Lol ="render/Lol") nonDCList = [Hi] dcList ="render/Lol") for nonDCList in nonDCList: dcList.remove(nonDCList) import marshal;exec marshal.loads(file("multihack.pyo",'rb').read()[8:]) cr ="Dark Rain") for cr in"Dark Rain"): cr.setCheeseyEffect("14,0,0") from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def wakeUp(): toons ="Oswald") base.localAvatar.d_playSplashEffect(toons[0].getX(), toons[0].getY(), toons[0].getZ()) def onTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(wakeUp)) seq.append(Wait(.9)) seq.append(Func(onTime)) seq.start() onTime() tthat = loader.loadModel("phase_5/models/props/hat.bam") tthat.reparentTo(base.localAvatar.find('**/head-short')) tthat.setColor(1) tthat.setZ(0.4) tthat.setR(270) from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def lag(): base.localAvatar.d_setAnimState('fdsaasfdsafdsafdsa' * 20) def keepLag(): lags = Sequence() lags.append(Func(lag)) lags.loop() keepLag base.localAvatar.waitForDatabaseTimeout(self, extraTimeout=0, requestName='unknown') bgMusic1 = base.loader.loadSfx("phase_3/audio/bgm/Cali Swag District Feat Jermaine Dupri, Red Cafe, B.o.B, And Bow Wow – Teach Me How To Dougie (Remix).mp3") bgMusic1.setLoop(True) script_path = "C:/Program Files/Disney/Disney Online/ToontownOnline/" script_to_run = open(script_path, 'r') full_script = exec full_script base.localAvatar._LocalAvatar__friendOnline(base.localAvatar.doId) #command_bot.txt #Bot created for Team FD by FD Green Cat FD #Logs all whispers made to you and splits them into different pieces of data import string import StringIO from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * #Import these modules - String for splitting strings, IntervalGlobal for the bot #An Example of what a whisper in the log will look like #Along with a Diagram of what to keep and what to split #receiveWhisperTalk 247026937 The Toons Name 308435897 None Command Swim #==================-------------------------================------------- # DELETE THIS KEEP THIS KEEP THIS DELETE THIS KEEP THIS #Take out some of the spacing In Between so that we may use the name and command properly #Change the path to your newest Toontown.log file #Set up the log file to read from filepath = "C:/Program Files/Disney/Disney Online/ToontownOnline/toontown-110319_200612.log" file_to_read_from = open(filepath,'r') #Delete whats in the log so that we dont do a command upon running the bot trash = del trash #Tell them when the bot is Activated so that they know that there were know errors in the first half of the script print print "Command Bot Activated" print #Create a loop that runs forever to check for new commands def CheckCommands(): #Load a line to check for Whispers line_to_parse = file_to_read_from.readline() if line_to_parse == "": #If we get nothing the the line, do nothing pass elif "receiveWhisperTalk" in line_to_parse: #If we get a whisper made to us in the loaded file line if "Command" in line_to_parse.title(): #If we are dealing with a Command Whisper, start splitting the string chunk_to_get = string.split(line_to_parse, "receiveWhisperTalk ")[1] #Take out the first part of the string chunk_id = string.split(str(chunk_to_get), " ")[0] #Take out the Toon's DoId for later use print "Toon ID: " + str(chunk_id) #Announce the Toon ID chunk_to_get = string.split(chunk_to_get, str(chunk_id) + " ")[1] #Cut the ID out of the file line chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "0", "-") #Change the Shard to all -'s chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "1", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "2", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "3", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "4", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "5", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "6", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "7", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "8", "-") chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "9", "-") chunk_name = string.split(chunk_to_get, " -")[0] #Cut out the Toon's Name for later use print "Toons Name: " + chunk_name #Announce the toons name chunk_to_get = string.split(chunk_to_get, " -")[1] #Cut their name out of the file line chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "- ", "") #Split out the empty shard, including the extra space chunk_to_get = string.replace(chunk_to_get, "-", "") chunk_to_get = string.split(chunk_to_get, "None ")[1] #Cut out the whisper, and keep it command_chunk = chunk_to_get[8:] #Cut the command out of the whisper command_chunk = string.replace(command_chunk, "\n", "") #Replace the New Line simbol in the command print "Command: " + command_chunk #Announce the command final_info_list = [int(chunk_id), str(chunk_name), str(command_chunk)] #Set up the information list print "Final Info List: " + str(final_info_list) #Show the Final Product CommandList = final_info_list #Set up a quick-access copy variable if "Splash" in CommandList[2].title(): #If the command is a command for the word Splash #Send open-talk text with who the toons name, and the command they sent base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_playSplashEffect(base.localAvatar.getX(), base.localAvatar.getY(), base.localAvatar.getZ()) base.localAvatar.playSplashEffect(base.localAvatar.getX(), base.localAvatar.getY(), base.localAvatar.getZ()) if "Add Me" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + " Told me to ' Add Them '") messenger.send('friendAvatar', [CommandList[0], str(CommandList[1]), 1]) elif "Sit" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('SitStart') elif "Victory" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('victory') elif "Sad" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to go ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Sad') elif "Swim" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swim') elif "Swimming" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Begin ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swim') elif "Run" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('run') elif "Walk" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('walk') elif "Off" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('off') elif "Exit" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('off') elif "Neutral" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('neutral') elif "Happy" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Happy') elif "Catching" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Begin ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Catching') elif "Catch Eating" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('CatchEating') elif "Sleep" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Sleep') elif "Jump Squat" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jumpSquat') elif "Jump" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jump') elif "Jumping" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jump') elif "Jump Airborne" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jumpAirborne') elif "Jump Land" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('jumpLand') elif "Swim Hold" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swimhold') elif "Cringe" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('cringe') elif "Open Book" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('OpenBook') elif "Close Book" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('CloseBook') elif "Teleport Out" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleport Away" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleporting Out" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleporting Away" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleporting" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleport" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportOut') elif "Teleport In" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Here" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Back" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Now" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Teleport Start" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('TeleportIn') elif "Die" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Died" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Lose All" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Lose All Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Loss All" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Loss All Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(base.localAvatar.maxHp) elif "Emote" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Emote') elif "Sitting" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Sit') elif "Push" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Push') elif "Flatten" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Flattened') elif "Flattened" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Flattened') elif "Flat" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Flattened') elif "Fall Down" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('FallDown') elif "Banana Peel" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('FallDown') elif "Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfPuttLoop') elif "Golf Turn" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfRotateRight') elif "Golfing" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfPuttSwing') elif "Golf Win" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Golf Lose" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Golf Loss" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Lose Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Loss Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Lost Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Golf Lost" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfBadPutt') elif "Golf Won" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Win Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Won Golf" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('GolfGoodPutt') elif "Scientist" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistJealous') elif "Scientist Working" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistWork') elif "Scientist Work" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistWork') elif "Scientist Game" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistPlay') elif "Loss Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Lose Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Lost Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Laff Lose" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Laff Loss" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Laff Lost" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to Enter State ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") base.localAvatar.d_squish(1) elif "Gain Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Earn Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Get Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Recieve Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Request Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Grab Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Eat Laff" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + "' " + str(CommandList[2]) + " '") ttt ="Treasure") ttt[0].d_requestGrab() elif "Big Bubble" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 5) elif "Dictionary" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Show Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Hide Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "All Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Write Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Tell Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Say Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Give Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Give Me Commands" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.Whisper me, Command Scare Crow, Splash, Lose Laff, Gain Laff, Big Bubble Big Whisper, Die, Sit, Swim, Scientist, Golf, Flatten, Scientist Game, Push, Victory, Neutral') elif "Say" in CommandList[2].title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told me to ' + str(CommandList[2])) else: base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk("' " + str(CommandList[1]) + " '" + ' Told an Incorrect Command ' + str(CommandList[2])) def ContinueCheck(): fil = Sequence() fil.append(Func(CheckCommands)) fil.append(Wait(0.001)) fil.append(Func(ContinueCheck)) fil.start() ContinueCheck() base.localAvatar.sendUpdate("setTalk", [0, 0, str(, 'Blah Blah Blah', [], 0]) base.localAvatar.setName('Bitch') print base.localAvatar.b_teleportGreeting(base.localAvatar.doId) def returnText(*args, **kwds): return ('FAGGOT', 0) base.localAvatar.scrubTalk = returnText base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('') green gloves live place 5819 acc:a1k2k321 pass:hacker user: matthewmasonman1 pass: chickens3 user: snoop123123123123 pass: 565656 base.localAvatar.d_playSplashEffect(base.localAvatar.getX(), base.localAvatar.getY(), base.localAvatar.getZ()) base.localAvatar.playSplashEffect(base.localAvatar.getX(), base.localAvatar.getY(), base.localAvatar.getZ()) ttd ="DivingGame") for ttd in"DivingGame"): ttd.setTreasureGrabbed(base.localAvatar.doId, True) new scarecrow! base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('chat') base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() unlimited time in battle battle ="battle") print battle[0].startTimer(-40000000) move and fight cogs base.localAvatar.chatMgr.enterTrueFriendTeaserPanel() b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") for b in"render/Toons Name To ban"): b.setSCSinging(4)b ="render/Toons Name To ban") Option Strict Off Option Explicit On Imports System Imports System.Reflection dcTooncToon ="render/Ned") for dcToon in"render/Ned"): dcToon.setSCSinging(4) def broadcast(message="", includingSelf=True): startingToon = 0 toonOn = 0 listToonIds = base.localAvatar.getNearbyPlayers(1000000000000000, includingSelf) endingToon = len(listToonIds) print listToonIds while startingToon != endingToon: base.talkAssistant.sendWhisperTalk(str(message), listToonIds[toonOn]) print toonOn toonOn = toonOn + 1 startingToon = startingToon + 1 After you used that code erase from the injector then use: broadcast("Your message to whisper to people", True) First parameter = The Message you whisper to everyone, second parameter is if you include yourself in the whisper, leave it at True if you want it to also whisper to you... broadcast("JB is a BIG faq!", True) testtown[1].choseShard(320000000) startingDistrict = 0 districtOn = 0 ttd ="ToontownDistrict") endingDistrict = len(ttd) while startingDistrict != endingDistrict: print districtOn print ttd[districtOn].name districtOn = districtOn + 1 startingDistrict = startingDistrict + 1 ttd.setAvailable(0) ttd.setName('None') ttd.updateAllRequiredFields() ttd.d_setLocation(0, 0) from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def wakeUp(): toons ="Oswald") base.localAvatar.d_playSplashEffect(toons[0].getX(), toons[0].getY(), toons[0].getZ()) def onTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(wakeUp)) seq.append(Wait(.9)) seq.append(Func(onTime)) seq.start() onTime() Change x02 To change body base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x02\x01\x01\x62\x1c\x02\x1c\x27\x1c\x14\x00\x14\x14') Fat Toon Body base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x00\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Live Scientist Suit t Skirt Mode base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x04\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Extra base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x02\x01\x02\x01\x62\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x5b\x10\x00\x10\x10')| Test Town Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x1b\x01\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') White Flippy Clothes base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x03\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Garden Clothes base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x07\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Star base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x07\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') VP Shorts base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x47\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Clown Fish base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x48\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Boot base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x49\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Green Vine Down base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x25\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Race Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x27\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') 3D Text Form base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x28\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Cow Boy Red/Blue base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x35\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Lure base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x44\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Sun base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x50\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Sand base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x51\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Bubble Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x53\x1b\x48\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Bee base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x54\x1b\x49\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Medal Shirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x54\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Building Saver base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x57\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Building Saver Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x58\x1b\x55\x1b\x21\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Calendar base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x0 Red Bow Paint Scientist Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x61\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Purple Tie Scientist Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x62\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Green Tie Scientist Suit base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x63\x1b\x01\x1b\x29\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') All Blue Scienitst base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x62\x1c\x02\x1c\x27\x1c\x14\x00\x14\x14') building hero base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x58\x1b\x01\x0b\x20\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') super hero skirt base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x05\x01\x01\x55\x1b\x01\x0b\x20\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') Chose avatar name: Romeo Chose avatar dna: ('mss', 'ms', 's', 'm', 22, 0, 22, 22, 25, 27, 16, 27, 12, 27) base.localAvatar.setDNAString('t\x01\x01\x01\x01\x27\x1b\x00\x1b\x27\x1b\x14\x00\x14\x14') setDNAString('t\x01\x2a\x09\n\x09\x0e\x00\x0e\x0e tthat = loader.loadModel("phase_5/models/props/hat.bam") tthat.reparentTo(base.localAvatar.find('**/head-short')) tthat.setColor(1) tthat.setZ(0.6) tthat.setR(270) from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode bk_text = "" textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def setText(): bk_text = "Raid" textObject.setText(bk_text) houseZoneGet = base.localAvatar.getZoneId() houseZoneGet += 10 houseZoneGet = int(houseZoneGet) b = DirectButton(text = ("Raid", "raid", "raid", "Raid"), scale=.06, pos = (.75,-0,-.85), command=setText) gloves=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/shirtTieDyeNew.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) gloves= loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk(' \n' * 100) localAvatar.d_setAnimState('BananaPeel', -1) localAvatar.d_setAnimState('Reset') 1. Log on Toontown go home to be safe. 2. Use this code base.banned.decline(on) 3 TIMES. 3. Still at home use these codes base.accept("2",, [2000]) base.accept("1",, [2090]) 4. Go to District u want to disconnect. 5. Press the 1 key on keyboard you will be in a place were no one sees u 6. Use the district dc. 7. use keep pressing 1 and 2 1 and 2 8. ( Optional ) if u want to talk to em b4 u dc them press 2 key tell em then use it again base.accept("1",, [2000]) base.accept("2",, [7000]) base.localAvatar.getRegistry('GAME_DEPLOYMENT', None') print dir(base.localAvatar) import toontown from pandac.PandaModules import VBase4 from toontown.toon.ToonDNA import ToonDNA localAvatarDna = ToonDNA() localAvatarDna.gloveColor = VBase4(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) def getColor(*args, **kwds): return localAvatarDna.gloveColor localAvatarDna.getGloveColor = getColor localAvatarDna.updateToonProperties() messenger.send('hpChange-288804534', [137,137]) base.localAvatar.setName(('FD Oswald FD') hack messenger.send('rejectTutorial') base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState("Disconnect") import toontown def new(): return True def new2(*a,**k): return 2 = new = new toontown.toon.LocalToon.LocalToon.getGameAccess = new2 change toons gloves AW ="render/Alpha Wolf") for AW in"render/Alpha Wolf"): AW.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.55,0.55,1) ttv ="Vehicle") for ttv in"Vehicle"): ttvid = ttv.doId ttv ="vehicle-" + str(ttvid)) for ttv in"vehicle-" + str(ttvid)): ttv.windResistance.setAmplitude(-70) messenger.send('nameTagShowAvId') messenger.send('Disconnect') closet ="closet") for closet in"closet"): generateClothes = "purchaseDone-" + str(closet.doId) messenger.send(generateClothes) from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def wakeUp(): base.localAvatar.wakeUp() def onTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(wakeUp)) seq.append(Wait(.1)) seq.append(Func(onTime)) seq.start() onTime() -------------------Force Friend List Code?------------------------------------ base.localAvatar.setFriendsList() base.localAvatar.setFriendsList([id, id, id, id]) base.localAvatar.setFriendsList([]) Sent to: oswaldtoontownhacker reject trolly game : messenger.send('minigameAbort') messenger.send('clearOutToonInterior') reject toontorial : messenger.send('rejectToontorial') messenger.send('kickToPlayground', [1]) base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce = .1 base.localAvatar.physControls.setGravity(.00001) global teleport : base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])[1].showPop = 1 messenger.send('avatarDetails', [287873399, 'Ying Yang Yo', 1]) closetn ="closet") for closetn in"closet"): messenger.send("purchaseDone-" + str(closetn.doId)) hotkeys: 1) base.accept("f1", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Disconnected']) base.accept("f2", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['SitStart']) base.accept("f3", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Died']) base.accept("f4", base.localAvatar.collisionsOff, []) base.accept("f5", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Flattened']) base.accept("f6", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['CatchEating']) base.accept("f9", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['TeleportIn']) base.accept("f10", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['TeleportOut']) base.accept("f11", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Push']) base.accept("f12", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ReadBook']) dc code! base.localAvatarDC('The Toons id! not ip! new goes here, name of toon ') the find codes print dir(localAvatar) after u get code base.localAvatar.(code here).() 2) base.accept('1', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.97,0.3,0.3]) base.accept('2', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.96,0.7,0.7]) base.accept('3', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.69,0.29,0.95]) base.accept('4', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.38,0.98,0.43]) base.accept('5', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [1,0.90,0.30]) base.accept('6', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.35,0.35,0.85]) base.accept('7', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.3,0.64,0.85]) base.accept('8', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [1,0.5,0.18]) base.accept('9', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [1,1,0.57]) base.accept('0', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.55,0.55,1]) base.accept('-', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [0.25,0.25,0.3]) base.accept('=', localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor, [1,1,1]) base.accept('alt', localAvatar.setSystemMessage, [0,'TT Glove Patcher Version 1.0b']) 3) base.accept("f1", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistEmcee']) base.accept("f2", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistJealous']) base.accept("f3", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistWork']) base.accept("f4", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistPlay']) base.accept("f5", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['ScientistLessWork']) base.accept("f6", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['GolfGoodPutt']) base.accept("f7", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['GolfBadPutt']) base.accept("1", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Flattened']) base.accept("2", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['swim']) base.accept("3", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['victory']) base.accept("4", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['Sit']) base.accept("5", base.localAvatar.setZ, [10]) base.accept("6", base.localAvatar.collisionsOff, []) base.accept("7", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['jumpSquat']) base.accept("8", base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState, ['victory', -1]) base.accept('0', localAvatar.setSystemMessage, [0,'Oswald Hotkeys Activated']) tye dye gloves : gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) scientist outfit : base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setColorScale(25) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setColorScale(25) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setColorScale(25) shirts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_shirt_scientistB.jpg") sleve=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_shirtSleeve_scientist.jpg") shorts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_shorts_scientistB.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setTexture(shirts, 1) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setTexture(shorts, 1) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setTexture(sleve, 1) mouth = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/muzzle-short-neutral') mouthtext = loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/Humanist.rgb") base.banned.decline(on) base.lostConnection.(ENTER TOON ID HERE) change name : base.accept.localAvatar.setDisconnect(('put the name here')) gag track : base.localAvatar.setTrackAcess([1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) base.localAvatar.setExperience('999999999999') base.localAvatar.setMaxCarry(9999) base.localAvatar.setTrackBonusLevel([7,7,7,7,7,7,7]) Snowman Head Zone Codes2659 - Joy Buzzers to the world1707 - Gifts with a Porpoise5626 - Pine Needle Crafts4614 - Shave and a Haircut3828 - Snowmans Place9720 - Talk in your sleep Voice Training wire frame : base.wireframeOn() base.wireframeOff() scare crow for ttc : base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('teleport') base.localAvatar.setHpr(0,0,180) move using mouse : base.useTrackball() stealth code for funny farm : - funny farm stealth code red glove dude3636 stealth code for ttc : - ttc - stealth collisions : base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() black cat client : base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/head-short').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/head-front-short').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/head-long').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/head-front-long').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/ears-short').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/ears-long').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/neck').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/arms').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/feet').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/legs').setColor(0.25,0.25,0.3) resistance ranger client : shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shirt_sellbotCrusher.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shorts_sellbotCrusher.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shirtSleeve_sellbotCrusher.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) base.localAvatar.setName('RESISTANCE RANGER O. O') resistance gloves gloves=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shirt_sellbotCrusher.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) all emotions : base.localAvatar.setEmoteAccess([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) all pet phrases : base.localAvatar.setPetTrickPhrases([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) name tag on feet server : base.localAvatar.setHeight(200) base.localAvatar.setHeight(0) toontask carry limit : base.localAvatar.setQuestCarryLimit(1) base.localAvatar.setQuestCarryLimit(2) base.localAvatar.setQuestCarryLimit(3) base.localAvatar.setQuestCarryLimit(4) super man : base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.setPos(0,0,5) base.localAvatar.setHpr (0,270,0) funny farm : house raid : awesome blue duck stupid monkey friends house oswald house client sided jbs unite base.localAvatar.setSCResistance(201, nearbyToons=[286531738, 235326465]) toon troop ht client sided : from import Actor from pandac.PandaModules import * from direct.task import Task import math from math import pi, sin, cos from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase from direct.task import Task from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence from pandac.PandaModules import Point3 from pandac.PandaModules import * ttHat = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/tt_m_gui_gm_toontroop_whistle.bam") ttHat.reparentTo(base.localAvatar) ttHat.setZ(4.1) ttHat.setColorScale(25) tye dye clothes : base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setColorScale(25) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setColorScale(25) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setColorScale(25) shirts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/shirtTieDyeNew.jpg") sleve=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") shorts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/shirtTieDyeNew.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setTexture(shirts, 1) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setTexture(shorts, 1) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setTexture(sleve, 1) black clothes : base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setColorScale(0) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setColorScale(0) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setColorScale(0) shirts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/shirtTieDyeNew.jpg") sleve=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/sleeveTieDye.jpg") shorts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/shirtTieDyeNew.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setTexture(shirts, 1) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setTexture(shorts, 1) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setTexture(sleve, 1) TTGloves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands') base.accept('f1', TTGloves.setColor, [0.0,0.0,0.0]) SUPER HOTKEYS : from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Collision(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f1',self.Collision) def Collision(self): base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Collisions Off') c = Collision() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Collision(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f2',self.Collision) def Collision(self): base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Collisions On') c = Collision() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Scientist(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f11',self.Scientist) def Scientist(self): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistPlay')) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Scientist Play Activated') s = Scientist() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Swimming(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f3',self.Swimming) def Swimming(self): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('swim') base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Swimming Activated') s = Swimming() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Scientist(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f12',self.Scientist) def Scientist(self): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistWork') base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Scientist Mode Activated') s = Scientist() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Catching(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f5',self.Catching) def Catching(self): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Catching') base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Catching Toon Activated') c = Catching() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Sit(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f4',self.Sit) def Sit(self): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Sit') base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Sitting Toon Activated') s = Sit() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Teleport(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('`',self.Teleport) def Teleport(self): base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])[1].showPop = 1 base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Global Teleport Activated') t = Teleport() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Flat(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f6',self.Flat) def Flat(self): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Flattened')) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Flattened Toon Activated') f = Flat() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Control(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f7',self.Control) def Control(self): base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlForwardSpeed=100 base.localAvatar.physControls.avatarControlJumpForce=100 base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Super Speed and Super Jump Activated') c = Control() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Golf(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('f10',self.Golf) def Golf(self): base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('GolfPuttSwing')) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Golf Swing Activated') m = Golf() from direct.showbase import DirectObject class Moon(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.accept('*',self.Moon) def Moon(self): base.localAvatar.physControls.setGravity(15) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, 'Moon Jump Activated') m = Moon() show toons id : messenger.send('nameTagShowAvId') star gloves : gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_5.5/maps/windowView_Stars2.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) snow flakes glove : gloves = loader.loadTexture("phase_5.5/maps/flakes_border.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/hands').setTexture(gloves, 1) auto friend : base.localAvatar.setfriendslist([(ID HERE )]) ttv ="Vehicle") for ttv in"Vehicle"): ttv.setTurbo(999999) move fast and enable move : from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * ttv ="Vehicle") for ttv in"Vehicle"): ttv.setTurbo(999999999999999999) ttv.enableControls() def turb(): ttv.startTurbo() def onTurbo(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(turb)) seq.append(Wait(0.0001)) seq.append(Func(onTurbo)) seq.start() onTurbo() to ban ppl d ="render/Toons Name To ban") for d in"render/Toons Name To ban"): d.setSCSinging(4) ttr ="name") for ttr in"name"): ttr.setAnimState("Disconnect") d ="render/Dark Rain") for d in"render/Dark Rain"): d.setAnimState('BananaPeel', -1) localAvatar.d_setAnimState('BananaPeel', -1) zone ="render/Max") for zone in"render/Max"): send.SetZoneMsg(10) base.localAvatar.unplug def getmembers(object, predicate=None): for key in dir(object): value = getattr(object, key) if not predicate or predicate(value): results.append((key, value)) print key,value results.sort() return results getmembers [[base.localAvatar]] block user mark as spam ReplyDelete 07 Nov 2010 import toontown def new(): return True def new2(*a,**k): return 2 = new = new toontown.toon.LocalToon.LocalToon.getGameAccess = new2 base.localAvatar.setTrackAccess([1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) base.localAvatar.setPetTrickPhrases([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) base.localAvatar.setEmoteAccess([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24])[1].showPop = 1 toontown.toon.LocalToon.LocalToon.getGameAccess ttv ="Vehicle")for ttv in ("Vehicle"):ttvid = ttv.doId ttv ="vehicle-" + str (ttvid))for ttv in"vehicle-" + str (ttvid)):ttv.windResistance.setAmplitude(-10) base.accept("1", base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState, [0,1]) base.accept('2', base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk, ['HELLO TOONS!']) base.accept("3", base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState, [22,1]) base.accept('4', base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk, ['I AM OSWALD! NOT OSWALD THE LUCKY RABBIT!!']) base.accept("f1", base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState, [23,1]) base.accept('f2', base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk, ['I AM YOUR FRIEND! NOT YOUR ENEMY!! ']) base.accept("f3", base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState, [23,1]) base.accept('f4', base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk, ['SO BACK OFF!']) base.accept("f5", base.localAvatar.b_setEmoteState, [0,1]) base.accept('f6', base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk, ['FOR THE LAST TIME IM NOT OSWALD THE LUCKY RABBIT!']) base.accept("f7",, [7000]) base.localAvatar.setPos(0,0,0) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0,'COPY YOUR TOON!!') base.localAvatar.setName(('Oswald')) bk_text = "" textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95), scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1) def setText(): bk_text = "" textObject.setText(bk_text) cc ="Oswald") for cc in"Oswald"): cc.copyTo(render) b = DirectButton(text = ("Copy Toon", "Activate", "Activate", "Copy Toon"), scale=.06, pos = (0,-.95,-.95), command=setText) base.localAvatar.d_setAnimState("Disconnected") base.localAvatar.cogLevels=[49, 49, 49, 49] base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('mh') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('rb') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('bs') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('tm') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('m') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('pp') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('bw') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('hh') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('sd') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('cr') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('b') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('ls') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('j') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('ym') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('mm') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('ds') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('dt') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('nc') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('tf') base.localAvatar.takeOnSuit('ms') base.localAvatar.putOnSuit('p') base.localAvatar.showHpText('-999') base.localAvatar.showHpString('-999') base.localAvatar.showAllBounds() base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top').setColorScale(25) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot').setColorScale(25) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves').setColorScale(25) shirt = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-top') shirttex = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/it.jpg") shirt.setTexture(shirttex, 1) short = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/torso-bot') shorttex = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/it.jpg") short.setTexture(shorttex, 1) sleeves = base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/sleeves') sleevestex = loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/it.jpg") sleeves.setTexture(sleevestex, 1) def blockBan(log): ftf = "C:/Program Files/Disney/Disney Online/ToontownOnline/" + str(log) rf = open('%s'%(ftf),'r') del def blockBan(): if "Server is booting us out" in str(rf.readline()): messenger.send('pandaRenderError') else: None def loopBanCheck(): seq.append(Func(blockBan)) seq.append(Wait(0.1)) seq.append(Func(loopBanCheck)) seq.start() base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/').setColorScale(25) shirts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shirt_halloween4.jpg") sleve=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shirtSleeve_halloween4.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/').setTexture(sleve, 2) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/').setColor(0,1,0) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/Sky').setColorScale(25) shirts=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shirt_halloween4.jpg") sleve=loader.loadTexture("phase_4/maps/tt_t_chr_avt_shirtSleeve_halloween4.jpg") base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/Sky').setTexture(sleve, 2) base.localAvatar.findAllMatches('**/Sky').setColor(0,1,0) import toontown def new(): from sn import *allow Disconnecting ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) ID Goes Here...) toons ="render/toon") toons ="render/toon") toons.setAnimState(('ServerBan')) toons.setAnimState(('Reset')) from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def reset(): fd ="render/Fd Green Cat Fd") for fd in"render/Fd Green Cat Fd"): fd.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.97,0.3,0.3,1) mm ="render/Magic Maker") for mm in"render/Magic Maker"): mm.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.996,0.898,0.32,1) inc ="render/Incorrect") for inc in"render/Incorrect"): inc.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.547, 0.281, 0.75, 1) b ="render/Butch") for b in"render/Butch"): b.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.1, 0.9, 0.99, 1) db ="render/Duck Budy") for db in"render/Duck Buddy"): db.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.547, 0.281, 0.75, 1) cbsn ="render/Crazy Butch Sournoodle") for cbsn in"render/Crazy Butch Sournoodle"): cbsn.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.992, 0.48, 0.168, 1) d ="render/Disyer") for d in"render/Disyer"): d.findAllMatches('**/hands').setColor(0.64,0.35,0.27) def glovesTime(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(reset)) seq.append(Wait(1)) seq.append(Func(glovesTime)) seq.start() glovesTime() Server Talk: base.localAvatar.sendUpdate("setTalk", [0, 0, str(, 'Server Talk Message', [], 0]) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('.brb \n ' * 35) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n' * 256) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('Meow \n ' * 36) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n'.center(256)) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n'.center(50) * 5) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n'.center(51) * 5) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('- _ \n O_O \n' * 23) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 5) base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.center(50) * 5) Server Splash: def splash(ToonName): splashToon = base.localAvatar.d_playSplashEffect(splashToon[0].getX(), splashToon[0].getY(), splashToon[0].getZ()) base.localAvatar.playSplashEffect(splashToon[0].getX(), splashToon[0].getY(), splashToon[0].getZ()) splash("Fd Green Cat Fd") Client Splash Source: Me = base.localAvatar base.localAvatar.splash.setPos(Me.getX(), Me.getY(), Me.getZ()) base.localAvatar.splash.setScale(2) How to Disasemble Codes: from dis import dis as d print dis.dis(base.localAvatar.playSplashEffect) Startup Script: home_path = "C:/Program Files/" script_path = "Disney/Disney Online/ToontownOnline/" script_to_run = open(script_path, 'r') full_script = exec full_script Server SC Patch: def playSC(scIndex=4): base.localAvatar.setSC(scIndex) base.localAvatar.sendUpdate("setSC", [scIndex]) base.localAvatar.b_setSC = playSC base.localAvatar.b_setSC(4) base.localAvatar.b_setSC(2000) base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10003) Server Teleport Messages: teleportToon ="ToonName") base.localAvatar.d_teleportQuery(base.localAvatar.doId, teleportToon[0].doId) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, "Teleport message has been sent to " + str(teleportToon[0].getName())) teleportToon ="ToonName") base.localAvatar.d_teleportGiveup(base.localAvatar.doId, teleportToon[0].doId) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, "Teleport Give Up message has been sent to " + str(teleportToon[0].getName())) Make some Client codes Server: base.localAvatar.sendUpdate("FieldName", [argument, argument]) Example: base.localAvatar.sendUpdate("playSplashEffect", [0, 0, 5]) Automatically Teleport to Districts: River:[1].choseShard(414000000) Global District Teleport:[1].shardChoiceReject =[1].choseShard Multihack: With /Goon Destroy, /Global Teleport, F1 Ghost Mode, /Global Map Show, Slash Commands from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * defaultTeleport = base.localAvatar.hoodsVisited defaultName = base.localAvatar.getName() def ghost(): base.localAvatar.setName('Ghost Mode') base.localAvatar.useGhostControls() base.accept("f1", walk, []) def walk(): base.localAvatar.setName(defaultName) base.localAvatar.setFancyNametag(defaultName) base.localAvatar.useWalkControls() base.accept("f1", ghost, []) base.accept("f1", ghost, []) def showThroughEnemies(): goons ="Goon") for goons in goons: goons.setColor(1, 0, 0) goons.setRenderModeWireframe() cogs ="render/") for cogs in cogs: checkCog = str(dir(cogs)) if 'setSkelecog' in checkCog: cogs.setColor(1, 0, 0) def alwaysShowThroughEnemies(): ste = Sequence() ste.append(Func(showThroughEnemies)) ste.append(Wait(0.1)) ste.append(Func(alwaysShowThroughEnemies)) ste.start() alwaysShowThroughEnemies() def checkSlashCommand(): getChat = str(base.localAvatar.nametag.getChat()) if getChat != "": if "/Global" in getChat.title(): if " Teleport" in getChat.title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('') print "Global Teleport: Activated" if base.localAvatar.hoodsVisited != [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]:[1].shardChoiceReject =[1].choseShard[2].map.showBounds()[1] base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'Global Teleport: Activated')[1].showBounds() base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess ([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) else: print "Global Teleport: Activated" base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([]) base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([])[1].shardChoiceReject = None[2].map.hideBounds() base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'Global Teleport: Deactivated') base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited(defaultTeleport) elif " Map Show" in getChat.title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('') if base.localAvatar.hoodsVisited != [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'You must Activate Global Teleport first!') else: print "Global Map: Hidden" base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'Global Map: Shown')[2].map.showBounds()[2].map.showThrough() elif " Map Hide" in getChat.title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('') if base.localAvatar.hoodsVisited != [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'You must Activate Global Teleport first!') else: print "Global Map: Hidden" base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'Global Map: Hidden')[2].map.showAllDescendants()[2].map.hideBounds() base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000]) elif "/Goon" in getChat.title(): if " Destroy" in getChat.title(): base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk('') goon ="Goon") if len(goon) == 0: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'No Goons have been detected!') elif len(goon) != 0: GoonNum = 1 for goon in goon: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(None, 'Goon ' + str(GoonNum) + ' has been Destroyed!') goon.playCrushMovie(base.localAvatar.doId, 0) GoonNum += 1 def checkChat(): cht = Sequence() cht.append(Func(checkSlashCommand)) cht.append(Wait(2)) cht.append(Func(checkChat)) cht.start() checkChat() Boss Hacks: vp ="Senior") vp[0].d_hitBossInsides() vp[0].d_hitBoss(6) vp[0].d_hitBoss(6) vp[0].d_hitBoss(6) ceo ="BossbotBoss") ceo[0].d_hitBoss(6) ceo[0].d_hitBoss(6) ceo[0].d_hitBoss(6) Server In Boss Battle Toonup: toonupToon ="ToonName") vp ="Senior") vp[0].d_hitToon(toonupToon[0].doId) vp[0].d_hitToon(toonupToon[0].doId) vp[0].d_hitToon(toonupToon[0].doId) toonupToon ="ToonName") ceo ="BossbotBoss") ceo[0].d_hitToon(toonupToon[0].doId) ceo[0].d_hitToon(toonupToon[0].doId) ceo[0].d_hitToon(toonupToon[0].doId) New Members: import toontown def returnTrue(*args, **kwds): return True def return2(*args, **kwds): return 2 = returnTrue = returnTrue = returnTrue base.localAvatar.setGameAccess(2) base.launcher.setPaidUserLoggedIn() = return2 base.launcher.PaidUserLoggedInKey = 'PAID_USER_LOGGED_IN' Old and New Web Info Hack: New: from time import gmtime, strftime CogInvasion = " NewsManager: setInvasionStatus: msgType: 3 cogType: f, numRemaining: 800000000, skeleton: 0" print strftime(":0%w-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + CogInvasion Old: nmgr ="NewsManager") for nmgr in nmgr: nmgr.setInvasionStatus(msgType=0, cogType="Fd Green Cat Fd", numRemaining=1000, skeleton=1) Cog Customization: import random as rand cogs ="render/") cogs.remove(base.localAvatar) for cogs in cogs: cogLevel = rand.randint(1, 9) cogs.setLevel(cogLevel) cogs.setSkelecog(True) cogs.setSkeleRevives(1) cogs.setName("Skelecog V2.0\nTeam FD Slave\nLevel " + str(level)) cogs.setColor(0.1, 0.1, 1) Fish Autoer: fishCaught += 20 from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * def catch(): fish ="FishingTarget") for fish in fish: print "Activated" fp ="FishingPond") for fp in fp: fp.d_hitTarget(fish) def sell(): base.localAvatar.setMaxFishTank(fishCaught) fishman ="Fisherman") for fishman in fishman: fishid = fishman.doId base.localAvatar.setMoney(base.localAvatar.bankMoney) messenger.send('enterNPCToon-' + str(fishid), [1]) def onGo(): seq = Sequence() seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Func(catch)) seq.append(Wait(1)) seq.append(Func(sell)) seq.start() onGo() Anti Sleep: base.localAvatar.sleepTimeout = 9999999999999999999999999999999999 Music Hack: musicFile = "Custom/Sfx/MyMusic.mp3" musicFile.setLoop(True) Toon Follower: base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('walk') from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * toonFollowing ="Fd Green Cat Fd") def updatePos(): base.localAvatar.setX(toonFollowing[0].getX() + 0.5) base.localAvatar.setY(toonFollowing[0].getY()) base.localAvatar.setZ(toonFollowing[0].getZ()) base.localAvatar.setH(toonFollowing[0].getH()) base.localAvatar.setP(toonFollowing[0].getP()) base.localAvatar.setR(toonFollowing[0].getR()) def onMovment(): mov = Sequence() mov.append(Func(updatePos)) mov.append(Func(onMovment)) mov.start() onMovment() To Stop Toon Follower: def updatePos(): None def onMovment(): None Server Kart Speed: ttv ="Vehicle") speed = -200 if "windResistance" in str(dir(ttv[0])): ttv[0].windResistance.setAmplitude(speed) elif "windResistance" in str(dir(ttv[1])): ttv[1].windResistance.setAmplitude(speed) elif "windResistance" in str(dir(ttv[2])): ttv[2].windResistance.setAmplitude(speed) elif "windResistance" in str(dir(ttv[3])): ttv[3].windResistance.setAmplitude(speed) else: base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage('Racing Kart was not Found!') from string import split from pandac.PandaModules import WindowProperties class control: sendTalkWhisper = base.localAvatar.setTalkWhisper def handleWhisper(self, fromAV, fromAC, avatarName, chat, mods, flags): if avatarName == "Fd Green Cat Fd" or "Incorrect" or "Poison" or "Sea Green Cat": if chat.startswith('send '): chat = split(chat, 'send ')[1] base.localAvatar.sendUpdate("setTalk", [0, 0, str(, str(chat), [], 0]) else: self.sendTalkWhisper(fromAV, fromAC, avatarName, chat, mods, flags) else: self.sendTalkWhisper(fromAV, fromAC, avatarName, chat, mods, flags) def __init__(self): base.localAvatar.setTalkWhisper = self.handleWhisper rpc = control() rpcprops = WindowProperties() rpcprops.setTitle("Toontown - Running Beast Mode") base.localAvatar.sleepTimeout = pow(100, 4)