from pandac.PandaModules import * from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from direct.particles import ParticleEffect from StomperGlobals import * from direct.distributed import ClockDelta from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import lerp import math from otp.level import DistributedEntity from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from pandac.PandaModules import NodePath from otp.level import BasicEntities from direct.task import Task from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals from toontown.coghq import BattleBlocker from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import * from import BuildGeometry from direct.gui.DirectGui import * import random from direct.showbase import RandomNumGen import GameSprite3D from math import pi import math import random import cPickle from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete from toontown.toon import ToonHeadFrame from toontown.battle import BattleParticles from toontown.battle import MovieUtil import time from toontown.toonbase import ToontownTimer class DistributedGolfGreenGame(BattleBlocker.BattleBlocker): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedGolfGreenGame') def __init__(self, cr): BattleBlocker.BattleBlocker.__init__(self, cr) self.blankColor = Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.fullColor = Vec4(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0) self.neighborColor = Vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) self.outColor = Vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.blackColor = Vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.acceptErrorDialog = None self.doneEvent = 'game Done' self.sprites = [] self.controlSprite = None self.standbySprite = None self.setupFlag = 0 self.colorGridFlag = 0 self.boardIndex = None self.board = None self.attackPattern = None self.tooLowFlag = 0 self.toonPoints = (Point3(3.0, 13.0, 0.0), Point3(6.0, 13.0, 0.0), Point3(-3.0, 13.0, 0.0), Point3(-6.0, 13.0, 0.0)) self.joinedToons = [] self.everJoinedToons = [] self.flagNextLevel = 0 self.wildIndex = 8 self.bombIndex = 7 self.sizeMult = 1.4 self.cellSizeX = 1.0 * self.sizeMult self.cellSizeZ = self.cellSizeX * 0.8 self.radiusBall = 0.5 * self.cellSizeX self.gridDimX = 9 self.gridDimZ = 15 self.minX = -1.0 * (self.gridDimX + 0.3751) * 0.5 * self.cellSizeX self.minZ = -self.gridDimZ * 0.1 * self.cellSizeZ self.newBallX = 0.0 self.newBallZ = self.minZ + 0.1 * self.sizeMult self.rangeX = (self.gridDimX + 0.5) * self.cellSizeX self.rangeZ = self.gridDimZ * self.cellSizeZ self.maxX = self.minX + self.rangeX self.maxZ = self.minZ + self.rangeZ self.sizeX = self.rangeX self.sizeZ = self.rangeZ self.isActive = 0 self.boardsLeft = 0 self.timeLeft = 0 self.timeStart = None self.timeTotal = None self.timerTask = None self.timerTaskName = 'golfgreengame timer task' self.giftId = None self.holdGiftId = None self.rollTrack = None self.zGap = 0.092 self.screenSizeX = base.a2dRight - base.a2dLeft self.screenSizeZ = base.a2dTop - base.a2dBottom self.XtoZ = self.screenSizeX / (self.screenSizeZ * (1.0 - self.zGap * 1.0)) self.countTimeOld = None self.countDownRunning = 0 self.timer = None self.hasEntered = 0 self.trackClosed = 0 self.running = 0 self.finished = 0 self.__toonTracks = {} return def disable(self): self.unload() self.clearToonTracks() BattleBlocker.BattleBlocker.disable(self) def updateSpritePos(self): if self.spriteNode.isEmpty(): return self.spriteNode.setZ(-self.spriteNotchPos * self.cellSizeZ) if self.controlSprite: if not self.controlSprite.isActive: pass self.colorGridFlag = 1 def lerpSpritePos(self): if self.spriteNode.isEmpty(): return x = self.spriteNode.getX() y = self.spriteNode.getY() self.rollTrack = Sequence(LerpPosInterval(self.spriteNode, 0.5, Point3(x, y, -self.spriteNotchPos * self.cellSizeZ))) if self.controlSprite: if not self.controlSprite.isActive: pass self.colorGridFlag = 1 self.rollTrack.start() if self.soundMove: messenger.send('wakeup') def findLowestSprite(self): lowest = 100 for sprite in self.sprites: if sprite.gridPosZ: if sprite.gridPosZ < lowest: lowest = sprite.gridPosZ return lowest def setup(self): if not self.setupFlag: self.setupFlag = 1 else: return self.updateSpritePos() self.spriteNode.setY(self.radiusBall) thing = self.model.find('**/item_board') self.block = self.model1.find('**/minnieCircle') self.colorRed = (1, 0, 0, 1) self.colorBlue = (0, 0, 1, 1) self.colorGreen = (0, 1, 0, 1) self.colorGhostRed = (1, 0, 0, 0.5) self.colorGhostBlue = (0, 0, 1, 0.5) self.colorGhostGreen = (0, 1, 0, 0.5) self.colorWhite = (1, 1, 1, 1) self.colorBlack = (0, 0, 0, 1.0) self.colorShadow = (0, 0, 0, 0.5) self.lastTime = None self.running = 0 self.massCount = 0 self.foundCount = 0 self.controlOffsetX = 0.0 self.controlOffsetZ = 0.0 self.grid = [] for countX in range(0, self.gridDimX): newRow = [] for countZ in range(self.gridDimZ): offset = 0 margin = self.cellSizeX * 0.4375 if countZ % 2 == 0: offset = self.cellSizeX * 0.5 newCell = [None, countX * self.cellSizeX + self.minX + offset + margin, countZ * self.cellSizeZ + self.minZ, countX, countZ, None] groundCircle = loader.loadModel('phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/bust_a_cog_hole') groundCircle.reparentTo(self.spriteNode) if groundCircle == None: import pdb pdb.set_trace() groundCircle.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) groundCircle.setPos(newCell[1], -self.radiusBall, newCell[2]) groundCircle.setScale(1.2) groundCircle.setR(90) groundCircle.setH(-90) newCell[5] = groundCircle newCell[5].setColorScale(self.blankColor) newRow.append(newCell) self.grid.append(newRow) self.cogSprite = self.addUnSprite(self.block, posX=0.25, posZ=0.5) self.cogSprite.setColor(self.colorShadow) self.cogSprite.nodeObj.hide() self.standbySprite = self.addUnSprite(self.block, posX=0.0, posZ=-3.0) self.standbySprite.setColor(self.colorShadow) self.standbySprite.spriteBase.reparentTo(self.frame) self.standbySprite.spriteBase.setY(self.radiusBall) self.standbySprite.nodeObj.hide() self.boardData = [((1, 0, 0), (4, 0, 1), (6, 0, 2), (1, 1, 0)), ((1, 0, 1), (4, 0, 1), (6, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1)), ((1, 0, 2), (4, 0, 2), (6, 0, 2), (1, 1, 2))] self.attackPatterns = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2), (0, 1, 0, 2)] self.winCounter = 0 self.matchList = [] self.newBallTime = 5.0 self.newBallCountUp = 0.0 self.cogX = 0 self.cogZ = 0 self.aimRadian = 0.0 self.ballLoaded = 0.0 self.countTime = 10 self.countDown = self.countTime return def printGrid(self): printout = ' ' for columnIndex in range(self.gridDimX - 1, -1, -1): if columnIndex < 10: printout += '%s ' % columnIndex else: printout += '%s ' % columnIndex print printout for rowIndex in range(self.gridDimZ - 1, -1, -1): if rowIndex < 10: printout = 'row %s ' % rowIndex else: printout = 'row %s ' % rowIndex for columnIndex in range(self.gridDimX - 1, -1, -1): hasSprite = '_' if self.grid[columnIndex][rowIndex][0]: hasSprite = 'X' if rowIndex < 10: printout += '%s ' % hasSprite else: printout += '%s ' % hasSprite print printout count = 0 for sprite in self.sprites: print 'count %s X %s Z %s Color %s' % (count, sprite.gridPosX, sprite.gridPosZ, sprite.colorType) count += 1 def pickLevelPattern(self): self.boardIndex = random.choice(range(0, len(self.boardData))) self.board = self.boardData[self.boardIndex] self.attackPattern = self.attackPatterns[self.boardIndex] self.attackCounter = 0 self.spriteNotchPos = 0 for ball in self.board: newSprite = self.addSprite(self.block, found=1, color=ball[2]) self.placeIntoGrid(newSprite, ball[0], self.gridDimZ - 1 - ball[1]) self.colorGridFlag = 1 self.updateSpritePos() def load(self): BattleParticles.loadParticles() model = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/gui/package_delivery_panel') model1 = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/gui/matching_game_gui') self.invModel = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/gui/inventory_icons') self.model = model self.model1 = model1 self.soundFire = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_6/audio/sfx/Golf_Hit_Ball.mp3') self.soundLand = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_maze_pickup.mp3') self.soundBurst = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_5/audio/sfx/Toon_bodyfall_synergy.mp3') self.soundBomb = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_cannon_fire_alt.mp3') self.soundLose = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_11/audio/sfx/LB_capacitor_discharge_3.mp3') self.soundWin = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_pairing_match_bonus_both.mp3') self.soundDone = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_3/audio/sfx/GUI_create_toon_back.mp3') self.soundMove = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/sfx/SA_shred.mp3') background = model.find('**/bg') itemBoard = model.find('**/item_board') self.focusPoint = self.baseNode.attachNewNode('GolfGreenGameFrame') self.frame2D = DirectFrame(scale=1.1, relief=DGG.FLAT, frameSize=(-0.1, 0.1, -0.1, -0.1), frameColor=(0.737, 0.573, 0.345, 0.3)) gui2 = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/quit_button') self.quitButton = DirectButton(parent=self.frame2D, relief=None, image=(gui2.find('**/QuitBtn_UP'), gui2.find('**/QuitBtn_DN'), gui2.find('**/QuitBtn_RLVR')), pos=(0.95, 1.3, -0.69), image_scale=(0.9, 1.0, 1.0), text=TTLocalizer.BustACogExit, text_font=ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(), text0_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text0_shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), text1_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text2_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text_scale=TTLocalizer.DGGGquitButton, text_pos=(0, -0.01), command=self.__leaveGame) self.quitButton.hide() self.instructions = DirectFrame(parent=self.frame2D, relief=None, image=DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(), image_color=ToontownGlobals.GlobalDialogColor, image_scale=(1.2, 1.0, 1.0), text=TTLocalizer.GolfGreenGameDirections, text_font=ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(), text_align=TextNode.ALeft, text_wordwrap=16, text_scale=0.06, text_pos=(-0.5, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0, -0.0)) self.instructions.hide() imageCogBall = loader.loadModel('phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/bust_a_cog_ball_cog') imageCogBall.setHpr(0, 90, 0) self.instCogBall = DirectFrame(parent=self.instructions, relief=None, image=imageCogBall, image_color=ToontownGlobals.GlobalDialogColor, image_scale=(0.12, 0.12, 0.12), pos=(0.0, 0, -0.2)) buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui') cancelImageList = (buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_UP'), buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_DN'), buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_Rllvr')) self.doneButton = DirectButton(parent=self.instructions, relief=None, image=cancelImageList, command=self.instructions.hide, pos=(0, 0, -0.4)) self.howToButton = DirectButton(parent=self.frame2D, relief=None, image=(gui2.find('**/QuitBtn_UP'), gui2.find('**/QuitBtn_DN'), gui2.find('**/QuitBtn_RLVR')), pos=(0.95, 1.3, -0.82), image_scale=(0.9, 1.0, 1.0), text=TTLocalizer.BustACogHowto, text_font=ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(), text0_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text0_shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), text1_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text2_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text_scale=TTLocalizer.DGGGhowToButton, text_pos=(0, -0.01), self.howToButton.hide() self.timerLabel = DirectLabel(parent=self.frame2D, relief=None, image=gui2.find('**/QuitBtn_UP'), pos=(0.9, 1.3, -0.42), image_scale=(0.5, 1.0, 1.0), text='Timer', text_font=ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(), text0_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text_scale=0.045, text_pos=(0, -0.01)) self.timerLabel.hide() self.headPanel = loader.loadModel('phase_6/models/golf/headPanel') self.scoreBoard = DirectFrame(scale=1.0, pos=(0.0, 0, 0.9), relief=DGG.FLAT, parent=aspect2d, frameSize=(-0.35, 0.35, -0.05, 0.05), frameColor=(0.737, 0.573, 0.345, 0.3)) self.scoreLabel = DirectLabel(parent=self.scoreBoard, relief=None, pos=(0, 0, 0), scale=1.0, text='', text_font=ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(), text0_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text0_shadow=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1), text_scale=TTLocalizer.DGGGscoreLabel, text_pos=(0, -0.02)) self.scoreBoard.hide() self.bonusBoard = DirectFrame(parent=self.frame2D, relief=None, image_pos=(0, 0, 0.0), image_scale=(0.4, 1, 0.4), image_color=(1, 1, 1, 1), pos=(0.0, 1.5, 0.67), scale=1.0, text='You gotsa bonus fool!', text_font=ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(), text0_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), text0_shadow=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1), text_scale=0.055, text_pos=(0, -0.1), textMayChange=1) self.bonusBoard.hide() self.backBoard = loader.loadModel('phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/bust_a_cog_background') self.backBoard.setCollideMask(BitMask32.allOff()) self.backBoard.reparentTo(self.frame) self.backBoard.setScale(0.3, 0.2, 0.25) self.backBoard.setHpr(0, -90, 0) self.backBoard.setPos(0, -1.5, 8.0) self.backBoard.hide() = self.backBoard self.aimbase = loader.loadModel('phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/bust_a_cog_shooter') self.aimbase.setHpr(90, 0, 90) self.aimbase.setScale(0.3, 0.3, 0.15) self.aimbase.reparentTo(self.frame) self.aimbase.setPos(0.0, 0.0, self.minZ + 0.1) self.aimer = self.aimbase.attachNewNode('GolfGreenGameBase') aimer = self.aimbase.find('**/moving*') aimer.reparentTo(self.aimer) aimer.setPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) = aimer self.aimbase.hide() self.toonPanels = {} return def addToonHeadPanel(self, toon): tPanels = ToonHeadFrame.ToonHeadFrame(toon, (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6), self.headPanel) tPanels.extraData['text_fg'] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) tPanels.extraData['text_shadow'] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) tPanels.setScale(0.3, 1, 0.7) tPanels.head.setPos(0, 10, 0.18) tPanels.head.setScale(0.47, 0.2, 0.2) tPanels.tag1.setPos(0.3, 10, 0.18) tPanels.tag1.setScale(0.1283, 0.055, 0.055) tPanels.tag2.setPos(0, 10, 0.43) tPanels.tag2.setScale(0.117, 0.05, 0.05) tPanels.hide() self.toonPanels[toon.doId] = tPanels self.arrangeToonHeadPanels() def removeToonHeadPanel(self, avId): if self.toonPanels.has_key(avId): self.toonPanels[avId].destroy() del self.toonPanels[avId] self.arrangeToonHeadPanels() def arrangeToonHeadPanels(self): toonPanelsStart = 0.0 whichToon = 0 color = 0 tpDiff = -0.45 for panelKey in self.toonPanels: panel = self.toonPanels[panelKey] if self.isActive: else: panel.hide() if whichToon <= 1: panel.setPos(-1, 0, toonPanelsStart + whichToon * tpDiff) else: panel.setPos(1, 0, toonPanelsStart + (whichToon - 2) * tpDiff) whichToon += 1 def unload(self): self.cleanupTimer() for panelKey in self.toonPanels: self.toonPanels[panelKey].destroy() self.headPanel.remove() self.toonPanels = None self.soundFire = None self.soundLand = None self.soundBurst = None self.soundBomb = None self.soundLose = None self.soundWin = None self.soundDone = None self.soundMove = None self.scoreBoard.destroy() self.instructions.destroy() self.frame2D.destroy() self.baseNode.removeNode() del self.baseNode if self.acceptErrorDialog: self.acceptErrorDialog.cleanup() self.acceptErrorDialog = None self.stopCountDown() self.__stop() self.ignoreAll() return def show(self): def hide(self): self.frame.hide() def __handleExit(self): self.__acceptExit() def __startGame(self): if not self.setupFlag: self.setup() self.groundFlag.hide() self.isActive = 1 self.__setCamera() base.setCellsAvailable([base.bottomCells[1], base.bottomCells[2], base.bottomCells[3]], 0) self.setupFlag = 1 def startBoard(self, board, attackPattern): if self.finished: return self.clearGrid() self.board = board self.attackPattern = attackPattern self.attackCounter = 0 self.spriteNotchPos = 0 self.countDown = self.countTime self.tooLowFlag = 0 for ball in self.board: newSprite = self.addSprite(self.block, found=1, color=ball[2]) self.placeIntoGrid(newSprite, ball[0], self.gridDimZ - 1 - ball[1]) self.colorGridFlag = 1 self.tooLowFlag = 0 self.startCountDown() self.updateSpritePos() self.killSprite(self.controlSprite) self.accept('mouse1', self.__handleMouseClick) self.__run() def startCountDown(self): if self.countDownRunning == 0: taskMgr.add(self.doCountDown, 'GolfGreenGame countdown') self.countDownRunning = 1 def stopCountDown(self): taskMgr.remove('GolfGreenGame countdown') self.countDownRunning = 0 self.countTimeOld = None return def doCountDown(self, task): currentTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() if self.countTimeOld == None: self.countTimeOld = currentTime if currentTime - self.countTimeOld < 1.0: return task.cont else: self.countTimeOld = currentTime self.countDown -= 1 if self.countDown in [3, 2, 1]: for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.warningBump() elif self.countDown == 0: self.countDown = self.countTime self.spriteNotchPos += 1 self.lerpSpritePos() self.checkForTooLow() self.timerLabel['text'] = '%s' % self.countDown return task.cont return def checkForTooLow(self): low = self.findLowestSprite() if low <= self.spriteNotchPos: self.doFail() def doFail(self): self.tooLowFlag = 1 taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.failBoard, 'finishing Failure') for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.setColorType(4) self.__stop() self.ignore('mouse1') def failBoard(self, task = None): self.__finishBoard(0) def __handleWin(self): self.__handleExit() def __finishBoard(self, success = 1): if self.rollTrack: self.rollTrack.finish() self.countDown = self.countTime if success: if self.soundWin: elif self.soundLose: self.giftId = None self.attackPattern = None self.stopCountDown() self.clearGrid() self.spriteNotchPos = 0 self.updateSpritePos() self.__stop() self.ignore('mouse1') if not self.tooLowFlag or 1: self.sendUpdate('requestBoard', [success]) return def __acceptExit(self, buttonValue = None): import pdb pdb.set_trace() if hasattr(self, 'frame'): self.hide() self.unload() messenger.send(self.doneEvent) camera.reparentTo(base.localAvatar) base.localAvatar.startUpdateSmartCamera() def __removeGame(self): self.spriteNode.remove() self.setupFlag = 0 def __leaveGame(self): taskMgr.remove('GolfGreenGameTask') self.stopCountDown() taskMgr.remove(self.timerTaskName) self.ignore('mouse1') camera.reparentTo(base.localAvatar) base.localAvatar.startUpdateSmartCamera()'walk') for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.delete() self.sprites = [] self.spriteNode.hide() self.controlSprite = None self.running = 0 self.timerLabel.hide() self.quitButton.hide() self.howToButton.hide() self.backBoard.hide() self.aimbase.hide() self.squareNode.hide() self.instructions.hide() self.isActive = 0 if self.standbySprite: self.standbySprite.nodeObj.hide() base.setCellsAvailable([base.bottomCells[1], base.bottomCells[2], base.bottomCells[3]], 1) self.sendUpdate('leaveGame', []) return def findGrid(self, x, z, force = 0): currentClosest = None currentDist = 10000000 for countX in range(self.gridDimX): for countZ in range(self.gridDimZ): testDist = self.testPointDistanceSquare(x, z, self.grid[countX][countZ][1], self.grid[countX][countZ][2]) if self.grid[countX][countZ][0] == None and testDist < currentDist and (force or self.hasNeighbor(countX, countZ) != None): currentClosest = self.grid[countX][countZ] self.closestX = countX self.closestZ = countZ currentDist = testDist return currentClosest def hasNeighbor(self, cellX, cellZ): gotNeighbor = None if cellZ % 2 == 0: if self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX - 1, cellZ)): gotNeighbor = cellZ elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX + 1, cellZ)): gotNeighbor = cellZ elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX, cellZ + 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX + 1, cellZ + 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX, cellZ - 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX + 1, cellZ - 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX - 1, cellZ)): gotNeighbor = cellZ elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX + 1, cellZ)): gotNeighbor = cellZ elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX, cellZ + 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX - 1, cellZ + 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX, cellZ - 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 elif self.testGridfull(self.getValidGrid(cellX - 1, cellZ - 1)): gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 return gotNeighbor def clearFloaters(self): self.grounded = [] self.unknown = [] groundZ = self.gridDimZ - 1 for indexX in range(0, self.gridDimX): gridCell = self.grid[indexX][groundZ] if gridCell[0]: self.grounded.append((indexX, groundZ)) for column in self.grid: for cell in column: if cell[0] != None: cellData = (cell[3], cell[4]) if cellData not in self.grounded: self.unknown.append(cellData) lastUnknownCount = 0 while len(self.unknown) != lastUnknownCount: lastUnknownCount = len(self.unknown) for cell in self.unknown: if self.hasGroundedNeighbor(cell[0], cell[1]): self.unknown.remove(cell) self.grounded.append(cell) for entry in self.unknown: gridEntry = self.grid[entry[0]][entry[1]] sprite = gridEntry[0] self.killSprite(sprite) return def explodeBombs(self): didBomb = 0 for column in self.grid: for cell in column: if cell[0] != None: if cell[0].colorType == self.bombIndex: self.killSprite(cell[0]) didBomb += 1 if didBomb: return def hasGroundedNeighbor(self, cellX, cellZ): gotNeighbor = None if cellZ % 2 == 0: if (cellX - 1, cellZ) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ elif (cellX + 1, cellZ) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ elif (cellX, cellZ + 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif (cellX + 1, cellZ + 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif (cellX, cellZ - 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 elif (cellX + 1, cellZ - 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 elif (cellX - 1, cellZ) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ elif (cellX + 1, cellZ) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ elif (cellX, cellZ + 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif (cellX - 1, cellZ + 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ + 1 elif (cellX, cellZ - 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 elif (cellX - 1, cellZ - 1) in self.grounded: gotNeighbor = cellZ - 1 return gotNeighbor def clearMatchList(self, typeClear = 0): for entry in self.matchList: gridEntry = self.grid[entry[0]][entry[1]] sprite = gridEntry[0] if typeClear == self.wildIndex: self.questionSprite(sprite) elif typeClear == 0: pass self.killSprite(sprite) def shakeList(self, neighbors): for entry in neighbors: gridEntry = self.grid[entry[0]][entry[1]] sprite = gridEntry[0] self.shakeSprite(sprite) def createMatchList(self, x, z): self.matchList = [] self.fillMatchList(x, z) def matchWild(self, x, z, color): spriteType = self.getColorType(x, z) if not self.getBreakable(x, z): return 0 elif spriteType != -1 and spriteType == self.wildIndex: return 1 elif spriteType != -1 and color == self.wildIndex: return 1 else: return 0 def bombNeighbors(self, cellX, cellZ): self.matchList = [] if cellZ % 2 == 0: if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ + 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ + 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ - 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX, cellZ - 1) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ - 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ - 1) else: if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ + 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ + 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ - 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX, cellZ - 1) if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ - 1) != -1: self.addToMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ - 1) def addToMatchList(self, posX, posZ): if self.getBreakable(posX, posZ) > 0: self.matchList.append((posX, posZ)) def getNeighbors(self, cellX, cellZ): neighborList = [] if cellZ % 2 == 0: if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX - 1, cellZ)) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX + 1, cellZ)) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ + 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX, cellZ + 1)) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ + 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX + 1, cellZ + 1)) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ - 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX, cellZ - 1)) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ - 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX + 1, cellZ - 1)) else: if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX - 1, cellZ)) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX + 1, cellZ)) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ + 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX, cellZ + 1)) if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ + 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX - 1, cellZ + 1)) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ - 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX, cellZ - 1)) if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ - 1) != -1: neighborList.append((cellX - 1, cellZ - 1)) return neighborList def fillMatchList(self, cellX, cellZ): if (cellX, cellZ) in self.matchList: return self.matchList.append((cellX, cellZ)) colorType = self.grid[cellX][cellZ][0].colorType if colorType == 4: return if cellZ % 2 == 0: if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX - 1, cellZ, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX + 1, cellZ, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ + 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX, cellZ + 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ + 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX + 1, cellZ + 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ - 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX, cellZ - 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX, cellZ - 1) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ - 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX + 1, cellZ - 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ - 1) else: if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX - 1, cellZ, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX + 1, cellZ) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX + 1, cellZ, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX + 1, cellZ) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ + 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX, cellZ + 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ + 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX - 1, cellZ + 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ + 1) if self.getColorType(cellX, cellZ - 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX, cellZ - 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX, cellZ - 1) if self.getColorType(cellX - 1, cellZ - 1) == colorType or self.matchWild(cellX - 1, cellZ - 1, colorType): self.fillMatchList(cellX - 1, cellZ - 1) def testGridfull(self, cell): if not cell: return 0 elif cell[0] != None: return 1 else: return 0 return def getValidGrid(self, x, z): if x < 0 or x >= self.gridDimX: return None elif z < 0 or z >= self.gridDimZ: return None else: return self.grid[x][z] return None def getColorType(self, x, z): if x < 0 or x >= self.gridDimX: return -1 elif z < 0 or z >= self.gridDimZ: return -1 elif self.grid[x][z][0] == None: return -1 else: return self.grid[x][z][0].colorType return def getBreakable(self, x, z): if x < 0 or x >= self.gridDimX: return -1 elif z < 0 or z >= self.gridDimZ: return -1 elif self.grid[x][z][0] == None: return -1 else: return self.grid[x][z][0].breakable return def findGridCog(self): self.cogX = 0 self.cogZ = 0 self.massCount = 0 for row in self.grid: for cell in row: if cell[0] != None: self.cogX += cell[1] self.cogZ += cell[2] self.massCount += 1 if self.massCount > 0: self.cogX = self.cogX / self.massCount self.cogZ = self.cogZ / self.massCount self.cogSprite.setX(self.cogX) self.cogSprite.setZ(self.cogZ) return def doOnClearGrid(self): self.winCounter += 1 self.clearGrid() self.flagNextLevel = 1 if self.winCounter > 4: self.__handleWin() def clearGrid(self): for row in self.grid: for cell in row: if cell[0] != None: self.killSprite(cell[0]) cell[5].setColorScale(self.blankColor) self.killSprite(self.controlSprite) return def killSprite(self, sprite): if sprite == None: return if sprite.giftId != None: self.giftId = sprite.giftId if self.foundCount -= 1 if self.controlSprite == sprite: self.controlSprite = None if sprite in self.sprites: self.sprites.remove(sprite) if sprite.gridPosX != None: self.grid[sprite.gridPosX][sprite.gridPosZ][0] = None self.grid[sprite.gridPosX][sprite.gridPosZ][5].setColorScale(self.blankColor) sprite.deathEffect() sprite.delete() self.hasChanged = 1 return def shakeSprite(self, sprite): if sprite == None: return sprite.shake() return def questionSprite(self, sprite): newSprite = self.addSprite(self.block, found=0, color=1) newSprite.setX(sprite.getX()) newSprite.setZ(sprite.getZ()) newSprite.wildEffect() def colorGrid(self): for row in self.grid: for cell in row: if cell[0] != None: if cell[0].colorType == 3: cell[5].setColorScale(self.blackColor) else: cell[5].setColorScale(self.fullColor) elif cell[4] <= self.spriteNotchPos: cell[5].setColorScale(self.outColor) elif self.hasNeighbor(cell[3], cell[4]): cell[5].setColorScale(self.neighborColor) else: cell[5].setColorScale(self.blankColor) return def findPos(self, x, z): return (self.grid[x][z][1], self.grid[x][z][2]) def placeIntoGrid(self, sprite, x, z): if self.grid[x][z][0] == None: self.grid[x][z][0] = sprite sprite.gridPosX = x sprite.gridPosZ = z sprite.setActive(0) newX, newZ = self.findPos(x, z) sprite.setX(newX) sprite.setZ(newZ) if sprite == self.controlSprite: self.controlSprite = None self.colorGridFlag = 1 self.hasChanged = 1 self.findGridCog() self.checkForTooLow() else: self.placeIntoGrid(sprite, x + 1, z - 1) return def stickInGrid(self, sprite, force = 0): if sprite.isActive: gridCell = self.findGrid(sprite.getX(), sprite.getZ(), force) if gridCell: colorType = sprite.colorType sprite.setActive(0) self.placeIntoGrid(sprite, gridCell[3], gridCell[4]) if colorType == self.bombIndex: kapow = MovieUtil.createKapowExplosionTrack(render, sprite.nodeObj.getPos(render)) kapow.start() self.bombNeighbors(self.closestX, self.closestZ) allNeighbors = [] for entry in self.matchList: neighbors = self.getNeighbors(entry[0], entry[1]) for neighbor in neighbors: if neighbor not in allNeighbors and neighbor not in self.matchList: allNeighbors.append(neighbor) self.shakeList(allNeighbors) self.clearMatchList() else: self.createMatchList(self.closestX, self.closestZ) if len(self.matchList) >= 3: clearType = 0 self.clearMatchList(colorType) else: neighbors = self.getNeighbors(self.closestX, self.closestZ) self.shakeList(neighbors) def addSprite(self, image, size = 3.0, posX = 0, posZ = 0, found = 0, color = None): spriteBase = self.spriteNode.attachNewNode('sprite base') size = self.radiusBall * 2.0 facing = 1 if color == None: colorChoice = random.choice(range(0, 3)) else: colorChoice = color newSprite = GameSprite3D.GameSprite(spriteBase, size, colorChoice, found, facing) newSprite.setX(posX) newSprite.setZ(posZ) self.sprites.append(newSprite) if found: self.foundCount += 1 return newSprite def addControlSprite(self, x = 0.0, z = 0.0, color = None): newSprite = self.addSprite(self.block, posX=x, posZ=z, color=color, found=1) newSprite.spriteBase.reparentTo(self.frame) newSprite.spriteBase.setPos(0.0, 0.7, -1.54) self.controlSprite = newSprite def addUnSprite(self, image, size = 3.0, posX = 0, posZ = 0): size = self.radiusBall * 2.0 spriteBase = self.spriteNode.attachNewNode('sprite base') newSprite = GameSprite3D.GameSprite(spriteBase, size) newSprite.setX(posX) newSprite.setZ(posZ) return newSprite def __handleMouseClick(self): if self.ballLoaded == 2: pass if self.ballLoaded and self.controlSprite: self.controlSprite.spriteBase.wrtReparentTo(self.spriteNode) self.controlSprite.setAccel(14.0, pi * 0.0 - self.aimRadian) self.controlSprite.setActive(1) self.ballLoaded = 0 def __run(self, cont = 1): if cont and not self.running: taskMgr.add(self.__run, 'GolfGreenGameTask') self.running = 1 if self.lastTime == None: self.lastTime = globalClock.getRealTime() timeDelta = globalClock.getRealTime() - self.lastTime self.lastTime = globalClock.getRealTime() self.newBallCountUp += timeDelta if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse(): inputX = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouseX() inputZ = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouseY() outputZ = inputZ + self.screenSizeZ * (0.5 - self.zGap) if outputZ <= 0.0: outputZ = 0.0001 if inputX > 0.0: self.aimRadian = -1.0 * pi + math.atan(outputZ / (inputX * self.XtoZ)) elif inputX < 0.0: self.aimRadian = math.atan(outputZ / (inputX * self.XtoZ)) else: self.aimRadian = pi * -0.5 margin = 0.2 if self.aimRadian >= -margin: self.aimRadian = -margin elif self.aimRadian <= margin - pi: self.aimRadian = margin - pi degrees = self.__toDegrees(self.aimRadian) self.aimer.setH(degrees) self.wallMaxX = self.maxX - self.radiusBall self.wallMinX = self.minX + self.radiusBall self.wallMaxZ = self.maxZ - self.radiusBall self.wallMinZ = self.minZ + self.radiusBall if self.controlSprite and self.controlSprite.nodeObj.isEmpty(): self.controlSprite = None if self.giftId: self.ballLoaded = 2 self.updateSpritePos() self.standbySprite.holdType = self.giftId self.standbySprite.setBallType(self.giftId, 1) self.standbySprite.face() self.giftId = None while self.controlSprite == None and self.attackPattern: if self.attackCounter > len(self.attackPattern) - 1: self.attackCounter = 0 print 'Pattern %s Place %s Type %s' % (self.attackPattern, self.attackCounter, self.attackPattern[self.attackCounter]) if self.standbySprite.holdType != None: color = self.standbySprite.holdType sprite = self.addControlSprite(self.newBallX, self.newBallZ + self.spriteNotchPos * self.cellSizeZ, color) self.ballLoaded = 1 self.updateSpritePos() newColor = self.predictAttackPattern(0) self.standbySprite.holdType = newColor self.standbySprite.setBallType(newColor, 1) self.standbySprite.face() self.attackCounter += 1 self.standbySprite.runColor() for sprite in self.sprites: if sprite.deleteFlag: self.sprites.remove(sprite) else: if sprite.getX() > self.wallMaxX: sprite.setX(self.wallMaxX) sprite.reflectX() if sprite.getX() < self.wallMinX: sprite.setX(self.wallMinX) sprite.reflectX() if sprite.getZ() > self.wallMaxZ: self.stickInGrid(sprite, 1) if sprite.getZ() < self.wallMinZ: pass self.__colTest() if self.hasChanged and self.running: self.clearFloaters() self.explodeBombs() self.findGridCog() spriteCount = 0 whiteCount = 0 for row in self.grid: for cell in row: if cell[0] != None: self.cogX += cell[1] self.cogZ += cell[2] spriteCount += 1 if cell[0].colorType == 3: whiteCount += 1 if whiteCount == 0: self.__finishBoard() self.flagNextLevel = 0 self.killSprite(self.controlSprite) self.standbySprite.holdType = None self.colorGridFlag = 1 self.hasChanged = 0 if self.colorGridFlag: self.colorGridFlag = 0 self.colorGrid() return Task.cont def predictAttackPattern(self, numSteps = 1): predict = self.attackCounter + numSteps predict = predict % len(self.attackPattern) return self.attackPattern[predict] def __stop(self): taskMgr.remove('GolfGreenGameTask') self.running = 0 def __testWin(self): gridCount = 0 for column in self.grid: for cell in column: if cell[0]: gridCount += 1 if gridCount == 0: self.__handleWin() def __toRadians(self, angle): return angle * 2.0 * math.pi / 360.0 def __toDegrees(self, angle): return angle * 360.0 / (2.0 * math.pi) def __colTest(self): if not hasattr(self, 'tick'): self.tick = 0 self.tick += 1 if self.tick > 5: self.tick = 0 sizeSprites = len(self.sprites) for movingSpriteIndex in range(len(self.sprites)): for testSpriteIndex in range(movingSpriteIndex, len(self.sprites)): movingSprite = self.getSprite(movingSpriteIndex) testSprite = self.getSprite(testSpriteIndex) if testSprite and movingSprite: if movingSpriteIndex != testSpriteIndex and (movingSprite.isActive or testSprite.isActive): if self.testDistance(movingSprite.spriteBase, testSprite.spriteBase) < self.radiusBall * 1.65: if not (movingSprite.isActive and testSprite.isActive): if movingSprite.canCollide and testSprite.canCollide: self.__collide(movingSprite, testSprite) if self.tick == 5: pass def getSprite(self, spriteIndex): if spriteIndex >= len(self.sprites) or self.sprites[spriteIndex].markedForDeath: return None else: return self.sprites[spriteIndex] return None def testDistance(self, nodeA, nodeB): if nodeA.isEmpty() or nodeB.isEmpty(): return 10000 distX = nodeA.getX() - nodeB.getX() distZ = nodeA.getZ() - nodeB.getZ() distC = distX * distX + distZ * distZ dist = math.sqrt(distC) return dist def testPointDistance(self, x1, z1, x2, z2): distX = x1 - x2 distZ = z1 - z2 distC = distX * distX + distZ * distZ dist = math.sqrt(distC) if dist == 0: dist = 1e-10 return dist def testPointDistanceSquare(self, x1, z1, x2, z2): distX = x1 - x2 distZ = z1 - z2 distC = distX * distX + distZ * distZ if distC == 0: distC = 1e-10 return distC def angleTwoSprites(self, sprite1, sprite2): x1 = sprite1.getX() z1 = sprite1.getZ() x2 = sprite2.getX() z2 = sprite2.getZ() x = x2 - x1 z = z2 - z1 angle = math.atan2(-x, z) return angle + pi * 0.5 def angleTwoPoints(self, x1, z1, x2, z2): x = x2 - x1 z = z2 - z1 angle = math.atan2(-x, z) return angle + pi * 0.5 def __collide(self, move, test): test.velX = 0 test.velZ = 0 move.velX = 0 move.velZ = 0 test.collide() move.collide() self.stickInGrid(move) self.stickInGrid(test) def generateInit(self): self.notify.debug('generateInit') BattleBlocker.BattleBlocker.generateInit(self) def generate(self): self.notify.debug('generate') BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity.generate(self) def announceGenerate(self): self.notify.debug('announceGenerate') BattleBlocker.BattleBlocker.announceGenerate(self) self.baseNode = self.attachNewNode('GolfGreenGameBase') self.frame = self.baseNode.attachNewNode('GolfGreenGameFrame') self.spriteNode = self.frame.attachNewNode('GolfGreenGameSpriteNode') self.frame.setScale(1.0) self.frame.setP(90) self.spriteNotchPos = 0 self.frame.setY(10.0) self.frame.setZ(2.0) self.spriteNode.setY(0.5) self.hasChanged = 0 self.squareNode = self.frame.attachNewNode('GolfGreenGameBase') groundCircle = loader.loadModel('phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/bust_a_cog_golf_green') groundCircle.reparentTo(self.baseNode) groundCircle.setScale(0.24) self.groundFlag = loader.loadModel('phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/bust_a_cog_golf_flag') self.groundFlag.reparentTo(self.baseNode) self.groundFlag.setScale(0.5) self.groundFlag.setH(-45) self.groundFlag.setPos(3.0, 4.0, 0.0) groundSquare = BuildGeometry.addSquareGeom(self.squareNode, self.sizeX, self.sizeZ, color=Vec4(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5)) self.centerZ = (self.minZ + self.maxZ) * 0.5 self.squareNode.setZ((self.minZ + self.maxZ) * 0.5) self.squareNode.setP(-90) groundCircle.setDepthWrite(False) groundCircle.setDepthTest(True) groundCircle.setBin('ground', 1) groundSquare[0].setDepthWrite(False) groundSquare[0].setDepthTest(False) groundSquare[0].setBin('ground', 2) self.squareNode.hide() self.load() def initCollisionGeom(self): self.actSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, 11.5) self.actSphereNode = CollisionNode('gridgame-%s-%s' % (self.level.getLevelId(), self.entId)) self.actSphereNode.addSolid(self.actSphere) self.actSphereNodePath = self.attachNewNode(self.actSphereNode) self.actSphereNode.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask) self.actSphere.setTangible(0) self.enterEvent = 'enter' + self.actSphereNode.getName() self.accept(self.enterEvent, self.__handleToonEnter) def __handleToonEnter(self, collEntry): self.sendUpdate('requestJoin', []) def __setCamera(self): camHeight = base.localAvatar.getClampedAvatarHeight() heightScaleFactor = camHeight * 0.3333333333 defLookAt = Point3(0.0, 1.5, camHeight) cameraPoint = Point3(0.0, -16.0, 16.0) base.localAvatar.stopUpdateSmartCamera() base.localAvatar.stopUpdateSmartCamera() base.localAvatar.stopUpdateSmartCamera() basePos = self.frame.getPos(render) modPos = Point3(basePos[0] + 0.0, basePos[1] + 12.0, basePos[2] + 12.0) camera.setPos(0, 0, 0) camera.setH(0) camera.setP(-70) camera.reparentTo(self.focusPoint) base.camLens.setFov(60, 46.8265) self.focusPoint.setPos(0, 12, 27) self.focusPoint.setH(180) def acceptJoin(self, time, timeStamp, avIds): self.timeStart = timeStamp timePassed = globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(self.timeStart) timeleft = time - timePassed self.timeTotal = time if localAvatar.doId in avIds and localAvatar.doId not in self.joinedToons: self.__startGame()'stopped') self.sendUpdate('requestBoard', [0]) if not self.hasEntered: self.level.countryClub.showInfoText(TTLocalizer.BustACogInstruction) self.hasEntered = 1 for avId in self.joinedToons: if avId not in avIds: self.joinedToons.remove(avId) self.removeToonHeadPanel(avId) toon = if toon: toon.startSmooth() for avId in avIds: if avId and avId not in self.joinedToons: if avId not in self.everJoinedToons: self.everJoinedToons.append(avId) self.joinedToons.append(avId) index = self.everJoinedToons.index(avId) if index > 3: print 'ERROR! green game has had more than 4 players, we are about to crash\n %s' % self.everJoinedToons print 'Joining Toon is %s index is %s' % (avId, index) toon = selfPos = self.getPos(render) offset = self.toonPoints[index] if index > 3: print 'odd... we should have crashed by now' standPoint = render.getRelativePoint(self, offset) if toon: toon.stopSmooth() self.addToonHeadPanel(toon) toon.setAnimState('run', 1.0) animFunc = Func(toon.setAnimState, 'neutral', 1.0) track = Sequence(LerpPosInterval(toon, 0.75, standPoint), LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.25, Point3(180, 0, 0)), animFunc, Func(self.clearToonTrack, avId), name=toon.uniqueName('gggEnter'), autoPause=1) track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, 'GolfGreenGame.acceptJoin') self.storeToonTrack(avId, track) track.start() def signalDone(self, success): self.finished = 1 self.__leaveGame() self.__removeGame() self.scoreBoard.hide() self.cleanupTimer() if success: self.level.countryClub.showInfoText(TTLocalizer.BustACogSuccess) else: self.level.countryClub.showInfoText(TTLocalizer.BustACogFailure) def boardCleared(self, avId): self.doFail() def setTimerStart(self, time, timeStamp): if self.timer == None: self.timeStart = timeStamp timePassed = globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(self.timeStart) timeleft = time - timePassed self.timeTotal = time self.cleanupTimer() self.timer = ToontownTimer.ToontownTimer() self.timer.posBelowTopRightCorner() self.timer.setTime(timeleft) self.timer.countdown(timeleft, self.timerExpired) return def cleanupTimer(self): if self.timer: self.timer.stop() self.timer.destroy() self.timer = None return def timerExpired(self): self.cleanupTimer() def useTime(self, time = None): if time != None: self.timeLeft = time if self.timerTask != None: taskMgr.remove(self.timerTaskName) if time != None and time > 0.0 and self.isActive: self.timerTask = taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.gameCountDown, self.timerTaskName) self.scoreLabel['text'] = TTLocalizer.GolfGreenGameScoreString % (self.boardsLeft, int(self.timeLeft)) return def gameCountDown(self, task): self.timeLeft = self.timeTotal - globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(self.timeStart) return task.done def scoreData(self, total = 2, closed = 1, scoreList = 'hello world'): self.boardsLeft = total - closed for panelIndex in self.toonPanels: panel = self.toonPanels[panelIndex] panel.extraData['text'] = TTLocalizer.GolfGreenGamePlayerScore % 0 for entryIndex in range(len(scoreList)): entry = scoreList[entryIndex] if self.toonPanels.has_key(entry[0]): panel = self.toonPanels[entry[0]] panel.extraData['text'] = TTLocalizer.GolfGreenGamePlayerScore % entry[1] self.scoreLabel['text'] = TTLocalizer.GolfGreenGameScoreString % self.boardsLeft def informGag(self, track, level): self.bonusBoard['text'] = TTLocalizer.GolfGreenGameBonusGag % TTLocalizer.BattleGlobalAvPropStringsSingular[track][level] iconName = ToontownBattleGlobals.AvPropsNew[track][level] icon = self.invModel.find('**/%s' % iconName) self.bonusBoard['image'] = icon self.bonusBoard['image_scale'] = (1.0, 1, 1.0) taskMgr.doMethodLater(4.0, self.hideBonusBoard, 'hide bonus') def helpOthers(self, avId): if not avId == localAvatar.doId and self.running: self.giftId = 7 toonName = '' toon =[avId] if toon: toonName = toon.getName() self.bonusBoard['text'] = TTLocalizer.GolfGreenGameGotHelp % toonName imageBall = loader.loadModel('phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/bust_a_cog_ball_fire') imageBall.setHpr(0, 90, 0) self.bonusBoard['image'] = imageBall self.bonusBoard['image_scale'] = 0.13 taskMgr.doMethodLater(4.0, self.hideBonusBoard, 'hide bonus') def hideBonusBoard(self, task): if self.bonusBoard: if not self.bonusBoard.isEmpty(): self.bonusBoard.hide() def storeToonTrack(self, avId, track): self.clearToonTrack(avId) self.__toonTracks[avId] = track def clearToonTrack(self, avId): oldTrack = self.__toonTracks.get(avId) if oldTrack: oldTrack.pause() if self.__toonTracks.get(avId): DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(self.__toonTracks[avId]) del self.__toonTracks[avId] def clearToonTracks(self): keyList = [] for key in self.__toonTracks: keyList.append(key) for key in keyList: if self.__toonTracks.has_key(key): self.clearToonTrack(key)