street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex PLAYGROUND DONALD'S DOCK street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex TUFT GUY GYM MAPLE STREET, WORK OUT AT THE DAISY GARDENS Salmon Chanted Evening Formal Wear SALMON CHANTED EVENING FORMAL WEAR Used Life Preservers Life Preservers USED street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex MOVING? CARRY A TOON MOVERS IN MINNIE'S MELODYLAND Wet Suit Dry Cleaners WET SUIT DRY CLEANERS street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Hook's Clock Repair HOOK'S CLOCK REPAIR street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Luff 'N Stuff LUFF 'N STUFF street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex From Fore to Aft FROM FORE AFT TO Every Little Bait Every Little Bait street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Billy Budd's Big Bargain Binnacle Barn Billy Budd's Big Bargain Binnacle Barn street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Dime & Quarterdeck Bank DIME & QUARTERDECK BANK street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Squid Pro Quo, Attorneys at Law SQUID PRO QUO ATTORNEYS AT LAW CLOSED DUE TO TENTACLE DIFFICULTIES street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Trim the Nail Boutique TRIM NAIL BOUTIQUE THE TIRED? STAY AT THE ALL TUCKED INN ON LULLABY LANE street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Yacht's All, Folks! YACHT'S ALL, FOLKS! street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Blackbeard's Beauty Parlor BLACKBEARD'S BEAUTY PARLOR PEG-LEGS POLISHED EYE PATCHES PATCHED street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Out to See Optics OUT TO SEE OPTICS Disembark! Tree Surgeons TREE SURGEONS DISEMBARK! street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Poop Deck Gym POOP DECK GYM street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Bait and Switches Electrical Shop BAIT AND SWITCHES ELECTRICAL SHOP street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Piano Tuna PIANO TUNA WORKS FOR SCALE street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex street_street_DD_tex street_sidewalk_DD_tex street_curb_DD_tex Soles Repaired While U Wait SOLES REPAIRED WHILE U WAIT PUNCHLINE PLACE TOONTOWN CENTRAL <pos x="365" y="100" z="0" /> <nhpr h="90" p="0" r="-0" /> </landmark_building> <flat_building 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