIG["auth"]["user_id"], ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["auth"]["key"], CONFIG["auth"]["cert"]),
ids.identity.IDSIdentity(CONFIG["encryption"]["ec_key"], CONFIG["encryption"]["rsa_key"]), CONFIG["id"]["cert"],
if "users" in CONFIG:
logging.debug("Restoring new-style identity...")
for user in CONFIG["users"]:
users.append(ids.IDSUser(conn, user["id"], ids._helpers.KeyPair(user["auth_key"], user["auth_cert"]),
ids.identity.IDSIdentity(user["signing_key"], user["encryption_key"]), user["id_cert"],
print("Would you like to register a phone number? (y/n)")
if input("> ").lower() == "y":
import sms_registration
if args.phone is None:
raise GatewayConnectionError("You did not supply an IP address.")
if "phone" in CONFIG:
phone_sig = b64decode(CONFIG["phone"].get("sig"))
phone_number = CONFIG["phone"].get("number")
elif args.pdu is not None:
phone_number, phone_sig = sms_registration.parse_pdu(args.pdu, None)
import sms_registration
phone_number, phone_sig = sms_registration.register(push_token=conn.credentials.token,
no_parse=args.trigger_pdu, gateway=args.gateway,
CONFIG["phone"] = {
"number": phone_number,
"sig": b64encode(phone_sig).decode(),
users.append(ids.IDSPhoneUser.authenticate(conn, phone_number, phone_sig))
print("Would you like sign in to your Apple ID (recommended)? (y/n)")
if input("> ").lower() == "y":
username = input("Username: ")
password = input("Password: ")
users.append(ids.IDSAppleUser.authenticate(conn, username, password))
users = register(conn, users)
CONFIG["users"] = []
for user in users:
"id": user.user_id,
"auth_key": user.auth_keypair.key,
"auth_cert": user.auth_keypair.cert,
"encryption_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"signing_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"id_cert": user.id_cert,
"handles": user.handles,
if args.reregister:
register(conn, users)
CONFIG["users"] = []
for user in users:
"id": user.user_id,
"auth_key": user.auth_keypair.key,
"auth_cert": user.auth_keypair.cert,
"encryption_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"signing_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key if user.encryption_identity is not None else None,
"id_cert": user.id_cert,
"handles": user.handles,
if "P:" in str(user.user_id):
expiration = get_not_valid_after_timestamp(user.id_cert)
expiration = str(expiration) + " UTC"
print(f"Number registration is valid until {expiration}. (YYYY/MM/DD)")
email_user = user
for n in range(len(user.handles)):
if "mailto:" in str(user.handles[n]):
email_addr = user.handles[n]
if args.reg_notify:
im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, email_user)
im.current_handle = email_addr
await im.send(imessage.iMessage.create(im, "Number registration is valid until " + expiration, [email_addr]))
if args.alive:
while True:
await trio.sleep(20)
# im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, users[0])
# await im.send(imessage.iMessage.create(im, "Hello world!", ["tel:+16106632676", "mailto:testu3@icloud.com"]))
# while True:
# print(await im.receive())
# user = ids.IDSUser(conn)
# if CONFIG.get("auth", {}).get("cert") is not None:
# auth_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["auth"]["key"], CONFIG["auth"]["cert"])
# user_id = CONFIG["auth"]["user_id"]
# handles = CONFIG["auth"]["handles"]
# user.restore_authentication(auth_keypair, user_id, handles)
# else:
# username = input("Username: ")
# password = getpass("Password: ")
# user.authenticate(username, password)
# import sms_registration
# phone_sig = safe_b64decode(CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("sig"))
# phone_number = CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("number")
# if phone_sig is None or phone_number is None:
# print("Registering phone number...")
# phone_number, phone_sig = sms_registration.register(user.push_connection.credentials.token)
# CONFIG["phone"] = {
# "number": phone_number,
# "sig": b64encode(phone_sig).decode(),
# }
# if CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("auth_key") is not None and CONFIG.get("phone", {}).get("auth_cert") is not None:
# phone_auth_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["phone"]["auth_key"], CONFIG["phone"]["auth_cert"])
# else:
# phone_auth_keypair = ids.profile.get_phone_cert(phone_number, user.push_connection.credentials.token, [phone_sig])
# CONFIG["phone"]["auth_key"] = phone_auth_keypair.key
# CONFIG["phone"]["auth_cert"] = phone_auth_keypair.cert
# user.encryption_identity = ids.identity.IDSIdentity(
# encryption_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("rsa_key"),
# signing_key=CONFIG.get("encryption", {}).get("ec_key"),
# )
# #user._auth_keypair = phone_auth_keypair
# user.handles = [f"tel:{phone_number}"]
# print(user.user_id)
# # user.user_id = f"P:{phone_number}"
# if (
# CONFIG.get("id", {}).get("cert") is not None
# and user.encryption_identity is not None
# ):
# id_keypair = ids._helpers.KeyPair(CONFIG["id"]["key"], CONFIG["id"]["cert"])
# user.restore_identity(id_keypair)
# else:
# logging.info("Registering new identity...")
# import emulated.nac
# vd = emulated.nac.generate_validation_data()
# vd = b64encode(vd).decode()
# ids.register
# user.register(vd, [("P:" + phone_number, phone_auth_keypair)])
# #user.register(vd)
# print("Handles: ", user.handles)
# # Write config.json
# CONFIG["encryption"] = {
# "rsa_key": user.encryption_identity.encryption_key,
# "ec_key": user.encryption_identity.signing_key,
# }
# CONFIG["id"] = {
# "key": user._id_keypair.key,
# "cert": user._id_keypair.cert,
# }
# CONFIG["auth"] = {
# "key": user._auth_keypair.key,
# "cert": user._auth_keypair.cert,
# "user_id": user.user_id,
# "handles": user.handles,
# }
# CONFIG["push"] = {
# "token": b64encode(user.push_connection.credentials.token).decode(),
# "key": user.push_connection.credentials.private_key,
# "cert": user.push_connection.credentials.cert,
# }
# with open("config.json", "w") as f:
# json.dump(CONFIG, f, indent=4)
# im = imessage.iMessageUser(conn, user)
# Send a message to myself
# async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
# nursery.start_soon(input_task, im)
# nursery.start_soon(output_task, im)
async def input_task(im: imessage.iMessageUser):
while True:
cmd = await trio.to_thread.run_sync(input, "> ", cancellable=True)
if cmd != "":
await im.send(imessage.iMessage.create(im, cmd, ["tel:+16106632676"]))
async def output_task(im: imessage.iMessageUser):
while True:
msg = await im.receive()
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--reregister", action="store_true", help="Force re-registration")
parser.add_argument("--reg-notify", action="store_true", help="Get iMessage after each registration")
parser.add_argument("--alive", action="store_true", help="Keep the connection alive")
parser.add_argument("--client-data", action="store_true", help="Publish client data (only necessary for actually sending/receiving messages)")
parser.add_argument("--trigger-pdu", action="store_true", help="Trigger a REG-REQ")
# String arg to override pdu
parser.add_argument("--pdu", type=str, help="Override the PDU REG-RESP")
parser.add_argument("--phone", type=str, help="Override the phone IP")
parser.add_argument("--gateway", type=str, help="Override the gateway phone number")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.pdu is not None and not args.pdu.startswith("REG-RESP"):
raise InvalidResponseError("Received invalid REG-RESP PDU from Gateway Client.")
trio.run(main, args)