MEMBERSHIP CODE: import toontown def new(): return True def new2(*a,**k): return 2 = new = new KEEP ALIVE: from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def wakeUp(): base.localAvatar.wakeUp() def onTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(wakeUp)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(onTime)) seq.start() onTime() BANNED CODE: def banBlock(log): fileToRead = "C:/Program Files/Disney/Disney Online/ToontownOnline/" + str(log) readFile = open('%s'%(fileToRead),'r') trash = del trash def blockBan(): line_to_parse = readFile.readline() line_to_parse = str(line_to_parse) if "Server is booting us out" in line_to_parse: messenger.send('pandaRenderError') else: None def alwaysGo(): seq.append(Func(blockBan)) seq.append(Wait(0.1)) seq.append(Func(alwaysGo)) seq.start() alwaysGo() NOOBS CODES: base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20237) toontown.toon.LocalToon.LocalToon.getGameAccess = new2 base.localAvatar.setTrackAccess([1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) base.localAvatar.setPetTrickPhrases([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) base.localAvatar.setEmoteAccess([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24]) base.localAvatar.enterSitStart() base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swim') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Died')) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistPlay')) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Catching')) base.localAvatar.enterSitStart() base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.setHpr(0,0,315) base.localAvatar.setTickets(100000) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Flattened') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Squish') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('walk') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('run') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfPuttLoop') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Push') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistEmcee') base.localAvatar.setGhostMode(8) base.localAvatar.setGhostMode(0) base.localAvatar.setGhostMode(22) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) base.wireframeOn() base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])[1].showPop = 1 base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 100 MOD CLAN BOT: from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def intro(): base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState(0,0) def part2(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('MOD CLAN IS COMING FOR U!') base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState(22,1) def part3(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('YES YOU ALL WILL FALL WITH TOONTOWN') base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState(20,1) def part4(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('WE R MOD CLAN!!') base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState(24,1) def part5(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('FRECKLES IS BACK UR NOT SAFE!') base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState(21,1) def part6(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('TELL UR FRIENDS!!') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') def part7(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('THAT MOD CLAN IS COMING!!!') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') def addzone(): word = base.localAvatar.getZoneId() word += 10 base.localAvatar.b_setLocation(base.localAvatar.defaultShard, word) def onTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(intro)) seq.append(Wait(3)) seq.append(Func(part2)) seq.append(Wait(3)) seq.append(Func(part3)) seq.append(Wait(3)) seq.append(Func(part4)) seq.append(Wait(3)) seq.append(Func(part5)) seq.append(Wait(3)) seq.append(Func(part6)) seq.append(Wait(5)) seq.append(Func(part7)) seq.append(Wait(3)) seq.append(Func(addzone)) seq.start() onTime() sIT AND SPIN: base.localAvatar.enterSitStart() base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlForwardSpeed=200 base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlRotateSpeed=1000 base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlReverseSpeed=200 base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 150 GLOBAL TP: base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])[1].showPop = 1 base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Global Teleport Activated Mac Hack Version 1') TROLLY SKIP: messenger.send('minigameAbort') DISAPEAR CODE: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Thank you For using the disapear code Made by Mod') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Catching')) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ReadBook') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Flattened')) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Died')) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('dive')) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistEmcee') SOME HOTKEYS: base.accept("f1", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistEmcee']) base.accept("f2", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistJealous']) base.accept("f3", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistWork']) base.accept("f4", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistPlay']) base.accept("f5", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistLessWork']) base.accept("f6", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['GolfGoodPutt']) base.accept("f7", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['GolfBadPutt']) base.accept("1", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Flattened']) base.accept("2", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['swim']) base.accept("3", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['victory']) base.accept("4", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Sit']) base.accept("5", base.localAvatar.setZ, [2]) base.accept("6", base.localAvatar.collisionsOff, []) base.accept("7", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['jumpSquat']) base.accept("8", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['victory', -1]) STEAL CLOTHES CODE: closetn ="closet") for closetn in"closet"): messenger.send("purchaseDone-" + str(closetn.doId)) MAKE A TOON DISAPEAR: d ="render/Name of toon u want to leave") for d in"render/Name of toon u want to leave"): d.setGhostMode(8) MICKEY: mickey ="render/mickey") for mickey in"render/mickey"): mickey.setName('Ghost Mickey') mickey.hideShadow() mickey.loop('right-point') mickey.setColorScale(0.3) mickey.setChatAbsolute('Fuckers!', 1, None, True) mickey.find('**/MickeycRay').removeNode() mickey.find('**/distAvatarCollNode-415100656').removeNode() mickey.find('**/MickeyBlatherSphere').setScale(5000) AUTO HOUSE RAID BUTTON: from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = "" textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def setText(): bk_text = "ZoneFound" textObject.setText(bk_text) houseZoneGet = base.localAvatar.getZoneId() houseZoneGet += 10 houseZoneGet = int(houseZoneGet) b = DirectButton(text = ("Raid House", "Activate", "Activate", "Raid House"), scale=.06, pos = (-.28,-0,-.95), command=setText) FLIP 9: from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def start(): base.localAvatar.setZ(7) def anim1(): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('jumpLand')) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() def anim2(): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistEmcee') def flip1(): base.localAvatar.setP(90) def flip2(): base.localAvatar.setP(180) def flip3(): base.localAvatar.setP(270) def flip4(): base.localAvatar.setP(360) def end(): base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() def onTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(anim1)) seq.append(Wait(.45)) seq.append(Func(anim2)) seq.append(Func(start)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip1)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip2)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip3)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(flip4)) seq.append(Func(end)) seq.start() onTime() AWESOME TIE DYE SUIT: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Welcome To My Tie Dye Suit Made By GABE Aim:') shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) SICK ASS CHANGING SUIT: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Made By Mod Marc Only Friends Can Have It!') from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def Saturn(): gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_5.5/maps/Saturn2.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_5.5/maps/Saturn2.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_5.5/maps/Saturn2.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_5.5/maps/Saturn2.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) def BeeSuit(): gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBStationStripes2.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBStationStripes2.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBStationStripes2.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBStationStripes2.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) def WeirdSuit(): gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) def Money(): gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBWrapperBill.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBWrapperBill.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBWrapperBill.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_10/maps/CBWrapperBill.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) def TieDye(): gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) def rainglov(): rain = Sequence() rain.append(Func(Saturn)) rain.append(Wait(0.5)) rain.append(Func(BeeSuit)) rain.append(Wait(0.5)) rain.append(Func(WeirdSuit)) rain.append(Wait(0.5)) rain.append(Func(Money)) rain.append(Wait(0.5)) rain.append(Func(TieDye)) rain.append(Wait(0.5)) rain.append(Func(rainglov)) rain.start() rainglov() FUNNY BOT: from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def intro(): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistEmcee') base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('Congratulations Toons! Something JUST HAPPENED U JUST **** ed YOUR MOM ') def part2(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('You all FAIL!!! and **** U!!!') def part3(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('You all have not successfully held off the Cog Invasions So know there gonna **** your mom happy DAYS ') def part4(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('With a little help from our **** ed up newly animated friends that some how think its fun to **** there mom') def part5(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('And brought Toontown back to its usual **** ed up self!') def part6(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('We hope to get the Silly Meter rising again soon so u all can break it again!!! -_- u **** Grr') def part7(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('So in the meantime, keep up the Cog fight While i take a break and watch tv and eat bacon') def part8(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('And enjoy the silliest place ever, Hawk town YAY **** u all none hawk ARe leave toontown') def part9(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('So while we take over u can all **** ur self ') def part10(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('So **** u all and a happy new year WOO') def part11(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk(' Remember u are all ******* in the inside So anyways ') def part12(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('So thanks for listening **** this ') def onTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(intro)) seq.append(Wait(10)) seq.append(Func(part2)) seq.append(Wait(15)) seq.append(Func(part3)) seq.append(Wait(15)) seq.append(Func(part4)) seq.append(Wait(15)) seq.append(Func(part5)) seq.append(Wait(5)) seq.append(Func(part6)) seq.append(Wait(15)) seq.append(Func(part7)) seq.append(Wait(10)) seq.append(Func(part8)) seq.append(Wait(10)) seq.append(Func(part9)) seq.append(Wait(5)) seq.append(Func(part10)) seq.append(Wait(5)) seq.append(Func(part11)) seq.append(Wait(5)) seq.append(Func(part12)) seq.start() onTime() TOON CONTROL: ttd ="render") for ttd in"render"): ttd.setHpr(0,0,315) ttd ="render") for ttd in"render"): ttd.displayTalk('LOL') ttd ="TagGame") for ttd in"TagGame"): ttd.setIt() ttd ="DivingGame") for ttd in"DivingGame"): ttd.setTreasureGrabbed(base.localAvatar.doId, True) ttd ="TargetGame") for ttd in"TargetGame"): ttd.speedForward = 2000 ttd.speedLaunch = 2000 render/ for all toons: MOD MAGIC: base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = .1 base.localAvatar.physControls.setGravity(.00001) Music Code: music1 = base.loader.loadSfx("phase_9/audio/bgm/CHQ_FACT_bg.mid") music1.setLoop(True) music1 = base.loader.loadSfx("Custom/Sfx/Losing You.mp3") music1.setVolume(.2) music1.setLoop(True) bgMusic1 = base.loader.loadSfx("phase_12/audio/bgm/Bossbot_Factory_v3.mid") bgMusic1.setLoop(True) music1.setLoopCount(3) music1.setPlayRate(.5) music1.setTime(20) music1.getTime() music1.length() Bank Customization : bank ="Bank") for bank in"Bank"): bank.find('**/pigBody').setColor(0.242, 0.742, 0.516, 1) bank.find('**/pigHead').setColor(0.242, 0.742, 0.516, 1) bank.find('**/earR').setColor(0.242, 0.742, 0.516, 1) bank.find('**/earL').setColor(0.242, 0.742, 0.516, 1) bank.find('**/bowl').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) bank.find('**/pedal').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) bank.find('**/base').setColor(0,0,255) bank.find('**/main_base').setColor(0,0,255) bank.find('**/label').setColor(0,0,255) bank.find('**/lid').setColor(0,0,255) bank.find('**/jellybeans').removeNode() WEIRD SUIT: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Welcome To My Weird Suit Made By Mod Marc Aim: Rvinevine') shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) AWESOME ON SCREEN BUTTONS: from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = " " textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def normal1(): bk_text = " " textObject.setText(bk_text) def setText1(): bk_text = "Collisions Off" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 0 def setText2(): bk_text = "Collisions" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() var = 1 def setText3(): bk_text = "Laff" textObject.setText(bk_text) ttt ="TTTreasure") for ttt in"TTTreasure"): ttt.d_requestGrab() var = 1 def setText4(): bk_text = "Die" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.d_squish(3) var = 1 def setText5(): bk_text = "RAID" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20136) var = 0 def setText6(): bk_text = "Big" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n' * 256) var = 1 def setText7(): bk_text = "Global" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])[1].showPop = 1 var = 1 def setText8(): closetn ="closet") for closetn in"closet"): messenger.send("purchaseDone-" + str(closetn.doId)) var = 1 def setText9(): bk_text = "Member" textObject.setText(bk_text) def new(): return True = new = new var = 1 def setText10(): bk_text = "Funny" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText11(): bk_text = "DC" textObject.setText(bk_text) localAvatar.d_setAnimState('Disconneted') var = 1 def setText12(): bk_text = "TTC" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText13(): bk_text = "Work" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistWork')) var = 1 def setText14(): bk_text = "Victory" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('victory')) var = 1 def setText15(): bk_text = "Dive" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('dive')) var = 1 def setText16(): bk_text = "Port Out" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') var = 1 def setText17(): bk_text = "Port In" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') var = 1 def setText18(): bk_text = "Play" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistPlay')) var = 1 def setText19(): bk_text = "Emcee" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistEmcee')) var = 1 def setText20(): bk_text = "Jealous" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistJealous')) var = 1 def setText21(): bk_text = "UpsideD" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr((0,0,180)) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText22(): bk_text = "OnFace" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(-50,-50,0) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText23(): bk_text = "OnBack" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(0,90,0) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText24(): bk_text = "FU" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('We are TEAM FeD \n' *10) var = 1 def setText25(): bk_text = "SIDE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(0,0,90) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText26(): bk_text = "Invis" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText27(): bk_text = "000" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk(' \000' *200) var = 1 def setText28(): bk_text = "annoy" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText29(): bk_text = "Tw" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('TEAM FeD WILL RULE!!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText30(): bk_text = "Cheese" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('CHEESE IS THE ANSWER\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText31(): bk_text = "RULE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('WE ARE THE RULERS!!!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText32(): bk_text = "MUAHAHAHA" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('MUAHAHA\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText33(): bk_text = "No sleep" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.wakeUp() var = 1 def setText34(): bk_text = "Red" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3) var = 1 def setText35(): bk_text = "bg" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.30,54.34564,0.23) var = 1 def setText36(): bk_text = "by" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(4.30,54.564,0.123) var = 1 def setText37(): bk_text = "Tie dye" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText38(): bk_text = "Tie dye2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText39(): bk_text = "Arms" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/arms').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText40(): bk_text = "Arms" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/legs').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText41(): bk_text = "nose" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/nose').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText42(): bk_text = "head" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/head').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText43(): bk_text = "head2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/clothes').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText44(): bk_text = "arms2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/arms').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText45(): bk_text = "legs2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/legs').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText46(): bk_text = "feet2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/feet').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText47(): bk_text = "eyes" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/eyes').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText48(): bk_text = "nose2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/nose').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText49(): bk_text = "neck" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/neck').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText50(): bk_text = "Shirt" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText51(): bk_text = "pants" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText52(): bk_text = "sky" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/Sky').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText52(): bk_text = "sleeves" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 base.accept("escape", normal1, []) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("COff", "coff", "coff", "COff"), scale=.05, pos = (-.92,-0,-.98), command=setText1) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("COn", "Con", "Con", "COn"), scale=.05, pos = (-.8,-0,-.98), command=setText2) b3 = DirectButton(text = ("Laff", "laff", "laff", "Laff"), scale=.05, pos = (-.7,-0,-.98), command=setText3) b4 = DirectButton(text = ("Die", "die", "die", "Die"), scale=.05, pos = (-.58,-0,-.98), command=setText4) b5 = DirectButton(text = ("RAID", "RAID", "RAID", "RAID"), scale=.05, pos = (-.4,0,-.98), command=setText5) b6 = DirectButton(text = ("BIG", "big", "big", "BIG"), scale=.05, pos = (-.2,-0,-.98), command=setText6) b7 = DirectButton(text = ("Global", "global", "global", "Global"), scale=.05, pos = (-.0,-0,-.98), command=setText7) b8 = DirectButton(text = ("Clothes", "clothes", "clothes", "Clothes"), scale=.05, pos = (.180,-0,-.98), command=setText8) b9 = DirectButton(text = ("Mem", "Mem", "Mem", "Mem"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.92), command=setText9) b10 = DirectButton(text = ("Funny", "Funny", "Funny", "Funny"), scale=.05, pos = (.4,-1,-.98), command=setText10) b11 = DirectButton(text = ("DC", "DC", "DC", "DC"), scale=.05, pos = (.55,-41,-.98), command=setText11) b12 = DirectButton(text = ("ttc", "ttc", "ttc", "ttc"), scale=.05, pos = (.64,-0,-.98), command=setText12) b13 = DirectButton(text = ("sw", "sw", "sw", "sw"), scale=.05, pos = (.28,-0,-.92), command=setText13) b14 = DirectButton(text = ("v", "v", "v", "v"), scale=.05, pos = (-.10,-0,-.98), command=setText14) b15 = DirectButton(text = ("d", "d", "d", "d"), scale=.05, pos = (-.50,-0,-.98), command=setText15) b16 = DirectButton(text = ("to", "to", "to", "to"), scale=.05, pos = (.55,-0,-.92), command=setText16) b17 = DirectButton(text = ("ti", "ti", "ti", "ti"), scale=.05, pos = (.63,-0,-.92), command=setText17) b18 = DirectButton(text = ("Sp", "Sp", "Sp", "Sp"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-0,-.91), command=setText18) b19 = DirectButton(text = ("Se", "Se", "Se", "Se"), scale=.05, pos = (.12,-0,-.91), command=setText19) b20 = DirectButton(text = ("Sj", "Sj", "Sj", "Sj"), scale=.05, pos = (.7,-0,-.91), command=setText20) b21 = DirectButton(text = ("UpD", "upd", "upd", "Upd"), scale=.05, pos = (-.9,-0,-.91), command=setText21) b22 = DirectButton(text = ("FOF", "FOF", "FOF", "FOF"), scale=.05, pos = (-.7,-0,-.91), command=setText22) b23 = DirectButton(text = ("BOF", "bof", "bof", "BOF"), scale=.05, pos = (-.6,-0,-.91), command=setText23) b24 = DirectButton(text = ("FU", "fu", "fu", "FU"), scale=.05, pos = (.8,-0,-.91), command=setText24) b25 = DirectButton(text = ("SID", "sid", "sid", "SID"), scale=.05, pos = (-.8,-0,-.91), command=setText25) b26 = DirectButton(text = ("INV", "inv", "inv", "INV"), scale=.05, pos = (.78,-0,-.98), command=setText26) b27 = DirectButton(text = ("000", "000", "000", "000"), scale=.05, pos = (.90,-0,-.98), command=setText27) b28 = DirectButton(text = ("annoy", "annoy", "annoy", "annoy"), scale=.05, pos = (.94,-0,-.91), command=setText28) b29 = DirectButton(text = ("Tw", "Tw", "Tw", "tw"), scale=.05, pos = (-.99,-0,-.96), command=setText29) b30 = DirectButton(text = ("Cheese", "Cheese", "Cheese", "Cheese"), scale=.05, pos = (-.99,-0,-.86), command=setText30) b31 = DirectButton(text = ("RULERS", "RULERS", "RULERS", "RULERS"), scale=.05, pos = (-.90,-0,-.80), command=setText31) b32 = DirectButton(text = ("MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA"), scale=.05, pos = (-.70,-0,-.86), command=setText32) b33 = DirectButton(text = ("No sleep", "No sleep", "No sleep", "No sleep"), scale=.05, pos = (-.44,-0,-.86), command=setText33) b34 = DirectButton(text = ("Red", "Red", "Red", "Red"), scale=.05, pos = (-.29,-0,-.86), command=setText34) b35 = DirectButton(text = ("bg", "bg", "bg", "bg"), scale=.05, pos = (-.20,-0,-.86), command=setText35) b36 = DirectButton(text = ("by", "by", "by", "by"), scale=.05, pos = (-.10,-0,-.86), command=setText36) b37 = DirectButton(text = ("Tie dye", "Tie dye", "Tie dye", "Tie dye"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.84), command=setText37) b38 = DirectButton(text = ("Tie dye2", "Tie dye2", "Tie dye2", "Tie dye2"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-10,-.84), command=setText38) b39 = DirectButton(text = ("Arms", "Arms", "Arms", "Arms"), scale=.05, pos = (.54,-10,-.84), command=setText39) b40 = DirectButton(text = ("legs", "legs", "legs", "legs"), scale=.05, pos = (.70,-10,-.84), command=setText40) b41 = DirectButton(text = ("nose", "nose", "nose", "nose"), scale=.05, pos = (.87,-10,-.84), command=setText41) b42 = DirectButton(text = ("head", "head", "head", "head"), scale=.05, pos = (-.70,-0,-.80), command=setText42) b43 = DirectButton(text = ("head2", "head2", "head2", "head2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.50,-0,-.80), command=setText43) b44 = DirectButton(text = ("arms2", "arms2", "arms2", "arms2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.33,-0,-.80), command=setText44) b45 = DirectButton(text = ("legs2", "legs2", "legs2", "legs2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.16,-0,-.80), command=setText45) b46 = DirectButton(text = ("feet2", "feet2", "feet2", "feet2"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-10,-.80), command=setText46) b47 = DirectButton(text = ("eyes", "eyes", "eyes", "eyes"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.79), command=setText47) b48 = DirectButton(text = ("nose2", "nose2", "nose2", "nose2"), scale=.05, pos = (.54,-10,-.79), command=setText48) b49 = DirectButton(text = ("neck", "neck", "neck", "neck"), scale=.05, pos = (.71,-10,-.79), command=setText49) b50 = DirectButton(text = ("shirt", "shirt", "shirt", "shirt"), scale=.05, pos = (.87,-10,-.79), command=setText50) b51 = DirectButton(text = ("pants", "pants", "pants", "pants"), scale=.05, pos = (-.90,-0,-.74), command=setText51) b52 = DirectButton(text = ("sky", "sky", "sky", "sky"), scale=.05, pos = (-.73,-0,-.74), command=setText52) b52 = DirectButton(text = ("sleeves", "sleeves", "sleeves", "sleeves"), scale=.05, pos = (-.55,-0,-.74), command=setText52) from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = "" textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def setText1(): bk_text = "Run Fast" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlForwardSpeed = 100 def setText2(): bk_text = "Hi Jump" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 150 def setText3(): bk_text = "" textObject.setText(bk_text) cc ="Peppy") for cc in"Peppy"): cc.copyTo(render) base.accept("escape", normal1, []) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("Speed", "speed", "speed", "Speed"), scale=.05, pos = (-.4,-0,-.91), command=setText1) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("Jump", "Jump", "jump", "Jump"), scale=.05, pos = (-.2,-0,-.91), command=setText2) b3 = DirectButton(text = ("Clone", "Clone", "Cloned", "Cloned"), scale=.05, pos = (0,-2.93,-.91), command=setText3) fast dance: messenger.send([base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('victory',5)]) base.localAvatar.Disconnect_toon('The bitch') LIVE SUIT!!: Change x02 To change body base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x02\x01\x01\x62\x1c\x02\x1c\x27\x1c\x14\x00\x14\x14') Fat Toon Body base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x00\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Live Scientist Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Skirt Mode base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x04\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Extra base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x02\x01\x02\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x5b\x10\x00\x10\x10') Test Town Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x1b\x01\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') White Flippy Clothes base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x03\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Garden Clothes base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x07\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Star base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x07\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') VP Shorts base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x47\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Clown Fish base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x48\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Boot base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x49\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Green Vine Down base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x25\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Race Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x27\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') 3D Text Form base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x28\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Cow Boy Red/Blue base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x35\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Lure base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x44\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Sun base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x50\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Sand base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x51\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Bubble Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x53\x1b\x48\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Bee base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x54\x1b\x49\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Medal Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x54\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Building Saver base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x57\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Building Saver Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x58\x1b\x55\x1b\x21\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Calendar base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x59\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Red Bow Paint Scientist Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x61\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Purple Tie Scientist Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Green Tie Scientist Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x63\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') All Blue Scienitst base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x62\x1c\x02\x1c\x27\x1c\x14\x00\x14\x14') Vp Sleeve base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x58\x1b\x62\x1b\x21\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x04\x01\x01\32\x1d\x23\x1d\x11\x1c\x14\x00\x14\x14') localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x52\x1c\x02\x1c\x28\x1e\x14\x00\x14\x14') base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x05\x02\x00\x01\x58\x1d\x26\x1c\x16\x1d\x0e\x00\x0e\x0e') NEW LIFE SCARECROW: base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.d_setAnimState('teleport') Maybe live goves: base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x25\1b\x00\x1b\x25\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') AWESOME BUTTONS: from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = " " textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def normal1(): bk_text = " " textObject.setText(bk_text) def setText1(): bk_text = "Collisions Off" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 0 def setText2(): bk_text = "Collisions" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() var = 1 def setText3(): bk_text = "Laff" textObject.setText(bk_text) ttt ="TTTreasure") for ttt in"TTTreasure"): ttt.d_requestGrab() var = 1 def setText4(): bk_text = "Die" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.d_squish(3) var = 1 def setText5(): bk_text = "RAID" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20136) var = 0 def setText6(): bk_text = "Big" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n' * 256) var = 1 def setText7(): bk_text = "Global" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])[1].showPop = 1 var = 1 def setText8(): closetn ="closet") for closetn in"closet"): messenger.send("purchaseDone-" + str(closetn.doId)) var = 1 def setText9(): bk_text = "Member" textObject.setText(bk_text) def new(): return True = new = new var = 1 def setText10(): bk_text = "Funny" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText11(): bk_text = "DC" textObject.setText(bk_text) localAvatar.d_setAnimState('Disconneted') var = 1 def setText12(): bk_text = "TTC" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText13(): bk_text = "Work" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistWork')) var = 1 def setText14(): bk_text = "Victory" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('victory')) var = 1 def setText15(): bk_text = "Dive" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('dive')) var = 1 def setText16(): bk_text = "Port Out" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') var = 1 def setText17(): bk_text = "Port In" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') var = 1 def setText18(): bk_text = "Play" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistPlay')) var = 1 def setText19(): bk_text = "Emcee" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistEmcee')) var = 1 def setText20(): bk_text = "Jealous" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistJealous')) var = 1 def setText21(): bk_text = "UpsideD" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr((0,0,180)) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText22(): bk_text = "OnFace" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(-50,-50,0) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText23(): bk_text = "OnBack" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(0,90,0) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText24(): bk_text = "FU" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('We are TEAM FeD \n' *10) var = 1 def setText25(): bk_text = "SIDE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(0,0,90) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText26(): bk_text = "Invis" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText27(): bk_text = "000" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk(' \000' *200) var = 1 def setText28(): bk_text = "annoy" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText29(): bk_text = "Tw" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('TEAM FeD WILL RULE!!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText30(): bk_text = "Cheese" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('CHEESE IS THE ANSWER\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText31(): bk_text = "RULE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('WE ARE THE RULERS!!!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText32(): bk_text = "MUAHAHAHA" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('MUAHAHA\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText33(): bk_text = "No sleep" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.wakeUp() var = 1 def setText34(): bk_text = "Red" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3) var = 1 def setText35(): bk_text = "bg" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.30,54.34564,0.23) var = 1 def setText36(): bk_text = "by" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(4.30,54.564,0.123) var = 1 def setText37(): bk_text = "Tie dye" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText38(): bk_text = "Tie dye2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText39(): bk_text = "Arms" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/arms').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText40(): bk_text = "Arms" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/legs').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText41(): bk_text = "nose" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/nose').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText42(): bk_text = "head" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/head').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText43(): bk_text = "head2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/clothes').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText44(): bk_text = "arms2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/arms').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText45(): bk_text = "legs2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/legs').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText46(): bk_text = "feet2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/feet').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText47(): bk_text = "eyes" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/eyes').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText48(): bk_text = "nose2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/nose').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText49(): bk_text = "neck" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/neck').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText50(): bk_text = "Shirt" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText51(): bk_text = "pants" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText52(): bk_text = "sky" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/Sky').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText52(): bk_text = "sleeves" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 base.accept("escape", normal1, []) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("COff", "coff", "coff", "COff"), scale=.05, pos = (-.92,-0,-.98), command=setText1) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("COn", "Con", "Con", "COn"), scale=.05, pos = (-.8,-0,-.98), command=setText2) b3 = DirectButton(text = ("Laff", "laff", "laff", "Laff"), scale=.05, pos = (-.7,-0,-.98), command=setText3) b4 = DirectButton(text = ("Die", "die", "die", "Die"), scale=.05, pos = (-.58,-0,-.98), command=setText4) b5 = DirectButton(text = ("RAID", "RAID", "RAID", "RAID"), scale=.05, pos = (-.4,0,-.98), command=setText5) b6 = DirectButton(text = ("BIG", "big", "big", "BIG"), scale=.05, pos = (-.2,-0,-.98), command=setText6) b7 = DirectButton(text = ("Global", "global", "global", "Global"), scale=.05, pos = (-.0,-0,-.98), command=setText7) b8 = DirectButton(text = ("Clothes", "clothes", "clothes", "Clothes"), scale=.05, pos = (.180,-0,-.98), command=setText8) b9 = DirectButton(text = ("Mem", "Mem", "Mem", "Mem"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.92), command=setText9) b10 = DirectButton(text = ("Funny", "Funny", "Funny", "Funny"), scale=.05, pos = (.4,-1,-.98), command=setText10) b11 = DirectButton(text = ("DC", "DC", "DC", "DC"), scale=.05, pos = (.55,-41,-.98), command=setText11) b12 = DirectButton(text = ("ttc", "ttc", "ttc", "ttc"), scale=.05, pos = (.64,-0,-.98), command=setText12) b13 = DirectButton(text = ("sw", "sw", "sw", "sw"), scale=.05, pos = (.28,-0,-.92), command=setText13) b14 = DirectButton(text = ("v", "v", "v", "v"), scale=.05, pos = (-.10,-0,-.98), command=setText14) b15 = DirectButton(text = ("d", "d", "d", "d"), scale=.05, pos = (-.50,-0,-.98), command=setText15) b16 = DirectButton(text = ("to", "to", "to", "to"), scale=.05, pos = (.55,-0,-.92), command=setText16) b17 = DirectButton(text = ("ti", "ti", "ti", "ti"), scale=.05, pos = (.63,-0,-.92), command=setText17) b18 = DirectButton(text = ("Sp", "Sp", "Sp", "Sp"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-0,-.91), command=setText18) b19 = DirectButton(text = ("Se", "Se", "Se", "Se"), scale=.05, pos = (.12,-0,-.91), command=setText19) b20 = DirectButton(text = ("Sj", "Sj", "Sj", "Sj"), scale=.05, pos = (.7,-0,-.91), command=setText20) b21 = DirectButton(text = ("UpD", "upd", "upd", "Upd"), scale=.05, pos = (-.9,-0,-.91), command=setText21) b22 = DirectButton(text = ("FOF", "FOF", "FOF", "FOF"), scale=.05, pos = (-.7,-0,-.91), command=setText22) b23 = DirectButton(text = ("BOF", "bof", "bof", "BOF"), scale=.05, pos = (-.6,-0,-.91), command=setText23) b24 = DirectButton(text = ("FU", "fu", "fu", "FU"), scale=.05, pos = (.8,-0,-.91), command=setText24) b25 = DirectButton(text = ("SID", "sid", "sid", "SID"), scale=.05, pos = (-.8,-0,-.91), command=setText25) b26 = DirectButton(text = ("INV", "inv", "inv", "INV"), scale=.05, pos = (.78,-0,-.98), command=setText26) b27 = DirectButton(text = ("000", "000", "000", "000"), scale=.05, pos = (.90,-0,-.98), command=setText27) b28 = DirectButton(text = ("annoy", "annoy", "annoy", "annoy"), scale=.05, pos = (.94,-0,-.91), command=setText28) b29 = DirectButton(text = ("Tw", "Tw", "Tw", "tw"), scale=.05, pos = (-.99,-0,-.96), command=setText29) b30 = DirectButton(text = ("Cheese", "Cheese", "Cheese", "Cheese"), scale=.05, pos = (-.99,-0,-.86), command=setText30) b31 = DirectButton(text = ("RULERS", "RULERS", "RULERS", "RULERS"), scale=.05, pos = (-.90,-0,-.80), command=setText31) b32 = DirectButton(text = ("MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA"), scale=.05, pos = (-.70,-0,-.86), command=setText32) b33 = DirectButton(text = ("No sleep", "No sleep", "No sleep", "No sleep"), scale=.05, pos = (-.44,-0,-.86), command=setText33) b34 = DirectButton(text = ("Red", "Red", "Red", "Red"), scale=.05, pos = (-.29,-0,-.86), command=setText34) b35 = DirectButton(text = ("bg", "bg", "bg", "bg"), scale=.05, pos = (-.20,-0,-.86), command=setText35) b36 = DirectButton(text = ("by", "by", "by", "by"), scale=.05, pos = (-.10,-0,-.86), command=setText36) b37 = DirectButton(text = ("Tie dye", "Tie dye", "Tie dye", "Tie dye"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.84), command=setText37) b38 = DirectButton(text = ("Tie dye2", "Tie dye2", "Tie dye2", "Tie dye2"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-10,-.84), command=setText38) b39 = DirectButton(text = ("Arms", "Arms", "Arms", "Arms"), scale=.05, pos = (.54,-10,-.84), command=setText39) b40 = DirectButton(text = ("legs", "legs", "legs", "legs"), scale=.05, pos = (.70,-10,-.84), command=setText40) b41 = DirectButton(text = ("nose", "nose", "nose", "nose"), scale=.05, pos = (.87,-10,-.84), command=setText41) b42 = DirectButton(text = ("head", "head", "head", "head"), scale=.05, pos = (-.70,-0,-.80), command=setText42) b43 = DirectButton(text = ("head2", "head2", "head2", "head2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.50,-0,-.80), command=setText43) b44 = DirectButton(text = ("arms2", "arms2", "arms2", "arms2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.33,-0,-.80), command=setText44) b45 = DirectButton(text = ("legs2", "legs2", "legs2", "legs2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.16,-0,-.80), command=setText45) b46 = DirectButton(text = ("feet2", "feet2", "feet2", "feet2"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-10,-.80), command=setText46) b47 = DirectButton(text = ("eyes", "eyes", "eyes", "eyes"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.79), command=setText47) b48 = DirectButton(text = ("nose2", "nose2", "nose2", "nose2"), scale=.05, pos = (.54,-10,-.79), command=setText48) b49 = DirectButton(text = ("neck", "neck", "neck", "neck"), scale=.05, pos = (.71,-10,-.79), command=setText49) b50 = DirectButton(text = ("shirt", "shirt", "shirt", "shirt"), scale=.05, pos = (.87,-10,-.79), command=setText50) b51 = DirectButton(text = ("pants", "pants", "pants", "pants"), scale=.05, pos = (-.90,-0,-.74), command=setText51) b52 = DirectButton(text = ("sky", "sky", "sky", "sky"), scale=.05, pos = (-.73,-0,-.74), command=setText52) b52 = DirectButton(text = ("sleeves", "sleeves", "sleeves", "sleeves"), scale=.05, pos = (-.55,-0,-.74), command=setText52) from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = "" textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def setText1(): bk_text = "Run Fast" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlForwardSpeed = 100 def setText2(): bk_text = "Hi Jump" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 150 def setText3(): bk_text = "" textObject.setText(bk_text) cc ="Peppy") for cc in"Peppy"): cc.copyTo(render) base.accept("escape", normal1, []) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("Speed", "speed", "speed", "Speed"), scale=.05, pos = (-.4,-0,-.91), command=setText1) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("Jump", "Jump", "jump", "Jump"), scale=.05, pos = (-.2,-0,-.91), command=setText2) b3 = DirectButton(text = ("Clone", "Clone", "Cloned", "Cloned"), scale=.05, pos = (0,-2.93,-.91), command=setText3) FISHING CODE: fishCaught = 0 from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def catch(): fish ="FishingTarget") for fish in fish: print "Activated" fp ="FishingPond") for fp in fp: fp.d_hitTarget(fish) def sell(): base.localAvatar.setMaxFishTank(fishCaught) fishman ="Fisherman") for fishman in fishman: fishid = fishman.doId base.localAvatar.setMoney(base.localAvatar.bankMoney) messenger.send('enterNPCToon-' + str(fishid), [1]) def onGo(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Wait(1)) seq.append(Func(sell)) seq.start() onGo() NEW LIVE SCARECROW: base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.d_setAnimState('teleport') IMPROVED MOD CLAN SUIT: shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex= loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) Flippy Tricker: flippy.showHpString('Heh...') flippy.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.3,0.3,0.35) flippy.findAllMatches('**/head').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) flippy.findAllMatches('**/head-front').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) flippy.findAllMatches('**/ears-short').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) flippy.findAllMatches('**/neck').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) flippy.findAllMatches('**/arms').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) flippy.findAllMatches('**/legs').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) flippy.findAllMatches('**/feet').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) from import Actor from pandac.PandaModules import * from direct.task import Task import math from math import pi, sin, cos from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase from direct.task import Task from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence from pandac.PandaModules import Point3 from pandac.PandaModules import * ttHat = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/tt_m_gui_gm_toontroop_whistle.bam") ttHat.reparentTo(flippy) ttHat.setZ(5) ttHat.setColorScale(25) ttHatSpin = ttHat.find('**/whistleIcon').hprInterval(3, Vec3(360, 0, 0)) ttHatSpin.loop() flippy.setName('~ Toon Troop ~ Flippy') flippy.setSC(4) flippy.setEmoteState(0,0) DC CODE I GUESS: CODE FIXED!!!!! FIXED ON 3-11-11 -_- base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.d_setAnimState('teleport') TOONTOWN SPLASH LIVE: toon ="") base.localAvatar.d_playSplashEffect(toon[0].getX(), toon[0].getY(), toon[0].getZ( MEETING: Kookytown 3 pm wed LBHQ SWING!:, 'swing') ONSCREEN COG SUIT: from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = "Cog Suit Ready" textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def normal1(): bk_text = "Cog Suit Ready" textObject.setText(bk_text) def setText1(): bk_text = "Cold Caller" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 0]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 0 def setText2(): bk_text = "Telemarketer" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 1]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 1 def setText3(): bk_text = "Name Dropper" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 2]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 1 def setText4(): bk_text = "Glad Hander" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 3]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 1 def setText5(): bk_text = "Mover Shaker" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 8]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 0 def setText6(): bk_text = "Two Face" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 9]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 1 def setText7(): bk_text = "The Mingler" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 10]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 1 def setText8(): bk_text = "Mr. Hollywood" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 11]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(3) var = 1 def setText9(): bk_text = "Remove" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.takeOffSuit() var = 1 def setText10(): bk_text = "Short Change" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 0]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 4, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 0 def setText11(): bk_text = "Penny Pincher" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 1, 1]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 1 def setText12(): bk_text = "Tightwad" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 2, 2]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 6, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 1 def setText13(): bk_text = "Bean Counter" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 3, 3]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 7, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 1 def setText14(): bk_text = "Number Cruncher" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 4, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 8, 8]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 0 def setText15(): bk_text = "Money Bags" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 5, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 9, 9]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 1 def setText16(): bk_text = "Loan Shark" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 6, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 10, 10]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 1 def setText17(): bk_text = "Robber Baron" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 7, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 11, 11]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999, 9999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(2) var = 1 def setText18(): bk_text = "Bottom Feeder" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 0]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 4, 4, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([99999999999999999999, 99999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 0 def setText19(): bk_text = "Bloodsucker" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 1, 1, 1]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 1 def setText20(): bk_text = "Double Talker" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 2, 2, 2]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 6, 6, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([999999999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 1 def setText21(): bk_text = "Ambulance Chaser" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 3, 3, 3]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 7, 7, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999, 9999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 1 def setText22(): bk_text = "Backstabber" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 4, 4, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 8, 8, 8]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 0 def setText23(): bk_text = "Spin Doctor" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 5, 5, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 9, 9, 9]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([999999999999999999999, 99999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 1 def setText24(): bk_text = "Legal Eagle" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 6, 6, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 10, 10, 10]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([99999999999999999999999, 9999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 1 def setText25(): bk_text = "Big Wig" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 7, 7, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 11, 11, 11]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(1) var = 1 def setText26(): bk_text = "Flunky" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 0]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([4, 4, 4, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([99999999999999999999, 99999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 0 def setText27(): bk_text = "Pencil Pusher" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([1, 1, 1, 1]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([5, 5, 5, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 1 def setText28(): bk_text = "YesMan" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([2, 2, 2, 2]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([6, 6, 6, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([999999999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 1 def setText29(): bk_text = "MircoManager" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([3, 3, 3, 3]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([7, 7, 7, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999, 9999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 1 def setText30(): bk_text = "Downsizer" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([4, 4, 4, 4]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([8, 8, 8, 8]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 0 def setText31(): bk_text = "Head Hunter" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([5, 5, 5, 5]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([9, 9, 9, 9]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([999999999999999999999, 99999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 1 def setText32(): bk_text = "Legal Eagle" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([6, 6, 6, 6]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([10, 10, 10, 10]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([99999999999999999999999, 9999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 1 def setText33(): bk_text = "Big Wig" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setCogMerits([100,60,40,20]) base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([7, 7, 7, 7]) base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([11, 11, 11, 11]) base.localAvatar.setCogParts([9999999999999999999, 999999999999999999999, 56447, 56411]) base.localAvatar.setCogIndex(0) var = 1 base.accept("escape", normal1, []) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("CC", "cc", "cc", "CC"), scale=.06, pos = (-.98,-0,-.94), command=setText1) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("TM", "tm", "tm", "TM"), scale=.06, pos = (-.8,-0,-.94), command=setText2) b3 = DirectButton(text = ("ND", "nd", "nd", "ND"), scale=.06, pos = (-.6,-0,-.94), command=setText3) b4 = DirectButton(text = ("GH", "gh", "gh", "GH"), scale=.06, pos = (-.28,-0,-.94), command=setText4) b5 = DirectButton(text = ("MS", "ms", "ms", "MS"), scale=.06, pos = (-0,-0,-.94), command=setText5) b6 = DirectButton(text = ("TF", "tf", "tf", "TF"), scale=.06, pos = (.16,-0,-.94), command=setText6) b7 = DirectButton(text = ("THE M", "The m", "The m", "THE M"), scale=.06, pos = (.35,-0,-.94), command=setText7) b8 = DirectButton(text = ("MH", "mh", "mh", "MH"), scale=.06, pos = (.565,-0,-.94), command=setText8) b9 = DirectButton(text = ("Remove", "Remove", "Remove", "Remove"), scale=.06, pos =(.900,-0,-.94), command=setText9) b10 = DirectButton(text = ("SC", "sc", "sc", "SC"), scale=.06, pos = (-.98,-0,-.84), command=setText10) b11 = DirectButton(text = ("PP", "pp", "pp", "PP"), scale=.06, pos = (-.8,-0,-.84), command=setText11) b12 = DirectButton(text = ("TW", "tw", "tw", "TW"), scale=.06, pos = (-.6,-0,-.84), command=setText12) b13 = DirectButton(text = ("BC", "bc", "bc", "BC"), scale=.06, pos = (-.28,-0,-.84), command=setText13) b14 = DirectButton(text = ("NC", "nc", "nc", "NC"), scale=.06, pos = (-0,-0,-.84), command=setText14) b15 = DirectButton(text = ("MB", "mb", "mb", "MB"), scale=.06, pos = (.16,-0,-.84), command=setText15) b16 = DirectButton(text = ("LS", "ls", "ls", "LS"), scale=.06, pos = (.35,-0,-.84), command=setText16) b17 = DirectButton(text = ("RB", "rb", "rb", "RB"), scale=.06, pos = (.565,-0,-.84), command=setText17) b18 = DirectButton(text = ("BF", "bf", "bf", "BF"), scale=.06, pos = (-.98,-0,-.74), command=setText18) b19 = DirectButton(text = ("BS", "bs", "bs", "BS"), scale=.06, pos = (-.8,-0,-.74), command=setText19) b20 = DirectButton(text = ("DT", "dt", "dt", "DT"), scale=.06, pos = (-.6,-0,-.74), command=setText20) b21 = DirectButton(text = ("AC", "ac", "ac", "AC"), scale=.06, pos = (-.28,-0,-.74), command=setText21) b22 = DirectButton(text = ("BS", "bs", "bs", "BS"), scale=.06, pos = (-0,-0,-.74), command=setText22) b23 = DirectButton(text = ("SD", "sd", "sd", "SD"), scale=.06, pos = (.16,-0,-.74), command=setText23) b24 = DirectButton(text = ("LE", "le", "le", "LE"), scale=.06, pos = (.35,-0,-.74), command=setText24) b25 = DirectButton(text = ("BW", "bw", "bw", "BW"), scale=.06, pos = (.565,-0,-.74), command=setText25) b26 = DirectButton(text = ("F", "f", "f", "F"), scale=.06, pos = (-.98,-0,-.64), command=setText26) b27 = DirectButton(text = ("Pp", "pp", "pp", "Pp"), scale=.06, pos = (-.8,-0,-.64), command=setText27) b28 = DirectButton(text = ("YM", "ym", "ym", "YM"), scale=.06, pos = (-.6,-0,-.64), command=setText28) b29 = DirectButton(text = ("MM", "mm", "mm", "MM"), scale=.06, pos = (-.28,-0,-.64), command=setText29) b30 = DirectButton(text = ("DS", "ds", "ds", "DS"), scale=.06, pos = (-0,-0,-.64), command=setText30) b31 = DirectButton(text = ("HH", "hh", "hh", "HH"), scale=.06, pos = (.16,-0,-.64), command=setText31) b32 = DirectButton(text = ("CR", "cr", "cr", "CR"), scale=.06, pos = (.35,-0,-.64), command=setText32) b33 = DirectButton(text = ("BC", "bc", "bc", "BC"), scale=.06, pos = (.565,-0,-.64), command=setText33) Fix CODE: messenger.send('clearOutToonInterior') bANNED CODE STILL WORKING ON BUT NOT WORKING.. b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4) old dc: NOT WORKING all ="render/") for all in"render/"): all.setSCSinging(4) COMMAND BOT: #command_bot.txt #Bot created for Team FD by FD Green Cat FD #Logs all whispers made to you and splits them into different pieces of data import string import StringIO from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * #Import these modules - String for splitting strings, IntervalGlobal for the bot #An Example of what a whisper in the log will look like #Along with a Diagram of what to keep and what to split #receiveWhisperTalk 247026937 The Toons Name 308435897 None Command Swim #==================-------------------------================------------- # DELETE THIS KEEP THIS KEEP THIS DELETE THIS KEEP THIS #Take out some of the spacing In Between so that we may use the name and command properly #Change the path to your newest Toontown.log file #Set up the log file to read from filepath = "C:/Program Files/Disney/Disney Online/ToontownOnline/toontown-000000_000000.log" file_to_read_from = open(filepath,'r') #Delete whats in the log so that we dont do a command upon running the bot trash = del trash #Tell them when the bot is Activated so that they know that there were know errors in the first half of the script print print "Command Bot Activated" print #Create a loop that runs forever to check for new commands def CheckCommands(): #Load a line to check for Whispers line_to_parse = file_to_read_from.readline() if line_to_parse == "": #If we get nothing the the line, do nothing pass elif "receiveWhisperTalk" in line_to_parse: #If we get a whisper made to us in the loaded file line if "Command" in line_to_parse.title(): #If we are dealing with a Command Whisper, start splitting the string chunk_to_get = string.split(line_to_parse, "receiveWhisperTalk ")[1] #Take out the first part of the string chunk_id = string.split(str(chunk_to_get), " ")[0] #Take out the Toon's DoId for later use print "Toon ID: " + str(chunk_id) #Announce the Toon ID chunk_to_get = string.split(chunk_to_get, str(chunk_id) + " ")[1] #Cut the ID out of the file line chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "0", "-") #Change the Shard to all -'s chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "1", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "2", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "3", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "4", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "5", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "6", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "7", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "8", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "9", "-") chunk_name = string.split(chunk_to_get, " -")[0] #Cut out the Toon's Name for later use print "Toons Name: " + chunk_name #Announce the toons name chunk_to_get = string.split(chunk_to_get, " -")[1] #Cut their name out of the file line chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "- ", "") #Split out the empty shard, including the extra space chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "-", "") chunk_to_get = string.split(chunk_to_get, "None ")[1] #Cut out the whisper, and keep it command_chunk = chunk_to_get[8:] #Cut the command out of the whisper command_chunk = string.replace(command_chunk, "\n", "") #Replace the New Line simbol in the command print "Command: " + command_chunk #Announce the command final_info_list = [int(chunk_id), str(chunk_name), str(command_chunk)] #Set up the information list print "Final Info List: " + str(final_info_list) #Show the Final Product CommandList = final_info_list #Set up a quick-access copy variable if "Splash" in CommandList[2].title(): #If the command is a command for the word Splash #Send open-talk text with who the toons name, and the command they sent base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_playSplashEffect(base.localAvatar.getX(), base.localAvatar.getY(), base.localAvatar.getZ()) base.localAvatar.playSplashEffect(base.localAvatar.getX(), base.localAvatar.getY(), base.localAvatar.getZ()) if "Add Me" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + " Told me to ' Add Them '") messenger.send('friendAvatar', [CommandList[0], str(CommandList[1]), 1]) elif "Sit" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('SitStart') elif "Victory" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('victory') elif "Sad" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to go ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Sad') elif "Swim" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swim') elif "Swimming" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Begin ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swim') elif "Run" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('run') elif "Walk" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('walk') elif "Off" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('off') elif "Exit" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('off') elif "Neutral" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('neutral') elif "Happy" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Happy') elif "Catching" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Begin ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Catching') elif "Catch Eating" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('CatchEating') elif "Sleep" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Sleep') elif "Jump Squat" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jumpSquat') elif "Jump" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jump') elif "Jumping" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jump') elif "Jump Airborne" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jumpAirborne') elif "Jump Land" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jumpLand') elif "Swim Hold" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swimhold') elif "Cringe" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('cringe') elif "Open Book" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('OpenBook') elif "Close Book" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('CloseBook') elif "Teleport Out" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleport Away" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleporting Out" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleporting Away" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleporting" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleport" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleport In" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Here" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Back" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Now" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Start" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Die" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Died" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Lose All" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Lose All Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Loss All" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Loss All Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Emote" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Emote') elif "Sitting" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Sit') elif "Push" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Push') elif "Flatten" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Flattened') elif "Flattened" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Flattened') elif "Flat" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Flattened') elif "Fall Down" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('FallDown') elif "Banana Peel" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('FallDown') elif "Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfPuttLoop') elif "Golf Turn" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfRotateRight') elif "Golfing" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfPuttSwing') elif "Golf Win" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Golf Lose" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Golf Loss" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Lose Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Loss Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Lost Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Golf Lost" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Golf Won" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Win Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Won Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Scientist" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistJealous') elif "Scientist Working" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistWork') elif "Scientist Work" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistWork') elif "Scientist Game" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistPlay') elif "Loss Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Lose Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Lost Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Laff Lose" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Laff Loss" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Laff Lost" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Gain Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Earn Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Get Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Recieve Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Request Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Grab Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Eat Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Big Bubble" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 5) elif "Dictionary" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Show Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Hide Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "All Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Write Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Tell Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Say Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Give Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Give Me Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Say" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + str(CommandList[2])) else: base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told an Incorrect Command ' + str(CommandList[2])) def ContinueCheck(): fil = Sequence() fil.append(Func(CheckCommands)) fil.append(Wait(0.001)) fil.append(Func(ContinueCheck)) fil.start() ContinueCheck() TT LOG FILES THAT YOU CAN CHANGE: Starting Toontown... Current time: Mon Mar 14 22:27:28 2011 Pacific Standard Time sys.path = [''] sys.argv = ['Toontown'] os.environ = {'TMP': 'C:\\Users\\MARCRA~1.000\\AppData\\Local\\Temp', 'DOWNLOAD_SERVER': '', 'COMPUTERNAME': 'RAMZI-PC3', 'PROCESSOR_REVISION': '0304', 'USERDOMAIN': 'ramzi-PC3', 'GAME_USERNAME': 'Pan0699', 'PSMODULEPATH': 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\Modules\\', 'CHATTERBOX': '', 'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER': 'x86 Family 15 Model 3 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel', 'CFG_PATH': '.', 'PROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\Program Files', 'CHAT': '', 'SYSTEMROOT': 'C:\\Windows', 'PATH': ';.', 'COMSPEC': 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe', 'USER_TOONTOWN_ACCESS': 'FULL', 'GAME_ADFRAME_BUTTON_3': '', 'TEMP': 'C:\\Users\\MARCRA~1.000\\AppData\\Local\\Temp', 'LOGIN_TOKEN': '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', 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE': 'x86', 'GAME_ADFRAME_BUTTON_5': '', 'ALLUSERSPROFILE': 'C:\\ProgramData', 'GAME_ADFRAME_BUTTON_1': '', 'PLAYTOKEN': '', 'GAME_ADFRAME_BUTTON_6': '', 'LOCALAPPDATA': 'C:\\Users\\marc.ramzi-PC3.000\\AppData\\Local', 'ACCOUNT_SERVER': '', 'HOMEPATH': '\\Users\\marc.ramzi-PC3.000', 'GAME_ADFRAME_BUTTON_7': '', 'GAME_SERVER': '', 'USERNAME': 'marc', 'FP_NO_HOST_CHECK': 'NO', 'LOGONSERVER': '\\\\RAMZI-PC3', 'CLASSPATH': '.;C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\ext\\', 'SESSIONNAME': 'Console', 'PROGRAMDATA': 'C:\\ProgramData', 'PYTHONPATH': '.', 'ADFRAME_125X125': '', 'COMMONPROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\Program Files\\Common Files', 'PATHEXT': '.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC', 'GAME_ADFRAME_BUTTON_2': '', 'ASL.LOG': 'Destination=file', 'GAME_ADFRAME_BUTTON_4': '', 'IS_TEST_SERVER': '0', 'WEB_ACCT_PARAMS': '', 'GAME_CHAT_ELIGIBLE': '1', 'LGID': '', 'WINDIR': 'C:\\Windows', 'ADFRAME_728X90': '', 'GAME_DISL_ID': '421983190', 'DISLTOKEN': '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', 'HOMEDRIVE': 'C:', 'SESSION_TOKEN': '', 'OS': 'Windows_NT', 'SYSTEMDRIVE': 'C:', 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS': '2', 'APPDATA': 'C:\\Users\\marc.ramzi-PC3.000\\AppData\\Roaming', 'GAME_VERSION_TEXT': 'sv1.0.44.2', 'PROCESSOR_LEVEL': '15', 'CONFIG_CONFIG': ':configpath=CFG_PATH', 'USERPROFILE': 'C:\\Users\\marc.ramzi-PC3.000', '__COMPAT_LAYER': 'ElevateCreateProcess', 'PUBLIC': 'C:\\Users\\Public', 'QTJAVA': 'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\ext\\'} generating standard configrc CONFIG_CONFIG is set to: :configpath=CFG_PATH Resetting CONFIG_CONFIG :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: isTestServer: 0 :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Download Server List :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Using download server :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Game Server :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: patch directory is 0 :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Starting Disney's Toontown Online... :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader(warning): Could not read gameserver.txt. :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Proxy spec is: :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader: [04531540] created. :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: No proxy for download. :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader: [04531540] begin HEAD [ ] :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader: [04531540] reset_to_new. :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader: [04531540] reset_to_new. :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader: [04531540] reset_to_new. :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader: [04531540] Connected to :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Download server: :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: foreground: Launcher now operating in foreground :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: prepareClient: Preparing client for install :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Downloading launcherFileDb :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Download request: :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :downloader: [04531540] begin GET [ ] useTTSpecificLogin=1 :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: getRegistry ('WEB_ACCT_PARAMS', None) :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: self.VISTA = True :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: checking env :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: webAcctParams = :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher(warning): no secretNeedsParentPassword token in webAcctParams :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher(warning): no chatEligible token in webAcctParams :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: maybeStartGame: starting game :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: Starting Toontown... :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: background: Launcher now operating in background ToontownStart: Polling for game2 to finish... ToontownStart: Game2 is finished. ToontownStart: Starting the game. ToontownStart: setting default font :03-14-2011 22:27:28 Launcher: setting panda error code to 7 :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :display: loading display module: libpandadx9.dll :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :display(warning): Unable to load: Module not found :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :display: loading display module: libpandadx8.dll :03-14-2011 22:27:28 :display: loading display module: libpandagl.dll :03-14-2011 22:27:29 :display: loading display module: libtinydisplay.dll :03-14-2011 22:27:29 :display(warning): Unable to load: Path not found Known pipe types: wdxGraphicsPipe8 wglGraphicsPipe (all display modules loaded.) :03-14-2011 22:27:29 :display:windisplay: OS version: :03-14-2011 22:27:29 :display:windisplay: :03-14-2011 22:27:29 :display:windisplay: max Mhz 3000000000, current Mhz 3000000000 :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display:wdxdisplay8: GetAvailableVidMem (including AGP) returns Total: 57503744, Free: 57421824 for device #0 :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display:wdxdisplay8: GetAvailableVidMem (no AGP) returns Total: 57503744, Free: 57421824 for device #0 :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display:wdxdisplay8: SetLowVidMem flag to 0 based on adjusted VidMemTotal: 67108864 :03-14-2011 22:27:30 ToonBase: Default graphics pipe is wdxGraphicsPipe8 (DirectX8). :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display:wdxdisplay8: D3D8.1 Adapter[0]: Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family, Driver: igxprd32.dll, DriverVersion: ( VendorID: 0x00008086 DeviceID: 0x00002582 SubsysID: 0x4037107B Revision: 0x00000004 :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display:windisplay(warning): SetForegroundWindow() failed! :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display:wdxdisplay8(warning): SetForegroundWindow() failed! :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display:wdxdisplay8: walla: device04581098:2 :03-14-2011 22:27:30 :display: Unable to set window properties: !undecorated !fixed_size icon:toontown.ico :03-14-2011 22:27:30 ToonBase: Successfully opened window of type wdxGraphicsWindow8 (DirectX8) :03-14-2011 22:27:31 :audio: using Miles software midi :03-14-2011 22:27:31 ShowBase: __dev__ == 0 :03-14-2011 22:27:31 Launcher: setting panda error code to 11 :03-14-2011 22:27:31 :text: Loading font /c/Program Files/Disney/Disney Online/ToontownOnline/phase_3/models/fonts/ImpressBT.ttf :03-14-2011 22:27:31 :pnmtext: Loaded font Impress Regular :03-14-2011 22:27:31 Launcher: setting panda error code to 0 ToontownStart: Loading default gui sounds ToontownStart: serverVersion: sv1.0.44.2 :03-14-2011 22:27:31 Loader: starting bulk load of block 'init' TTAccount: accountServer from launcher: :03-14-2011 22:27:33 OTPClientRepository: Using connect method 'http' :03-14-2011 22:27:34 :text: Loading font phase_3/models/fonts/MickeyFont :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: getRegistry ('DEPLOYMENT', None) :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: self.VISTA = True :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: checking env :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: getRegistry ('GAME_DEPLOYMENT', None) :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: self.VISTA = True :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: checking env :03-14-2011 22:27:35 OTPClientRepository: reg_deployment= :03-14-2011 22:27:35 LoginWebPlayTokenAccount: self.useTTSpecificLogin =1 :03-14-2011 22:27:35 OTPClientRepository: loginInterface: LoginWebPlayTokenAccount :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: getNeedPwForSecretKey using tt-specific-login :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: getParentPasswordSet using tt-specific-login :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Loader: loader.loadModelNode() is deprecated; use loader.loadModel() instead. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Loader: loader.loadModelNode() is deprecated; use loader.loadModel() instead. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Loader: loader.loadModelNode() is deprecated; use loader.loadModel() instead. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Loader: At end of block 'init', expected 138, loaded 24 :03-14-2011 22:27:35 ToonBase: Using gameServer from launcher: :03-14-2011 22:27:35 OTPClientRepository: Connecting to gameserver directly (no proxy). :03-14-2011 22:27:35 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] created. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 OTPClientRepository: Connecting to s:// via HTTP interface. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] begin CONNECT [ s:// ] :03-14-2011 22:27:35 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] reset_to_new. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] reset_to_new. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] reset_to_new. :03-14-2011 22:27:35 Launcher: Downloading update for Initialization (0 of 15): 0% :03-14-2011 22:27:35 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute :03-14-2011 22:27:35 :downloader: [04531540] Connected to :03-14-2011 22:27:35 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] Connected to :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: HTTP status 200: OK :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: Downloading update for Initialization (0 of 15): 100% :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: downloadTask: Download done: :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=3 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 , extract=1 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=3 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 , extract=1 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: fileName:, flag:=2 directions= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 , extract=0 required=1 optDownload=0 :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: requiredInstallFiles: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.119', 37827379, '9661e4590836ad194fda832391877fdb') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.119', 22766337, '728796a16a7554091644dafbd81d7d8e') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.44', 7219675, 'f43845bece6723e447e1913d72faf79b') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.53', 77594494, '97b32cd38fc2d8718de91440a9112cb5') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.47', 33627225, '2dc40315fab9ca0c2f97fbf58d9eb6c9') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.37', 37558741, '2a9490e95c20741331466354a9e67d29') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.35', 9612551, '362c968b97a7f03ca763e7f34e410518') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.42', 29425745, '641e6bd1c445c76a0d690c026abb9bd4') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.24', 305256, '2380b467c01ab67cbf199be303c10a55') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.42', 17505175, '208b3b9181ad697f37f9a527be2199e9') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.31', 7220840, '7074f23bb07632791fc945d14689147f') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.27', 3489246, '74b3d469402b797323d85873cc1b5eba') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.26', 2827958, 'e20704a8ecd95079e314c2fd8d944c73') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.26', 5289389, 'dd36faaa84c42a328953037257f22add') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: mfDetails[] = ('v1.23', 5350023, '90a9e92f673babcfcfb1b243934e856b') :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:40 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:42 Launcher: clientMd5: 9661e4590836ad194fda832391877fdb expectedMd5: 9661e4590836ad194fda832391877fdb :03-14-2011 22:27:42 Launcher: clientSize: 37827379 expectedSize: 37827379 :03-14-2011 22:27:42 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:42 Launcher: phase updating 1, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:42 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:42 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:43 Launcher: clientMd5: 728796a16a7554091644dafbd81d7d8e expectedMd5: 728796a16a7554091644dafbd81d7d8e :03-14-2011 22:27:43 Launcher: clientSize: 22766337 expectedSize: 22766337 :03-14-2011 22:27:43 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:43 Launcher: phase updating 2, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:43 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:43 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:44 Launcher: clientMd5: f43845bece6723e447e1913d72faf79b expectedMd5: f43845bece6723e447e1913d72faf79b :03-14-2011 22:27:44 Launcher: clientSize: 7219675 expectedSize: 7219675 :03-14-2011 22:27:44 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:44 Launcher: phase updating 3, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:44 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:44 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:48 Launcher: clientMd5: 97b32cd38fc2d8718de91440a9112cb5 expectedMd5: 97b32cd38fc2d8718de91440a9112cb5 :03-14-2011 22:27:48 Launcher: clientSize: 77594494 expectedSize: 77594494 :03-14-2011 22:27:48 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:48 Launcher: phase updating 3.5, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:48 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:48 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:49 Launcher: clientMd5: 2dc40315fab9ca0c2f97fbf58d9eb6c9 expectedMd5: 2dc40315fab9ca0c2f97fbf58d9eb6c9 :03-14-2011 22:27:49 Launcher: clientSize: 33627225 expectedSize: 33627225 :03-14-2011 22:27:49 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:50 Launcher: phase updating 4, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:50 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:50 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:51 Launcher: clientMd5: 2a9490e95c20741331466354a9e67d29 expectedMd5: 2a9490e95c20741331466354a9e67d29 :03-14-2011 22:27:51 Launcher: clientSize: 37558741 expectedSize: 37558741 :03-14-2011 22:27:51 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: phase updating 5, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: clientMd5: 362c968b97a7f03ca763e7f34e410518 expectedMd5: 362c968b97a7f03ca763e7f34e410518 :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: clientSize: 9612551 expectedSize: 9612551 :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: phase updating 5.5, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:52 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:53 Launcher: clientMd5: 641e6bd1c445c76a0d690c026abb9bd4 expectedMd5: 641e6bd1c445c76a0d690c026abb9bd4 :03-14-2011 22:27:53 Launcher: clientSize: 29425745 expectedSize: 29425745 :03-14-2011 22:27:53 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: phase updating 6, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: clientMd5: 2380b467c01ab67cbf199be303c10a55 expectedMd5: 2380b467c01ab67cbf199be303c10a55 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: clientSize: 305256 expectedSize: 305256 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: phase updating 7, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: clientMd5: 208b3b9181ad697f37f9a527be2199e9 expectedMd5: 208b3b9181ad697f37f9a527be2199e9 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: clientSize: 17505175 expectedSize: 17505175 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: phase updating 8, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: clientMd5: 7074f23bb07632791fc945d14689147f expectedMd5: 7074f23bb07632791fc945d14689147f :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: clientSize: 7220840 expectedSize: 7220840 :03-14-2011 22:27:54 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: phase updating 9, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientMd5: 74b3d469402b797323d85873cc1b5eba expectedMd5: 74b3d469402b797323d85873cc1b5eba :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientSize: 3489246 expectedSize: 3489246 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: phase updating 10, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientMd5: e20704a8ecd95079e314c2fd8d944c73 expectedMd5: e20704a8ecd95079e314c2fd8d944c73 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientSize: 2827958 expectedSize: 2827958 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: phase updating 11, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientMd5: dd36faaa84c42a328953037257f22add expectedMd5: dd36faaa84c42a328953037257f22add :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientSize: 5289389 expectedSize: 5289389 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: phase updating 12, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: working on: ./ :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file exists :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientMd5: 90a9e92f673babcfcfb1b243934e856b expectedMd5: 90a9e92f673babcfcfb1b243934e856b :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: clientSize: 5350023 expectedSize: 5350023 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: file is up to date :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: phase updating 13, 100 :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: ALL PHASES COMPLETE :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: cleanup: cleaning up Launcher :03-14-2011 22:27:55 :downloader: [04531540] destroyed. :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: Stopping mini task manager. :03-14-2011 22:27:55 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] Self-signed certificate from :03-14-2011 22:27:55 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] reset_to_new. :03-14-2011 22:27:55 OTPClientRepository: Successfully connected to s:// :03-14-2011 22:27:55 Launcher: Setting Disconnect Details normal :03-14-2011 22:27:55 OTPClientRepository(warning): new installation :03-14-2011 22:27:55 :downloader: [08EDE5D8] destroyed. 0000 7e 00 00 06 00 41 6c 6c 20 6f 6b d6 f3 26 19 0e ~....All ok..&.. 0010 00 47 75 65 73 74 34 32 31 39 38 33 31 39 30 00 .Guest421983190. 0020 02 00 4e 4f 02 00 4e 4f 02 00 4e 4f c6 ea 7e 4d ..NO..NO..NO..~M 0030 20 f3 06 00 04 00 46 55 4c 4c 03 00 59 45 53 13 .....FULL..YES. 0040 00 32 30 31 31 2d 30 33 2d 31 34 20 32 31 3a 32 .2011-03-14 21:2 0050 35 3a 32 34 4f 00 00 00 13 00 57 49 54 48 5f 50 5:24O.....WITH_P 0060 41 52 45 4e 54 5f 41 43 43 4f 55 4e 54 07 00 50 ARENT_ACCOUNT..P 0070 61 6e 30 36 39 39 an0699 :03-14-2011 22:27:56 LoginScreen: CREATE_FRIENDS_WITH_CHAT from game server login: NO False :03-14-2011 22:27:56 LoginScreen: Chat code creation rule = NO :03-14-2011 21:27:50 LoginScreen: Notify clock adjusted by -1:00:06 (and timezone adjusted by 0 hours) to synchronize with server. :03-14-2011 21:27:50 LoginScreen: Paid from game server login: True :03-14-2011 21:27:50 LoginScreen: toonAccountType=WITH_PARENT_ACCOUNT :03-14-2011 21:27:50 LoginScreen: Login response return code 0 :03-14-2011 21:27:50 OTPClientRepository: *** ACCOUNT INFO *** :03-14-2011 21:27:50 OTPClientRepository: username: Pan0699 :03-14-2011 21:27:50 OTPClientRepository: paid: True {316000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF133A0>, 360000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF131E8>, 688000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF1CB98>, 434000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13AD0>, 568000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF138A0>, 662000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF138F0>, 712000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF1CA80>, 620000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13850>, 414000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF132D8>, 364000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13210>, 734000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF1C990>, 450000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13EB8>, 756000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF1C7D8>, 650000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13F30>, 664000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13300>, 522000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13EE0>, 530000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13FA8>, 636000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13AA8>, 686000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13B98>, 608000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13A08>, 658000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13F80>, 750000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF1C1E8>, 726000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF1CA08>, 616000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13F58>, 410000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13238>, 432000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13440>, 454000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13940>, 632000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF13828>, 362000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF133F0>, 754000000: <toontown.distributed.ToontownDistrict.ToontownDistrict instance at 0x0BF1C8A0>} :03-14-2011 21:27:51 StateData: AvatarChooser.enter :03-14-2011 21:27:51 DisplayOptions: settingsFullScreen = False, embedded = 0 width=800 height=600 :03-14-2011 21:27:51 StateData: calling self.displayOptions.restrictToEmbedded(False) :03-14-2011 21:28:00 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen !foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute :03-14-2011 21:28:42 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute :03-14-2011 21:28:44 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen !foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute :03-14-2011 21:29:58 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute :03-14-2011 21:29:59 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen !foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute :03-14-2011 21:30:55 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute :03-14-2011 21:30:59 ToonBase: Got window event: size=(800, 600) title="Toontown" !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen !foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:toontown.ico cursor:toonmono.cur absolute LIVE SYSTEM MESSAGE: def broadcast(message="Hey its Salty, the yellow horse. Im in the scientist clothes, what up?"includingSelf=True): startingToon = 0 toonOn = 0 listToonIds = base.localAvatar.getNearbyPlayers(1000000000000000, includingSelf) endingToon = len(listToonIds) print listToonIds while startingToon != endingToon: base.talkAssistant.sendWhisperTalk(str(message), listToonIds[toonOn]) print toonOn toonOn = toonOn + 1 startingToon = startingToon + 1 After you used that code erase from the injector then use: broadcast("Hey its Salty, the yellow horse. Im in the scientist clothes, what up?", True) UPDATED LIVE SUITS: Still working on: from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = " " textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def normal1(): bk_text = " " textObject.setText(bk_text) def setText1(): bk_text = "Collisions Off" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 0 def setText2(): bk_text = "Collisions" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() var = 1 def setText3(): bk_text = "Laff" textObject.setText(bk_text) ttt ="TTTreasure") for ttt in"TTTreasure"): ttt.d_requestGrab() var = 1 def setText4(): bk_text = "Die" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.d_squish(3) var = 1 def setText5(): bk_text = "RAID" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20136) var = 0 def setText6(): bk_text = "Big" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n' * 256) var = 1 def setText7(): bk_text = "Global" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])[1].showPop = 1 var = 1 def setText8(): closetn ="closet") for closetn in"closet"): messenger.send("purchaseDone-" + str(closetn.doId)) var = 1 def setText9(): bk_text = "Member" textObject.setText(bk_text) def new(): return True = new = new var = 1 def setText10(): bk_text = "Funny" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText11(): bk_text = "SUIT" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText12(): bk_text = "TTC" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText13(): bk_text = "Work" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistWork')) var = 1 def setText14(): bk_text = "testtownbody" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x1b\x01\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText15(): bk_text = "Dive" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('dive')) var = 1 def setText16(): bk_text = "Port Out" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') var = 1 def setText17(): bk_text = "VINE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x25\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText18(): bk_text = "Play" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistPlay')) var = 1 def setText19(): bk_text = "whiteflippy" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x03\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText20(): bk_text = "BLUE SCIENCE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x62\x1c\x02\x1c\x27\x1c\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText21(): bk_text = "UpsideD" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr((0,0,180)) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText22(): bk_text = "OnFace" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(-50,-50,0) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText23(): bk_text = "EXTRA" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x02\x01\x02\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x5b\x10\x00\x10\x10') var = 1 def setText24(): bk_text = "MD" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('We are MOD CLAN \n' *10) var = 1 def setText25(): bk_text = "SIDE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setHpr(0,0,90) base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() var = 1 def setText26(): bk_text = "Invis" textObject.setText(bk_text) var = 1 def setText27(): bk_text = "000" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk(' \000' *200) var = 1 def setText28(): bk_text = "annoy" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText29(): bk_text = "COWBOY" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x35\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText30(): bk_text = "skirt" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x04\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText31(): bk_text = "RULE" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('WE ARE THE RULERS!!!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText32(): bk_text = "MUAHAHAHA" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('MUAHAHA\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 6) var = 1 def setText33(): bk_text = "No sleep" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.wakeUp() var = 1 def setText34(): bk_text = "Red" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3) var = 1 def setText35(): bk_text = "Garden" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x07\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') var = 1 def setText36(): bk_text = "by" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(4.30,54.564,0.123) var = 1 def setText37(): bk_text = "Tie dye" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText38(): bk_text = "Tie dye2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText39(): bk_text = "Arms" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/arms').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText40(): bk_text = "Arms" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/legs').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText41(): bk_text = "nose" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/nose').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText42(): bk_text = "head" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/robber-baron.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/head').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText43(): bk_text = "head2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/clothes').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText44(): bk_text = "arms2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/arms').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText45(): bk_text = "legs2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/legs').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText46(): bk_text = "feet2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/feet').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText47(): bk_text = "eyes" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/eyes').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText48(): bk_text = "nose2" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/nose').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText49(): bk_text = "neck" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/neck').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText50(): bk_text = "Shirt" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText51(): bk_text = "pants" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText52(): bk_text = "sky" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/Sky').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 def setText52(): bk_text = "sleeves" textObject.setText(bk_text) gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setTexture(gloves, 1) var = 1 base.accept("escape", normal1, []) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("COff", "coff", "coff", "COff"), scale=.05, pos = (-.92,-0,-.98), command=setText1) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("COn", "Con", "Con", "COn"), scale=.05, pos = (-.8,-0,-.98), command=setText2) b3 = DirectButton(text = ("Laff", "laff", "laff", "Laff"), scale=.05, pos = (-.7,-0,-.98), command=setText3) b4 = DirectButton(text = ("Die", "die", "die", "Die"), scale=.05, pos = (-.58,-0,-.98), command=setText4) b5 = DirectButton(text = ("RAID", "RAID", "RAID", "RAID"), scale=.05, pos = (-.4,0,-.98), command=setText5) b6 = DirectButton(text = ("BIG", "big", "big", "BIG"), scale=.05, pos = (-.2,-0,-.98), command=setText6) b7 = DirectButton(text = ("Global", "global", "global", "Global"), scale=.05, pos = (-.0,-0,-.98), command=setText7) b8 = DirectButton(text = ("Clothes", "clothes", "clothes", "Clothes"), scale=.05, pos = (.180,-0,-.98), command=setText8) b9 = DirectButton(text = ("Mem", "Mem", "Mem", "Mem"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.92), command=setText9) b10 = DirectButton(text = ("Funny", "Funny", "Funny", "Funny"), scale=.05, pos = (.4,-1,-.98), command=setText10) b11 = DirectButton(text = ("SUIT", "SUIT", "SUIT", "SUIT"), scale=.05, pos = (.55,-41,-.98), command=setText11) b12 = DirectButton(text = ("ttc", "ttc", "ttc", "ttc"), scale=.05, pos = (.64,-0,-.98), command=setText12) b13 = DirectButton(text = ("sw", "sw", "sw", "sw"), scale=.05, pos = (.28,-0,-.92), command=setText13) b14 = DirectButton(text = ("testownbody", "testownbody", "testownbody", "testownbody"), scale=.05, pos = (-.10,-0,-.98), command=setText14) b15 = DirectButton(text = ("d", "d", "d", "d"), scale=.05, pos = (-.50,-0,-.98), command=setText15) b16 = DirectButton(text = ("to", "to", "to", "to"), scale=.05, pos = (.55,-0,-.92), command=setText16) b17 = DirectButton(text = ("VINE", "VINE", "VINE", "VINE"), scale=.05, pos = (.63,-0,-.92), command=setText17) b18 = DirectButton(text = ("Sp", "Sp", "Sp", "Sp"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-0,-.91), command=setText18) b19 = DirectButton(text = ("whiteflippy", "whiteflippy", "whiteflippy", "whiteflippy"), scale=.05, pos = (.12,-0,-.91), command=setText19) b20 = DirectButton(text = ("BS", "BS", "BS", "BS"), scale=.05, pos = (.7,-0,-.91), command=setText20) b21 = DirectButton(text = ("UpD", "upd", "upd", "Upd"), scale=.05, pos = (-.9,-0,-.91), command=setText21) b22 = DirectButton(text = ("FOF", "FOF", "FOF", "FOF"), scale=.05, pos = (-.7,-0,-.91), command=setText22) b23 = DirectButton(text = ("EXTRA", "EXTRA", "EXTRA", "EXTRA"), scale=.05, pos = (-.6,-0,-.91), command=setText23) b24 = DirectButton(text = ("FU", "fu", "fu", "FU"), scale=.05, pos = (.8,-0,-.91), command=setText24) b25 = DirectButton(text = ("SID", "sid", "sid", "SID"), scale=.05, pos = (-.8,-0,-.91), command=setText25) b26 = DirectButton(text = ("INV", "inv", "inv", "INV"), scale=.05, pos = (.78,-0,-.98), command=setText26) b27 = DirectButton(text = ("000", "000", "000", "000"), scale=.05, pos = (.90,-0,-.98), command=setText27) b28 = DirectButton(text = ("annoy", "annoy", "annoy", "annoy"), scale=.05, pos = (.94,-0,-.91), command=setText28) b29 = DirectButton(text = ("cowboy", "cowboy", "cowboy", "cowboy"), scale=.05, pos = (-.99,-0,-.96), command=setText29) b30 = DirectButton(text = ("Skirt", "Skirt", "Skirt", "Skirt"), scale=.05, pos = (-.99,-0,-.86), command=setText30) b31 = DirectButton(text = ("RULERS", "RULERS", "RULERS", "RULERS"), scale=.05, pos = (-.90,-0,-.80), command=setText31) b32 = DirectButton(text = ("MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA", "MUAHAHAHA"), scale=.05, pos = (-.70,-0,-.86), command=setText32) b33 = DirectButton(text = ("No sleep", "No sleep", "No sleep", "No sleep"), scale=.05, pos = (-.44,-0,-.86), command=setText33) b34 = DirectButton(text = ("Red", "Red", "Red", "Red"), scale=.05, pos = (-.29,-0,-.86), command=setText34) b35 = DirectButton(text = ("Garden", "Garden", "Garden", "Garden"), scale=.05, pos = (-.20,-0,-.86), command=setText35) b36 = DirectButton(text = ("by", "by", "by", "by"), scale=.05, pos = (-.10,-0,-.86), command=setText36) b37 = DirectButton(text = ("Tie dye", "Tie dye", "Tie dye", "Tie dye"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.84), command=setText37) b38 = DirectButton(text = ("Tie dye2", "Tie dye2", "Tie dye2", "Tie dye2"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-10,-.84), command=setText38) b39 = DirectButton(text = ("Arms", "Arms", "Arms", "Arms"), scale=.05, pos = (.54,-10,-.84), command=setText39) b40 = DirectButton(text = ("legs", "legs", "legs", "legs"), scale=.05, pos = (.70,-10,-.84), command=setText40) b41 = DirectButton(text = ("nose", "nose", "nose", "nose"), scale=.05, pos = (.87,-10,-.84), command=setText41) b42 = DirectButton(text = ("head", "head", "head", "head"), scale=.05, pos = (-.70,-0,-.80), command=setText42) b43 = DirectButton(text = ("head2", "head2", "head2", "head2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.50,-0,-.80), command=setText43) b44 = DirectButton(text = ("arms2", "arms2", "arms2", "arms2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.33,-0,-.80), command=setText44) b45 = DirectButton(text = ("legs2", "legs2", "legs2", "legs2"), scale=.05, pos = (-.16,-0,-.80), command=setText45) b46 = DirectButton(text = ("feet2", "feet2", "feet2", "feet2"), scale=.05, pos = (.20,-10,-.80), command=setText46) b47 = DirectButton(text = ("eyes", "eyes", "eyes", "eyes"), scale=.05, pos = (.39,-10,-.79), command=setText47) b48 = DirectButton(text = ("nose2", "nose2", "nose2", "nose2"), scale=.05, pos = (.54,-10,-.79), command=setText48) b49 = DirectButton(text = ("neck", "neck", "neck", "neck"), scale=.05, pos = (.71,-10,-.79), command=setText49) b50 = DirectButton(text = ("shirt", "shirt", "shirt", "shirt"), scale=.05, pos = (.87,-10,-.79), command=setText50) b51 = DirectButton(text = ("pants", "pants", "pants", "pants"), scale=.05, pos = (-.90,-0,-.74), command=setText51) b52 = DirectButton(text = ("sky", "sky", "sky", "sky"), scale=.05, pos = (-.73,-0,-.74), command=setText52) b52 = DirectButton(text = ("sleeves", "sleeves", "sleeves", "sleeves"), scale=.05, pos = (-.55,-0,-.74), command=setText52) from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = "" textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def setText1(): bk_text = "Run Fast" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlForwardSpeed = 100 def setText2(): bk_text = "Hi Jump" textObject.setText(bk_text) base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 150 def setText3(): bk_text = "" textObject.setText(bk_text) cc ="Mod") for cc in"Mod"): cc.copyTo(render) base.accept("escape", normal1, []) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("Speed", "speed", "speed", "Speed"), scale=.05, pos = (-.4,-0,-.91), command=setText1) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("Jump", "Jump", "jump", "Jump"), scale=.05, pos = (-.2,-0,-.91), command=setText2) b3 = DirectButton(text = ("Clone", "Clone", "Cloned", "Cloned"), scale=.05, pos = (0,-2.93,-.91), command=setText3)