import math import time import datetime from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.interval.LerpInterval import LerpFunc from panda3d.core import Vec3 from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer from toontown.toonbase.ToontownTimer import ToontownTimer from toontown.parties import PartyGlobals notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('PartyUtils') def getNewToontownTimer(): timer = ToontownTimer() timer.hide() timer.posInTopRightCorner() timer.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.75) return timer def getPartyActivityIcon(activityIconsModel, activityName): activityIconsDict = {'PartyValentineDance': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconDanceFloorValentine', 'PartyValentineDance20': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconDanceFloorValentine', 'PartyValentineJukebox': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconJukeboxValentine', 'PartyValentineJukebox40': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconJukeboxValentine', 'PartyValentineTrampoline': 'tt_t_ara_pty_iconTrampolineValentine'} iconName = activityIconsDict.get(activityName) if iconName: icon = activityIconsModel.find('**/%s' % iconName) else: icon = activityIconsModel.find('**/%sIcon' % activityName) if icon.isEmpty(): icon = activityIconsModel.find('**/PartyClockIcon') notify.warning("Couldn't find %sIcon in %s, using PartyClockIcon" % (activityName, activityIconsModel.getName())) return icon def arcPosInterval(duration, object, pos, arcHeight, other): startPos = object.getPos() endPos = object.getParent().getRelativePoint(other, pos) startX = startPos.getX() startY = startPos.getY() startZ = startPos.getZ() dx = endPos.getX() - startPos.getX() dy = endPos.getY() - startPos.getY() dz = endPos.getZ() - startPos.getZ() def setArcPos(t): newX = startX + dx * t newY = startY + dy * t newZ = startZ + dz * t + arcHeight * (-(2.0 * t - 1.0) ** 2 + 1.0) object.setPos(newX, newY, newZ) return LerpFunc(setArcPos, duration=duration) def formatDate(year, month, day): monthString = TTLocalizer.DateOfBirthEntryMonths[month - 1] return TTLocalizer.PartyDateFormat % {'mm': monthString, 'dd': day, 'yyyy': year} def truncateTextOfLabelBasedOnWidth(directGuiObject, textToTruncate, maxWidth): text0 = directGuiObject.component('text0') tempNode = text0.textNode currentText = textToTruncate[:] scale = text0.getScale()[0] width = tempNode.calcWidth(currentText) * scale while width > maxWidth: currentText = currentText[:-1] width = tempNode.calcWidth(currentText) * scale directGuiObject['text'] = currentText if directGuiObject['text'] != textToTruncate: directGuiObject['text'] = '%s...' % directGuiObject['text'] def truncateTextOfLabelBasedOnMaxLetters(directGuiObject, textToTruncate, maxLetters): curStr = directGuiObject['text'] if maxLetters < len(curStr): curStr = curStr[:maxLetters] curStr += '...' directGuiObject['text'] = curStr def scaleTextOfGuiObjectBasedOnWidth(directGuiObject, textToScale, maxWidth): width = directGuiObject.getWidth() scale = 0.01 while width > maxWidth: directGuiObject['text_scale'] = scale directGuiObject.resetFrameSize() width = directGuiObject.getWidth() scale += 0.005 def formatTime(hour, minute): meridiemString = TTLocalizer.PartyTimeFormatMeridiemAM if hour == 0: hour = 12 elif hour > 11: meridiemString = TTLocalizer.PartyTimeFormatMeridiemPM if hour > 12: hour -= 12 return TTLocalizer.PartyTimeFormat % (hour, minute, meridiemString) SecondsInOneDay = 60 * 60 * 24 def getTimeDeltaInSeconds(td): result = td.days * SecondsInOneDay + td.seconds + td.microseconds / 1000000.0 return result def formatDateTime(dateTimeToShow, inLocalTime = False): if inLocalTime: curServerTime = ltime = time.localtime() localTime = datetime.datetime(year=ltime.tm_year, month=ltime.tm_mon, day=ltime.tm_mday, hour=ltime.tm_hour, minute=ltime.tm_min, second=ltime.tm_sec) naiveServerTime = curServerTime.replace(tzinfo=None) newTimeDelta = localTime - naiveServerTime localDifference = getTimeDeltaInSeconds(newTimeDelta) dateTimeToShow = dateTimeToShow + datetime.timedelta(seconds=localDifference) return '%s %s' % (formatDate(dateTimeToShow.year, dateTimeToShow.month,, formatTime(dateTimeToShow.hour, dateTimeToShow.minute)) else: return '%s %s' % (formatDate(dateTimeToShow.year, dateTimeToShow.month,, formatTime(dateTimeToShow.hour, dateTimeToShow.minute)) return def convertDistanceToPartyGrid(d, index): return int((d - PartyGlobals.PartyGridToPandaOffset[index]) / PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[index]) def convertDistanceFromPartyGrid(d, index): return d * PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[index] + PartyGlobals.PartyGridToPandaOffset[index] + PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[index] / 2.0 def convertDegreesToPartyGrid(h): while h < 0.0: h = h + 360.0 h = h % 360.0 return int(h / PartyGlobals.PartyGridHeadingConverter) def convertDegreesFromPartyGrid(h): return h * PartyGlobals.PartyGridHeadingConverter def getCenterPosFromGridSize(x, y, gridsize): if gridsize[0] % 2 == 0: xMod = PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[0] / 2.0 else: xMod = 0 if gridsize[1] % 2 == 0: yMod = PartyGlobals.PartyGridUnitLength[1] / 2.0 else: yMod = 0 return (x + xMod, y + yMod) def toRadians(angle): return angle * math.pi / 180.0 def toDegrees(angle): return angle * 180.0 / math.pi def calcVelocity(rotation, angle, initialVelocity = 1.0): horizVel = initialVelocity * math.cos(angle) xVel = horizVel * -math.sin(rotation) yVel = horizVel * math.cos(rotation) zVel = initialVelocity * math.sin(angle) return Vec3(xVel, yVel, zVel) class LineSegment: def __init__(self, pt1, pt2): self.pt1 = pt1 self.pt2 = pt2 def isIntersecting(self, line, compare = None): x1 = self.pt1.getX() x2 = self.pt2.getX() x3 = line.pt1.getX() x4 = line.pt2.getX() y1 = self.pt1.getY() y2 = self.pt2.getY() y3 = line.pt1.getY() y4 = line.pt2.getY() top1 = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3) top2 = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3) bot = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1) if bot == 0.0: return False u1 = top1 / bot u2 = top2 / bot if compare is None: return 0 <= u1 and u1 <= 1 and 0 <= u2 and u2 <= 1 elif compare == 'segment-ray': return 0 <= u1 and u1 <= 1 and 0 <= u2 elif compare == 'ray-ray': return 0 <= u1 and 0 <= u2 elif compare == 'ray-segment': return 0 <= u1 and 0 <= u2 and u2 <= 1 return