from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from toontown.battle import SuitBattleGlobals import random from direct.task import Task class SuitInvasionManagerAI: """ Manages invasions of Suits """ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('SuitInvasionManagerAI') def __init__(self, air): self.air = air self.invading = 0 self.cogType = None self.skeleton = 0 self.totalNumCogs = 0 self.numCogsRemaining = 0 # Set of cog types to choose from See # SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes.keys() for all choices I did not # put the highest level Cogs from each track in here to keep them # special and only found in buildings. I threw in the Flunky just # for fun. self.invadingCogTypes = ( # Corporate 'f', # Flunky 'hh', # Head Hunter 'cr', # Corporate Raider # Sales 'tf', # Two-faced 'm', # Mingler # Money 'mb', # Money Bags 'ls', # Loan shark # Legal 'sd', # Spin Doctor 'le', # Legal Eagle ) # Picked from randomly how many cogs will invade # This might need to be adjusted based on population(?) self.invadingNumList = (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000) # Minimum time between invasions on this shard (in seconds) # No more than 1 per 2 days self.invasionMinDelay = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 # Maximum time between invasions on this shard (in seconds) # At least once every 7 days self.invasionMaxDelay = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 # Kick off the first invasion self.waitForNextInvasion() def delete(self): taskMgr.remove(self.taskName("cogInvasionMgr")) def computeInvasionDelay(self): # Compute the delay until the next invasion return ((self.invasionMaxDelay - self.invasionMinDelay) * random.random() + self.invasionMinDelay) def tryInvasionAndWaitForNext(self, task): # Start the invasion if there is not one already if self.getInvading(): self.notify.warning("invasionTask: tried to start random invasion, but one is in progress") else:"invasionTask: starting random invasion") cogType = random.choice(self.invadingCogTypes) totalNumCogs = random.choice(self.invadingNumList) self.startInvasion(cogType, totalNumCogs) # In either case, fire off the next invasion self.waitForNextInvasion() return Task.done def waitForNextInvasion(self): taskMgr.remove(self.taskName("cogInvasionMgr")) delay = self.computeInvasionDelay()"invasionTask: waiting %s seconds until next invasion" % delay) taskMgr.doMethodLater(delay, self.tryInvasionAndWaitForNext, self.taskName("cogInvasionMgr")) def getInvading(self): return self.invading def getCogType(self): return self.cogType, self.isSkeleton def getNumCogsRemaining(self): return self.numCogsRemaining def getTotalNumCogs(self): return self.totalNumCogs def startInvasion(self, cogType, totalNumCogs, skeleton=0): if self.invading: self.notify.warning("startInvasion: already invading cogType: %s numCogsRemaining: %s" % (cogType, self.numCogsRemaining)) return 0 if not SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes.get(cogType): self.notify.warning("startInvasion: unknown cogType: %s" % cogType) return 0"startInvasion: cogType: %s totalNumCogs: %s skeleton: %s" % (cogType, totalNumCogs, skeleton)) self.invading = 1 self.cogType = cogType self.isSkeleton = skeleton self.totalNumCogs = totalNumCogs self.numCogsRemaining = self.totalNumCogs # Tell the news manager that an invasion is beginning self.air.newsManager.invasionBegin(self.cogType, self.totalNumCogs, self.isSkeleton) # Get rid of all the current cogs on the streets # (except those already in battle, they can stay) for suitPlanner in list(self.air.suitPlanners.values()): suitPlanner.flySuits() # Success! return 1 def getInvadingCog(self): if self.invading: self.numCogsRemaining -= 1 if self.numCogsRemaining <= 0: self.stopInvasion() self.notify.debug("getInvadingCog: returned cog: %s, num remaining: %s" % (self.cogType, self.numCogsRemaining)) return self.cogType, self.isSkeleton else: self.notify.debug("getInvadingCog: not currently invading") return None, None def stopInvasion(self):"stopInvasion: invasion is over now") # Tell the news manager that an invasion is ending self.air.newsManager.invasionEnd(self.cogType, 0, self.isSkeleton) self.invading = 0 self.cogType = None self.isSkeleton = 0 self.totalNumCogs = 0 self.numCogsRemaining = 0 # Get rid of all the current invasion cogs on the streets # (except those already in battle, they can stay) for suitPlanner in list(self.air.suitPlanners.values()): suitPlanner.flySuits() # Need this here since this is not a distributed object def taskName(self, taskString): return (taskString + "-" + str(hash(self)))