2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
from . BattleBase import *
from . DistributedBattleAI import *
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
from toontown . toonbase . ToontownBattleGlobals import *
import random
from toontown . suit import DistributedSuitBaseAI
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
from . import SuitBattleGlobals , BattleExperienceAI
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
from toontown . toon import NPCToons
from toontown . pets import PetTricks , DistributedPetProxyAI
from direct . showbase . PythonUtil import lerp
class BattleCalculatorAI :
AccuracyBonuses = [
0 , 20 , 40 , 60 ]
DamageBonuses = [
0 , 20 , 20 , 20 ]
AttackExpPerTrack = [
0 , 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 ]
NumRoundsLured = [
2 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 4 , 4 , 15 ]
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal . directNotify . newCategory ( ' BattleCalculatorAI ' )
toonsAlwaysHit = simbase . config . GetBool ( ' toons-always-hit ' , 0 )
toonsAlwaysMiss = simbase . config . GetBool ( ' toons-always-miss ' , 0 )
toonsAlways5050 = simbase . config . GetBool ( ' toons-always-5050 ' , 0 )
suitsAlwaysHit = simbase . config . GetBool ( ' suits-always-hit ' , 0 )
suitsAlwaysMiss = simbase . config . GetBool ( ' suits-always-miss ' , 0 )
immortalSuits = simbase . config . GetBool ( ' immortal-suits ' , 0 )
propAndOrganicBonusStack = simbase . config . GetBool ( ' prop-and-organic-bonus-stack ' , 0 )
def __init__ ( self , battle , tutorialFlag = 0 ) :
self . battle = battle
self . SuitAttackers = { }
self . currentlyLuredSuits = { }
self . successfulLures = { }
self . toonAtkOrder = [ ]
self . toonHPAdjusts = { }
self . toonSkillPtsGained = { }
self . traps = { }
self . npcTraps = { }
self . suitAtkStats = { }
self . __clearBonuses ( hp = 1 )
self . __clearBonuses ( hp = 0 )
self . delayedUnlures = [ ]
self . __skillCreditMultiplier = 1
self . tutorialFlag = tutorialFlag
self . trainTrapTriggered = False
def setSkillCreditMultiplier ( self , mult ) :
self . __skillCreditMultiplier = mult
def getSkillCreditMultiplier ( self ) :
return self . __skillCreditMultiplier
def cleanup ( self ) :
self . battle = None
def __calcToonAtkHit ( self , attackIndex , atkTargets ) :
if len ( atkTargets ) == 0 :
return ( 0 , 0 )
if self . tutorialFlag :
return ( 1 , 95 )
if self . toonsAlways5050 :
roll = random . randint ( 0 , 99 )
if roll < 50 :
return ( 1 , 95 )
else :
return ( 0 , 0 )
if self . toonsAlwaysHit :
return ( 1 , 95 )
elif self . toonsAlwaysMiss :
return ( 0 , 0 )
debug = self . notify . getDebug ( )
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIndex ]
atkTrack , atkLevel = self . __getActualTrackLevel ( attack )
if atkTrack == NPCSOS :
return ( 1 , 95 )
if atkTrack == FIRE :
return ( 1 , 95 )
if atkTrack == TRAP :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' Attack is a trap, so it hits regardless ' )
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 0
return ( 1 , 100 )
elif atkTrack == DROP and attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS :
unluredSuits = 0
for tgt in atkTargets :
if not self . __suitIsLured ( tgt . getDoId ( ) ) :
unluredSuits = 1
if unluredSuits == 0 :
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 1
return ( 0 , 0 )
elif atkTrack == DROP :
allLured = True
for i in range ( len ( atkTargets ) ) :
if self . __suitIsLured ( atkTargets [ i ] . getDoId ( ) ) :
else :
allLured = False
if allLured :
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 1
return ( 0 , 0 )
elif atkTrack == PETSOS :
return self . __calculatePetTrickSuccess ( attack )
tgtDef = 0
numLured = 0
if atkTrack != HEAL :
for currTarget in atkTargets :
thisSuitDef = self . __targetDefense ( currTarget , atkTrack )
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' Examining suit def for toon attack: ' + str ( thisSuitDef ) )
tgtDef = min ( thisSuitDef , tgtDef )
if self . __suitIsLured ( currTarget . getDoId ( ) ) :
numLured + = 1
trackExp = self . __toonTrackExp ( attack [ TOON_ID_COL ] , atkTrack )
for currOtherAtk in self . toonAtkOrder :
if currOtherAtk != attack [ TOON_ID_COL ] :
nextAttack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ currOtherAtk ]
nextAtkTrack = self . __getActualTrack ( nextAttack )
if atkTrack == nextAtkTrack and attack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] == nextAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] :
currTrackExp = self . __toonTrackExp ( nextAttack [ TOON_ID_COL ] , atkTrack )
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' Examining toon track exp bonus: ' + str ( currTrackExp ) )
trackExp = max ( currTrackExp , trackExp )
if debug :
if atkTrack == HEAL :
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon attack is a heal, no target def used ' )
else :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit defense used for toon attack: ' + str ( tgtDef ) )
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon track exp bonus used for toon attack: ' + str ( trackExp ) )
if attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS :
randChoice = 0
else :
randChoice = random . randint ( 0 , 99 )
propAcc = AvPropAccuracy [ atkTrack ] [ atkLevel ]
if atkTrack == LURE :
treebonus = self . __toonCheckGagBonus ( attack [ TOON_ID_COL ] , atkTrack , atkLevel )
propBonus = self . __checkPropBonus ( atkTrack )
if self . propAndOrganicBonusStack :
propAcc = 0
if treebonus :
self . notify . debug ( ' using organic bonus lure accuracy ' )
propAcc + = AvLureBonusAccuracy [ atkLevel ]
if propBonus :
self . notify . debug ( ' using prop bonus lure accuracy ' )
propAcc + = AvLureBonusAccuracy [ atkLevel ]
elif treebonus or propBonus :
self . notify . debug ( ' using oragnic OR prop bonus lure accuracy ' )
propAcc = AvLureBonusAccuracy [ atkLevel ]
attackAcc = propAcc + trackExp + tgtDef
currAtk = self . toonAtkOrder . index ( attackIndex )
if currAtk > 0 and atkTrack != HEAL :
prevAtkId = self . toonAtkOrder [ currAtk - 1 ]
prevAttack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ prevAtkId ]
prevAtkTrack = self . __getActualTrack ( prevAttack )
lure = atkTrack == LURE and ( not attackAffectsGroup ( atkTrack , atkLevel ,
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] ) and attack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] in self . successfulLures or attackAffectsGroup ( atkTrack , atkLevel , attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] ) )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if atkTrack == prevAtkTrack and ( attack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] == prevAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] or lure ) :
if prevAttack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] == 1 :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' DODGE: Toon attack track dodged ' )
elif prevAttack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] == 0 :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' HIT: Toon attack track hit ' )
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = prevAttack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ]
return ( not attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] , attackAcc )
atkAccResult = attackAcc
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' setting atkAccResult to %d ' % atkAccResult )
acc = attackAcc + self . __calcToonAccBonus ( attackIndex )
if atkTrack != LURE and atkTrack != HEAL :
if atkTrack != DROP :
if numLured == len ( atkTargets ) :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' all targets are lured, attack hits ' )
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 0
return ( 1 , 100 )
else :
luredRatio = float ( numLured ) / float ( len ( atkTargets ) )
accAdjust = 100 * luredRatio
if accAdjust > 0 and debug :
self . notify . debug ( str ( numLured ) + ' out of ' + str ( len ( atkTargets ) ) + ' targets are lured, so adding ' + str ( accAdjust ) + ' to attack accuracy ' )
acc + = accAdjust
elif numLured == len ( atkTargets ) :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' all targets are lured, attack misses ' )
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 0
return ( 0 , 0 )
if acc > MaxToonAcc :
acc = MaxToonAcc
if randChoice < acc :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' HIT: Toon attack rolled ' + str ( randChoice ) + ' to hit with an accuracy of ' + str ( acc ) )
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 0
else :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' MISS: Toon attack rolled ' + str ( randChoice ) + ' to hit with an accuracy of ' + str ( acc ) )
attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 1
return ( not attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] , atkAccResult )
def __toonTrackExp ( self , toonId , track ) :
toon = self . battle . getToon ( toonId )
if toon != None :
toonExpLvl = toon . experience . getExpLevel ( track )
exp = self . AttackExpPerTrack [ toonExpLvl ]
if track == HEAL :
exp = exp * 0.5
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon track exp: ' + str ( toonExpLvl ) + ' and resulting acc bonus: ' + str ( exp ) )
return exp
else :
return 0
def __toonCheckGagBonus ( self , toonId , track , level ) :
toon = self . battle . getToon ( toonId )
if toon != None :
return toon . checkGagBonus ( track , level )
else :
return False
def __checkPropBonus ( self , track ) :
result = False
if self . battle . getInteractivePropTrackBonus ( ) == track :
result = True
return result
def __targetDefense ( self , suit , atkTrack ) :
if atkTrack == HEAL :
return 0
suitDef = SuitBattleGlobals . SuitAttributes [ suit . dna . name ] [ ' def ' ] [ suit . getLevel ( ) ]
return - suitDef
def __createToonTargetList ( self , attackIndex ) :
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIndex ]
atkTrack , atkLevel = self . __getActualTrackLevel ( attack )
targetList = [ ]
if atkTrack == NPCSOS :
return targetList
if not attackAffectsGroup ( atkTrack , atkLevel , attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] ) :
if atkTrack == HEAL :
target = attack [ TOON_TGT_COL ]
else :
target = self . battle . findSuit ( attack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
if target != None :
targetList . append ( target )
else :
if atkTrack == HEAL or atkTrack == PETSOS :
if attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS or atkTrack == PETSOS :
targetList = self . battle . activeToons
else :
for currToon in self . battle . activeToons :
if attack [ TOON_ID_COL ] != currToon :
targetList . append ( currToon )
else :
targetList = self . battle . activeSuits
return targetList
def __prevAtkTrack ( self , attackerId , toon = 1 ) :
if toon :
prevAtkIdx = self . toonAtkOrder . index ( attackerId ) - 1
if prevAtkIdx > = 0 :
prevAttackerId = self . toonAtkOrder [ prevAtkIdx ]
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ prevAttackerId ]
return self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
else :
return NO_ATTACK
def getSuitTrapType ( self , suitId ) :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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if self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ] == self . TRAP_CONFLICT :
return NO_TRAP
else :
return self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ]
else :
return NO_TRAP
def __suitTrapDamage ( self , suitId ) :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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return self . traps [ suitId ] [ 2 ]
else :
return 0
def addTrainTrapForJoiningSuit ( self , suitId ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' addTrainTrapForJoiningSuit suit= %d self.traps= %s ' % ( suitId , self . traps ) )
trapInfoToUse = None
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for trapInfo in list ( self . traps . values ( ) ) :
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if trapInfo [ 0 ] == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX :
trapInfoToUse = trapInfo
if trapInfoToUse :
self . traps [ suitId ] = trapInfoToUse
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' huh we did not find a train trap? ' )
def __addSuitGroupTrap ( self , suitId , trapLvl , attackerId , allSuits , npcDamage = 0 ) :
if npcDamage == 0 :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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if self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ] == self . TRAP_CONFLICT :
else :
self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ] = self . TRAP_CONFLICT
for suit in allSuits :
id = suit . doId
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if id in self . traps :
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self . traps [ id ] [ 0 ] = self . TRAP_CONFLICT
else :
self . traps [ id ] = [
self . TRAP_CONFLICT , 0 , 0 ]
else :
toon = self . battle . getToon ( attackerId )
organicBonus = toon . checkGagBonus ( TRAP , trapLvl )
propBonus = self . __checkPropBonus ( TRAP )
damage = getAvPropDamage ( TRAP , trapLvl , toon . experience . getExp ( TRAP ) , organicBonus , propBonus , self . propAndOrganicBonusStack )
if self . itemIsCredit ( TRAP , trapLvl ) :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [
trapLvl , attackerId , damage ]
else :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [ trapLvl , 0 , damage ]
self . notify . debug ( ' calling __addLuredSuitsDelayed ' )
self . __addLuredSuitsDelayed ( attackerId , targetId = - 1 , ignoreDamageCheck = True )
else :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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if self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ] == self . TRAP_CONFLICT :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [
trapLvl , 0 , npcDamage ]
else :
if not self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [
trapLvl , 0 , npcDamage ]
def __addSuitTrap ( self , suitId , trapLvl , attackerId , npcDamage = 0 ) :
if npcDamage == 0 :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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if self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ] == self . TRAP_CONFLICT :
else :
self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ] = self . TRAP_CONFLICT
else :
toon = self . battle . getToon ( attackerId )
organicBonus = toon . checkGagBonus ( TRAP , trapLvl )
propBonus = self . __checkPropBonus ( TRAP )
damage = getAvPropDamage ( TRAP , trapLvl , toon . experience . getExp ( TRAP ) , organicBonus , propBonus , self . propAndOrganicBonusStack )
if self . itemIsCredit ( TRAP , trapLvl ) :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [
trapLvl , attackerId , damage ]
else :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [ trapLvl , 0 , damage ]
else :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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if self . traps [ suitId ] [ 0 ] == self . TRAP_CONFLICT :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [
trapLvl , 0 , npcDamage ]
else :
if not self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) :
self . traps [ suitId ] = [
trapLvl , 0 , npcDamage ]
def __removeSuitTrap ( self , suitId ) :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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del self . traps [ suitId ]
def __clearTrapCreator ( self , creatorId , suitId = None ) :
if suitId == None :
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for currTrap in list ( self . traps . keys ( ) ) :
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if creatorId == self . traps [ currTrap ] [ 1 ] :
self . traps [ currTrap ] [ 1 ] = 0
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elif suitId in self . traps :
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self . traps [ suitId ] [ 1 ] = 0
def __trapCreator ( self , suitId ) :
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if suitId in self . traps :
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return self . traps [ suitId ] [ 1 ]
else :
return 0
def __initTraps ( self ) :
self . trainTrapTriggered = False
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keysList = list ( self . traps . keys ( ) )
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for currTrap in keysList :
if self . traps [ currTrap ] [ 0 ] == self . TRAP_CONFLICT :
del self . traps [ currTrap ]
def __calcToonAtkHp ( self , toonId ) :
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ toonId ]
targetList = self . __createToonTargetList ( toonId )
atkHit , atkAcc = self . __calcToonAtkHit ( toonId , targetList )
atkTrack , atkLevel , atkHp = self . __getActualTrackLevelHp ( attack )
if not atkHit and atkTrack != HEAL :
validTargetAvail = 0
lureDidDamage = 0
currLureId = - 1
for currTarget in range ( len ( targetList ) ) :
attackLevel = - 1
attackTrack = None
attackDamage = 0
toonTarget = 0
targetLured = 0
if atkTrack == HEAL or atkTrack == PETSOS :
targetId = targetList [ currTarget ]
toonTarget = 1
else :
targetId = targetList [ currTarget ] . getDoId ( )
if atkTrack == LURE :
if self . getSuitTrapType ( targetId ) == NO_TRAP :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit lured, but no trap exists ' )
if not self . __suitIsLured ( targetId , prevRound = 1 ) :
if not self . __combatantDead ( targetId , toon = toonTarget ) :
validTargetAvail = 1
rounds = self . NumRoundsLured [ atkLevel ]
wakeupChance = 100 - atkAcc * 2
npcLurer = attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS
currLureId = self . __addLuredSuitInfo ( targetId , - 1 , rounds , wakeupChance , toonId , atkLevel , lureId = currLureId , npc = npcLurer )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit lured for ' + str ( rounds ) + ' rounds max with ' + str ( wakeupChance ) + ' % c hance to wake up each round ' )
targetLured = 1
else :
attackTrack = TRAP
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if targetId in self . traps :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
trapInfo = self . traps [ targetId ]
attackLevel = trapInfo [ 0 ]
else :
attackLevel = NO_TRAP
attackDamage = self . __suitTrapDamage ( targetId )
trapCreatorId = self . __trapCreator ( targetId )
if trapCreatorId > 0 :
self . notify . debug ( ' Giving trap EXP to toon ' + str ( trapCreatorId ) )
self . __addAttackExp ( attack , track = TRAP , level = attackLevel , attackerId = trapCreatorId )
self . __clearTrapCreator ( trapCreatorId , targetId )
lureDidDamage = 1
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit lured right onto a trap! ( ' + str ( AvProps [ attackTrack ] [ attackLevel ] ) + ' , ' + str ( attackLevel ) + ' ) ' )
if not self . __combatantDead ( targetId , toon = toonTarget ) :
validTargetAvail = 1
targetLured = 1
if not self . __suitIsLured ( targetId , prevRound = 1 ) :
if not self . __combatantDead ( targetId , toon = toonTarget ) :
validTargetAvail = 1
rounds = self . NumRoundsLured [ atkLevel ]
wakeupChance = 100 - atkAcc * 2
npcLurer = attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS
currLureId = self . __addLuredSuitInfo ( targetId , - 1 , rounds , wakeupChance , toonId , atkLevel , lureId = currLureId , npc = npcLurer )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit lured for ' + str ( rounds ) + ' rounds max with ' + str ( wakeupChance ) + ' % c hance to wake up each round ' )
targetLured = 1
if attackLevel != - 1 :
self . __addLuredSuitsDelayed ( toonId , targetId )
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if targetLured and ( targetId not in self . successfulLures or targetId in self . successfulLures and self . successfulLures [ targetId ] [ 1 ] < atkLevel ) :
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self . notify . debug ( ' Adding target ' + str ( targetId ) + ' to successfulLures list ' )
self . successfulLures [ targetId ] = [ toonId ,
atkLevel ,
atkAcc ,
- 1 ]
else :
if atkTrack == TRAP :
npcDamage = 0
if attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS :
npcDamage = atkHp
if self . getSuitTrapType ( targetId ) != NO_TRAP :
self . __clearAttack ( toonId )
if atkLevel == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX :
self . __addSuitGroupTrap ( targetId , atkLevel , toonId , targetList , npcDamage )
if self . __suitIsLured ( targetId ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Train Trap on lured suit %d , \n indicating with KBBONUS_COL flag ' % targetId )
tgtPos = self . battle . activeSuits . index ( targetList [ currTarget ] )
attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = self . KBBONUS_LURED_FLAG
else :
self . __addSuitTrap ( targetId , atkLevel , toonId , npcDamage )
elif self . __suitIsLured ( targetId ) and atkTrack == SOUND :
self . notify . debug ( ' Sound on lured suit, ' + ' indicating with KBBONUS_COL flag ' )
tgtPos = self . battle . activeSuits . index ( targetList [ currTarget ] )
attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = self . KBBONUS_LURED_FLAG
attackLevel = atkLevel
attackTrack = atkTrack
toon = self . battle . getToon ( toonId )
if attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS and lureDidDamage != 1 or attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == PETSOS :
attackDamage = atkHp
elif atkTrack == FIRE :
suit = self . battle . findSuit ( targetId )
if suit :
costToFire = 1
abilityToFire = toon . getPinkSlips ( )
toon . removePinkSlips ( costToFire )
if costToFire > abilityToFire :
commentStr = ' Toon attempting to fire a %s cost cog with %s pinkslips ' % ( costToFire , abilityToFire )
simbase . air . writeServerEvent ( ' suspicious ' , toonId , commentStr )
dislId = toon . DISLid
simbase . air . banManager . ban ( toonId , dislId , commentStr )
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print ( ' Not enough PinkSlips to fire cog - print a warning here ' )
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else :
suit . skeleRevives = 0
attackDamage = suit . getHP ( )
else :
attackDamage = 0
bonus = 0
else :
organicBonus = toon . checkGagBonus ( attackTrack , attackLevel )
propBonus = self . __checkPropBonus ( attackTrack )
attackDamage = getAvPropDamage ( attackTrack , attackLevel , toon . experience . getExp ( attackTrack ) , organicBonus , propBonus , self . propAndOrganicBonusStack )
if not self . __combatantDead ( targetId , toon = toonTarget ) :
if self . __suitIsLured ( targetId ) and atkTrack == DROP :
self . notify . debug ( ' not setting validTargetAvail, since drop on a lured suit ' )
else :
validTargetAvail = 1
if attackLevel == - 1 and not atkTrack == FIRE :
elif atkTrack != TRAP :
result = attackDamage
if atkTrack == HEAL :
if not self . __attackHasHit ( attack , suit = 0 ) :
result = result * 0.2
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' toon does ' + str ( result ) + ' healing to toon(s) ' )
else :
if self . __suitIsLured ( targetId ) and atkTrack == DROP :
result = 0
self . notify . debug ( ' setting damage to 0, since drop on a lured suit ' )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' toon does ' + str ( result ) + ' damage to suit ' )
else :
result = 0
if result != 0 or atkTrack == PETSOS :
targets = self . __getToonTargets ( attack )
if targetList [ currTarget ] not in targets :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Target of toon is not accessible! ' )
targetIndex = targets . index ( targetList [ currTarget ] )
if atkTrack == HEAL :
result = result / len ( targetList )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Splitting heal among ' + str ( len ( targetList ) ) + ' targets ' )
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if targetId in self . successfulLures and atkTrack == LURE :
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self . notify . debug ( ' Updating lure damage to ' + str ( result ) )
self . successfulLures [ targetId ] [ 3 ] = result
else :
attack [ TOON_HP_COL ] [ targetIndex ] = result
if result > 0 and atkTrack != HEAL and atkTrack != DROP and atkTrack != PETSOS :
attackTrack = LURE
lureInfos = self . __getLuredExpInfo ( targetId )
for currInfo in lureInfos :
if currInfo [ 3 ] :
self . notify . debug ( ' Giving lure EXP to toon ' + str ( currInfo [ 0 ] ) )
self . __addAttackExp ( attack , track = attackTrack , level = currInfo [ 1 ] , attackerId = currInfo [ 0 ] )
self . __clearLurer ( currInfo [ 0 ] , lureId = currInfo [ 2 ] )
if lureDidDamage :
if self . itemIsCredit ( atkTrack , atkLevel ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Giving lure EXP to toon ' + str ( toonId ) )
self . __addAttackExp ( attack )
if not validTargetAvail and self . __prevAtkTrack ( toonId ) != atkTrack :
self . __clearAttack ( toonId )
def __getToonTargets ( self , attack ) :
track = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
if track == HEAL or track == PETSOS :
return self . battle . activeToons
else :
return self . battle . activeSuits
def __attackHasHit ( self , attack , suit = 0 ) :
if suit == 1 :
for dmg in attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] :
if dmg > 0 :
return 1
return 0
else :
track = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
return not attack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] and track != NO_ATTACK
def __attackDamage ( self , attack , suit = 0 ) :
if suit :
for dmg in attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] :
if dmg > 0 :
return dmg
return 0
else :
for dmg in attack [ TOON_HP_COL ] :
if dmg > 0 :
return dmg
return 0
def __attackDamageForTgt ( self , attack , tgtPos , suit = 0 ) :
if suit :
return attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] [ tgtPos ]
else :
return attack [ TOON_HP_COL ] [ tgtPos ]
def __calcToonAccBonus ( self , attackKey ) :
numPrevHits = 0
attackIdx = self . toonAtkOrder . index ( attackKey )
for currPrevAtk in range ( attackIdx - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ) :
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackKey ]
atkTrack , atkLevel = self . __getActualTrackLevel ( attack )
prevAttackKey = self . toonAtkOrder [ currPrevAtk ]
prevAttack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ prevAttackKey ]
prvAtkTrack , prvAtkLevel = self . __getActualTrackLevel ( prevAttack )
if self . __attackHasHit ( prevAttack ) and ( attackAffectsGroup ( prvAtkTrack , prvAtkLevel , prevAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] ) or attackAffectsGroup ( atkTrack , atkLevel , attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] ) or attack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] == prevAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] ) and atkTrack != prvAtkTrack :
numPrevHits + = 1
if numPrevHits > 0 and self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' ACC BONUS: toon attack received accuracy ' + ' bonus of ' + str ( self . AccuracyBonuses [ numPrevHits ] ) + ' from previous attack by ( ' + str ( attack [ TOON_ID_COL ] ) + ' ) which hit ' )
return self . AccuracyBonuses [ numPrevHits ]
def __applyToonAttackDamages ( self , toonId , hpbonus = 0 , kbbonus = 0 ) :
totalDamages = 0
return totalDamages
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ toonId ]
track = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
if track != NO_ATTACK and track != SOS and track != TRAP and track != NPCSOS :
targets = self . __getToonTargets ( attack )
for position in range ( len ( targets ) ) :
if hpbonus :
if targets [ position ] in self . __createToonTargetList ( toonId ) :
damageDone = attack [ TOON_HPBONUS_COL ]
else :
damageDone = 0
elif kbbonus :
if targets [ position ] in self . __createToonTargetList ( toonId ) :
damageDone = attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ position ]
else :
damageDone = 0
else :
damageDone = attack [ TOON_HP_COL ] [ position ]
if damageDone < = 0 or self . immortalSuits :
if track == HEAL or track == PETSOS :
currTarget = targets [ position ]
if self . CAP_HEALS :
toonHp = self . __getToonHp ( currTarget )
toonMaxHp = self . __getToonMaxHp ( currTarget )
if toonHp + damageDone > toonMaxHp :
damageDone = toonMaxHp - toonHp
attack [ TOON_HP_COL ] [ position ] = damageDone
self . toonHPAdjusts [ currTarget ] + = damageDone
totalDamages = totalDamages + damageDone
currTarget = targets [ position ]
currTarget . setHP ( currTarget . getHP ( ) - damageDone )
targetId = currTarget . getDoId ( )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
if hpbonus :
self . notify . debug ( str ( targetId ) + ' : suit takes ' + str ( damageDone ) + ' damage from HP-Bonus ' )
elif kbbonus :
self . notify . debug ( str ( targetId ) + ' : suit takes ' + str ( damageDone ) + ' damage from KB-Bonus ' )
else :
self . notify . debug ( str ( targetId ) + ' : suit takes ' + str ( damageDone ) + ' damage ' )
totalDamages = totalDamages + damageDone
if currTarget . getHP ( ) < = 0 :
if currTarget . getSkeleRevives ( ) > = 1 :
currTarget . useSkeleRevive ( )
attack [ SUIT_REVIVE_COL ] = attack [ SUIT_REVIVE_COL ] | 1 << position
else :
self . suitLeftBattle ( targetId )
attack [ SUIT_DIED_COL ] = attack [ SUIT_DIED_COL ] | 1 << position
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit ' + str ( targetId ) + ' bravely expired in combat ' )
return totalDamages
def __combatantDead ( self , avId , toon ) :
if toon :
if self . __getToonHp ( avId ) < = 0 :
return 1
else :
suit = self . battle . findSuit ( avId )
if suit . getHP ( ) < = 0 :
return 1
return 0
def __combatantJustRevived ( self , avId ) :
suit = self . battle . findSuit ( avId )
if suit . reviveCheckAndClear ( ) :
return 1
else :
return 0
def __addAttackExp ( self , attack , track = - 1 , level = - 1 , attackerId = - 1 ) :
trk = - 1
lvl = - 1
id = - 1
if track != - 1 and level != - 1 and attackerId != - 1 :
trk = track
lvl = level
id = attackerId
elif self . __attackHasHit ( attack ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Attack ' + repr ( attack ) + ' has hit ' )
trk = attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ]
lvl = attack [ TOON_LVL_COL ]
id = attack [ TOON_ID_COL ]
if trk != - 1 and trk != NPCSOS and trk != PETSOS and lvl != - 1 and id != - 1 :
expList = self . toonSkillPtsGained . get ( id , None )
if expList == None :
expList = [ 0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ]
self . toonSkillPtsGained [ id ] = expList
expList [ trk ] = min ( ExperienceCap , expList [ trk ] + ( lvl + 1 ) * self . __skillCreditMultiplier )
def __clearTgtDied ( self , tgt , lastAtk , currAtk ) :
position = self . battle . activeSuits . index ( tgt )
currAtkTrack = self . __getActualTrack ( currAtk )
lastAtkTrack = self . __getActualTrack ( lastAtk )
if currAtkTrack == lastAtkTrack and lastAtk [ SUIT_DIED_COL ] & 1 << position and self . __attackHasHit ( currAtk , suit = 0 ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Clearing suit died for ' + str ( tgt . getDoId ( ) ) + ' at position ' + str ( position ) + ' from toon attack ' + str ( lastAtk [ TOON_ID_COL ] ) + ' and setting it for ' + str ( currAtk [ TOON_ID_COL ] ) )
lastAtk [ SUIT_DIED_COL ] = lastAtk [ SUIT_DIED_COL ] ^ 1 << position
self . suitLeftBattle ( tgt . getDoId ( ) )
currAtk [ SUIT_DIED_COL ] = currAtk [ SUIT_DIED_COL ] | 1 << position
def __addDmgToBonuses ( self , dmg , attackIndex , hp = 1 ) :
toonId = self . toonAtkOrder [ attackIndex ]
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ toonId ]
atkTrack = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
if atkTrack == HEAL or atkTrack == PETSOS :
tgts = self . __createToonTargetList ( toonId )
for currTgt in tgts :
tgtPos = self . battle . suits . index ( currTgt )
attackerId = self . toonAtkOrder [ attackIndex ]
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackerId ]
track = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
if hp :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if track in self . hpBonuses [ tgtPos ] :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
self . hpBonuses [ tgtPos ] [ track ] . append ( [ attackIndex , dmg ] )
else :
self . hpBonuses [ tgtPos ] [ track ] = [
attackIndex , dmg ] ]
elif self . __suitIsLured ( currTgt . getDoId ( ) ) :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if track in self . kbBonuses [ tgtPos ] :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
self . kbBonuses [ tgtPos ] [ track ] . append ( [ attackIndex , dmg ] )
else :
self . kbBonuses [ tgtPos ] [ track ] = [
attackIndex , dmg ] ]
def __clearBonuses ( self , hp = 1 ) :
if hp :
self . hpBonuses = [ { } , { } , { } , { } ]
else :
self . kbBonuses = [ { } , { } , { } , { } ]
def __bonusExists ( self , tgtSuit , hp = 1 ) :
tgtPos = self . activeSuits . index ( tgtSuit )
if hp :
bonusLen = len ( self . hpBonuses [ tgtPos ] )
else :
bonusLen = len ( self . kbBonuses [ tgtPos ] )
if bonusLen > 0 :
return 1
return 0
def __processBonuses ( self , hp = 1 ) :
if hp :
bonusList = self . hpBonuses
self . notify . debug ( ' Processing hpBonuses: ' + repr ( self . hpBonuses ) )
else :
bonusList = self . kbBonuses
self . notify . debug ( ' Processing kbBonuses: ' + repr ( self . kbBonuses ) )
tgtPos = 0
for currTgt in bonusList :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for currAtkType in list ( currTgt . keys ( ) ) :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if len ( currTgt [ currAtkType ] ) > 1 or not hp and len ( currTgt [ currAtkType ] ) > 0 :
totalDmgs = 0
for currDmg in currTgt [ currAtkType ] :
totalDmgs + = currDmg [ 1 ]
numDmgs = len ( currTgt [ currAtkType ] )
attackIdx = currTgt [ currAtkType ] [ numDmgs - 1 ] [ 0 ]
attackerId = self . toonAtkOrder [ attackIdx ]
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackerId ]
if hp :
attack [ TOON_HPBONUS_COL ] = math . ceil ( totalDmgs * ( self . DamageBonuses [ numDmgs - 1 ] * 0.01 ) )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Applying hp bonus to track ' + str ( attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] ) + ' of ' + str ( attack [ TOON_HPBONUS_COL ] ) )
elif len ( attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] ) > tgtPos :
attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = totalDmgs * 0.5
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Applying kb bonus to track ' + str ( attack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] ) + ' of ' + str ( attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ tgtPos ] ) + ' to target ' + str ( tgtPos ) )
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' invalid tgtPos for knock back bonus: %d ' % tgtPos )
tgtPos + = 1
if hp :
self . __clearBonuses ( )
else :
self . __clearBonuses ( hp = 0 )
def __handleBonus ( self , attackIdx , hp = 1 ) :
attackerId = self . toonAtkOrder [ attackIdx ]
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackerId ]
atkDmg = self . __attackDamage ( attack , suit = 0 )
atkTrack = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
if atkDmg > 0 :
if hp :
if atkTrack != LURE :
self . notify . debug ( ' Adding dmg of ' + str ( atkDmg ) + ' to hpBonuses list ' )
self . __addDmgToBonuses ( atkDmg , attackIdx )
elif self . __knockBackAtk ( attackerId , toon = 1 ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Adding dmg of ' + str ( atkDmg ) + ' to kbBonuses list ' )
self . __addDmgToBonuses ( atkDmg , attackIdx , hp = 0 )
def __clearAttack ( self , attackIdx , toon = 1 ) :
if toon :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' clearing out toon attack for toon ' + str ( attackIdx ) + ' ... ' )
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIdx ]
self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIdx ] = getToonAttack ( attackIdx )
longest = max ( len ( self . battle . activeToons ) , len ( self . battle . activeSuits ) )
taList = self . battle . toonAttacks
for j in range ( longest ) :
taList [ attackIdx ] [ TOON_HP_COL ] . append ( - 1 )
taList [ attackIdx ] [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] . append ( - 1 )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' toon attack is now ' + repr ( self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIdx ] ) )
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' __clearAttack not implemented for suits! ' )
def __rememberToonAttack ( self , suitId , toonId , damage ) :
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if suitId not in self . SuitAttackers :
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self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] = { toonId : damage }
else :
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if toonId not in self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] :
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self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] [ toonId ] = damage
else :
if self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] [ toonId ] < = damage :
self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] = [
toonId , damage ]
def __postProcessToonAttacks ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' __postProcessToonAttacks() ' )
lastTrack = - 1
lastAttacks = [ ]
self . __clearBonuses ( )
for currToonAttack in self . toonAtkOrder :
if currToonAttack != - 1 :
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ currToonAttack ]
atkTrack , atkLevel = self . __getActualTrackLevel ( attack )
if atkTrack != HEAL and atkTrack != SOS and atkTrack != NO_ATTACK and atkTrack != NPCSOS and atkTrack != PETSOS :
targets = self . __createToonTargetList ( currToonAttack )
allTargetsDead = 1
for currTgt in targets :
damageDone = self . __attackDamage ( attack , suit = 0 )
if damageDone > 0 :
self . __rememberToonAttack ( currTgt . getDoId ( ) , attack [ TOON_ID_COL ] , damageDone )
if atkTrack == TRAP :
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if currTgt . doId in self . traps :
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trapInfo = self . traps [ currTgt . doId ]
currTgt . battleTrap = trapInfo [ 0 ]
targetDead = 0
if currTgt . getHP ( ) > 0 :
allTargetsDead = 0
else :
targetDead = 1
if atkTrack != LURE :
for currLastAtk in lastAttacks :
self . __clearTgtDied ( currTgt , currLastAtk , attack )
tgtId = currTgt . getDoId ( )
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if tgtId in self . successfulLures and atkTrack == LURE :
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lureInfo = self . successfulLures [ tgtId ]
self . notify . debug ( ' applying lure data: ' + repr ( lureInfo ) )
toonId = lureInfo [ 0 ]
lureAtk = self . battle . toonAttacks [ toonId ]
tgtPos = self . battle . activeSuits . index ( currTgt )
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if currTgt . doId in self . traps :
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trapInfo = self . traps [ currTgt . doId ]
if trapInfo [ 0 ] == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX :
self . notify . debug ( ' train trap triggered for %d ' % currTgt . doId )
self . trainTrapTriggered = True
self . __removeSuitTrap ( tgtId )
lureAtk [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = self . KBBONUS_TGT_LURED
lureAtk [ TOON_HP_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = lureInfo [ 3 ]
elif self . __suitIsLured ( tgtId ) and atkTrack == DROP :
self . notify . debug ( ' Drop on lured suit, ' + ' indicating with KBBONUS_COL ' + ' flag ' )
tgtPos = self . battle . activeSuits . index ( currTgt )
attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = self . KBBONUS_LURED_FLAG
if targetDead and atkTrack != lastTrack :
tgtPos = self . battle . activeSuits . index ( currTgt )
attack [ TOON_HP_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = 0
attack [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] [ tgtPos ] = - 1
if allTargetsDead and atkTrack != lastTrack :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' all targets of toon attack ' + str ( currToonAttack ) + ' are dead ' )
self . __clearAttack ( currToonAttack , toon = 1 )
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ currToonAttack ]
atkTrack , atkLevel = self . __getActualTrackLevel ( attack )
damagesDone = self . __applyToonAttackDamages ( currToonAttack )
self . __applyToonAttackDamages ( currToonAttack , hpbonus = 1 )
if atkTrack != LURE and atkTrack != DROP and atkTrack != SOUND :
self . __applyToonAttackDamages ( currToonAttack , kbbonus = 1 )
if lastTrack != atkTrack :
lastAttacks = [ ]
lastTrack = atkTrack
lastAttacks . append ( attack )
if self . itemIsCredit ( atkTrack , atkLevel ) :
if atkTrack == TRAP or atkTrack == LURE :
elif atkTrack == HEAL :
if damagesDone != 0 :
self . __addAttackExp ( attack )
else :
self . __addAttackExp ( attack )
if self . trainTrapTriggered :
for suit in self . battle . activeSuits :
suitId = suit . doId
self . __removeSuitTrap ( suitId )
suit . battleTrap = NO_TRAP
self . notify . debug ( ' train trap triggered, removing trap from %d ' % suitId )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
for currToonAttack in self . toonAtkOrder :
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ currToonAttack ]
self . notify . debug ( ' Final Toon attack: ' + str ( attack ) )
def __allTargetsDead ( self , attackIdx , toon = 1 ) :
allTargetsDead = 1
if toon :
targets = self . __createToonTargetList ( attackIdx )
for currTgt in targets :
if currTgt . getHp ( ) > 0 :
allTargetsDead = 0
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' __allTargetsDead: suit ver. not implemented! ' )
return allTargetsDead
def __clearLuredSuitsByAttack ( self , toonId , kbBonusReq = 0 , targetId = - 1 ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' __clearLuredSuitsByAttack ' )
if targetId != - 1 and self . __suitIsLured ( t . getDoId ( ) ) :
self . __removeLured ( t . getDoId ( ) )
else :
tgtList = self . __createToonTargetList ( toonId )
for t in tgtList :
if self . __suitIsLured ( t . getDoId ( ) ) and ( not kbBonusReq or self . __bonusExists ( t , hp = 0 ) ) :
self . __removeLured ( t . getDoId ( ) )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit %d stepping from lured spot ' % t . getDoId ( ) )
else :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit ' + str ( t . getDoId ( ) ) + ' not found in currently lured suits ' )
def __clearLuredSuitsDelayed ( self ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' __clearLuredSuitsDelayed ' )
for t in self . delayedUnlures :
if self . __suitIsLured ( t ) :
self . __removeLured ( t )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit %d stepping back from lured spot ' % t )
else :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit ' + str ( t ) + ' not found in currently lured suits ' )
self . delayedUnlures = [ ]
def __addLuredSuitsDelayed ( self , toonId , targetId = - 1 , ignoreDamageCheck = False ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' __addLuredSuitsDelayed ' )
if targetId != - 1 :
self . delayedUnlures . append ( targetId )
else :
tgtList = self . __createToonTargetList ( toonId )
for t in tgtList :
if self . __suitIsLured ( t . getDoId ( ) ) and t . getDoId ( ) not in self . delayedUnlures and ( self . __attackDamageForTgt ( self . battle . toonAttacks [ toonId ] , self . battle . activeSuits . index ( t ) , suit = 0 ) > 0 or ignoreDamageCheck ) :
self . delayedUnlures . append ( t . getDoId ( ) )
def __calculateToonAttacks ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' __calculateToonAttacks() ' )
self . __clearBonuses ( hp = 0 )
currTrack = None
self . notify . debug ( ' Traps: ' + str ( self . traps ) )
maxSuitLevel = 0
for cog in self . battle . activeSuits :
maxSuitLevel = max ( maxSuitLevel , cog . getActualLevel ( ) )
self . creditLevel = maxSuitLevel
for toonId in self . toonAtkOrder :
if self . __combatantDead ( toonId , toon = 1 ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( " Toon %d is dead and can ' t attack " % toonId )
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ toonId ]
atkTrack = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
if atkTrack != NO_ATTACK and atkTrack != SOS and atkTrack != NPCSOS :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Calculating attack for toon: %d ' % toonId )
if currTrack and atkTrack != currTrack :
self . __clearLuredSuitsDelayed ( )
currTrack = atkTrack
self . __calcToonAtkHp ( toonId )
attackIdx = self . toonAtkOrder . index ( toonId )
self . __handleBonus ( attackIdx , hp = 0 )
self . __handleBonus ( attackIdx , hp = 1 )
lastAttack = self . toonAtkOrder . index ( toonId ) > = len ( self . toonAtkOrder ) - 1
unlureAttack = self . __attackHasHit ( attack , suit = 0 ) and self . __unlureAtk ( toonId , toon = 1 )
if unlureAttack :
if lastAttack :
self . __clearLuredSuitsByAttack ( toonId )
else :
self . __addLuredSuitsDelayed ( toonId )
if lastAttack :
self . __clearLuredSuitsDelayed ( )
self . __processBonuses ( hp = 0 )
self . __processBonuses ( hp = 1 )
self . __postProcessToonAttacks ( )
def __knockBackAtk ( self , attackIndex , toon = 1 ) :
if toon and ( self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIndex ] [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == THROW or self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIndex ] [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == SQUIRT ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' attack is a knockback ' )
return 1
return 0
def __unlureAtk ( self , attackIndex , toon = 1 ) :
attack = self . battle . toonAttacks [ attackIndex ]
track = self . __getActualTrack ( attack )
if toon and ( track == THROW or track == SQUIRT or track == SOUND ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' attack is an unlure ' )
return 1
return 0
def __calcSuitAtkType ( self , attackIndex ) :
theSuit = self . battle . activeSuits [ attackIndex ]
attacks = SuitBattleGlobals . SuitAttributes [ theSuit . dna . name ] [ ' attacks ' ]
atk = SuitBattleGlobals . pickSuitAttack ( attacks , theSuit . getLevel ( ) )
return atk
def __calcSuitTarget ( self , attackIndex ) :
attack = self . battle . suitAttacks [ attackIndex ]
suitId = attack [ SUIT_ID_COL ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if suitId in self . SuitAttackers and random . randint ( 0 , 99 ) < 75 :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
totalDamage = 0
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for currToon in list ( self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] . keys ( ) ) :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
totalDamage + = self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] [ currToon ]
dmgs = [ ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for currToon in list ( self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] . keys ( ) ) :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
dmgs . append ( self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] [ currToon ] / totalDamage * 100 )
dmgIdx = SuitBattleGlobals . pickFromFreqList ( dmgs )
if dmgIdx == None :
toonId = self . __pickRandomToon ( suitId )
else :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
toonId = list ( self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ] . keys ( ) ) [ dmgIdx ]
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if toonId == - 1 or toonId not in self . battle . activeToons :
return - 1
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit attacking back at toon ' + str ( toonId ) )
return self . battle . activeToons . index ( toonId )
else :
return self . __pickRandomToon ( suitId )
def __pickRandomToon ( self , suitId ) :
liveToons = [ ]
for currToon in self . battle . activeToons :
if not self . __combatantDead ( currToon , toon = 1 ) :
liveToons . append ( self . battle . activeToons . index ( currToon ) )
if len ( liveToons ) == 0 :
self . notify . debug ( ' No tgts avail. for suit ' + str ( suitId ) )
return - 1
chosen = random . choice ( liveToons )
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit randomly attacking toon ' + str ( self . battle . activeToons [ chosen ] ) )
return chosen
def __suitAtkHit ( self , attackIndex ) :
if self . suitsAlwaysHit :
return 1
else :
if self . suitsAlwaysMiss :
return 0
theSuit = self . battle . activeSuits [ attackIndex ]
atkType = self . battle . suitAttacks [ attackIndex ] [ SUIT_ATK_COL ]
atkInfo = SuitBattleGlobals . getSuitAttack ( theSuit . dna . name , theSuit . getLevel ( ) , atkType )
atkAcc = atkInfo [ ' acc ' ]
suitAcc = SuitBattleGlobals . SuitAttributes [ theSuit . dna . name ] [ ' acc ' ] [ theSuit . getLevel ( ) ]
acc = atkAcc
randChoice = random . randint ( 0 , 99 )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit attack rolled ' + str ( randChoice ) + ' to hit with an accuracy of ' + str ( acc ) + ' (attackAcc: ' + str ( atkAcc ) + ' suitAcc: ' + str ( suitAcc ) + ' ) ' )
if randChoice < acc :
return 1
return 0
def __suitAtkAffectsGroup ( self , attack ) :
atkType = attack [ SUIT_ATK_COL ]
theSuit = self . battle . findSuit ( attack [ SUIT_ID_COL ] )
atkInfo = SuitBattleGlobals . getSuitAttack ( theSuit . dna . name , theSuit . getLevel ( ) , atkType )
return atkInfo [ ' group ' ] != SuitBattleGlobals . ATK_TGT_SINGLE
def __createSuitTargetList ( self , attackIndex ) :
attack = self . battle . suitAttacks [ attackIndex ]
targetList = [ ]
if attack [ SUIT_ATK_COL ] == NO_ATTACK :
self . notify . debug ( ' No attack, no targets ' )
return targetList
debug = self . notify . getDebug ( )
if not self . __suitAtkAffectsGroup ( attack ) :
targetList . append ( self . battle . activeToons [ attack [ SUIT_TGT_COL ] ] )
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit attack is single target ' )
else :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit attack is group target ' )
for currToon in self . battle . activeToons :
if debug :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit attack will target toon ' + str ( currToon ) )
targetList . append ( currToon )
return targetList
def __calcSuitAtkHp ( self , attackIndex ) :
targetList = self . __createSuitTargetList ( attackIndex )
attack = self . battle . suitAttacks [ attackIndex ]
for currTarget in range ( len ( targetList ) ) :
toonId = targetList [ currTarget ]
toon = self . battle . getToon ( toonId )
result = 0
if toon and toon . immortalMode :
result = 1
else :
result = 0
else :
if self . __suitAtkHit ( attackIndex ) :
atkType = attack [ SUIT_ATK_COL ]
theSuit = self . battle . findSuit ( attack [ SUIT_ID_COL ] )
atkInfo = SuitBattleGlobals . getSuitAttack ( theSuit . dna . name , theSuit . getLevel ( ) , atkType )
result = atkInfo [ ' hp ' ]
targetIndex = self . battle . activeToons . index ( toonId )
attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] [ targetIndex ] = result
def __getToonHp ( self , toonDoId ) :
handle = self . battle . getToon ( toonDoId )
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if handle != None and toonDoId in self . toonHPAdjusts :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
return handle . hp + self . toonHPAdjusts [ toonDoId ]
else :
return 0
def __getToonMaxHp ( self , toonDoId ) :
handle = self . battle . getToon ( toonDoId )
if handle != None :
return handle . maxHp
else :
return 0
def __applySuitAttackDamages ( self , attackIndex ) :
attack = self . battle . suitAttacks [ attackIndex ]
for t in self . battle . activeToons :
position = self . battle . activeToons . index ( t )
if attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] [ position ] < = 0 :
toonHp = self . __getToonHp ( t )
if toonHp - attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] [ position ] < = 0 :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon %d has died, removing ' % t )
self . toonLeftBattle ( t )
attack [ TOON_DIED_COL ] = attack [ TOON_DIED_COL ] | 1 << position
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon ' + str ( t ) + ' takes ' + str ( attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] [ position ] ) + ' damage ' )
self . toonHPAdjusts [ t ] - = attack [ SUIT_HP_COL ] [ position ]
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon ' + str ( t ) + ' now has ' + str ( self . __getToonHp ( t ) ) + ' health ' )
def __suitCanAttack ( self , suitId ) :
if self . __combatantDead ( suitId , toon = 0 ) or self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) or self . __combatantJustRevived ( suitId ) :
return 0
return 1
def __updateSuitAtkStat ( self , toonId ) :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if toonId in self . suitAtkStats :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
self . suitAtkStats [ toonId ] + = 1
else :
self . suitAtkStats [ toonId ] = 1
def __printSuitAtkStats ( self ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit Atk Stats: ' )
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for currTgt in list ( self . suitAtkStats . keys ( ) ) :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if currTgt not in self . battle . activeToons :
tgtPos = self . battle . activeToons . index ( currTgt )
self . notify . debug ( ' toon ' + str ( currTgt ) + ' at position ' + str ( tgtPos ) + ' was attacked ' + str ( self . suitAtkStats [ currTgt ] ) + ' times ' )
self . notify . debug ( ' \n ' )
def __calculateSuitAttacks ( self ) :
for i in range ( len ( self . battle . suitAttacks ) ) :
if i < len ( self . battle . activeSuits ) :
suitId = self . battle . activeSuits [ i ] . doId
self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ] [ SUIT_ID_COL ] = suitId
if not self . __suitCanAttack ( suitId ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( " Suit %d can ' t attack " % suitId )
if self . battle . pendingSuits . count ( self . battle . activeSuits [ i ] ) > 0 or self . battle . joiningSuits . count ( self . battle . activeSuits [ i ] ) > 0 :
attack = self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ]
attack [ SUIT_ID_COL ] = self . battle . activeSuits [ i ] . doId
attack [ SUIT_ATK_COL ] = self . __calcSuitAtkType ( i )
attack [ SUIT_TGT_COL ] = self . __calcSuitTarget ( i )
if attack [ SUIT_TGT_COL ] == - 1 :
self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ] = getDefaultSuitAttack ( )
attack = self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ]
self . notify . debug ( ' clearing suit attack, no avail targets ' )
self . __calcSuitAtkHp ( i )
if attack [ SUIT_ATK_COL ] != NO_ATTACK :
if self . __suitAtkAffectsGroup ( attack ) :
for currTgt in self . battle . activeToons :
self . __updateSuitAtkStat ( currTgt )
else :
tgtId = self . battle . activeToons [ attack [ SUIT_TGT_COL ] ]
self . __updateSuitAtkStat ( tgtId )
targets = self . __createSuitTargetList ( i )
allTargetsDead = 1
for currTgt in targets :
if self . __getToonHp ( currTgt ) > 0 :
allTargetsDead = 0
if allTargetsDead :
self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ] = getDefaultSuitAttack ( )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' clearing suit attack, targets dead ' )
self . notify . debug ( ' suit attack is now ' + repr ( self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ] ) )
self . notify . debug ( ' all attacks: ' + repr ( self . battle . suitAttacks ) )
attack = self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ]
if self . __attackHasHit ( attack , suit = 1 ) :
self . __applySuitAttackDamages ( i )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit attack: ' + str ( self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ] ) )
attack [ SUIT_BEFORE_TOONS_COL ] = 0
def __updateLureTimeouts ( self ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' __updateLureTimeouts() ' )
self . notify . debug ( ' Lured suits: ' + str ( self . currentlyLuredSuits ) )
noLongerLured = [ ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for currLuredSuit in list ( self . currentlyLuredSuits . keys ( ) ) :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
self . __incLuredCurrRound ( currLuredSuit )
if self . __luredMaxRoundsReached ( currLuredSuit ) or self . __luredWakeupTime ( currLuredSuit ) :
noLongerLured . append ( currLuredSuit )
for currLuredSuit in noLongerLured :
self . __removeLured ( currLuredSuit )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Lured suits: ' + str ( self . currentlyLuredSuits ) )
def __initRound ( self ) :
self . SuitAttackers = { }
self . toonAtkOrder = [ ]
attacks = findToonAttack ( self . battle . activeToons , self . battle . toonAttacks , PETSOS )
for atk in attacks :
self . toonAtkOrder . append ( atk [ TOON_ID_COL ] )
attacks = findToonAttack ( self . battle . activeToons , self . battle . toonAttacks , FIRE )
for atk in attacks :
self . toonAtkOrder . append ( atk [ TOON_ID_COL ] )
for track in range ( HEAL , DROP + 1 ) :
attacks = findToonAttack ( self . battle . activeToons , self . battle . toonAttacks , track )
if track == TRAP :
sortedTraps = [ ]
for atk in attacks :
if atk [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == TRAP :
sortedTraps . append ( atk )
for atk in attacks :
if atk [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS :
sortedTraps . append ( atk )
attacks = sortedTraps
for atk in attacks :
self . toonAtkOrder . append ( atk [ TOON_ID_COL ] )
specials = findToonAttack ( self . battle . activeToons , self . battle . toonAttacks , NPCSOS )
toonsHit = 0
cogsMiss = 0
for special in specials :
npc_track = NPCToons . getNPCTrack ( special [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
if npc_track == NPC_TOONS_HIT :
BattleCalculatorAI . toonsAlwaysHit = 1
toonsHit = 1
elif npc_track == NPC_COGS_MISS :
BattleCalculatorAI . suitsAlwaysMiss = 1
cogsMiss = 1
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon attack order: ' + str ( self . toonAtkOrder ) )
self . notify . debug ( ' Active toons: ' + str ( self . battle . activeToons ) )
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon attacks: ' + str ( self . battle . toonAttacks ) )
self . notify . debug ( ' Active suits: ' + str ( self . battle . activeSuits ) )
self . notify . debug ( ' Suit attacks: ' + str ( self . battle . suitAttacks ) )
self . toonHPAdjusts = { }
for t in self . battle . activeToons :
self . toonHPAdjusts [ t ] = 0
self . __clearBonuses ( )
self . __updateActiveToons ( )
self . delayedUnlures = [ ]
self . __initTraps ( )
self . successfulLures = { }
return (
toonsHit , cogsMiss )
def calculateRound ( self ) :
longest = max ( len ( self . battle . activeToons ) , len ( self . battle . activeSuits ) )
for t in self . battle . activeToons :
for j in range ( longest ) :
self . battle . toonAttacks [ t ] [ TOON_HP_COL ] . append ( - 1 )
self . battle . toonAttacks [ t ] [ TOON_KBBONUS_COL ] . append ( - 1 )
for i in range ( 4 ) :
for j in range ( len ( self . battle . activeToons ) ) :
self . battle . suitAttacks [ i ] [ SUIT_HP_COL ] . append ( - 1 )
toonsHit , cogsMiss = self . __initRound ( )
for suit in self . battle . activeSuits :
if suit . isGenerated ( ) :
suit . b_setHP ( suit . getHP ( ) )
for suit in self . battle . activeSuits :
if not hasattr ( suit , ' dna ' ) :
self . notify . warning ( ' a removed suit is in this battle! ' )
return None
self . __calculateToonAttacks ( )
self . __updateLureTimeouts ( )
self . __calculateSuitAttacks ( )
if toonsHit == 1 :
BattleCalculatorAI . toonsAlwaysHit = 0
if cogsMiss == 1 :
BattleCalculatorAI . suitsAlwaysMiss = 0
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Toon skills gained after this round: ' + repr ( self . toonSkillPtsGained ) )
self . __printSuitAtkStats ( )
def __calculateFiredCogs ( ) :
import pdb
pdb . set_trace ( )
def toonLeftBattle ( self , toonId ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' toonLeftBattle() ' + str ( toonId ) )
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if toonId in self . toonSkillPtsGained :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
del self . toonSkillPtsGained [ toonId ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if toonId in self . suitAtkStats :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
del self . suitAtkStats [ toonId ]
if not self . CLEAR_SUIT_ATTACKERS :
oldSuitIds = [ ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for s in list ( self . SuitAttackers . keys ( ) ) :
if toonId in self . SuitAttackers [ s ] :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
del self . SuitAttackers [ s ] [ toonId ]
if len ( self . SuitAttackers [ s ] ) == 0 :
oldSuitIds . append ( s )
for oldSuitId in oldSuitIds :
del self . SuitAttackers [ oldSuitId ]
self . __clearTrapCreator ( toonId )
self . __clearLurer ( toonId )
def suitLeftBattle ( self , suitId ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' suitLeftBattle(): ' + str ( suitId ) )
self . __removeLured ( suitId )
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if suitId in self . SuitAttackers :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
del self . SuitAttackers [ suitId ]
self . __removeSuitTrap ( suitId )
def __updateActiveToons ( self ) :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' updateActiveToons() ' )
if not self . CLEAR_SUIT_ATTACKERS :
oldSuitIds = [ ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for s in list ( self . SuitAttackers . keys ( ) ) :
for t in list ( self . SuitAttackers [ s ] . keys ( ) ) :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if t not in self . battle . activeToons :
del self . SuitAttackers [ s ] [ t ]
if len ( self . SuitAttackers [ s ] ) == 0 :
oldSuitIds . append ( s )
for oldSuitId in oldSuitIds :
del self . SuitAttackers [ oldSuitId ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
for trap in list ( self . traps . keys ( ) ) :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if self . traps [ trap ] [ 1 ] not in self . battle . activeToons :
self . notify . debug ( ' Trap for toon ' + str ( self . traps [ trap ] [ 1 ] ) + ' will no longer give exp ' )
self . traps [ trap ] [ 1 ] = 0
def getSkillGained ( self , toonId , track ) :
return BattleExperienceAI . getSkillGained ( self . toonSkillPtsGained , toonId , track )
def getLuredSuits ( self ) :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
luredSuits = list ( self . currentlyLuredSuits . keys ( ) )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
self . notify . debug ( ' Lured suits reported to battle: ' + repr ( luredSuits ) )
return luredSuits
def __suitIsLured ( self , suitId , prevRound = 0 ) :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
inList = suitId in self . currentlyLuredSuits
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if prevRound :
return inList and self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 0 ] != - 1
return inList
def __findAvailLureId ( self , lurerId ) :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
luredSuits = list ( self . currentlyLuredSuits . keys ( ) )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
lureIds = [ ]
for currLured in luredSuits :
lurerInfo = self . currentlyLuredSuits [ currLured ] [ 3 ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
lurers = list ( lurerInfo . keys ( ) )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
for currLurer in lurers :
currId = lurerInfo [ currLurer ] [ 1 ]
if currLurer == lurerId and currId not in lureIds :
lureIds . append ( currId )
lureIds . sort ( )
currId = 1
for currLureId in lureIds :
if currLureId != currId :
return currId
currId + = 1
return currId
def __addLuredSuitInfo ( self , suitId , currRounds , maxRounds , wakeChance , lurer , lureLvl , lureId = - 1 , npc = 0 ) :
if lureId == - 1 :
availLureId = self . __findAvailLureId ( lurer )
else :
availLureId = lureId
if npc == 1 :
credit = 0
else :
credit = self . itemIsCredit ( LURE , lureLvl )
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if suitId in self . currentlyLuredSuits :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
lureInfo = self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if lurer not in lureInfo [ 3 ] :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
lureInfo [ 1 ] + = maxRounds
if wakeChance < lureInfo [ 2 ] :
lureInfo [ 2 ] = wakeChance
lureInfo [ 3 ] [ lurer ] = [
lureLvl , availLureId , credit ]
else :
lurerInfo = { lurer : [ lureLvl , availLureId , credit ] }
self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] = [
currRounds , maxRounds , wakeChance , lurerInfo ]
self . notify . debug ( ' __addLuredSuitInfo: currLuredSuits -> %s ' % repr ( self . currentlyLuredSuits ) )
return availLureId
def __getLurers ( self , suitId ) :
if self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
return list ( self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 3 ] . keys ( ) )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
return [ ]
def __getLuredExpInfo ( self , suitId ) :
returnInfo = [ ]
lurers = self . __getLurers ( suitId )
if len ( lurers ) == 0 :
return returnInfo
lurerInfo = self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 3 ]
for currLurer in lurers :
returnInfo . append ( [ currLurer , lurerInfo [ currLurer ] [ 0 ] , lurerInfo [ currLurer ] [ 1 ] , lurerInfo [ currLurer ] [ 2 ] ] )
return returnInfo
def __clearLurer ( self , lurerId , lureId = - 1 ) :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
luredSuits = list ( self . currentlyLuredSuits . keys ( ) )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
for currLured in luredSuits :
lurerInfo = self . currentlyLuredSuits [ currLured ] [ 3 ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
lurers = list ( lurerInfo . keys ( ) )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
for currLurer in lurers :
if currLurer == lurerId and ( lureId == - 1 or lureId == lurerInfo [ currLurer ] [ 1 ] ) :
del lurerInfo [ currLurer ]
def __setLuredMaxRounds ( self , suitId , rounds ) :
if self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) :
self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 1 ] = rounds
def __setLuredWakeChance ( self , suitId , chance ) :
if self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) :
self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 2 ] = chance
def __incLuredCurrRound ( self , suitId ) :
if self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) :
self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 0 ] + = 1
def __removeLured ( self , suitId ) :
if self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) :
del self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ]
def __luredMaxRoundsReached ( self , suitId ) :
return self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) and self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 0 ] > = self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 1 ]
def __luredWakeupTime ( self , suitId ) :
return self . __suitIsLured ( suitId ) and self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 0 ] > 0 and random . randint ( 0 , 99 ) < self . currentlyLuredSuits [ suitId ] [ 2 ]
def itemIsCredit ( self , track , level ) :
if track == PETSOS :
return 0
return level < self . creditLevel
def __getActualTrack ( self , toonAttack ) :
if toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS :
track = NPCToons . getNPCTrack ( toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
if track != None :
return track
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' No NPC with id: %d ' % toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
return toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ]
def __getActualTrackLevel ( self , toonAttack ) :
if toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS :
track , level , hp = NPCToons . getNPCTrackLevelHp ( toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
if track != None :
return ( track , level )
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' No NPC with id: %d ' % toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
return (
toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] , toonAttack [ TOON_LVL_COL ] )
def __getActualTrackLevelHp ( self , toonAttack ) :
if toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == NPCSOS :
track , level , hp = NPCToons . getNPCTrackLevelHp ( toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
if track != None :
return ( track , level , hp )
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' No NPC with id: %d ' % toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ] )
else :
if toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] == PETSOS :
trick = toonAttack [ TOON_LVL_COL ]
petProxyId = toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ]
trickId = toonAttack [ TOON_LVL_COL ]
healRange = PetTricks . TrickHeals [ trickId ]
hp = 0
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if petProxyId in simbase . air . doId2do :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
petProxy = simbase . air . doId2do [ petProxyId ]
if trickId < len ( petProxy . trickAptitudes ) :
aptitude = petProxy . trickAptitudes [ trickId ]
hp = int ( lerp ( healRange [ 0 ] , healRange [ 1 ] , aptitude ) )
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' pet proxy: %d not in doId2do! ' % petProxyId )
return ( toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] , toonAttack [ TOON_LVL_COL ] , hp )
return (
toonAttack [ TOON_TRACK_COL ] , toonAttack [ TOON_LVL_COL ] , 0 )
def __calculatePetTrickSuccess ( self , toonAttack ) :
petProxyId = toonAttack [ TOON_TGT_COL ]
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
if petProxyId not in simbase . air . doId2do :
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
self . notify . warning ( ' pet proxy %d not in doId2do! ' % petProxyId )
toonAttack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = 1
return ( 0 , 0 )
petProxy = simbase . air . doId2do [ petProxyId ]
trickId = toonAttack [ TOON_LVL_COL ]
toonAttack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] = petProxy . attemptBattleTrick ( trickId )
if toonAttack [ TOON_ACCBONUS_COL ] == 1 :
return ( 0 , 0 )
else :
return ( 1 , 100 )