
208 lines
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2019-11-02 22:27:54 +00:00
import math
import time
import datetime
from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from direct.interval.LerpInterval import LerpFunc
from panda3d.core import Vec3
2019-11-02 22:27:54 +00:00
from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
from toontown.toonbase.ToontownTimer import ToontownTimer
from toontown.parties import PartyGlobals
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('PartyUtils')
def getNewToontownTimer():
timer = ToontownTimer()
timer.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.75)
return timer
def getPartyActivityIcon(activityIconsModel, activityName):
activityIconsDict = {'PartyValentineDance': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconDanceFloorValentine',
'PartyValentineDance20': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconDanceFloorValentine',
'PartyValentineJukebox': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconJukeboxValentine',
'PartyValentineJukebox40': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconJukeboxValentine',
'PartyValentineTrampoline': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconTrampolineValentine'}
iconName = activityIconsDict.get(activityName)
if iconName:
icon = activityIconsModel.find('**/%s' % iconName)
icon = activityIconsModel.find('**/%sIcon' % activityName)
if icon.isEmpty():
icon = activityIconsModel.find('**/PartyClockIcon')
notify.warning("Couldn't find %sIcon in %s, using PartyClockIcon" % (activityName, activityIconsModel.getName()))
return icon
def arcPosInterval(duration, object, pos, arcHeight, other):
startPos = object.getPos()
endPos = object.getParent().getRelativePoint(other, pos)
startX = startPos.getX()
startY = startPos.getY()
startZ = startPos.getZ()
dx = endPos.getX() - startPos.getX()
dy = endPos.getY() - startPos.getY()
dz = endPos.getZ() - startPos.getZ()
def setArcPos(t):
newX = startX + dx * t
newY = startY + dy * t
newZ = startZ + dz * t + arcHeight * (-(2.0 * t - 1.0) ** 2 + 1.0)
object.setPos(newX, newY, newZ)
return LerpFunc(setArcPos, duration=duration)
def formatDate(year, month, day):
monthString = TTLocalizer.DateOfBirthEntryMonths[month - 1]
return TTLocalizer.PartyDateFormat % {'mm': monthString,
'dd': day,
'yyyy': year}
def truncateTextOfLabelBasedOnWidth(directGuiObject, textToTruncate, maxWidth):
text0 = directGuiObject.component('text0')
tempNode = text0.textNode
currentText = textToTruncate[:]
scale = text0.getScale()[0]
width = tempNode.calcWidth(currentText) * scale
while width > maxWidth:
currentText = currentText[:-1]
width = tempNode.calcWidth(currentText) * scale
directGuiObject['text'] = currentText
if directGuiObject['text'] != textToTruncate:
directGuiObject['text'] = '%s...' % directGuiObject['text']
def truncateTextOfLabelBasedOnMaxLetters(directGuiObject, textToTruncate, maxLetters):
curStr = directGuiObject['text']
if maxLetters < len(curStr):
curStr = curStr[:maxLetters]
curStr += '...'
directGuiObject['text'] = curStr
def scaleTextOfGuiObjectBasedOnWidth(directGuiObject, textToScale, maxWidth):
width = directGuiObject.getWidth()
scale = 0.01
while width > maxWidth:
directGuiObject['text_scale'] = scale
width = directGuiObject.getWidth()
scale += 0.005
def formatTime(hour, minute):
meridiemString = TTLocalizer.PartyTimeFormatMeridiemAM
if hour == 0:
hour = 12
elif hour > 11:
meridiemString = TTLocalizer.PartyTimeFormatMeridiemPM
if hour > 12:
hour -= 12
return TTLocalizer.PartyTimeFormat % (hour, minute, meridiemString)
SecondsInOneDay = 60 * 60 * 24
def getTimeDeltaInSeconds(td):
result = td.days * SecondsInOneDay + td.seconds + td.microseconds / 1000000.0
return result
def formatDateTime(dateTimeToShow, inLocalTime = False):
if inLocalTime:
curServerTime = base.cr.toontownTimeManager.getCurServerDateTime()
ltime = time.localtime()
localTime = datetime.datetime(year=ltime.tm_year, month=ltime.tm_mon, day=ltime.tm_mday, hour=ltime.tm_hour, minute=ltime.tm_min, second=ltime.tm_sec)
naiveServerTime = curServerTime.replace(tzinfo=None)
newTimeDelta = localTime - naiveServerTime
localDifference = getTimeDeltaInSeconds(newTimeDelta)
dateTimeToShow = dateTimeToShow + datetime.timedelta(seconds=localDifference)
return '%s %s' % (formatDate(dateTimeToShow.year, dateTimeToShow.month, dateTimeToShow.day), formatTime(dateTimeToShow.hour, dateTimeToShow.minute))
return '%s %s' % (formatDate(dateTimeToShow.year, dateTimeToShow.month, dateTimeToShow.day), formatTime(dateTimeToShow.hour, dateTimeToShow.minute))
def convertDistanceToPartyGrid(d, index):
return int((d - PartyGlobals.PartyGridToPandaOffset[index]) / PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[index])
def convertDistanceFromPartyGrid(d, index):
return d * PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[index] + PartyGlobals.PartyGridToPandaOffset[index] + PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[index] / 2.0
def convertDegreesToPartyGrid(h):
while h < 0.0:
h = h + 360.0
h = h % 360.0
return int(h / PartyGlobals.PartyGridHeadingConverter)
def convertDegreesFromPartyGrid(h):
return h * PartyGlobals.PartyGridHeadingConverter
def getCenterPosFromGridSize(x, y, gridsize):
if gridsize[0] % 2 == 0:
xMod = PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[0] / 2.0
xMod = 0
if gridsize[1] % 2 == 0:
yMod = PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[1] / 2.0
yMod = 0
return (x + xMod, y + yMod)
def toRadians(angle):
return angle * math.pi / 180.0
def toDegrees(angle):
return angle * 180.0 / math.pi
def calcVelocity(rotation, angle, initialVelocity = 1.0):
horizVel = initialVelocity * math.cos(angle)
xVel = horizVel * -math.sin(rotation)
yVel = horizVel * math.cos(rotation)
zVel = initialVelocity * math.sin(angle)
return Vec3(xVel, yVel, zVel)
class LineSegment:
def __init__(self, pt1, pt2):
self.pt1 = pt1
self.pt2 = pt2
def isIntersecting(self, line, compare = None):
x1 = self.pt1.getX()
x2 = self.pt2.getX()
x3 = line.pt1.getX()
x4 = line.pt2.getX()
y1 = self.pt1.getY()
y2 = self.pt2.getY()
y3 = line.pt1.getY()
y4 = line.pt2.getY()
top1 = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)
top2 = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)
bot = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1)
if bot == 0.0:
return False
u1 = top1 / bot
u2 = top2 / bot
if compare is None:
return 0 <= u1 and u1 <= 1 and 0 <= u2 and u2 <= 1
elif compare == 'segment-ray':
return 0 <= u1 and u1 <= 1 and 0 <= u2
elif compare == 'ray-ray':
return 0 <= u1 and 0 <= u2
elif compare == 'ray-segment':
return 0 <= u1 and 0 <= u2 and u2 <= 1