2019-11-02 22:27:54 +00:00
from otp . ai . AIBaseGlobal import *
import random
from toontown . suit import SuitDNA
from direct . directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from toontown . suit import DistributedSuitAI
2019-12-30 18:03:23 +00:00
from . import SuitBuildingGlobals
2019-11-02 22:27:54 +00:00
class SuitPlannerInteriorAI :
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal . directNotify . newCategory ( ' SuitPlannerInteriorAI ' )
def __init__ ( self , numFloors , bldgLevel , bldgTrack , zone , respectInvasions = 1 ) :
self . dbg_nSuits1stRound = config . GetBool ( ' n-suits-1st-round ' , 0 )
self . dbg_4SuitsPerFloor = config . GetBool ( ' 4-suits-per-floor ' , 0 )
self . dbg_1SuitPerFloor = config . GetBool ( ' 1-suit-per-floor ' , 0 )
self . zoneId = zone
self . numFloors = numFloors
self . respectInvasions = respectInvasions
dbg_defaultSuitName = simbase . config . GetString ( ' suit-type ' , ' random ' )
if dbg_defaultSuitName == ' random ' :
self . dbg_defaultSuitType = None
else :
self . dbg_defaultSuitType = SuitDNA . getSuitType ( dbg_defaultSuitName )
2019-12-30 06:07:56 +00:00
if isinstance ( bldgLevel , bytes ) :
2019-11-02 22:27:54 +00:00
self . notify . warning ( ' bldgLevel is a string! ' )
bldgLevel = int ( bldgLevel )
self . _genSuitInfos ( numFloors , bldgLevel , bldgTrack )
def __genJoinChances ( self , num ) :
joinChances = [ ]
for currChance in range ( num ) :
joinChances . append ( random . randint ( 1 , 100 ) )
joinChances . sort ( cmp )
return joinChances
def _genSuitInfos ( self , numFloors , bldgLevel , bldgTrack ) :
self . suitInfos = [ ]
self . notify . debug ( ' \n \n generating suitsInfos with numFloors ( ' + str ( numFloors ) + ' ) bldgLevel ( ' + str ( bldgLevel ) + ' +1) and bldgTrack ( ' + str ( bldgTrack ) + ' ) ' )
for currFloor in range ( numFloors ) :
infoDict = { }
lvls = self . __genLevelList ( bldgLevel , currFloor , numFloors )
activeDicts = [ ]
maxActive = min ( 4 , len ( lvls ) )
if self . dbg_nSuits1stRound :
numActive = min ( self . dbg_nSuits1stRound , maxActive )
else :
numActive = random . randint ( 1 , maxActive )
if currFloor + 1 == numFloors and len ( lvls ) > 1 :
origBossSpot = len ( lvls ) - 1
if numActive == 1 :
newBossSpot = numActive - 1
else :
newBossSpot = numActive - 2
tmp = lvls [ newBossSpot ]
lvls [ newBossSpot ] = lvls [ origBossSpot ]
lvls [ origBossSpot ] = tmp
bldgInfo = SuitBuildingGlobals . SuitBuildingInfo [ bldgLevel ]
if len ( bldgInfo ) > SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_REVIVES :
revives = bldgInfo [ SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_REVIVES ] [ 0 ]
else :
revives = 0
for currActive in range ( numActive - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ) :
level = lvls [ currActive ]
type = self . __genNormalSuitType ( level )
activeDict = { }
activeDict [ ' type ' ] = type
activeDict [ ' track ' ] = bldgTrack
activeDict [ ' level ' ] = level
activeDict [ ' revives ' ] = revives
activeDicts . append ( activeDict )
infoDict [ ' activeSuits ' ] = activeDicts
reserveDicts = [ ]
numReserve = len ( lvls ) - numActive
joinChances = self . __genJoinChances ( numReserve )
for currReserve in range ( numReserve ) :
level = lvls [ currReserve + numActive ]
type = self . __genNormalSuitType ( level )
reserveDict = { }
reserveDict [ ' type ' ] = type
reserveDict [ ' track ' ] = bldgTrack
reserveDict [ ' level ' ] = level
reserveDict [ ' revives ' ] = revives
reserveDict [ ' joinChance ' ] = joinChances [ currReserve ]
reserveDicts . append ( reserveDict )
infoDict [ ' reserveSuits ' ] = reserveDicts
self . suitInfos . append ( infoDict )
def __genNormalSuitType ( self , lvl ) :
if self . dbg_defaultSuitType != None :
return self . dbg_defaultSuitType
return SuitDNA . getRandomSuitType ( lvl )
def __genLevelList ( self , bldgLevel , currFloor , numFloors ) :
bldgInfo = SuitBuildingGlobals . SuitBuildingInfo [ bldgLevel ]
if self . dbg_1SuitPerFloor :
return [ 1 ]
else :
if self . dbg_4SuitsPerFloor :
return [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 ]
lvlPoolRange = bldgInfo [ SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_LVL_POOL ]
maxFloors = bldgInfo [ SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_FLOORS ] [ 1 ]
lvlPoolMults = bldgInfo [ SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_LVL_POOL_MULTS ]
floorIdx = min ( currFloor , maxFloors - 1 )
lvlPoolMin = lvlPoolRange [ 0 ] * lvlPoolMults [ floorIdx ]
lvlPoolMax = lvlPoolRange [ 1 ] * lvlPoolMults [ floorIdx ]
lvlPool = random . randint ( int ( lvlPoolMin ) , int ( lvlPoolMax ) )
lvlMin = bldgInfo [ SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_SUIT_LVLS ] [ 0 ]
lvlMax = bldgInfo [ SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_SUIT_LVLS ] [ 1 ]
self . notify . debug ( ' Level Pool: ' + str ( lvlPool ) )
lvlList = [ ]
while lvlPool > = lvlMin :
newLvl = random . randint ( lvlMin , min ( lvlPool , lvlMax ) )
lvlList . append ( newLvl )
lvlPool - = newLvl
if currFloor + 1 == numFloors :
bossLvlRange = bldgInfo [ SuitBuildingGlobals . SUIT_BLDG_INFO_BOSS_LVLS ]
newLvl = random . randint ( bossLvlRange [ 0 ] , bossLvlRange [ 1 ] )
lvlList . append ( newLvl )
lvlList . sort ( cmp )
self . notify . debug ( ' LevelList: ' + repr ( lvlList ) )
return lvlList
def __setupSuitInfo ( self , suit , bldgTrack , suitLevel , suitType ) :
suitName , skeleton = simbase . air . suitInvasionManager . getInvadingCog ( )
if suitName and self . respectInvasions :
suitType = SuitDNA . getSuitType ( suitName )
bldgTrack = SuitDNA . getSuitDept ( suitName )
suitLevel = min ( max ( suitLevel , suitType ) , suitType + 4 )
dna = SuitDNA . SuitDNA ( )
dna . newSuitRandom ( suitType , bldgTrack )
suit . dna = dna
self . notify . debug ( ' Creating suit type ' + suit . dna . name + ' of level ' + str ( suitLevel ) + ' from type ' + str ( suitType ) + ' and track ' + str ( bldgTrack ) )
suit . setLevel ( suitLevel )
return skeleton
def __genSuitObject ( self , suitZone , suitType , bldgTrack , suitLevel , revives = 0 ) :
newSuit = DistributedSuitAI . DistributedSuitAI ( simbase . air , None )
skel = self . __setupSuitInfo ( newSuit , bldgTrack , suitLevel , suitType )
if skel :
newSuit . setSkelecog ( 1 )
newSuit . setSkeleRevives ( revives )
newSuit . generateWithRequired ( suitZone )
newSuit . node ( ) . setName ( ' suit- %s ' % newSuit . doId )
return newSuit
def myPrint ( self ) :
self . notify . info ( ' Generated suits for building: ' )
for currInfo in suitInfos :
whichSuitInfo = suitInfos . index ( currInfo ) + 1
self . notify . debug ( ' Floor ' + str ( whichSuitInfo ) + ' has ' + str ( len ( currInfo [ 0 ] ) ) + ' active suits. ' )
for currActive in range ( len ( currInfo [ 0 ] ) ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Active suit ' + str ( currActive + 1 ) + ' is of type ' + str ( currInfo [ 0 ] [ currActive ] [ 0 ] ) + ' and of track ' + str ( currInfo [ 0 ] [ currActive ] [ 1 ] ) + ' and of level ' + str ( currInfo [ 0 ] [ currActive ] [ 2 ] ) )
self . notify . debug ( ' Floor ' + str ( whichSuitInfo ) + ' has ' + str ( len ( currInfo [ 1 ] ) ) + ' reserve suits. ' )
for currReserve in range ( len ( currInfo [ 1 ] ) ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Reserve suit ' + str ( currReserve + 1 ) + ' is of type ' + str ( currInfo [ 1 ] [ currReserve ] [ 0 ] ) + ' and of track ' + str ( currInfo [ 1 ] [ currReserve ] [ 1 ] ) + ' and of lvel ' + str ( currInfo [ 1 ] [ currReserve ] [ 2 ] ) + ' and has ' + str ( currInfo [ 1 ] [ currReserve ] [ 3 ] ) + ' % join restriction. ' )
def genFloorSuits ( self , floor ) :
suitHandles = { }
floorInfo = self . suitInfos [ floor ]
activeSuits = [ ]
for activeSuitInfo in floorInfo [ ' activeSuits ' ] :
suit = self . __genSuitObject ( self . zoneId , activeSuitInfo [ ' type ' ] , activeSuitInfo [ ' track ' ] , activeSuitInfo [ ' level ' ] , activeSuitInfo [ ' revives ' ] )
activeSuits . append ( suit )
suitHandles [ ' activeSuits ' ] = activeSuits
reserveSuits = [ ]
for reserveSuitInfo in floorInfo [ ' reserveSuits ' ] :
suit = self . __genSuitObject ( self . zoneId , reserveSuitInfo [ ' type ' ] , reserveSuitInfo [ ' track ' ] , reserveSuitInfo [ ' level ' ] , reserveSuitInfo [ ' revives ' ] )
reserveSuits . append ( ( suit , reserveSuitInfo [ ' joinChance ' ] ) )
suitHandles [ ' reserveSuits ' ] = reserveSuits
return suitHandles
def genSuits ( self ) :
suitHandles = [ ]
for floor in range ( len ( self . suitInfos ) ) :
floorSuitHandles = self . genFloorSuits ( floor )
suitHandles . append ( floorSuitHandles )
return suitHandles