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# class: BingoManagerAI.py
# Purpose: Manages the Bingo Night Holiday for all ponds in all
# hoods. It generates PondBingoManagerAI objects for
# every pond and shuts them down respectively. In
# addition, it should handle all Stat collection such
# as top jackpot of the night, top bingo players, and
# so forth.
# Note: Eventually, this will derive from the HolidayBase class
# and run each and ever Bingo Night, whenever that has
# been decided upon.
# Direct Specific Modules
from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from otp.otpbase import PythonUtil
from direct.task import Task
# Toontown Specific Modules
from toontown.estate import DistributedEstateAI
from toontown.fishing import BingoGlobals
from toontown.fishing import DistributedFishingPondAI
from toontown.fishing import DistributedPondBingoManagerAI
from direct.showbase import RandomNumGen
from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
# Python Specific Modules
import pickle
import os
import time
# Globals and Constants
TTG = ToontownGlobals
BG = BingoGlobals
class BingoManagerAI(object):
# __metaclass__ = PythonUtil.Singleton
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("BingoManagerAI")
serverDataFolder = simbase.config.GetString('server-data-folder', "dependencies/backups/bingo")
DefaultReward = { TTG.DonaldsDock: [BG.MIN_SUPER_JACKPOT, 1],
TTG.ToontownCentral: [BG.MIN_SUPER_JACKPOT, 1],
TTG.MinniesMelodyland: [BG.MIN_SUPER_JACKPOT, 1],
TTG.DaisyGardens: [BG.MIN_SUPER_JACKPOT, 1],
TTG.DonaldsDreamland: [BG.MIN_SUPER_JACKPOT, 1],
# Method: __init__
# Purpose: This method initializes the BingoManagerAI object
# and generates the PondBingoManagerAI.
# Input: air - The AI Repository.
# Output: None
def __init__(self, air):
self.air = air
# Dictionaries for quick reference to the DPMAI
self.doId2do = {}
self.zoneId2do = {}
self.hood2doIdList = { TTG.DonaldsDock: [],
TTG.ToontownCentral: [],
TTG.TheBrrrgh: [],
TTG.MinniesMelodyland: [],
TTG.DaisyGardens: [],
TTG.DonaldsDreamland: [],
TTG.MyEstate: [] }
self.__hoodJackpots = {}
self.finalGame = BG.NORMAL_GAME
self.shard = str(air.districtId)
self.waitTaskName = 'waitForIntermission'
# Generate the Pond Bingo Managers
# Method: start
# Purpose: This method "starts" each PondBingoManager for
# the Bingo Night Holidy.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def start(self):
# Iterate through keys and change into "active" state
# for the pondBingoManagerAI
self.notify.info("Starting Bingo Night Event: %s" % (time.ctime()))
self.air.bingoMgr = self
# Determine current time so that we can gracefully handle
# an AI crash or reboot during Bingo Night.
currentMin = time.localtime()[4]
self.timeStamp = globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()
initState = ((currentMin < BG.HOUR_BREAK_MIN) and ['Intro'] or ['Intermission'])[0]
#initState = 'Intermission'
for do in list(self.doId2do.values()):
# tell everyone bingo night is starting
# Method: stop
# Purpose: This method begins the process of shutting down
# bingo night. It is called whenever the
# BingoNightHolidayAI is told to close for the
# evening.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def stop(self):
# Method: __shutdown
# Purpose: This method performs the actual shutdown sequence
# for the pond bingo manager. By this point, all
# of the PondBingoManagerAIs should have shutdown
# so we can safely close.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def shutdown(self):
self.notify.info('__shutdown: Shutting down BingoManager')
# tell everyone bingo night is stopping
if self.doId2do:
#self.notify.warning('__shutdown: Not all PondBingoManagers have shutdown! Manual Shutdown for Memory sake.')
for bingoMgr in list(self.doId2do.values()):
self.notify.info("__shutdown: shutting down PondBinfoManagerAI in zone %s" % bingoMgr.zoneId)
del self.doId2do
self.air.bingoMgr = None
del self.air
del self.__hoodJackpots
# Method: __resumeBingoNight
# Purpose: This method resumes Bingo Night after an
# an intermission has taken place. This should
# start on the hour.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def __resumeBingoNight(self, task):
self.__hoodJackpots = self.load()
for bingoMgr in list(self.doId2do.values()):
if bingoMgr.isGenerated():
if self.finalGame:
timeToWait = BG.getGameTime(BG.BLOCKOUT_CARD) + BG.TIMEOUT_SESSION + 5.0
taskMgr.doMethodLater(timeToWait, self.__handleSuperBingoClose, 'SuperBingoClose')
# If we have another game after this, then do not want to generate a
# new task to wait for the next intermission.
return Task.done
# Method: __handleSuperBingoClose
# Purpose: This method is responsible for logging the
# current hood jackpot amounts to the .jackpot
# "database" file. In addition, it initiates the
# shutdown of the BingoManagerAI if the final
# game of the evening has been played.
# Input: task - a task that is spawned by a doMethodLater
# Output: None
def __handleSuperBingoClose(self, task):
# Save Jackpot Data to File
self.notify.info("handleSuperBingoClose: Saving Hood Jackpots to DB")
self.notify.info("handleSuperBingoClose: hoodJackpots %s" %(self.__hoodJackpots))
for hood in list(self.__hoodJackpots.keys()):
if self.__hoodJackpots[hood][1]:
self.__hoodJackpots[hood][0] += BG.ROLLOVER_AMOUNT
# clamp it if it exceeds jackpot total
if self.__hoodJackpots[hood][0] > BG.MAX_SUPER_JACKPOT:
self.__hoodJackpots[hood][0] = BG.MAX_SUPER_JACKPOT
self.__hoodJackpots[hood][1] = BG.MIN_SUPER_JACKPOT
if self.finalGame:
# Method: __handleIntermission
# Purpose: This wrapper method tells the intermission to
# start.
# Input: task - a task that is spawned by a doMethodLater
# Output: None
def __handleIntermission(self, task):
# Method: getIntermissionTime
# Purpose: This method returns the time of when an
# intermission began. It is meant to provide a
# fairly accurate time countdown for the clients.
# Input: None
# Output: returns the timestamp of intermission start
def getIntermissionTime(self):
return self.timeStamp
# Method: __startIntermission
# Purpose: This method is responsible for starting the
# hourly intermission for bingo night.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def __startIntermission(self):
for bingoMgr in list(self.doId2do.values()):
if not self.finalGame:
currentTime = time.localtime()
currentMin = currentTime[4]
currentSec = currentTime[5]
# Calculate time until the next hour
waitTime = (60-currentMin)*60 - currentSec
sec = (currentMin - BG.HOUR_BREAK_MIN)*60 + currentSec
self.timeStamp = globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime() - sec
self.notify.info('__startIntermission: Timestamp %s'%(self.timeStamp))
# In case someone should decide that bingo night does not end on the hour, ie 30 past,
# then this will allow a five minute intermission to sync up the PBMgrAIs for the
# final game.
self.timeStamp = globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()
self.waitTaskName = 'waitForEndOfIntermission'
self.notify.info('__startIntermission: Waiting %s seconds until Bingo Night resumes.' %(waitTime))
taskMgr.doMethodLater(waitTime, self.__resumeBingoNight, self.waitTaskName)
return Task.done
# Method: __waitForIntermission
# Purpose: This method is responsible for calculating the
# wait time for the hourly intermission for bingo
# night.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def waitForIntermission(self):
currentTime = time.localtime()
currentMin = currentTime[4]
currentSec = currentTime[5]
# Calculate Amount of time needed for one normal game of Bingo from the
# Waitcountdown all the way to the gameover. (in secs)
if currentMin >= BG.HOUR_BREAK_MIN:
# If the AI starts during bingo night and after the intermission start(a crash or scheduled downtime),
# then immediately start the intermission to sync all the clients up for the next hour.
waitTime = ((BG.HOUR_BREAK_MIN - currentMin)*60) - currentSec
self.waitTaskName = 'waitForIntermission'
self.notify.info("Waiting %s seconds until Final Game of the Hour should be announced." % (waitTime))
taskMgr.doMethodLater(waitTime, self.__handleIntermission, self.waitTaskName)
# Method: generateBingoManagers
# Purpose: This method creates a PondBingoManager for each
# pond that is found within the hoods. It searches
# through each hood for pond objects and generates
# the corresponding ManagerAI objects.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def generateBingoManagers(self):
# Create DPBMAI for all ponds in all hoods.
for hood in self.air.hoods:
# Create DPBMAI for every pond in every active estate.
for estateAI in list(self.air.estateMgr.estate.values()):
# Method: addDistObj
# Purpose: This method adds the newly created Distributed
# object to the BingoManagerAI doId2do list for
# easy reference.
# Input: distObj
# Output: None
def addDistObj(self, distObj):
self.notify.debug("addDistObj: Adding %s : %s" % (distObj.getDoId(), distObj.zoneId))
self.doId2do[distObj.getDoId()] = distObj
self.zoneId2do[distObj.zoneId] = distObj
def __hoodToUse(self, zoneId):
hood = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(zoneId)
if hood >= TTG.DynamicZonesBegin:
hood = TTG.MyEstate
return hood
# Method: createPondBingoMgrAI
# Purpose: This method generates PBMgrAI instances for
# each pond found in the specified hood. A hood
# may be an estate or an actual hood.
# Input: hood - HoodDataAI or EstateAI object.
# dynamic - Will be 1 only if an Estate was generated
# after Bingo Night has started.
# Output: None
def createPondBingoMgrAI(self, hood, dynamic=0):
if hood.fishingPonds == None:
self.notify.warning("createPondBingoMgrAI: hood doesn't have any ponds... were they deleted? %s" % hood)
for pond in hood.fishingPonds:
# First, optain hood id based on zone id that the pond is located in.
hoodId = self.__hoodToUse(pond.zoneId)
if hoodId not in self.hood2doIdList:
# for now don't start it for minigolf zone and outdoor zone
bingoMgr = DistributedPondBingoManagerAI.DistributedPondBingoManagerAI(self.air, pond)
if hasattr(hood, "addDistObj"):
# Add the PBMgrAI reference to the hood2doIdList.
# Dynamic if this method was called when an estate was generated after
# Bingo Night has started.
if dynamic:
# Method: startDynPondBingoMgrAI
# Purpose: This method determines what state a Dynamic
# Estate PBMgrAI should start in, and then it tells
# the PBMgrAI to start.
# Input: bingoMgr - PondBongoMgrAI Instance
# Output: None
def startDynPondBingoMgrAI(self, bingoMgr):
currentMin = time.localtime()[4]
# If the dynamic estate is generated before the intermission starts
# and it is not the final game of the night, then the PBMgrAI should start
# in the WaitCountdown state. Otherwise, it should start in the intermission
# state so that it can sync up with all of the other Estate PBMgrAIs for the
# super bingo game.
initState = (((currentMin < BG.HOUR_BREAK_MIN) and (not self.finalGame)) and ['WaitCountdown'] or ['Intermission'])[0]
# Method: removePondBingoMgrAI
# Purpose: This method generates PBMgrAI instances for
# each pond found in the specified hood. A hood
# may be an estate or an actual hood.
# Input: doId - the doId of the PBMgrAI that should be
# removed from the dictionaries.
# Output: None
def removePondBingoMgrAI(self, doId):
if doId in self.doId2do:
zoneId = self.doId2do[doId].zoneId
self.notify.info('removePondBingoMgrAI: Removing PondBingoMgrAI %s' %(zoneId))
hood = self.__hoodToUse(zoneId)
del self.zoneId2do[zoneId]
del self.doId2do[doId]
self.notify.debug('removeBingoManager: Attempt to remove invalid PondBingoManager %s' % (doId))
# Method: SetFishForPlayer
# Purpose: This method adds the newly created Distributed
# object to the BingoManagerAI doId2do list for
# easy reference.
# Input: distObj
# Output: None
def setAvCatchForPondMgr(self, avId, zoneId, catch):
self.notify.info('setAvCatchForPondMgr: zoneId %s' %(zoneId))
if zoneId in self.zoneId2do:
self.zoneId2do[zoneId].setAvCatch(avId, catch)
self.notify.info('setAvCatchForPondMgr Failed: zoneId %s' %(zoneId))
# Method: getFileName
# Purpose: This method constructs the jackpot filename for
# a particular shard.
# Input: None
# Output: returns jackpot filename
def getFileName(self):
"""Figure out the path to the saved state"""
f = "%s%s.jackpot" % (self.serverDataFolder, self.shard)
return f
# Method: saveTo
# Purpose: This method saves the current jackpot ammounts
# to the specified file.
# Input: file - file to save jackpot amounts
# Output: None
def saveTo(self, file):
pickle.dump(self.__hoodJackpots, file)
# Method: save
# Purpose: This method determines where to save the jackpot
# amounts.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def save(self):
"""Save data to default location"""
fileName = self.getFileName()
backup = fileName+ '.jbu'
if os.path.exists(fileName):
os.rename(fileName, backup)
file = open(fileName, 'wb')
if os.path.exists(backup):
except EnvironmentError:
# Method: loadFrom
# Purpose: This method loads the jackpot amounts from the
# specified file.
# Input: File - file to load amount from
# Output: returns a dictionary of the jackpots for this shard
def loadFrom(self, file):
# Default Jackpot Amount
jackpots = self.DefaultReward
jackpots = pickle.load(file)
except EOFError:
return jackpots
# Method: load
# Purpose: This method determines where to load the jackpot
# amounts.
# Input: None
# Output: None
def load(self):
"""Load Jackpot data from default location"""
fileName = self.getFileName()
file = open(fileName+'.jbu', 'rb')
if os.path.exists(fileName):
except IOError:
file = open(fileName)
except IOError:
# Default Jackpot Amount
return self.DefaultReward
jackpots = self.loadFrom(file)
return jackpots
# Method: getSuperJackpot
# Purpose: This method returns the super jackpot amount for
# the specified zone. It calculates which hood
# the zone is in and returns the shared jackpot
# amount for that hood.
# Input: zoneId - retrieve jackpot for this zone's hood
# Output: returns jackpot for hood that zoneid is found in
def getSuperJackpot(self, zoneId):
hood = self.__hoodToUse(zoneId)
self.notify.info('getSuperJackpot: hoodJackpots %s \t hood %s' % (self.__hoodJackpots, hood))
return self.__hoodJackpots.get(hood, [BG.MIN_SUPER_JACKPOT])[0]
# Method: __startCloseEvent
# Purpose: This method starts to close Bingo Night down. One
# more super card game will be played at the end
# of the hour(unless the times are changed).
# Input: None
# Output: None
def __startCloseEvent(self):
self.finalGame = BG.CLOSE_EVENT
if self.waitTaskName == 'waitForIntermission':
# Method: handleSuperBingoWin
# Purpose: This method handles a victory when a super
# bingo game has been one. It updates the jackpot
# amount and tells each of the other ponds in that
# hood that they did not win.
# Input: zoneId - pond who won the bingo game.
# Output: None
def handleSuperBingoWin(self, zoneId):
# Reset the Jackpot and unmark the dirty bit.
hood = self.__hoodToUse(zoneId)
self.__hoodJackpots[hood][0] = self.DefaultReward[hood][0]
self.__hoodJackpots[hood][1] = 0
# tell everyone who won
# Tell the other ponds that they did not win and should handle the loss
for doId in self.hood2doIdList[hood]:
distObj = self.doId2do[doId]
if distObj.zoneId != zoneId:
self.notify.info("handleSuperBingoWin: Did not win in zone %s" %(distObj.zoneId))