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2024-07-07 23:08:39 +00:00
// Filename: ppDirectory.cxx
// Created by: drose (28Sep00)
#include "ppDirectory.h"
#include "ppDirectoryTree.h"
#include "ppScope.h"
#include "ppNamedScopes.h"
#include "ppCommandFile.h"
#include "ppDependableFile.h"
#include "tokenize.h"
#include "ppremake.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef WIN32_VC
#include <direct.h>
#include <windows.h>
// How new must a pp.dep cache file be before we will believe it?
static const int max_cache_minutes = 60;
PPDirectory *current_output_directory = (PPDirectory *)NULL;
// An STL object to sort directories in order by dependency and then
// by name, used in get_child_dirnames().
class SortDirectoriesByDependencyAndName {
bool operator () (const PPDirectory *a, const PPDirectory *b) const {
if (a->get_depends_index() != b->get_depends_index()) {
return a->get_depends_index() < b->get_depends_index();
return a->get_dirname() < b->get_dirname();
// Function: PPDirectory::Constructor
// Access: Public
// Description: Creates the root directory.
PPDirectory(PPDirectoryTree *tree) {
_scope = (PPScope *)NULL;
_source = (PPCommandFile *)NULL;
_parent = (PPDirectory *)NULL;
_tree = tree;
_depth = 0;
_depends_index = 0;
_computing_depends_index = false;
_dirname = "top";
_tree->_dirnames.insert(PPDirectoryTree::Dirnames::value_type(_dirname, this));
// Function: PPDirectory::Constructor
// Access: Public
// Description: Creates a new directory level that automatically adds
// itself to its parent's children list.
PPDirectory(const string &dirname, PPDirectory *parent) :
assert(_parent != (PPDirectory *)NULL);
_scope = (PPScope *)NULL;
_source = (PPCommandFile *)NULL;
_tree = _parent->_tree;
_depth = _parent->_depth + 1;
_depends_index = 0;
_computing_depends_index = false;
bool inserted =
_tree->_dirnames.insert(PPDirectoryTree::Dirnames::value_type(_dirname, this)).second;
if (!inserted) {
cerr << "Warning: multiple directories encountered named "
<< _dirname << "\n";
// Function: PPDirectory::Destructor
// Access: Public
// Description: When a tree root destructs, all of its children are
// also destroyed.
~PPDirectory() {
Children::iterator ci;
for (ci = _children.begin(); ci != _children.end(); ++ci) {
delete (*ci);
// Function: PPDirectory::get_tree
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the PPDirectoryTree object corresponding to
// the source tree that this directory is a part of.
PPDirectoryTree *PPDirectory::
get_tree() const {
return _tree;
// Function: PPDirectory::count_source_files
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the number of directories within the tree
// that actually have a Sources.pp file that was read.
int PPDirectory::
count_source_files() const {
int count = 0;
if (_source != (PPCommandFile *)NULL) {
Children::const_iterator ci;
for (ci = _children.begin(); ci != _children.end(); ++ci) {
count += (*ci)->count_source_files();
return count;
// Function: PPDirectory::get_dirname
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the name of this particular directory level.
const string &PPDirectory::
get_dirname() const {
return _dirname;
// Function: PPDirectory::get_depends_index
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the dependency index associated with this
// directory. It is generally true that if directory A
// depends on B, then A.get_depends_index() >
// B.get_depends_index().
int PPDirectory::
get_depends_index() const {
return _depends_index;
// Function: PPDirectory::get_path
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the relative path from the root to this
// particular directory. This does not include the root
// name itself, and does not include a trailing slash.
string PPDirectory::
get_path() const {
if (_parent == (PPDirectory *)NULL) {
return ".";
if (_parent->_parent == (PPDirectory *)NULL) {
return _dirname;
return _parent->get_path() + "/" + _dirname;
// Function: PPDirectory::get_fullpath
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the full path to this particular directory.
// This does not include a trailing slash.
string PPDirectory::
get_fullpath() const {
if (_parent == (PPDirectory *)NULL) {
return _tree->get_fullpath();
return _tree->get_fullpath() + "/" + get_path();
// Function: PPDirectory::get_rel_to
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the relative path to the other directory from
// this one. This does not include a trailing slash.
string PPDirectory::
get_rel_to(const PPDirectory *other) const {
const PPDirectory *a = this;
const PPDirectory *b = other;
if (a == b) {
return ".";
if (a->_tree != b->_tree) {
// If they're in different trees, just return the full path to b.
return b->get_fullpath();
string prefix, postfix;
while (a->_depth > b->_depth) {
prefix += "../";
a = a->_parent;
assert(a != (PPDirectory *)NULL);
while (b->_depth > a->_depth) {
postfix = b->_dirname + "/" + postfix;
b = b->_parent;
assert(b != (PPDirectory *)NULL);
while (a != b) {
prefix += "../";
postfix = b->_dirname + "/" + postfix;
a = a->_parent;
b = b->_parent;
assert(a != (PPDirectory *)NULL);
assert(b != (PPDirectory *)NULL);
string result = prefix + postfix;
return result.substr(0, result.length() - 1);
// Function: PPDirectory::get_source
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the source file associated with this level
// of the directory hierarchy. This *might* be NULL.
PPCommandFile *PPDirectory::
get_source() const {
return _source;
// Function: PPDirectory::get_num_children
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the number of subdirectories below this
// level.
int PPDirectory::
get_num_children() const {
return _children.size();
// Function: PPDirectory::get_child
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns the nth subdirectory below this level.
PPDirectory *PPDirectory::
get_child(int n) const {
assert(n >= 0 && n < (int)_children.size());
return _children[n];
// Function: PPDirectory::get_child_dirnames
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns a single string listing the names of all the
// subdirectories of this level, delimited by spaces.
// The list is sorted in dependency order such that a
// directory is listed after the other directories it
// might depend on.
string PPDirectory::
get_child_dirnames() const {
Children copy_children = _children;
sort(copy_children.begin(), copy_children.end(),
vector<string> words;
Children::const_iterator ci;
for (ci = copy_children.begin(); ci != copy_children.end(); ++ci) {
string result = repaste(words, " ");
return result;
// Function: PPDirectory::get_complete_subtree
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns a single string listing the relative path
// from the source root to each source directory at this
// level and below, delimited by spaces.
string PPDirectory::
get_complete_subtree() const {
Children copy_children = _children;
sort(copy_children.begin(), copy_children.end(),
vector<string> words;
Children::const_iterator ci;
for (ci = copy_children.begin(); ci != copy_children.end(); ++ci) {
string result = repaste(words, " ");
return result;
// Function: PPDirectory::get_dependable_file
// Access: Public
// Description: Returns a PPDependableFile object corresponding to
// the named filename, creating one if it does not
// already exist. This can be used to determine the
// inter-file dependencies between source files.
// If is_header is true, then the file will be added to
// the index at the top of the directory tree, so that
// other directories may include this file. In this
// case, if the filename is not unique, a warning
// message will be issued.
PPDependableFile *PPDirectory::
get_dependable_file(const string &filename, bool is_header) {
Dependables::iterator di;
di = _dependables.find(filename);
if (di != _dependables.end()) {
return (*di).second;
// No such file found; create a new definition.
PPDependableFile *dependable = new PPDependableFile(this, filename);
_dependables.insert(Dependables::value_type(filename, dependable));
if (is_header) {
PPDirectoryTree *main_tree = _tree->get_main_tree();
bool unique = main_tree->_dependables.insert
(PPDirectoryTree::Dependables::value_type(filename, dependable)).second;
if (!unique) {
PPDependableFile *other = main_tree->find_dependable_file(filename);
if (_tree != main_tree &&
other->get_directory()->get_tree() != main_tree) {
// Both files are in external dependable trees.
cerr << "Error: header file " << dependable->get_fullpath()
<< " may be confused with " << other->get_fullpath()
<< ".\n";
errors_occurred = true;
} else if (other->get_directory()->get_tree() != _tree) {
// This file is a source file in this tree, while the other
// one is an external file. This is not a warning condition,
// since maybe we've already installed the source file to the
// global install directory on some previous build.
} else {
// Both files are within the same source tree.
cerr << "Error: source file " << dependable->get_pathname()
<< " may be confused with " << other->get_pathname()
<< ".\n";
errors_occurred = true;
return dependable;
// Function: PPDirectory::report_depends
// Access: Public
// Description: Reports all the directories that the current
// directory depends on.
void PPDirectory::
report_depends() const {
if (_i_depend_on.empty()) {
cerr << _dirname << " depends on no other directories.\n";
} else {
// Get the complete set of directories we depend on.
Depends dep;
cerr << _dirname << " depends directly on the following directories:";
cerr << "and directly or indirectly on the following directories:";
// Function: PPDirectory::report_reverse_depends
// Access: Public
// Description: Reports all the directories that depend on the
// current directory.
void PPDirectory::
report_reverse_depends() const {
if (_depends_on_me.empty()) {
cerr << _dirname << " is needed by no other directories.\n";
} else {
// Get the complete set of directories we depend on.
Depends dep;
cerr << _dirname << " is needed directly by the following directories:";
cerr << "and directly or indirectly by the following directories:";
// Function: PPDirectory::r_scan
// Access: Private
// Description: The recursive implementation of
// PPDirectoryTree::scan_source().
bool PPDirectory::
r_scan(const string &prefix) {
Filename root_name = ".";
if (!prefix.empty()) {
root_name = prefix.substr(0, prefix.length() - 1);
// Collect all the filenames in the directory in this vector first.
vector<string> filenames;
if (!root_name.scan_directory(filenames)) {
cerr << "Unable to scan directory " << root_name << "\n";
return false;
vector<string>::const_iterator fi;
for (fi = filenames.begin(); fi != filenames.end(); ++fi) {
string filename = (*fi);
if (!filename.empty() && filename[0] != '.') {
// Is this possibly a subdirectory with its own Sources.pp
// within it?
string next_prefix = prefix + filename + "/";
Filename source_filename = next_prefix + SOURCE_FILENAME;
if (source_filename.exists()) {
PPDirectory *subtree = new PPDirectory(filename, this);
if (!subtree->r_scan(next_prefix)) {
return false;
return true;
// Function: PPDirectory::scan_extra_depends
// Access: Private
// Description: The recursive implementation of
// PPDirectoryTree::scan_extra_depends(). This simply
// adds each *.h or *.I file in the directory as a
// dependable file. It is assumed to be called for an
// external directory named by DEPENDABLE_HEADER_DIRS.
bool PPDirectory::
scan_extra_depends(const string &cache_filename) {
Filename root_name = get_fullpath();
vector<string> filenames;
if (!root_name.scan_directory(filenames)) {
cerr << "Unable to scan directory " << root_name << "\n";
return false;
if (verbose) {
cerr << "Scanning external directory " << get_fullpath() << "\n";
vector<string>::const_iterator fi;
for (fi = filenames.begin(); fi != filenames.end(); ++fi) {
string filename = (*fi);
if (!filename.empty() && filename[0] != '.' &&
filename != string("CVS") &&
filename != cache_filename) {
get_dependable_file(filename, true);
return true;
// Function: PPDirectory::read_source_file
// Access: Private
// Description: Recursively reads in the source file at each level,
// if defined.
bool PPDirectory::
read_source_file(const string &prefix, PPNamedScopes *named_scopes) {
Filename source_filename = prefix + SOURCE_FILENAME;
ifstream in;
if (source_filename.open_read(in)) {
if (verbose) {
cerr << "Reading (dir) \"" << source_filename << "\"\n";
_scope = named_scopes->make_scope("");
_scope->define_variable("SOURCEFILE", SOURCE_FILENAME);
_scope->define_variable("DIRNAME", _dirname);
_scope->define_variable("DIRPREFIX", prefix);
_scope->define_variable("PATH", get_path());
_scope->define_variable("SUBDIRS", get_child_dirnames());
_scope->define_variable("SUBTREE", get_complete_subtree());
_source = new PPCommandFile(_scope);
if (!_source->read_stream(in, source_filename)) {
return false;
Children::iterator ci;
for (ci = _children.begin(); ci != _children.end(); ++ci) {
if (!(*ci)->read_source_file(prefix + (*ci)->get_dirname() + "/",
named_scopes)) {
return false;
return true;
// Function: PPDirectory::read_depends_file
// Access: Private
// Description: Recursively reads in the dependency definition file
// for each source file.
bool PPDirectory::
read_depends_file(PPNamedScopes *named_scopes) {
if (_scope != (PPScope *)NULL) {
// Read the depends file, so we can determine the relationship
// between this source file and all of the other source files.
string depends_filename = _scope->expand_variable("DEPENDS_FILE");
if (depends_filename.empty()) {
cerr << "No definition given for $[DEPENDS_FILE], cannot process.\n";
return false;
current_output_directory = this;
PPCommandFile depends(_scope);
if (!depends.read_file(depends_filename)) {
cerr << "Error reading dependency definition file "
<< depends_filename << ".\n";
return false;
// This should have defined the variable DEPEND_DIRS, which lists
// the various dirnames this source file depends on.
vector<string> dirnames;
tokenize_whitespace(_scope->expand_variable("DEPEND_DIRS"), dirnames);
vector<string>::const_iterator ni;
for (ni = dirnames.begin(); ni != dirnames.end(); ++ni) {
const string &dirname = (*ni);
PPDirectory *dir = _tree->find_dirname(dirname);
if (dir == (PPDirectory *)NULL) {
cerr << "Could not find dependent dirname " << dirname << "\n";
} else {
if (dir != this) {
// This may also have defined the variable DEPENDABLE_HEADERS,
// which lists the header files in this directory that C/C++
// source files in this and other directories might be including
// (and will therefore depend on).
vector<string> headers;
tokenize_whitespace(_scope->expand_variable("DEPENDABLE_HEADERS"), headers);
for (ni = headers.begin(); ni != headers.end(); ++ni) {
get_dependable_file(*ni, true);
Children::iterator ci;
for (ci = _children.begin(); ci != _children.end(); ++ci) {
if (!(*ci)->read_depends_file(named_scopes)) {
return false;
return true;
// Function: PPDirectory::resolve_dependencies
// Access: Private
// Description: Visits each directory and assigns a correct
// _depends_index to each one, such that if directory A
// depends on directory B then A._depends_index >
// B._depends_index.
// This also detects cycles in the directory dependency
// graph.
bool PPDirectory::
resolve_dependencies() {
if (!compute_depends_index()) {
return false;
Children::iterator ci;
for (ci = _children.begin(); ci != _children.end(); ++ci) {
if (!(*ci)->resolve_dependencies()) {
return false;
// Now that we've resolved all of our children's dependencies,
// redefine our SUBDIRS and SUBTREE variables to put things in the
// right order.
if (_scope != (PPScope *)NULL) {
_scope->define_variable("SUBDIRS", get_child_dirnames());
_scope->define_variable("SUBTREE", get_complete_subtree());
return true;
// Function: PPDirectory::compute_depends_index
// Access: Private
// Description: Computes the dependency score for a particular
// directory. See resolve_dependencies().
bool PPDirectory::
compute_depends_index() {
if (_depends_index != 0) {
return true;
if (_i_depend_on.empty()) {
_depends_index = 1;
return true;
_computing_depends_index = true;
int max_index = 0;
Depends::iterator di;
for (di = _i_depend_on.begin(); di != _i_depend_on.end(); ++di) {
if ((*di)->_computing_depends_index) {
// Oops, we have a cycle!
cerr << "Cycle detected in inter-directory dependencies!\n"
<< _dirname << " depends on " << (*di)->_dirname << "\n";
return false;
if (!(*di)->compute_depends_index()) {
// Keep reporting the cycle as we unroll the recursion.
cerr << _dirname << " depends on " << (*di)->_dirname << "\n";
return false;
max_index = max(max_index, (*di)->_depends_index);
_computing_depends_index = false;
_depends_index = max_index + 1;
return true;
// Function: PPDirectory::read_file_dependencies
// Access: Private
// Description: Before processing the source files, makes a pass and
// reads in all of the dependency cache files so we'll
// have a heads-up on which files depend on the others.
void PPDirectory::
read_file_dependencies(const string &cache_filename) {
// Open up the dependency cache file in the directory.
Filename cache_pathname(get_fullpath(), cache_filename);
ifstream in;
// Does the cache file exist, and is it recent enough? We don't
// trust old cache files on principle.
string os_specific = cache_pathname.to_os_specific();
time_t now = time(NULL);
#ifdef WIN32_VC
struct _stat this_buf;
bool this_exists = false;
if (_stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
this_exists = true;
#else // WIN32_VC
struct stat this_buf;
bool this_exists = false;
if (stat(os_specific.c_str(), &this_buf) == 0) {
this_exists = true;
if (!this_exists) {
// The cache file doesn't exist. That's OK.
if (verbose) {
cerr << "No cache file: \"" << cache_pathname << "\"\n";
} else if (this_buf.st_mtime < now - 60 * max_cache_minutes) {
// It exists, but it's too old.
if (verbose) {
cerr << "Cache file too old: \"" << cache_pathname << "\"\n";
} else {
// It exists and is new enough; use it.
if (!cache_pathname.open_read(in)) {
cerr << "Couldn't read \"" << cache_pathname << "\"\n";
} else {
if (verbose) {
cerr << "Loading cache \"" << cache_pathname << "\"\n";
bool okcache = true;
string line;
getline(in, line);
while (! && !in.eof()) {
vector<string> words;
tokenize_whitespace(line, words);
if (words.size() >= 2) {
PPDependableFile *file = get_dependable_file(words[0], false);
if (!file->update_from_cache(words)) {
// Hey, we asked for an invalid or absent file. Phooey.
// Invalidate the cache, and also make sure that this
// particular file (which maybe doesn't even exist) isn't
// mentioned in the cache file any more.
Dependables::iterator di;
di = _dependables.find(words[0]);
if (di != _dependables.end()) {
okcache = false;
getline(in, line);
if (!okcache) {
if (verbose) {
cerr << "Cache \"" << cache_pathname << "\" is stale.\n";
Dependables::iterator di;
for (di = _dependables.begin(); di != _dependables.end(); ++di) {
Children::iterator ci;
for (ci = _children.begin(); ci != _children.end(); ++ci) {
// Function: PPDirectory::update_file_dependencies
// Access: Private
// Description: After all source processing has completed, makes one
// more pass through the directory hierarchy and writes
// out the inter-file dependency cache.
void PPDirectory::
update_file_dependencies(const string &cache_filename) {
if (dry_run) {
// If this is just a dry run, just report circularities.
Dependables::const_iterator di;
for (di = _dependables.begin(); di != _dependables.end(); ++di) {
PPDependableFile *file = (*di).second;
if (file->was_examined()) {
if (file->is_circularity()) {
cerr << "Warning: circular #include directives:\n"
<< " " << file->get_circularity() << "\n";
} else {
// Open up the dependency cache file in the directory.
Filename cache_pathname(get_fullpath(), cache_filename);
// If we have no files, don't bother writing the cache.
bool wrote_anything = false;
if (!_dependables.empty()) {
ofstream out;
if (!cache_pathname.open_write(out)) {
cerr << "Cannot update cache dependency file " << cache_pathname << "\n";
if (verbose) {
cerr << "Rewriting cache " << cache_pathname << "\n";
// Walk through our list of dependable files, writing them out the
// the cache file.
bool external_tree = (_tree->get_main_tree() != _tree);
Dependables::const_iterator di;
for (di = _dependables.begin(); di != _dependables.end(); ++di) {
PPDependableFile *file = (*di).second;
if (file->was_examined() || (external_tree && file->was_cached())) {
if (file->is_circularity()) {
cerr << "Warning: circular #include directives:\n"
<< " " << file->get_circularity() << "\n";
wrote_anything = true;
if (!wrote_anything) {
// Well, if we didn't write anything, remove the cache file
// after all.
Children::iterator ci;
for (ci = _children.begin(); ci != _children.end(); ++ci) {
// Function: PPDirectory::get_complete_i_depend_on
// Access: Private
// Description: Gets the transitive closure of i_depend_on. This
// fills the given set (which must have been empty
// before this call) with the complete set of all
// directories this directory depends on, directly or
// indirectly.
void PPDirectory::
get_complete_i_depend_on(Depends &dep) const {
Depends::const_iterator di;
for (di = _i_depend_on.begin(); di != _i_depend_on.end(); ++di) {
PPDirectory *dir = (*di);
bool inserted = dep.insert(dir).second;
if (inserted) {
// Function: PPDirectory::get_complete_depends_on_me
// Access: Private
// Description: Gets the transitive closure of depends_on_me. This
// fills the given set (which must have been empty
// before this call) with the complete set of all
// directories this that depend on this directory,
// directly or indirectly.
void PPDirectory::
get_complete_depends_on_me(Depends &dep) const {
Depends::const_iterator di;
for (di = _depends_on_me.begin(); di != _depends_on_me.end(); ++di) {
PPDirectory *dir = (*di);
bool inserted = dep.insert(dir).second;
if (inserted) {
// Function: PPDirectory::show_directories
// Access: Private
// Description: Writes a set of dependency directory names to
// standard error. The output begins with a newline.
void PPDirectory::
show_directories(const PPDirectory::Depends &dep) const {
// Copy the set into a vector, so we can sort it into a nice order
// for the user's pleasure.
vector<PPDirectory *> dirs;
copy(dep.begin(), dep.end(),
back_insert_iterator<vector<PPDirectory *> >(dirs));
sort(dirs.begin(), dirs.end(), SortDirectoriesByDependencyAndName());
static const int max_col = 72;
int col = max_col;
vector<PPDirectory *>::const_iterator di;
for (di = dirs.begin(); di != dirs.end(); ++di) {
const string &dirname = (*di)->_dirname;
col += dirname.length() + 1;
if (col >= max_col) {
col = dirname.length() + 2;
cerr << "\n " << dirname;
} else {
cerr << " " << dirname;
cerr << "\n";