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from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
import random
from direct.task import Task
from . import DistributedFireworkShowAI
from toontown.ai import HolidayBaseAI
from . import FireworkShow
from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import DonaldsDock, ToontownCentral, \
TheBrrrgh, MinniesMelodyland, DaisyGardens, OutdoorZone, GoofySpeedway, DonaldsDreamland
import time
class FireworkManagerAI(HolidayBaseAI.HolidayBaseAI):
Manages Fireworks holidays
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('FireworkManagerAI')
zoneToStyleDict = {
# Donald's Dock
DonaldsDock : 5,
# Toontown Central
ToontownCentral : 0,
# The Brrrgh
TheBrrrgh : 4,
# Minnie's Melodyland
MinniesMelodyland : 3,
# Daisy Gardens
DaisyGardens : 1,
# Acorn Acres
OutdoorZone : 0,
# GS
GoofySpeedway : 0,
# Donald's Dreamland
DonaldsDreamland : 2,
def __init__(self, air, holidayId):
HolidayBaseAI.HolidayBaseAI.__init__(self, air, holidayId)
# Dict from zone to DistFireworkShow objects
self.fireworkShows = {}
self.waitTaskName = 'waitStartFireworkShows'
def start(self):
self.notify.info("Starting firework holiday: %s" % (time.ctime()))
def stop(self):
self.notify.info("Stopping firework holiday: %s" % (time.ctime()))
def startAllShows(self, task):
for hood in self.air.hoods:
showType = self.zoneToStyleDict.get(hood.canonicalHoodId)
if showType is not None:
self.startShow(hood.zoneId, showType)
return Task.done
def waitForNextShow(self):
currentTime = time.localtime()
currentMin = currentTime[4]
currentSec = currentTime[5]
waitTime = ((60 - currentMin) * 60) - currentSec
self.notify.debug("Waiting %s seconds until next show" % (waitTime))
taskMgr.doMethodLater(waitTime, self.startAllShows, self.waitTaskName)
def startShow(self, zone, showType = -1, magicWord = 0):
Start a show of showType in this zone.
Returns 1 if a show was successfully started.
Warns and returns 0 if a show was already running in this zone.
There can only be one show per zone.
if zone in self.fireworkShows:
self.notify.warning("startShow: already running a show in zone: %s" % (zone))
return 0
self.notify.debug("startShow: zone: %s showType: %s" % (zone, showType))
# Create a show, passing ourselves in so it can tell us when
# the show is over
show = DistributedFireworkShowAI.DistributedFireworkShowAI(self.air, self)
self.fireworkShows[zone] = show
# Currently needed to support legacy fireworks
if simbase.air.config.GetBool('want-old-fireworks', 0) or magicWord == 1:
show.d_startShow(showType, showType)
show.d_startShow(self.holidayId, showType)
# Success!
return 1
def stopShow(self, zone):
Stop a firework show in this zone.
Returns 1 if it did stop a show, warns and returns 0 if there is not one
if zone not in self.fireworkShows:
self.notify.warning("stopShow: no show running in zone: %s" % (zone))
return 0
self.notify.debug("stopShow: zone: %s" % (zone))
show = self.fireworkShows[zone]
del self.fireworkShows[zone]
# Success!
return 1
def stopAllShows(self):
Stop all firework shows this manager knows about in all zones.
Returns number of shows stopped by this command.
numStopped = 0
for zone, show in list(self.fireworkShows.items()):
self.notify.debug("stopAllShows: zone: %s" % (zone))
numStopped += 1
return numStopped
def isShowRunning(self, zone):
Is there currently a show running in this zone?
return zone in self.fireworkShows