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2024-07-07 23:08:39 +00:00
// Filename: filename.cxx
// Created by: drose (18Jan99)
// Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
// All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
// license. You should have received a copy of this license along
// with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
#include "filename.h"
#include "dSearchPath.h"
#include "executionEnvironment.h"
#include "vector_string.h"
#include <stdio.h> // For rename() and tempnam()
#include <time.h> // for clock() and time()
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utime.h>
// We assume we have these too.
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H
#include <glob.h>
#define GLOB_NOMATCH -3
#include <dirent.h>
// It's true that dtoolbase.h includes this already, but we include
// this again in case we are building this file within ppremake.
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef WIN32
/* begin Win32-specific code */
#ifdef WIN32_VC
#include <direct.h>
#include <windows.h>
// The MSVC 6.0 Win32 SDK lacks the following definitions, so we define them
// here for compatibility.
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE 0x00000040
// We might have been linked with the Cygwin dll. This is ideal if it
// is available, because it allows Panda to access all the Cygwin
// mount definitions if they are in use. If the Cygwin dll is not
// available, we fall back to our own convention for converting
// pathnames.
extern "C" void cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(const char *path, char *win32);
extern "C" void cygwin_conv_to_posix_path(const char *path, char *posix);
// Windows uses the convention \\hostname\path\to\file to represent a
// pathname to a file on another share. This redefines a pathname to
// be something more complicated than a sequence of directory names
// separated by slashes. The Unix convention to represent the same
// thing is, like everything else, to graft the reference to the
// remote hostname into the one global filesystem, with something like
// /hosts/hostname/path/to/file. We observe the Unix convention for
// internal names used in Panda; this makes operations like
// Filename::get_dirname() simpler and more internally consistent.
// This string hard-defines the prefix that we use internally to
// indicate that the next directory component name should be treated
// as a hostname. It might be nice to use a ConfigVariable for this,
// except that we haven't defined ConfigVariable by this point (and
// indeed we can't, since we need to have a Filename class already
// created in order to read the first config file). Windows purists
// might be tempted to define this to a double slash so that internal
// Panda filenames more closely resemble their Windows counterparts.
// That might actually work, but it will cause problems with
// Filename::standardize().
static const string hosts_prefix = "/hosts/";
static string
front_to_back_slash(const string &str) {
string result = str;
string::iterator si;
for (si = result.begin(); si != result.end(); ++si) {
if ((*si) == '/') {
(*si) = '\\';
return result;
static string
back_to_front_slash(const string &str) {
string result = str;
string::iterator si;
for (si = result.begin(); si != result.end(); ++si) {
if ((*si) == '\\') {
(*si) = '/';
return result;
static const string &
get_panda_root() {
static string panda_root;
static bool got_panda_root = false;
if (!got_panda_root) {
const char *envvar = getenv("PANDA_ROOT");
if (envvar != (const char *)NULL) {
panda_root = front_to_back_slash(envvar);
// Ensure the string ends in a backslash. If PANDA_ROOT is empty
// or undefined, this function must return a single backslash--not
// an empty string--since this prefix is used to replace a leading
// slash in Filename::to_os_specific().
if (panda_root.empty() || panda_root[panda_root.length() - 1] != '\\') {
panda_root += '\\';
got_panda_root = true;
return panda_root;
static string
convert_pathname(const string &unix_style_pathname) {
if (unix_style_pathname.empty()) {
return string();
// To convert from a Unix-style pathname to a Windows-style
// pathname, we need to change all forward slashes to backslashes.
// We might need to add a prefix as well, since Windows pathnames
// typically begin with a drive letter.
// By convention, if the top directory name consists of just one
// letter, we treat that as a drive letter and map the rest of the
// filename accordingly. On the other hand, if the top directory
// name consists of more than one letter, we assume this is a file
// within some predefined tree whose root is given by the
// environment variable "PANDA_ROOT", or if that is not defined,
// "CYGWIN_ROOT" (for backward compatibility).
string windows_pathname;
if (unix_style_pathname[0] != '/') {
// It doesn't even start from the root, so we don't have to do
// anything fancy--relative pathnames are the same in Windows as
// in Unix, except for the direction of the slashes.
windows_pathname = front_to_back_slash(unix_style_pathname);
} else if (unix_style_pathname.length() >= 2 &&
isalpha(unix_style_pathname[1]) &&
(unix_style_pathname.length() == 2 || unix_style_pathname[2] == '/')) {
// This pathname begins with a slash and a single letter. That
// must be the drive letter.
string remainder = unix_style_pathname.substr(2);
if (remainder.empty()) {
// There's a difference between "C:" and "C:/".
remainder = "/";
remainder = front_to_back_slash(remainder);
// We have to cast the result of toupper() to (char) to help some
// compilers (e.g. Cygwin's gcc 2.95.3) happy; so that they do not
// confuse this string constructor with one that takes two
// iterators.
windows_pathname =
string(1, (char)toupper(unix_style_pathname[1])) + ":" + remainder;
} else if (unix_style_pathname.length() > hosts_prefix.length() &&
unix_style_pathname.substr(0, hosts_prefix.length()) == hosts_prefix) {
// A filename like /hosts/fooby gets turned into \\fooby.
windows_pathname = "\\\\" + front_to_back_slash(unix_style_pathname.substr(hosts_prefix.length()));
} else {
// It starts with a slash, but the first part is not a single
// letter.
// Use Cygwin to convert it if possible.
char result[4096] = "";
cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(unix_style_pathname.c_str(), result);
windows_pathname = result;
#else // HAVE_CYGWIN
// Without Cygwin, just prefix $PANDA_ROOT.
windows_pathname = get_panda_root();
windows_pathname += front_to_back_slash(unix_style_pathname.substr(1));
#endif // HAVE_CYGWIN
return windows_pathname;
static string
convert_dso_pathname(const string &unix_style_pathname) {
// If the extension is .so, change it to .dll.
size_t dot = unix_style_pathname.rfind('.');
if (dot == string::npos ||
unix_style_pathname.find('/', dot) != string::npos) {
// No filename extension.
return convert_pathname(unix_style_pathname);
if (unix_style_pathname.substr(dot) != ".so") {
// Some other extension.
return convert_pathname(unix_style_pathname);
string dll_basename = unix_style_pathname.substr(0, dot);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// If we're building a debug version, all the dso files we link in
// must be named file_d.dll. This does prohibit us from linking in
// external dso files, generated outside of the Panda build system,
// that don't follow this _d convention. Maybe we need a separate
// convert_system_dso_pathname() function.
// We can't simply check to see if the file exists, because this
// might not be a full path to the dso filename--it might be
// somewhere on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or on PATH, or any of a number
// of nutty places.
return convert_pathname(dll_basename + "_d.dll");
return convert_pathname(dll_basename + ".dll");
static string
convert_executable_pathname(const string &unix_style_pathname) {
// If the extension is not .exe, append .exe.
size_t dot = unix_style_pathname.rfind('.');
if (dot == string::npos ||
unix_style_pathname.find('/', dot) != string::npos) {
// No filename extension.
return convert_pathname(unix_style_pathname + ".exe");
if (unix_style_pathname.substr(dot) != ".exe") {
// Some other extension.
return convert_pathname(unix_style_pathname + ".exe");
return convert_pathname(unix_style_pathname);
#endif //WIN32
// Function: Filename::Constructor
// Access: Published
// Description: This constructor composes the filename out of a
// directory part and a basename part. It will insert
// an intervening '/' if necessary.
Filename(const Filename &dirname, const Filename &basename) {
if (dirname.empty()) {
(*this) = basename;
} else {
_flags = basename._flags;
string dirpath = dirname.get_fullpath();
if (dirpath[dirpath.length() - 1] == '/') {
(*this) = dirpath + basename.get_fullpath();
} else {
(*this) = dirpath + "/" + basename.get_fullpath();
// Function: Filename::from_os_specific
// Access: Published, Static
// Description: This named constructor returns a Panda-style filename
// (that is, using forward slashes, and no drive letter)
// based on the supplied filename string that describes
// a filename in the local system conventions (for
// instance, on Windows, it may use backslashes or begin
// with a drive letter and a colon).
// Use this function to create a Filename from an
// externally-given filename string. Use
// to_os_specific() again later to reconvert it back to
// the local operating system's conventions.
// This function will do the right thing even if the
// filename is partially local conventions and partially
// Panda conventions; e.g. some backslashes and some
// forward slashes.
Filename Filename::
from_os_specific(const string &os_specific, Filename::Type type) {
#ifdef WIN32
string result = back_to_front_slash(os_specific);
const string &panda_root = get_panda_root();
// If the initial prefix is the same as panda_root, remove it.
if (!panda_root.empty() && panda_root != string("\\") &&
panda_root.length() < result.length()) {
bool matches = true;
size_t p;
for (p = 0; p < panda_root.length() && matches; ++p) {
char c = tolower(panda_root[p]);
if (c == '\\') {
c = '/';
matches = (c == tolower(result[p]));
if (matches) {
// The initial prefix matches! Replace the initial bit with a
// leading slash.
result = result.substr(panda_root.length());
if (result[0] != '/') {
result = '/' + result;
Filename filename(result);
return filename;
// All right, the initial prefix was not under panda_root. But
// maybe it begins with a drive letter.
if (result.size() >= 3 && isalpha(result[0]) &&
result[1] == ':' && result[2] == '/') {
result[1] = tolower(result[0]);
result[0] = '/';
// If there's *just* a slash following the drive letter, go ahead
// and trim it.
if (result.size() == 3) {
result = result.substr(0, 2);
} else if (result.substr(0, 2) == "//") {
// If the initial prefix is a double slash, convert it to /hosts/.
result = hosts_prefix + result.substr(2);
Filename filename(result);
return filename;
#else // WIN32
// Generic Unix-style filenames--no conversion necessary.
Filename filename(os_specific);
return filename;
#endif // WIN32
// Function: Filename::expand_from
// Access: Published, Static
// Description: Returns the same thing as from_os_specific(), but
// embedded environment variable references
// (e.g. "$DMODELS/foo.txt") are expanded out.
Filename Filename::
expand_from(const string &os_specific, Filename::Type type) {
return from_os_specific(ExecutionEnvironment::expand_string(os_specific),
// Function: Filename::temporary
// Access: Published, Static
// Description: Generates a temporary filename within the indicated
// directory, using the indicated prefix. If the
// directory is empty, a system-defined directory is
// chosen instead.
// The generated filename did not exist when the
// Filename checked, but since it does not specifically
// create the file, it is possible that another process
// could simultaneously create a file by the same name.
Filename Filename::
temporary(const string &dirname, const string &prefix, const string &suffix,
Type type) {
if (dirname.empty()) {
// If we are not given a dirname, use the system tempnam()
// function to create a system-defined temporary filename.
char *name = tempnam(NULL, prefix.c_str());
Filename result(name);
return result;
// If we *are* given a dirname, then use our own algorithm to make
// up a filename within that dirname. We do that because the system
// tempnam() (for instance, under Windows) may ignore the dirname.
Filename result;
do {
// We take the time of day and multiply it by the process time.
// This will give us a very large number, of which we take the
// bottom 24 bits and generate a 6-character hex code.
int hash = (clock() * time(NULL)) & 0xffffff;
char hex_code[10];
sprintf(hex_code, "%06x", hash);
result = Filename(dirname, Filename(prefix + hex_code + suffix));
} while (result.exists());
return result;
// Function: Filename::set_fullpath
// Access: Published
// Description: Replaces the entire filename: directory, basename,
// extension. This can also be achieved with the
// assignment operator.
void Filename::
set_fullpath(const string &s) {
(*this) = s;
// Function: Filename::set_dirname
// Access: Published
// Description: Replaces the directory part of the filename. This is
// everything in the filename up to, but not including
// the rightmost slash.
void Filename::
set_dirname(const string &s) {
if (s.empty()) {
// Remove the directory prefix altogether.
_filename.replace(0, _basename_start, "");
int length_change = - ((int)_basename_start);
_dirname_end = 0;
_basename_start += length_change;
_basename_end += length_change;
_extension_start += length_change;
} else {
// Replace the existing directory prefix, or insert a new one.
// We build the string ss to include the terminal slash.
string ss;
if (s[s.length()-1] == '/') {
ss = s;
} else {
ss = s+'/';
int length_change = ss.length() - _basename_start;
_filename.replace(0, _basename_start, ss);
_dirname_end = ss.length() - 1;
// An exception: if the dirname string was the single slash, the
// dirname includes that slash.
if (ss.length() == 1) {
_dirname_end = 1;
_basename_start += length_change;
if (_basename_end != string::npos) {
_basename_end += length_change;
_extension_start += length_change;
// Function: Filename::set_basename
// Access: Published
// Description: Replaces the basename part of the filename. This is
// everything in the filename after the rightmost slash,
// including any extensions.
void Filename::
set_basename(const string &s) {
_filename.replace(_basename_start, string::npos, s);
// Function: Filename::set_fullpath_wo_extension
// Access: Published
// Description: Replaces the full filename--directory and basename
// parts--except for the extension.
void Filename::
set_fullpath_wo_extension(const string &s) {
int length_change = s.length() - _basename_end;
_filename.replace(0, _basename_end, s);
if (_basename_end != string::npos) {
_basename_end += length_change;
_extension_start += length_change;
// Function: Filename::set_basename_wo_extension
// Access: Published
// Description: Replaces the basename part of the filename, without
// the file extension.
void Filename::
set_basename_wo_extension(const string &s) {
int length_change = s.length() - (_basename_end - _basename_start);
if (_basename_end == string::npos) {
_filename.replace(_basename_start, string::npos, s);
} else {
_filename.replace(_basename_start, _basename_end - _basename_start, s);
_basename_end += length_change;
_extension_start += length_change;
// Function: Filename::set_extension
// Access: Published
// Description: Replaces the file extension. This is everything after
// the rightmost dot, if there is one, or the empty
// string if there is not.
void Filename::
set_extension(const string &s) {
if (s.empty()) {
// Remove the extension altogether.
if (_basename_end != string::npos) {
_filename.replace(_basename_end, string::npos, "");
_basename_end = string::npos;
_extension_start = string::npos;
} else if (_basename_end == string::npos) {
// Insert an extension where there was none before.
_basename_end = _filename.length();
_extension_start = _filename.length() + 1;
_filename += '.' + s;
} else {
// Replace an existing extension.
_filename.replace(_extension_start, string::npos, s);
// Function: Filename::get_filename_index
// Access: Published
// Description: If the pattern flag is set for this Filename and the
// filename string actually includes a sequence of hash
// marks, then this returns a new Filename with the
// sequence of hash marks replaced by the indicated
// index number.
// If the pattern flag is not set for this Filename or
// it does not contain a sequence of hash marks, this
// quietly returns the original filename.
Filename Filename::
get_filename_index(int index) const {
Filename file(*this);
if (_hash_end != _hash_start) {
ostringstream strm;
strm << _filename.substr(0, _hash_start)
<< setw(_hash_end - _hash_start) << setfill('0') << index
<< _filename.substr(_hash_end);
return file;
// Function: Filename::set_hash_to_end
// Access: Published
// Description: Replaces the part of the filename from the beginning
// of the hash sequence to the end of the filename.
void Filename::
set_hash_to_end(const string &s) {
_filename.replace(_hash_start, string::npos, s);
// Function: Filename::extract_components
// Access: Published
// Description: Extracts out the individual directory components of
// the path into a series of strings. get_basename()
// will be the last component stored in the vector.
// Note that no distinction is made by this method
// between a leading slash and no leading slash, but you
// can call is_local() to differentiate the two cases.
void Filename::
extract_components(vector_string &components) const {
size_t p = 0;
if (!_filename.empty() && _filename[0] == '/') {
// Skip the leading slash.
p = 1;
while (p < _filename.length()) {
size_t q = _filename.find('/', p);
if (q == string::npos) {
components.push_back(_filename.substr(p, q - p));
p = q + 1;
// A trailing slash means we have an empty get_basename().
// Function: Filename::standardize
// Access: Published
// Description: Converts the filename to standard form by replacing
// consecutive slashes with a single slash, removing a
// trailing slash if present, and backing up over ../
// sequences within the filename where possible.
void Filename::
standardize() {
if (_filename == ".") {
// Don't change a single dot; this refers to the current directory.
vector_string components;
// Pull off the components of the filename one at a time.
bool global = (_filename[0] == '/');
size_t p = 0;
while (p < _filename.length() && _filename[p] == '/') {
while (p < _filename.length()) {
size_t slash = _filename.find('/', p);
string component = _filename.substr(p, slash - p);
if (component == ".") {
// Ignore /./.
} else if (component == ".." && !components.empty() &&
!(components.back() == "..")) {
// Back up.
} else {
p = slash;
while (p < _filename.length() && _filename[p] == '/') {
// Now reassemble the filename.
string result;
if (global) {
result = "/";
if (!components.empty()) {
result += components[0];
for (int i = 1; i < (int)components.size(); i++) {
result += "/" + components[i];
(*this) = result;
// Function: Filename::make_absolute
// Access: Published
// Description: Converts the filename to a fully-qualified pathname
// from the root (if it is a relative pathname), and
// then standardizes it (see standardize()).
// This is sometimes a little problematic, since it may
// convert the file to its 'true' absolute pathname,
// which could be an ugly NFS-named file, irrespective
// of symbolic links
// (e.g. /.automount/dimbo/root/usr2/fit/people/drose
// instead of /fit/people/drose); besides being ugly,
// filenames like this may not be consistent across
// multiple different platforms.
void Filename::
make_absolute() {
if (is_local()) {
} else {
// Function: Filename::make_absolute
// Access: Published
// Description: Converts the filename to a fully-qualified filename
// from the root (if it is a relative filename), and
// then standardizes it (see standardize()). This
// flavor accepts a specific starting directory that the
// filename is known to be relative to.
void Filename::
make_absolute(const Filename &start_directory) {
if (is_local()) {
Filename new_filename(start_directory, _filename);
new_filename._flags = _flags;
(*this) = new_filename;
// Function: Filename::make_canonical
// Access: Published
// Description: Converts this filename to a canonical name by
// replacing the directory part with the fully-qualified
// directory part. This is done by changing to that
// directory and calling getcwd().
// This has the effect of (a) converting relative paths
// to absolute paths (but see make_absolute() if this is
// the only effect you want), and (b) always resolving a
// given directory name to the same string, even if
// different symbolic links are traversed, and (c)
// changing nice symbolic-link paths like
// /fit/people/drose to ugly NFS automounter names like
// /hosts/dimbo/usr2/fit/people/drose. This can be
// troubling, but sometimes this is exactly what you
// want, particularly if you're about to call
// make_relative_to() between two filenames.
// The return value is true if successful, or false on
// failure (usually because the directory name does not
// exist or cannot be chdir'ed into).
bool Filename::
make_canonical() {
if (empty()) {
// An empty filename is a special case. This doesn't name
// anything.
return false;
if (get_fullpath() == "/") {
// The root directory is a special case.
return true;
Filename cwd = ExecutionEnvironment::get_cwd();
return r_make_canonical(cwd);
// Function: Filename::make_true_case
// Access: Published
// Description: On a case-insensitive operating system
// (e.g. Windows), this method looks up the file in the
// file system and resets the Filename to represent the
// actual case of the file as it exists on the disk.
// The return value is true if the file exists and the
// conversion can be made, or false if there is some
// error.
// On a case-sensitive operating system, this method
// does nothing and always returns true.
// An empty filename is considered to exist in this
// case.
bool Filename::
make_true_case() {
if (empty()) {
return true;
#ifdef WIN32
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
// First, we have to convert it to its short name, then back to its
// long name--that seems to be the trick to force Windows to throw
// away the case we give it and get the actual file case.
char short_name[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD l = GetShortPathName(os_specific.c_str(), short_name, MAX_PATH + 1);
if (l == 0) {
// Couldn't query the path name for some reason. Probably the
// file didn't exist.
return false;
// According to the Windows docs, l will return a value greater than
// the specified length if the short_name length wasn't enough--but also
// according to the Windows docs, MAX_PATH will always be enough.
assert(l < MAX_PATH + 1);
char long_name[MAX_PATH + 1];
l = GetLongPathName(short_name, long_name, MAX_PATH + 1);
if (l == 0) {
// Couldn't query the path name for some reason. Probably the
// file didn't exist.
return false;
assert(l < MAX_PATH + 1);
Filename true_case = Filename::from_os_specific(long_name);
// Now sanity-check the true-case filename. If it's not the same as
// the source file, except for case, reject it.
string orig_filename = get_fullpath();
string new_filename = true_case.get_fullpath();
bool match = (orig_filename.length() == new_filename.length());
for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_filename.length() && match; ++i) {
match = (tolower(orig_filename[i]) == tolower(new_filename[i]));
if (!match) {
// Something went wrong. Keep the original filename, assume it
// was the correct case after all. We return true because the
// filename is good.
return true;
(*this) = true_case;
return true;
#else // WIN32
return true;
#endif // WIN32
// Function: Filename::to_os_specific
// Access: Published
// Description: Converts the filename from our generic Unix-like
// convention (forward slashes starting with the root at
// '/') to the corresponding filename in the local
// operating system (slashes in the appropriate
// direction, starting with the root at C:\, for
// instance). Returns the string representing the
// converted filename, but does not change the Filename
// itself.
// See also from_os_specific().
string Filename::
to_os_specific() const {
if (empty()) {
return string();
Filename standard(*this);
#ifdef IS_OSX
if (get_type() == T_dso) {
std::string workname = standard.get_fullpath();
size_t dot = workname.rfind('.');
if (dot != string::npos) {
if (workname.substr(dot) == ".so") {
string dyLibBase = workname.substr(0, dot)+".dylib";
return dyLibBase;
#ifdef WIN32
switch (get_type()) {
case T_dso:
return convert_dso_pathname(standard.get_fullpath());
case T_executable:
return convert_executable_pathname(standard.get_fullpath());
return convert_pathname(standard.get_fullpath());
#else // WIN32
return standard;
#endif // WIN32
// Function: Filename::to_os_generic
// Access: Published
// Description: This is similar to to_os_specific(), but it is
// designed to generate a filename that can be
// understood on as many platforms as possible. Since
// Windows can usually understand a
// forward-slash-delimited filename, this means it does
// the same thing as to_os_specific(), but it uses
// forward slashes instead of backslashes.
// This method has a pretty limited use; it should
// generally be used for writing file references to a
// file that might be read on any operating system.
string Filename::
to_os_generic() const {
#ifdef WIN32
return back_to_front_slash(to_os_specific());
#else // WIN32
return to_os_specific();
#endif // WIN32
// Function: Filename::to_os_short_name
// Access: Published
// Description: This works like to_os_generic(), but it returns the
// "short name" version of the filename, if it exists,
// or the original filename otherwise.
// On Windows platforms, this returns the 8.3 filename
// version of the given filename, if the file exists,
// and the same thing as to_os_specific() otherwise. On
// non-Windows platforms, this always returns the same
// thing as to_os_specific().
string Filename::
to_os_short_name() const {
#ifdef WIN32
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
char short_name[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD l = GetShortPathName(os_specific.c_str(), short_name, MAX_PATH + 1);
if (l == 0) {
// Couldn't query the path name for some reason. Probably the
// file didn't exist.
return os_specific;
// According to the Windows docs, l will return a value greater than
// the specified length if the short_name length wasn't enough--but also
// according to the Windows docs, MAX_PATH will always be enough.
assert(l < MAX_PATH + 1);
return string(short_name);
#else // WIN32
return to_os_specific();
#endif // WIN32
// Function: Filename::to_os_long_name
// Access: Published
// Description: This is the opposite of to_os_short_name(): it
// returns the "long name" of the filename, if the
// filename exists. On non-Windows platforms, this
// returns the same thing as to_os_specific().
string Filename::
to_os_long_name() const {
#ifdef WIN32
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
char long_name[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD l = GetLongPathName(os_specific.c_str(), long_name, MAX_PATH + 1);
if (l == 0) {
// Couldn't query the path name for some reason. Probably the
// file didn't exist.
return os_specific;
assert(l < MAX_PATH + 1);
return string(long_name);
#else // WIN32
return to_os_specific();
#endif // WIN32
// Function: Filename::exists
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns true if the filename exists on the disk,
// false otherwise. If the type is indicated to be
// executable, this also tests that the file has execute
// permission.
bool Filename::
exists() const {
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
#ifdef WIN32_VC
bool exists = false;
DWORD results = GetFileAttributes(os_specific.c_str());
if (results != -1) {
exists = true;
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
bool exists = false;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
exists = true;
return exists;
// Function: Filename::is_regular_file
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns true if the filename exists and is the
// name of a regular file (i.e. not a directory or
// device), false otherwise.
bool Filename::
is_regular_file() const {
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
#ifdef WIN32_VC
bool isreg = false;
DWORD results = GetFileAttributes(os_specific.c_str());
if (results != -1) {
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
bool isreg = false;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
isreg = S_ISREG(this_buf.st_mode);
return isreg;
// Function: Filename::is_directory
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns true if the filename exists and is a
// directory name, false otherwise.
bool Filename::
is_directory() const {
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
#ifdef WIN32_VC
bool isdir = false;
DWORD results = GetFileAttributes(os_specific.c_str());
if (results != -1) {
isdir = (results & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
bool isdir = false;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
isdir = S_ISDIR(this_buf.st_mode);
return isdir;
// Function: Filename::is_executable
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns true if the filename exists and is
// executable
bool Filename::
is_executable() const {
#ifdef WIN32_VC
// no access() in windows, but to our advantage executables can only
// end in .exe or .com
string extension = get_extension();
if (extension == "exe" || extension == "com") {
return exists();
#else /* WIN32_VC */
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
if (access(os_specific.c_str(), X_OK) == 0) {
return true;
#endif /* WIN32_VC */
return false;
// Function: Filename::compare_timestamps
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns a number less than zero if the file named by
// this object is older than the given file, zero if
// they have the same timestamp, or greater than zero if
// this one is newer.
// If this_missing_is_old is true, it indicates that a
// missing file will be treated as if it were older than
// any other file; otherwise, a missing file will be
// treated as if it were newer than any other file.
// Similarly for other_missing_is_old.
int Filename::
compare_timestamps(const Filename &other,
bool this_missing_is_old,
bool other_missing_is_old) const {
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
string other_os_specific = other.get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
#ifdef WIN32_VC
struct _stat this_buf;
bool this_exists = false;
if (_stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
this_exists = true;
struct _stat other_buf;
bool other_exists = false;
if (_stat(other_os_specific.c_str(), &other_buf) == 0) {
other_exists = true;
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
bool this_exists = false;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
this_exists = true;
struct stat other_buf;
bool other_exists = false;
if (stat(other_os_specific.c_str(), &other_buf) == 0) {
other_exists = true;
if (this_exists && other_exists) {
// Both files exist, return the honest time comparison.
return (int)this_buf.st_mtime - (int)other_buf.st_mtime;
} else if (!this_exists && !other_exists) {
// Neither file exists.
if (this_missing_is_old == other_missing_is_old) {
// Both files are either "very old" or "very new".
return 0;
if (this_missing_is_old) {
// This file is "very old", the other is "very new".
return -1;
} else {
// This file is "very new", the other is "very old".
return 1;
} else if (!this_exists) {
// This file doesn't, the other one does.
return this_missing_is_old ? -1 : 1;
// !other_exists
// This file exists, the other one doesn't.
return other_missing_is_old ? 1 : -1;
// Function: Filename::get_timestamp
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns a time_t value that represents the time the
// file was last modified, to within whatever precision
// the operating system records this information (on a
// Windows95 system, for instance, this may only be
// accurate to within 2 seconds).
// If the timestamp cannot be determined, either because
// it is not supported by the operating system or
// because there is some error (such as file not found),
// returns 0.
time_t Filename::
get_timestamp() const {
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
#ifdef WIN32_VC
struct _stat this_buf;
if (_stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
return this_buf.st_mtime;
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
return this_buf.st_mtime;
return 0;
// Function: Filename::get_access_timestamp
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns a time_t value that represents the time the
// file was last accessed, if this information is
// available. See also get_timestamp(), which returns
// the last modification time.
time_t Filename::
get_access_timestamp() const {
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
#ifdef WIN32_VC
struct _stat this_buf;
if (_stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
return this_buf.st_atime;
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
return this_buf.st_atime;
return 0;
// Function: Filename::get_file_size
// Access: Published
// Description: Returns the size of the file in bytes, or 0 if there
// is an error.
off_t Filename::
get_file_size() const {
string os_specific = get_filename_index(0).to_os_specific();
#ifdef WIN32_VC
struct _stat this_buf;
if (_stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
return this_buf.st_size;
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
return this_buf.st_size;
return 0;
// Function: Filename::resolve_filename
// Access: Published
// Description: Searches the given search path for the filename. If
// it is found, updates the filename to the full
// pathname found and returns true; otherwise, returns
// false.
bool Filename::
resolve_filename(const DSearchPath &searchpath,
const string &default_extension) {
string found;
if (is_local()) {
found = searchpath.find_file(*this);
if (found.empty()) {
// We didn't find it with the given extension; can we try the
// default extension?
if (get_extension().empty() && !default_extension.empty()) {
Filename try_ext = *this;
found = searchpath.find_file(try_ext);
} else {
if (exists()) {
// The full pathname exists. Return true.
return true;
} else {
// The full pathname doesn't exist with the given extension;
// does it exist with the default extension?
if (get_extension().empty() && !default_extension.empty()) {
Filename try_ext = *this;
if (try_ext.exists()) {
found = try_ext;
if (!found.empty()) {
(*this) = found;
return true;
return false;
// Function: Filename::make_relative_to
// Access: Published
// Description: Adjusts this filename, which must be a
// fully-specified pathname beginning with a slash, to
// make it a relative filename, relative to the
// fully-specified directory indicated (which must also
// begin with, and may or may not end with, a slash--a
// terminating slash is ignored).
// This only performs a string comparsion, so it may be
// wise to call make_canonical() on both filenames
// before calling make_relative_to().
// If allow_backups is false, the filename will only be
// adjusted to be made relative if it is already
// somewhere within or below the indicated directory.
// If allow_backups is true, it will be adjusted in all
// cases, even if this requires putting a series of ../
// characters before the filename--unless it would have
// to back all the way up to the root.
// Returns true if the file was adjusted, false if it
// was not.
bool Filename::
make_relative_to(Filename directory, bool allow_backups) {
if (_filename.empty() || directory.empty() ||
_filename[0] != '/' || directory[0] != '/') {
return false;
if (directory == "/") {
// Don't be silly.
return false;
string rel_to_file = directory.get_fullpath() + "/.";
size_t common = get_common_prefix(rel_to_file);
if (common < 2) {
// Oh, never mind.
return false;
string result;
int slashes = count_slashes(rel_to_file.substr(common));
if (slashes > 0 && !allow_backups) {
// Too bad; the file's not under the indicated directory.
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < slashes; i++) {
result += "../";
result += _filename.substr(common);
(*this) = result;
return true;
// Function: Filename::find_on_searchpath
// Access: Published
// Description: Performs the reverse of the resolve_filename()
// operation: assuming that the current filename is
// fully-specified pathname (i.e. beginning with '/'),
// look on the indicated search path for a directory
// under which the file can be found. When found,
// adjust the Filename to be relative to the indicated
// directory name.
// Returns the index of the directory on the searchpath
// at which the file was found, or -1 if it was not
// found.
int Filename::
find_on_searchpath(const DSearchPath &searchpath) {
if (_filename.empty() || _filename[0] != '/') {
return -1;
int num_directories = searchpath.get_num_directories();
for (int i = 0; i < num_directories; i++) {
Filename directory = searchpath.get_directory(i);
if (make_relative_to(directory, false)) {
return i;
return -1;
// Function: Filename::scan_directory
// Access: Published
// Description: Attempts to open the named filename as if it were a
// directory and looks for the non-hidden files within
// the directory. Fills the given vector up with the
// sorted list of filenames that are local to this
// directory.
// It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the
// contents vector is empty before making this call;
// otherwise, the new files will be appended to it.
// Returns true on success, false if the directory could
// not be read for some reason.
bool Filename::
scan_directory(vector_string &contents) const {
#if defined(WIN32_VC)
// Use Windows' FindFirstFile() / FindNextFile() to walk through the
// list of files in a directory.
size_t orig_size = contents.size();
string match;
if (empty()) {
match = "*.*";
} else {
match = to_os_specific() + "\\*.*";
WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data;
HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile(match.c_str(), &find_data);
if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
// No matching files is not an error.
return true;
return false;
do {
string filename = find_data.cFileName;
if (filename != "." && filename != "..") {
} while (FindNextFile(handle, &find_data));
bool scan_ok = (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES);
sort(contents.begin() + orig_size, contents.end());
return scan_ok;
#elif defined(HAVE_DIRENT_H)
// Use Posix's opendir() / readir() to walk through the list of
// files in a directory.
size_t orig_size = contents.size();
string dirname;
if (empty()) {
dirname = ".";
} else {
dirname = _filename;
DIR *root = opendir(dirname.c_str());
if (root == (DIR *)NULL) {
return false;
struct dirent *d;
d = readdir(root);
while (d != (struct dirent *)NULL) {
if (d->d_name[0] != '.') {
d = readdir(root);
// It turns out to be a mistake to check the value of errno after
// calling readdir(), since it might have been set to non-zero
// during some internal operation of readdir(), even though there
// wasn't really a problem with scanning the directory itself.
if (errno != 0 && errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR) {
cerr << "Error occurred while scanning directory " << dirname << "\n";
return false;
sort(contents.begin() + orig_size, contents.end());
return true;
#elif defined(HAVE_GLOB_H)
// It's hard to imagine a system that provides glob.h but does not
// provide openddir() .. readdir(), but this code is leftover from a
// time when there was an undetected bug in the above readdir()
// loop, and it works, so we might as well keep it around for now.
string dirname;
if (empty()) {
dirname = "*";
} else if (_filename[_filename.length() - 1] == '/') {
dirname = _filename + "*";
} else {
dirname = _filename + "/*"; /* comment to fix emacs syntax hilight */
glob_t globbuf;
int r = glob(dirname.c_str(), GLOB_ERR, NULL, &globbuf);
if (r != 0) {
// Some error processing the match string. If our version of
// glob.h defines GLOB_NOMATCH, then we can differentiate an empty
// return result from some other kind of error.
if (r != GLOB_NOMATCH) {
return false;
// Otherwise, all errors mean the same thing: no matches, but
// otherwise no problem.
return true;
size_t offset = dirname.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; globbuf.gl_pathv[i] != NULL; i++) {
contents.push_back(globbuf.gl_pathv[i] + offset);
return true;
// Don't know how to scan directories!
return false;
// Function: Filename::open_read
// Access: Published
// Description: Opens the indicated ifstream for reading the file, if
// possible. Returns true if successful, false
// otherwise. This requires the setting of the
// set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file
// appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call
// open_read() without first calling one of set_text()
// or set_binary().
bool Filename::
open_read(ifstream &stream) const {
assert(is_text() || is_binary());
ios_openmode open_mode = ios::in;
// For some reason, some systems (like Irix) don't define
// ios::binary.
if (!is_text()) {
open_mode |= ios::binary;
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
stream.clear();, open_mode);
return (!;
// Function: Filename::open_write
// Access: Published
// Description: Opens the indicated ifstream for writing the file, if
// possible. Returns true if successful, false
// otherwise. This requires the setting of the
// set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file
// appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call
// open_read() without first calling one of set_text()
// or set_binary().
// If truncate is true, the file is truncated to zero
// length upon opening it, if it already exists.
// Otherwise, the file is kept at its original length.
bool Filename::
open_write(ofstream &stream, bool truncate) const {
assert(is_text() || is_binary());
ios_openmode open_mode = ios::out;
if (truncate) {
open_mode |= ios::trunc;
} else {
// Some systems insist on having ios::in set to prevent the file
// from being truncated when we open it. Makes ios::trunc kind of
// pointless, doesn't it? On the other hand, setting ios::in also
// seems to imply ios::nocreate (!), so we should only set this if
// the file already exists.
if (exists()) {
open_mode |= ios::in;
// For some reason, some systems (like Irix) don't define
// ios::binary.
if (!is_text()) {
open_mode |= ios::binary;
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
#ifdef HAVE_OPEN_MASK, open_mode, 0666);
#else, open_mode);
return (!;
// Function: Filename::open_append
// Access: Published
// Description: Opens the indicated ifstream for writing the file, if
// possible. Returns true if successful, false
// otherwise. This requires the setting of the
// set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file
// appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call
// open_read() without first calling one of set_text()
// or set_binary().
bool Filename::
open_append(ofstream &stream) const {
assert(is_text() || is_binary());
ios_openmode open_mode = ios::app;
// For some reason, some systems (like Irix) don't define
// ios::binary.
if (!is_text()) {
open_mode |= ios::binary;
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
#ifdef HAVE_OPEN_MASK, open_mode, 0666);
#else, open_mode);
return (!;
// Function: Filename::open_read_write
// Access: Published
// Description: Opens the indicated fstream for read/write access to
// the file, if possible. Returns true if successful,
// false otherwise. This requires the setting of the
// set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file
// appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call
// open_read_write() without first calling one of
// set_text() or set_binary().
bool Filename::
open_read_write(fstream &stream) const {
assert(is_text() || is_binary());
ios_openmode open_mode = ios::out | ios::in;
// Since ios::in also seems to imply ios::nocreate (!), we must
// guarantee the file already exists before we try to open it.
if (!exists()) {
// For some reason, some systems (like Irix) don't define
// ios::binary.
if (!is_text()) {
open_mode |= ios::binary;
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
#ifdef HAVE_OPEN_MASK, open_mode, 0666);
#else, open_mode);
return (!;
// Function: Filename::touch
// Access: Published
// Description: Updates the modification time of the file to the
// current time. If the file does not already exist, it
// will be created. Returns true if successful, false
// if there is an error.
bool Filename::
touch() const {
#ifdef WIN32_VC
// In Windows, we have to use the Windows API to do this reliably.
// First, guarantee the file exists (and also get its handle).
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
HANDLE fhandle;
fhandle = CreateFile(os_specific.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
if (fhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
return false;
// Now update the file time and date.
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysnow, &ftnow)) {
return false;
if (!SetFileTime(fhandle, NULL, NULL, &ftnow)) {
return false;
return true;
#elif defined(HAVE_UTIME_H)
// Most Unix systems can do this explicitly.
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
// In the Cygwin case, it seems we need to be sure to use the
// Cygwin-style name; some broken utime() implementation. That's
// almost the same thing as the original Panda-style name, but not
// exactly, so we first convert the Panda name to a Windows name,
// then convert it back to Cygwin, to ensure we get it exactly right
// by Cygwin rules.
char result[4096] = "";
cygwin_conv_to_posix_path(os_specific.c_str(), result);
os_specific = result;
#endif // HAVE_CYGWIN
int result = utime(os_specific.c_str(), NULL);
if (result < 0) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
// So the file doesn't already exist; create it.
int fd = creat(os_specific.c_str(), 0666);
if (fd < 0) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
return true;
#else // WIN32, HAVE_UTIME_H
// Other systems may not have an explicit control over the
// modification time. For these systems, we'll just temporarily
// open the file in append mode, then close it again (it gets closed
// when the ofstream goes out of scope).
ofstream file;
return open_append(file);
#endif // WIN32, HAVE_UTIME_H
// Function: Filename::chdir
// Access: Published
// Description: Changes directory to the specified location.
// Returns true if successful, false if failure.
bool Filename::
chdir() const {
Filename os_specific = to_os_specific();
return (::chdir(os_specific.c_str()) >= 0);
// Function: Filename::unlink
// Access: Published
// Description: Permanently deletes the file associated with the
// filename, if possible. Returns true if successful,
// false if failure (for instance, because the file did
// not exist, or because permissions were inadequate).
bool Filename::
unlink() const {
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
return (::unlink(os_specific.c_str()) == 0);
// Function: Filename::rename_to
// Access: Published
// Description: Renames the file to the indicated new filename. If
// the new filename is in a different directory, this
// will perform a move. Returns true if successful,
// false if failure.
bool Filename::
rename_to(const Filename &other) const {
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
string other_os_specific = other.to_os_specific();
return (rename(os_specific.c_str(),
other_os_specific.c_str()) == 0);
// Function: Filename::make_dir
// Access: Published
// Description: Creates all the directories in the path to the file
// specified in the filename, except for the basename
// itself. This assumes that the Filename contains the
// name of a file, not a directory name; it ensures that
// the directory containing the file exists.
// However, if the filename ends in a slash, it assumes
// the Filename represents the name of a directory, and
// creates all the paths.
bool Filename::
make_dir() const {
if (empty()) {
return false;
Filename path;
if (_filename[_filename.length() - 1] == '/') {
// The Filename ends in a slash; it represents a directory.
path = (*this);
} else {
// The Filename does not end in a slash; it represents a file.
path = get_dirname();
if (path.empty()) {
return false;
string dirname = path.get_fullpath();
// First, make sure everything up to the last path is known. We
// don't care too much if any of these fail; maybe they failed
// because the directory was already there.
size_t slash = dirname.find('/');
while (slash != string::npos) {
Filename component(dirname.substr(0, slash));
string os_specific = component.to_os_specific();
#ifndef WIN32_VC
mkdir(os_specific.c_str(), 0777);
slash = dirname.find('/', slash + 1);
// Now make the last one, and check the return value.
Filename component(dirname);
string os_specific = component.to_os_specific();
#ifndef WIN32_VC
int result = mkdir(os_specific.c_str(), 0777);
int result = mkdir(os_specific.c_str());
return (result == 0);
// Function: Filename::atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents
// Access: Public
// Description: Uses native file-locking mechanisms to atomically
// replace the contents of a (small) file with the
// specified contents, assuming it hasn't changed since
// the last time the file was read.
// This is designed to be similar to
// AtomicAdjust::compare_and_exchange(). The method
// writes new_contents to the file, completely replacing
// the original contents; but only if the original
// contents exactly matched old_contents. If the file
// was modified, returns true. If, however, the
// original contents of the file did not exactly match
// old_contents, then the file is not modified, and
// false is returned. In either case, orig_contents is
// filled with the original contents of the file.
// If the file does not exist, it is implicitly created,
// and its original contents are empty.
// If an I/O error occurs on write, some of the file may
// or may not have been written, and false is returned.
// Expressed in pseudo-code, the logic is:
// orig_contents =;
// if (orig_contents == old_contents) {
// file.write(new_contents);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// The operation is guaranteed to be atomic only if the
// only operations that read and write to this file are
// atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents() and
// atomic_read_contents().
bool Filename::
atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents(string &orig_contents,
const string &old_contents,
const string &new_contents) const {
#ifdef WIN32_VC
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
HANDLE hfile = CreateFile(os_specific.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
while (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DWORD error = GetLastError();
// If the file is locked by another process, yield and try again.
hfile = CreateFile(os_specific.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
} else {
cerr << "Couldn't open file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << error << "\n";
return false;
if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
cerr << "Couldn't open file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return false;
static const size_t buf_size = 512;
char buf[buf_size];
orig_contents = string();
DWORD bytes_read;
if (!ReadFile(hfile, buf, buf_size, &bytes_read, NULL)) {
cerr << "Error reading file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return false;
while (bytes_read > 0) {
orig_contents += string(buf, bytes_read);
if (!ReadFile(hfile, buf, buf_size, &bytes_read, NULL)) {
cerr << "Error reading file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return false;
bool match = false;
if (orig_contents == old_contents) {
match = true;
SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
DWORD bytes_written;
if (!WriteFile(hfile,, new_contents.size(),
&bytes_written, NULL)) {
cerr << "Error writing file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return false;
return match;
#else // WIN32_VC
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
int fd = open(os_specific.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
if (fd < 0) {
return false;
static const size_t buf_size = 512;
char buf[buf_size];
orig_contents = string();
lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0);
size_t bytes_read = read(fd, buf, buf_size);
while (bytes_read > 0) {
orig_contents += string(buf, bytes_read);
bytes_read = read(fd, buf, buf_size);
if (bytes_read < 0) {
return false;
bool match = false;
if (orig_contents == old_contents) {
match = true;
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
ssize_t bytes_written = write(fd,, new_contents.size());
if (bytes_written < 0) {
return false;
if (close(fd) < 0) {
return false;
return match;
#endif // WIN32_VC
// Function: Filename::atomic_read_contents
// Access: Public
// Description: Uses native file-locking mechanisms to atomically
// read the contents of a (small) file. This is the
// only way to read a file protected by
// atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents(), and be
// confident that the read operation is actually atomic
// with respect to that method.
// If the file does not exist, it is implicitly created,
// and its contents are empty.
// If the file is read successfully, fills its contents
// in the indicated string, and returns true. If the
// file cannot be read, returns false.
bool Filename::
atomic_read_contents(string &contents) const {
#ifdef WIN32_VC
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
HANDLE hfile = CreateFile(os_specific.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
while (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DWORD error = GetLastError();
// If the file is locked by another process, yield and try again.
hfile = CreateFile(os_specific.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
} else {
cerr << "Couldn't open file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << error << "\n";
return false;
static const size_t buf_size = 512;
char buf[buf_size];
contents = string();
DWORD bytes_read;
if (!ReadFile(hfile, buf, buf_size, &bytes_read, NULL)) {
cerr << "Error reading file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return false;
while (bytes_read > 0) {
contents += string(buf, bytes_read);
if (!ReadFile(hfile, buf, buf_size, &bytes_read, NULL)) {
cerr << "Error reading file: " << os_specific
<< ", error " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return false;
return true;
#else // WIN32_VC
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
int fd = open(os_specific.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);
if (fd < 0) {
return false;
static const size_t buf_size = 512;
char buf[buf_size];
contents = string();
lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0);
size_t bytes_read = read(fd, buf, buf_size);
while (bytes_read > 0) {
contents += string(buf, bytes_read);
bytes_read = read(fd, buf, buf_size);
if (bytes_read < 0) {
return false;
return true;
#endif // WIN32_VC
// Function: Filename::locate_basename
// Access: Protected
// Description: After the string has been reassigned, search for the
// slash marking the beginning of the basename, and set
// _dirname_end and _basename_start correctly.
void Filename::
locate_basename() {
// Scan for the last slash, which marks the end of the directory
// part.
if (_filename.empty()) {
_dirname_end = 0;
_basename_start = 0;
} else {
string::size_type slash = _filename.rfind('/');
if (slash != string::npos) {
_basename_start = slash + 1;
_dirname_end = _basename_start;
// One exception: in case there are multiple slashes in a row,
// we want to treat them as a single slash. The directory
// therefore actually ends at the first of these; back up a bit.
while (_dirname_end > 0 && _filename[_dirname_end-1] == '/') {
// Another exception: if the dirname was nothing but slashes, it
// was the root directory, or / itself. In this case the dirname
// does include the terminal slash (of course).
if (_dirname_end == 0) {
_dirname_end = 1;
} else {
_dirname_end = 0;
_basename_start = 0;
// Now:
// _dirname_end is the last slash character, or 0 if there are no
// slash characters.
// _basename_start is the character after the last slash character,
// or 0 if there are no slash characters.
// Function: Filename::locate_extension
// Access: Protected
// Description: Once the end of the directory prefix has been found,
// and _dirname_end and _basename_start are set
// correctly, search for the dot marking the beginning
// of the extension, and set _basename_end and
// _extension_start correctly.
void Filename::
locate_extension() {
// Now scan for the last dot after that slash.
if (_filename.empty()) {
_basename_end = string::npos;
_extension_start = string::npos;
} else {
string::size_type dot = _filename.length() - 1;
while (dot+1 > _basename_start && _filename[dot] != '.') {
if (dot+1 > _basename_start) {
_basename_end = dot;
_extension_start = dot + 1;
} else {
_basename_end = string::npos;
_extension_start = string::npos;
// Now:
// _basename_end is the last dot, or npos if there is no dot.
// _extension_start is the character after the last dot, or npos if
// there is no dot.
// Function: Filename::locate_hash
// Access: Protected
// Description: Identifies the part of the filename that contains the
// sequence of hash marks, if any.
void Filename::
locate_hash() {
if (!get_pattern()) {
// If it's not a pattern-type filename, these are always set to
// the end of the string.
_hash_end = string::npos;
_hash_start = string::npos;
} else {
// If it is a pattern-type filename, we must search for the hash
// marks, which could be anywhere (but are usually toward the
// end).
_hash_end = _filename.rfind('#');
if (_hash_end == string::npos) {
_hash_end = string::npos;
_hash_start = string::npos;
} else {
_hash_start = _hash_end;
while (_hash_start > 0 && _filename[_hash_start - 1] == '#') {
// Function: Filename::get_common_prefix
// Access: Protected
// Description: Returns the length of the longest common initial
// substring of this string and the other one that ends
// in a slash. This is the lowest directory common to
// both filenames.
size_t Filename::
get_common_prefix(const string &other) const {
size_t len = 0;
// First, get the length of the common initial substring.
while (len < length() && len < other.length() &&
_filename[len] == other[len]) {
// Now insist that it ends in a slash.
while (len > 0 && _filename[len-1] != '/') {
return len;
// Function: Filename::count_slashes
// Access: Protected, Static
// Description: Returns the number of non-consecutive slashes in the
// indicated string, not counting a terminal slash.
int Filename::
count_slashes(const string &str) {
int count = 0;
string::const_iterator si;
si = str.begin();
while (si != str.end()) {
if (*si == '/') {
// Skip consecutive slashes.
while (*si == '/') {
if (si == str.end()) {
// Oops, that was a terminal slash. Don't count it.
} else {
return count;
// Function: Filename::r_make_canonical
// Access: Protected
// Description: The recursive implementation of make_canonical().
bool Filename::
r_make_canonical(const Filename &cwd) {
if (get_fullpath() == "/") {
// If we reached the root, the whole path doesn't exist. Report
// failure.
return false;
// First, try to cd to the filename directly.
string os_specific = to_os_specific();
if (::chdir(os_specific.c_str()) >= 0) {
// That worked, save the full path string.
(*this) = ExecutionEnvironment::get_cwd();
// And restore the current working directory.
string osdir = cwd.to_os_specific();
if (::chdir(osdir.c_str()) < 0) {
cerr << "Error! Cannot change back to " << cwd << "\n";
return true;
// That didn't work; maybe it's not a directory. Recursively go to
// the directory above.
Filename dir(get_dirname());
if (dir.empty()) {
// No dirname means the file is in this directory.
return true;
if (!dir.r_make_canonical(cwd)) {
return false;
return true;