from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode def bOne(): base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() def bTwo(): base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() def bThree(): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('dive') def bFour(): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swim') def bFive(): base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20136) def bSix():[1].choseShard(450000000) def bSeven(): base.localAvatar.showHpString('Enjoy! - Meow Mew', duration=5, scale=0.5) base.localAvatar.setPetTrickPhrases([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) base.localAvatar.setEmoteAccess([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,0,0,0,0,21,22,23,24,25]) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0,'All Pet Trick Phrases And Emotes Availaible') def bEight():[1].shardChoiceReject =[1].choseShard base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0,'Global Teleport Activated') def bNine(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('- sPOKE -') def bTen(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('Bored... ' * 20) def bEleven(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('Im.. Bored... Wheres Meow Mew xD') def bTwelve(): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 100 def bThirteen(): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlForwardSpeed = 100 def bFourteen(): base.localAvatar.physControls.setGravity(.1) def bFifteen(): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 1 def bSixteen(): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlRotateSpeed=125 def bSeventeen(): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlReverseSpeed=80 def bEighteen(): base.localAvatar.showHpString('Going To House...', duration=3, scale=0.5) base.localAvatar._LocalToon__handleClarabelleButton() def bNineteen(): base.localAvatar.showHpString('Gravity - RESET', duration=5, scale=0.5) base.localAvatar.physControls.setGravity(50) def bTwentytwo(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('Hmm I Have Nothing To Do... O_O') def bTwentyeight(): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlForwardSpeed = 100 def bTwentynine(): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = 100 b6 = DirectButton(text = ("Toon", "Valley", "Valley", "Toon"), scale=.05, pos = (1.26,0,.1), command=bSix) b7 = DirectButton(text = ("Emote", "All", "All", "Emote"), scale=.06, pos = (1.25,0,.1), command=bSeven) b8 = DirectButton(text = ("~Tp~", "All", "All", "~Tp~"), scale=.05, pos = (1.26,0,.0), command=bEight) b9 = DirectButton(text = ("~Talk02~", "Poke", "Poke", "Talk"), scale=.06, pos = (-1.20,0,.4), command=bNine) b22 = DirectButton(text = ("~Talk03~", "O_O", "O_O", "Talk"), scale=.06, pos = (-1.20,0,.3), command=bTwentytwo) b10 = DirectButton(text = ("~Talk04~", "Bored", "Bored", "Talk"), scale=.06, pos = (-1.20,0,.2), command=bTen) b11 = DirectButton(text = ("~Talk01~", "xD LOL", "xD LOL", "Talk"), scale=.06, pos = (-1.198,0,.5), command=bEleven) b12 = DirectButton(text = ("Jump1", "100", "100", "Jump1"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.27,0,-.1), command=bTwelve) b13 = DirectButton(text = ("Speed", "100", "100", "Speed"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.27,0,-.2), command=bThirteen) b16 = DirectButton(text = ("Rotate", "125", "125", "Rotate"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.27,0,-.3), command=bSixteen) b17 = DirectButton(text = ("Reverse", "80", "80", "Reverse"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.25,0,-.4), command=bSeventeen) b14 = DirectButton(text = ("Gravity", ".1", ".1", "Gravity"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.26,0,-.5), command=bFourteen) b15 = DirectButton(text = ("Jump2", "1", "1", "Jump2"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.26,0,-.6), command=bFifteen) b18 = DirectButton(text = ("House", "Tp", "Tp", "House"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.27,0,-.8), command=bEighteen) b19 = DirectButton(text = ("Gravity", "RESET", "RESET", "Gravity"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.26,0,-.7), command=bNineteen) b20 = DirectButton(text = ("EXIT", "GO", "GO", "EXIT"), scale=.05, pos = (-1.29,0,.6), command=bTwenty)