224 lines
7.4 KiB
224 lines
7.4 KiB
![]() |
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import collections
import compiler
import re
class CategoryParser:
def __init__(self, filepath):
self.filepath = filepath
self.categories = {}
def parse(self):
with open(self.filepath, 'r') as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
line = line.strip()
if (not line.startswith('# --- ')) or (not line.endswith(' ---')):
self.addCategory(i + 1, line[6:-4].title())
def addCategory(self, lineno, category):
self.categories[lineno] = category
def getCategory(self, lineno):
category = 'Unknown'
for k in sorted(self.categories.keys()):
if k > lineno:
category = self.categories[k]
return category
class MethodParser(CategoryParser):
def __init__(self, filepath):
CategoryParser.__init__(self, filepath)
# Order matters, so store the method information in an OrderedDict:
self.methods = collections.OrderedDict()
def parse(self):
# Get the root node:
node = compiler.parseFile(self.filepath).node
# Parse any class objects:
for child in node.getChildren():
if isinstance(child, compiler.ast.Class):
def parseClass(self, node):
# Skip past the class definition, and go into the body:
stmt = node.getChildNodes()[-1]
# Parse any function objects:
for child in stmt.getChildren():
if isinstance(child, compiler.ast.Function):
def parseFunction(self, node):
# First, verify that this is an RPC method:
if not node.name.startswith('rpc_'):
# RPC methods are required to have their name begin with 'rpc_'.
name = node.name[4:]
if node.decorators is None:
# RPC methods are also required to utilize the @rpcmethod
# decorator.
for decorator in node.decorators:
if decorator.node.name != 'rpcmethod':
accessLevel = 'Unknown'
for arg in decorator.args:
if arg.name != 'accessLevel':
# Format the access level string:
accessLevel = ' '.join(arg.expr.name.split('_')).title()
# A docstring is also required:
if node.doc is None:
# Get rid of the indentation in our docstring so that we can have an
# easier time parsing it:
lines = node.doc.split('\n')
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
lines[i] = line.lstrip()
doc = '\n'.join(lines)
# Get the category in which this method is underneath:
category = self.getCategory(node.lineno)
# Store this method's information:
self.methods.setdefault(category, []).append((name, accessLevel, doc))
def getMethods(self):
return self.methods
class MediaWikiGenerator:
def __init__(self, methods):
self.methods = methods
self.content = ''
def generate(self):
# Start on a clean slate:
self.content = ''
# Write the documentation header:
# Write the categories and methods:
for category, methods in self.methods.items():
for name, accessLevel, doc in methods:
self.writeMethod(name, accessLevel, doc)
# Write the documentation footer:
return self.content
def writeHeader(self):
# Force a table of contents:
self.content += '__TOC__\n'
def writeCategory(self, category):
self.content += '= %s =\n' % category
def writeMethod(self, name, accessLevel, doc):
# First, add the method name and access level:
self.writeHeading(3, name + ' <sub>- <code>%s</code></sub>' % accessLevel)
# Split the docstring by the '\n\n' terminator:
doc = doc.split('\n\n')
# A summary is required, so let's assume it's first:
summary = doc[0][9:].strip()
self.writeBlockQuote(' '.join(summary.split('\n')))
# Let's do parameters next if we have them:
for entry in doc:
if entry.startswith('Parameters:'):
entry = entry[13:].strip()
entry = None
if entry is not None:
parameters = []
for parameter in re.split('\\n\\[|\\n<', entry):
name, description = parameter.split(' = ', 1)
type, name = name.strip()[:-1].split(' ', 1)
description = ' '.join(description.split('\n'))
parameters.append((name, type, description))
# Finally, we have an optional example response:
for entry in doc:
if entry.startswith('Example response:'):
entry = entry[18:].strip()
entry = None
if entry is not None:
self.content += '{|\n'
self.content += '|-\n'
if (not entry.startswith('On success:')) or (
'On failure:' not in entry):
# Generate a single-row table:
self.content += '! Example Response\n'
self.content += '| <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n' % entry
# Generate a double-row table:
success, failure = entry[12:].split('On failure:', 1)
self.content += '! rowspan="2"|Example Response\n'
self.content += '| Success\n'
self.content += '| <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n' % success.strip()
self.content += '|-\n'
self.content += '| Failure\n'
self.content += '| <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n' % failure.strip()
self.content += '|}\n'
return self.content
def writeHeading(self, size, text):
self.content += '<h%d>%s</h%d>\n' % (size, text, size)
def writeBlockQuote(self, text):
self.content += '<blockquote><nowiki>%s</nowiki></blockquote>\n' % text
def writeParameters(self, parameters):
self.content += '{|\n'
self.content += '|-\n'
self.content += '! rowspan="%d"|Parameters\n' % (len(parameters) + 1)
self.content += '! Name\n'
self.content += '! Type\n'
self.content += '! Description\n'
for name, type, description in parameters:
self.content += '|-\n'
self.content += '| <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n' % name
self.content += '| <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n' % type
self.content += '| <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n' % description
self.content += '|}\n'
def writeFooter(self):
# Let the reader know that this documentation was automatically
# generated:
self.content += '----\n'
self.content += ("''This document was automatically generated by the "
"<code>write_rpc_doc.py</code> utility.''\n")
parser = MethodParser('toontown/rpc/ToontownRPCHandler.py')
generator = MediaWikiGenerator(parser.getMethods())
with open('wiki.txt', 'w') as f: