let tabGroup = document.querySelector("tab-group"); function normalizeUrl(url) { // Define regex patterns for matching URL schemes and local addresses const httpPattern = /^http:\/\//i; const httpsPattern = /^https:\/\//i; const filePattern = /^file:\/\//i; const indexPattern = /^index\.html/i; const localPattern = /^(192\.168|127\.0|localhost)/i; // Check if the URL already has a valid scheme if (httpPattern.test(url) || httpsPattern.test(url) || filePattern.test(url) || indexPattern.test(url)) { return url; } // Determine if the URL starts with a local address or needs HTTPS if (localPattern.test(url)) { return `http://${url}`; } else { return `https://${url}`; } } function go() { let browserFrame = tabGroup.getActiveTab().webview let browser = tabGroup.getActiveTab() let url = normalizeUrl(document.getElementById("txtUrl").value) if (url.includes("youtube.com") || url.includes("youtu.be")) { url = url.replaceAll("youtube.com", "piped.video") url = url.replaceAll("youtu.be", "piped.video") } else if (url.includes("google.com/?q")) { url = url.replaceAll("google.com/?q", "startpage.com/?q") } else if (url.includes("https://news.google.com")) { url = url.replaceAll("https://news.google.com", "http://68k.news") } else if (url.includes("news.google.com")) { url = url.replaceAll("news.google.com", "68k.news") } else if (url.includes("google.com") && !url.includes("maps") && !url.includes("news") && !url.includes("webstore") && !url.includes("mail")) { url = url.replaceAll("google.com", "startpage.com") } document.getElementById("txtUrl").value = "" browserFrame.loadURL(url); browserFrame.addEventListener('dom-ready', () => { browserFrame.insertCSS(` ::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } `) }) browserFrame.addEventListener("page-title-updated", (titleEvent) => { let title = browserFrame.getTitle() tabGroup.getActiveTab().setTitle(title) console.log(title) }) for (let i = 0; i < userscripts.length; i++) { fetch(userscripts[i]).then( r => r.text() ).then( t => userscripts.executeJavaScript(t)).catch(() => { console.log("Error loading userscripts! (Did you provide any?)") }) } } function stop() { let browserFrame = tabGroup.getActiveTab().webview browserFrame.stop() } function back() { let browserFrame = tabGroup.getActiveTab().webview browserFrame.goBack() } function forward() { let browserFrame = tabGroup.getActiveTab().webview browserFrame.goForward() } tabGroup.setDefaultTab({ title: CONF.homepageTitle, src: CONF.homepage, active: true }); tabGroup.addTab() function clickPress(keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.keyCode == 13) { go() } }