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street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex Ragtime Dry Cleaners RAGTIME DRYCLEANERS Alto Avenue street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex 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street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex STOMACH STUFFER SANJAY'S <pos x="-385" y="70" z="0" /> <nhpr h="180" p="0" r="-0" /> </landmark_building> <flat_building id="tb16:random20_DNARoot" width="10"> <pos x="-435" y="140" z="0" /> <nhpr h="-0" p="0" r="-0" /> <wall height="10" 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street_curb_TT_tex Jest for Laughs for laughs Jest Down Time Watch Repair Lullaby Lane Bottled Cans BOTTLED CANS street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex Crack Up Auto Repair CRACK UP AUTO REPAIR street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex Sidesplitter's Mending Sidesplitter's Mending street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex <pos x="-190" y="35" z="0" /> <nhpr h="-180" p="0" r="-0" /> <door code="door_double_pillars_ur"> <color r="1" g="0.88" b="0.56" a="1" /> </door> <prop name="prop_drycleaner_sign_DNARoot" code="prop_drycleaner_sign"> <pos x="10.78" y="-4.02" z="12.11" /> <nhpr h="90" p="0" r="-0" /> <scale x="1.8" y="1.8" z="1.8" /> </prop> </landmark_building> <flat_building id="tb25:random20_DNARoot" width="5"> <pos x="-210" 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Seltzer Bottles (and cans!) Vanishing Cream Vanishing Cream going fast! street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex PLAYGROUND TOONTOWN CENTRAL street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex News for the Amused NEWS FOR THE AMUSED 14 Karat Goldfish 14 KARAT GOLDFISH street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex TUMMY TICKLER TOONTOWN <pos x="-535" y="-9.99999" z="0" /> <nhpr h="90" p="0" r="-0" /> <door code="door_double_square_ur"> <color r="0.88" g="0.45" b="0.38" a="1" /> </door> <prop name="prop_drycleaner_sign_DNARoot" code="prop_drycleaner_sign"> <pos x="10.75" y="-4.06" z="12.5" /> <nhpr h="90" p="0" r="-0" /> <scale x="1.6" y="1.6" z="1.6" /> </prop> </landmark_building> <flat_building id="tb31:20_DNARoot" width="10"> <pos x="-535" y="-20" z="0" /> <nhpr h="90" p="0" r="-0" /> <wall height="10" code="wall_md_dental_ur"> <color r="0.21" g="0.73" b="0.31" a="1" /> <windows code="window_sm_round_ul" count="1"> <color r="1" g="0.63" b="0.38" a="1" /> </windows> </wall> <wall height="10" code="wall_md_dental_ur"> <color r="0.21" g="0.73" b="0.31" a="1" /> <windows code="window_sm_round_ul" count="1"> <color r="1" g="0.63" b="0.38" a="1" /> </windows> </wall> <prop name="prop_tree_small_brickbox_ur_DNARoot" code="prop_tree_small_brickbox_ur"> <pos x="1.73" y="-6.76" z="0" /> <nhpr h="-180" p="0" r="-0" /> <scale x="0.7" y="0.7" z="0.7" /> </prop> </flat_building> <street name="street_divided_40x70_DNARoot" code="street_divided_40x70"> <pos x="-465" y="-20" z="0" /> <nhpr h="90" p="0" r="-0" /> <texture>street_street_TT_tex</texture> <texture>street_sidewalk_TT_tex</texture> <texture>street_curb_TT_tex</texture> </street> </visgroup> <visgroup zone="2229" vis="2229 2228 2205 2204 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2203"> <suit_edge a="208" b="30" /> <suit_edge a="280" b="30" /> <suit_edge a="30" b="280" /> <suit_edge a="280" b="31" /> <suit_edge a="31" b="280" /> <suit_edge a="302" b="303" /> <suit_edge a="303" b="208" /> <suit_edge a="300" b="369" /> <suit_edge a="369" b="370" /> <suit_edge a="31" b="300" /> <suit_edge a="300" b="371" /> <suit_edge a="371" b="300" /> <suit_edge a="208" b="371" /> <suit_edge a="371" b="208" /> <battle_cell width="20" height="20" x="-500.068" y="-40.1532" z="-0.5" /> <landmark_building id="tb32:toon_landmark_TT_A1_DNARoot" code="toon_landmark_TT_A1"> <title>Spaghetti and Goofballs Spaghetti G fballs and oo street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex Cast Iron Kites CAST-IRON KITES street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex Suction Cups and Saucers SUCTION CUPS AND SAUCERS street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex The Kaboomery THE KABOOMERY IF IT WE'VE GOT LOADS! EXPLODES, street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex Visible Ink VISIBLE INK Spaghetti and Goofballs Italian Cuisine street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex <pos x="-175" y="75" z="0" /> <nhpr h="-0" p="0" r="-0" /> <door code="door_double_round_ur"> <color r="0.88" g="0.45" b="0.38" a="1" /> </door> <prop name="prop_roman_entrance_DNARoot" code="prop_roman_entrance"> <pos x="10" y="-9" z="0" /> <nhpr h="-0" p="0" r="-0" /> <color r="0.33" g="0.73" b="0.43" a="1" /> </prop> </landmark_building> <flat_building id="tb41:20_DNARoot" width="15"> <pos x="-150" y="75" z="0" /> <nhpr h="-0" p="0" r="-0" /> <wall height="10" code="wall_md_dental_ur"> <color r="0.909804" g="0.630415" b="0.444156" a="1" /> <flat_door code="door_single_square_ur"> <color r="1" g="0.63" b="0.38" a="1" /> </flat_door> </wall> <wall height="10" code="wall_md_dental_ur"> <color r="0.909804" g="0.630415" b="0.444156" a="1" /> <windows code="window_sm_round_ul" count="2"> <color r="1" g="0.270588" b="0.270588" a="1" /> </windows> </wall> </flat_building> <landmark_building id="tb40:toon_landmark_TT_B2_DNARoot" code="toon_landmark_TT_B2"> <title>Used Firecrackers USED FIRECRACKERS street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex street_street_TT_tex street_sidewalk_TT_tex street_curb_TT_tex