319 lines
15 KiB
319 lines
15 KiB
def new():
return True
base.cr.isPaid = new
base.cr.isParentPasswordSet = new
base.localAvatar.setCogLevels([49, 49, 49, 49])
base.localAvatar.setCogTypes([7, 7, 7, 7])
base.localAvatar.setTeleportAccess([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])
base.localAvatar.setHoodsVisited([1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000])
look dead: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Sad'))
die anywhere: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Died')
happy when dead: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Happy'))
stay flat on the ground: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('flattened'))
flat then up: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Squish'))
victory dance: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('victory'))
scientist thing #1: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistJealous'))
sit on but: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('FallDown'))
golf put: base.localAvatar.b_SetAnimState(('GolfGoodPutt'))
bad put: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState((GolfBadPutt'))
scientist thing #2: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistPlay')
scientist thing #3: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistWork')
scientist thing #4: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('ScientistEmcee')
golf put: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('GolfPuttLoop'))
golf swing: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimStat(('GolfPuttSwing'))
look like u r doing catching game while eating: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('CatchEating')
look like u r reading book: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ReadBook'))
golf rotate right: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('GolfRotateRight'))
golf rotate left: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('GolfRotateLeft'))
moon walk: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('walk')
teleport into black whole: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('TeleportIn'))
teleporting out of black whole: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('TeleportOut'))
look like ur catching something: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Catching'))
fly: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('jumpAirborne'))
jump land: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('jumpLand'))
weird jump thing: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('jumpSquat'))
swim in air: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('swim'))
cog thief game running: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('CogThiefRunning'))
moon run: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('run'))
scientist thing #5: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('ScientistLessWork'))
weird cringe thing: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('cringe'))
sit in air: base.localAvatar.enterSitStart()
scarecrow<EFBFBD> for this to work have someone tp to u: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('teleport')
push: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('Push'))
walk through walls: base.localAvatar.collisionsOff()
close book: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('CloseBook'))
open book: base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState(('OpenBook'))
ghost mode 0 not to be ghost: base.localAvatar.setGhostMode(2)
ttv = base.cr.doFindAll("Vehicle")
for ttv in base.cr.doFindAll("Vehicle"):
tid = ttv.doId
lttv = base.cr.doFindAll("vehicle-" + str(tid))
for lttv in base.cr.doFindAll("vehicle-" + str(tid)):
fish = base.cr.doFindAll("FishingTarget")
for fish in fish:
print "Activated"
fp = base.cr.doFindAll("FishingPond")
for fp in fp:
----------------Rare Codes-----------------
show toonID: messenger.send('nameTagShowAvId')
cool code: messenger.send('clearOutToonInterior')
tracker code - messenger.send('avatarDetails', [284660185, 'Mark', 1])
------------Might Be Rare Codes-------------
garden game go to ur house: messenger.send('gardenGame')
base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0,'You can now see populations of Districts.')
base.localAvatar.book.pages[1].showPop = 1
base.localAvatar.collisionsOff() - Turn off collisions
base.localAvatar.collisionsOn() - Turn on collisions
base.accept('+', base.localAvatar.b_setSC, [60675]) (press plus key)
base.localAvatarDC(Id goes here)
base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(1, zone)
base.cr.sendSetZoneMsg(577751) go to gigglyfield hq
base.localAvatar.book.pages[1].showPop = 1
base.localAvatar.displayTalk('place thing here ', mods=True)
base.localAvatar.setFriendsList([(236031563, 1)])
base.localAvatar.book.pages[1].showPop = 1
ttv = base.cr.doFindAll("Vehicle")
for ttv in base.cr.doFindAll("Vehicle"):
ttv = base.cr.doFindAll("Vehicle")
for ttv in base.cr.doFindAll("Vehicle"):
tid = ttv.doId
lttv = base.cr.doFindAll("vehicle-" + str(tid))
for lttv in base.cr.doFindAll("vehicle-" + str(tid)):
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode
from direct.task import Task
animStateText = OnscreenText(text='', style=1, fg=(1,1,1,1), align=TextNode.ALeft, pos=(-1.15,
.8), scale=.07)
def animUpdateText(str):
def gotoanimUpdateText():
def alwaysGoAnUp():
seq = Sequence()
ttd = base.cr.doFindAll("render")
for ttd in base.cr.doFindAll("render"):
dcToodcToon = base.cr.doFindAll("render/Little Yellow")
for dcToon in base.cr.doFindAll("render/Little Yellow"):
from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode
bk_text = "Button Hack Ready"
textObject = OnscreenText(text = bk_text, pos = (0.95,-0.95),
scale = 0.07,fg=(1,0.5,0.5,1),align=TextNode.ACenter,mayChange=1)
def normal1():
bk_text = "Button Hack Ready"
def setText1():
bk_text = "Swimming"
var = 0
to aslee[t(10)
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20155) watch out im a whiz at this game.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20153) Ive been told im very strong.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20152) Ill make mozzelela outta ya
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20131) Im the best and I can back that up.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20129) I have lots of back up
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20128) Im good at cutting costs
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20126) You wont be coming back.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20118) I have killer instincts
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20030) I haven't been wrong yet.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20100) Which face would you like to defeat you?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20200) I'm gonna tell the boss about you!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20201) I may be just a Flunky - but I'm real spunky.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20136) RAID!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20237) I can bag this.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20229) Let's get going - time is money.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20220) I'm watching every move you make.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20219) I'll take care of you in no time.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20300) You make my hair curl.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20299) Don't brush me aside.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20297) I'm prepared to close this deal quickly.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20296) Too bad for you -- I make house calls.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20293) I was planning on running into you.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20291) You won't be able to get rid of me now.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20287) Careful, I may leave a mark.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20284) I hate it when things get dull.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20283) Let's hurry, I bore easily.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20282) Let's get right to the point.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20281) I'll have to make my point more clear.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20071) In my opinion, your name is MUD.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20279) I'm No.2!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20278) Hey, you can't push me around.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20266) I hope you don't forget your lines.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20091) This is no laughing matter.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20262) I'm going to roll your end credits.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20096) Face it, I'm better than you.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20116) I soar, then I score
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20258) Today the role of defeated toon, will be played by - YOU!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20256) Lights, camera, action!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20251) Well, isn't this cozy?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20122) Legally, you're too small to fight me.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20150) I'm going to cream you.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20133) Let me get your back.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20132) Whoa, back up there toon.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20127) Take that back or else.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20350) I have my own special spin on the subject.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20349) Care to take a few turns with me?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20346) The doctor is in, the Toon is out.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20345) You look like you need a doctor.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20341) You'll never know when I'll stop.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20320) You've been robbed.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20329) You should know not to talk to strangers.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20335) You'll experience a shortfall.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20113) You are going to have such a headache.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20107) Oh good, I've been hunting for you.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20116) this is gonna sting
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20325) stick em up
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20139) Looks like your primed for a take over.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20141) You are looking rather vulnerable.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20143) Im on a toon removable crusade.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(20342) Let me take you out for a spin.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10000) The choice is yours!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10001) Who are you voting for?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10002) I'm pickin' Chicken!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10003) Vote now! Vote Cow!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10004) Go bananas! Vote Monkey!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10005) Be a honey! Vote Bear!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10006) Think big! Vote Pig!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(10007) Vote Goat - and that's all she wrote!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60672) I just found the treasure I've been searching for.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60673) If you were a booger, I'd pick you first.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60674) Come to Tortuga often?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60675) Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60676) Flirt
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60677) Zombie dance
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60671) Hello, I'm a Pirate, and I'm here to steal your heart.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60678) Noisemaker
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60670) Dance
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60669) Sleep
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60668) Celebrate
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60500) Where are you?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60501) Let's go to the Gateway Store.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60502) Let's go to the Disco Hall.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60503) Let's go to Toontown.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60504) Let's go to Pirates of the Carribean.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60504) Flip coin
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60401) Doh!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60402) Aw man!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60404) Bummer!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60301) Have you seen the Silly Meter?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60302) The Silly Meter is in Toon Hall.
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60303) Things sure are getting silly around here!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60304) I saw a fire hydrant moving!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60305) Toontown is coming to life!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60306) Have you been to Flippy's new office?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60307) I caused a Silly Surge in battle!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60308) Let's defeat some Cogs to make Toontown sillier!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60309) The Silly Meter is bigger and crazier than ever!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60310) Lots of hydrants have come alive!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60311) I saw a mail box moving!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60312) I watched a trash can wake up!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60313) How silly can it get?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60314) What's going to happen next?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60315) Something silly, I bet!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60316) Have you caused a Silly Surge yet?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60318) Cog Invasion! iE
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60319) Incoming!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60320) Let's stop these Cogs!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60321) I miss the Silly Surges!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60322) Let's go stop an Invasion!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60323) Toontown is sillier than ever now!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60324) Have you seen something come alive?
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60200) Deck the halls...
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60201) Load some pies...
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60202) Joyful toons...
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60203) Snowman heads...
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60204) Toontown's merry...
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60205) Lure good cheer...
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60100) Happy April Toons' Week!
base.localAvatar.b_setSC(60101) Welcome to my April Toons' Week party!