Changes: - Upgrade to OpenCore 0.7.0 - Upgrade OVMF to ovmf_2021.05-1_all.deb - Add installer build script for Monterey developer beta (nick) - Sync config.plist with Nick's upstream repository - Misc. fixes (nick and others)
65 lines
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65 lines
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# Builds either a recovery image (BigSur-recovery.img) or a full installer (BigSur-full.img) for Big Sur.
# To build the full installer you must run this on macOS.
# The recovery can be built on either macOS or Linux.
# For Ubuntu (or similar Linux distribution) you'll need to run this first to get the required packages:
# sudo apt install qemu-utils make
# For macOS you'll probably need to run xcode-select --install to get the commandline tools
BIG_SUR_APP=/Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur.app
LINUX_TOOLS = qemu-img
OS :=
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
# If this is Linux make sure we have all our build tools available:
ifeq ($(OS),)
K := $(foreach exec,$(LINUX_TOOLS),\
$(if $(shell which $(exec)),some string,$(error "Missing required $(exec) tool for build")))
all: BigSur-recovery.img
%.img : %.dmg
ln $< $@ || cp $< $@
ifeq ($(OS),MACOS)
BigSur-full.dmg : $(BIG_SUR_APP)
hdiutil create -o "$@" -size 14g -layout GPTSPUD -fs HFS+J
hdiutil attach -noverify -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build "$@"
sudo "$</Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia" --volume /Volumes/install_build --nointeraction
# createinstallmedia leaves a bunch of subvolumes still mounted when it exits, so we need to use -force here.
hdiutil detach -force "/Volumes/Install macOS Big Sur"
BigSur-full.dmg :
$(error "Building a full installer requires this script to be run on macOS, run 'make BigSur-recovery.img' instead")
$(BIG_SUR_APP) : InstallAssistant.pkg
sudo installer -pkg $< -target /
BigSur-recovery.dmg : BaseSystem.dmg
rm -f $@
ifeq ($(OS),MACOS)
hdiutil convert $< -format UDRW -o $@
qemu-img convert $< -O raw $@
BaseSystem.dmg :
../../fetch-macOS-v2.py --action download --board-id Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6
InstallAssistant.pkg :
../../backups/fetch-macOS.py --version latest --title "macOS Big Sur"
clean :
rm -f BaseSystem.chunklist BaseSystem.dmg SharedSupport.dmg InstallAssistant.pkg BigSur-recovery.img BigSur-full.img
rm -rf content