import sys import os import tokenize import copy from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from panda3d.core import * from panda3d.otp import * from direct.showbase import DirectObject from . import BlinkingArrows from toontown.toon import ToonHeadFrame from toontown.char import CharDNA from toontown.suit import SuitDNA from toontown.char import Char from toontown.suit import Suit from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals from otp.speedchat import SpeedChatGlobals from import DistributedBlackCatMgr from direct.showbase import PythonUtil from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('QuestParser') lineDict = {} globalVarDict = {} curId = None def init(): globalVarDict.update({'render': render, 'camera': camera, 'hidden': hidden, 'aspect2d': aspect2d, 'localToon': base.localAvatar, 'laffMeter': base.localAvatar.laffMeter, 'inventory': base.localAvatar.inventory, 'bFriendsList': base.localAvatar.bFriendsList, 'book':, 'bookPrevArrow':, 'bookNextArrow':, 'bookOpenButton':, 'bookCloseButton':, 'chatNormalButton': base.localAvatar.chatMgr.normalButton, 'chatScButton': base.localAvatar.chatMgr.scButton, 'arrows': BlinkingArrows.BlinkingArrows()}) def clear(): globalVarDict.clear() def readFile(filename): global curId scriptFile = StreamReader(vfs.openReadFile(filename, 1), 1) gen = tokenize.tokenize(scriptFile.readline) line = getLineOfTokens(gen) while line is not None: if line == []: line = getLineOfTokens(gen) continue if line[0] == 'ID': parseId(line) elif curId is None: notify.error('Every script must begin with an ID') else: lineDict[curId].append(line) line = getLineOfTokens(gen) return def getLineOfTokens(gen): tokens = [] nextNeg = 0 token = next(gen) if token[0] == tokenize.ENDMARKER: return None while token[0] != tokenize.NEWLINE and token[0] != tokenize.NL: if token[0] in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.ENCODING): pass elif token[0] == tokenize.OP and token[1] == '-': nextNeg = 1 elif token[0] == tokenize.NUMBER: if nextNeg: tokens.append(-eval(token[1])) nextNeg = 0 else: tokens.append(eval(token[1])) elif token[0] == tokenize.STRING: tokens.append(eval(token[1])) elif token[0] == tokenize.NAME: tokens.append(token[1]) else: notify.warning('Ignored token type: %s on line: %s' % (tokenize.tok_name[token[0]], token[2][0])) token = next(gen) return tokens def parseId(line): global curId curId = line[1] notify.debug('Setting current scriptId to: %s' % curId) if questDefined(curId): notify.error('Already defined scriptId: %s' % curId) else: lineDict[curId] = [] def questDefined(scriptId): return scriptId in lineDict class NPCMoviePlayer(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self, scriptId, toon, npc): DirectObject.DirectObject.__init__(self) self.scriptId = scriptId self.toon = toon self.isLocalToon = self.toon == base.localAvatar self.npc = npc self.privateVarDict = {} self.toonHeads = {} self.chars = [] self.uniqueId = 'scriptMovie_' + str(self.scriptId) + '_' + str(toon.getDoId()) + '_' + str(npc.getDoId()) self.setVar('toon', self.toon) self.setVar('npc', self.npc) self.chapterDict = {} self.timeoutTrack = None self.currentTrack = None return def getVar(self, varName): if varName in self.privateVarDict: return self.privateVarDict[varName] elif varName in globalVarDict: return globalVarDict[varName] elif varName.find('tomDialogue') > -1 or varName.find('harryDialogue') > -1: notify.warning('%s getting referenced. Tutorial Ack: %d Place: %s' % (varName, base.localAvatar.tutorialAck, return None else: notify.error('Variable not defined: %s' % varName) return None def delVar(self, varName): if varName in self.privateVarDict: del self.privateVarDict[varName] elif varName in globalVarDict: del globalVarDict[varName] else: notify.warning('Variable not defined: %s' % varName) def setVar(self, varName, var): self.privateVarDict[varName] = var def cleanup(self): if self.currentTrack: self.currentTrack.pause() self.currentTrack = None self.ignoreAll() taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueId) for toonHeadFrame in list(self.toonHeads.values()): toonHeadFrame.destroy() while self.chars: self.__unloadChar(self.chars[0]) del self.toonHeads del self.privateVarDict del self.chapterDict del self.toon del self.npc del self.timeoutTrack return def __unloadChar(self, char): char.removeActive() if == 'mk' or == 'mn': char.stopEarTask() char.delete() self.chars.remove(char) def timeout(self, fFinish = 0): if self.timeoutTrack: if fFinish: self.timeoutTrack.finish() else: self.timeoutTrack.start() def finishMovie(self): self.npc.finishMovie(self.toon, self.isLocalToon, 0.0) def playNextChapter(self, eventName, timeStamp = 0.0): trackList = self.chapterDict[eventName] if trackList: self.currentTrack = trackList.pop(0) self.currentTrack.start() else: notify.debug('Movie ended waiting for an event (%s)' % eventName) def play(self): lineNum = 0 self.currentEvent = 'start' lines = lineDict.get(self.scriptId) if lines is None: notify.error('No movie defined for scriptId: %s' % self.scriptId) chapterList = [] timeoutList = [] for line in lines: lineNum += 1 command = line[0] if command == 'UPON_TIMEOUT': uponTimeout = 1 iList = timeoutList line = line[1:] command = line[0] else: uponTimeout = 0 iList = chapterList if command == 'CALL': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('CALL not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') iList.append(self.parseCall(line)) continue elif command == 'DEBUG': iList.append(self.parseDebug(line)) continue elif command == 'WAIT': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('WAIT not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') iList.append(self.parseWait(line)) continue elif command == 'CHAT': iList.append(self.parseChat(line)) continue elif command == 'CLEAR_CHAT': iList.append(self.parseClearChat(line)) continue elif command == 'FINISH_QUEST_MOVIE': chapterList.append(Func(self.finishMovie)) continue elif command == 'CHAT_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('CHAT_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseChatConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue elif command == 'LOCAL_CHAT_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('LOCAL_CHAT_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseLocalChatConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue elif command == 'LOCAL_CHAT_PERSIST': iList.append(self.parseLocalChatPersist(line)) continue elif command == 'LOCAL_CHAT_TO_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('LOCAL_CHAT_TO_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseLocalChatToConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue elif command == 'CC_CHAT_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('CC_CHAT_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseCCChatConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue elif command == 'CC_CHAT_TO_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('CC_CHAT_TO_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseCCChatToConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue if self.isLocalToon: if command == 'LOAD': self.parseLoad(line) elif command == 'LOAD_SFX': self.parseLoadSfx(line) elif command == 'LOAD_DIALOGUE': self.parseLoadDialogue(line) elif command == 'LOAD_CC_DIALOGUE': self.parseLoadCCDialogue(line) elif command == 'LOAD_CHAR': self.parseLoadChar(line) elif command == 'LOAD_CLASSIC_CHAR': self.parseLoadClassicChar(line) elif command == 'UNLOAD_CHAR': iList.append(self.parseUnloadChar(line)) elif command == 'LOAD_SUIT': self.parseLoadSuit(line) elif command == 'SET': self.parseSet(line) elif command == 'LOCK_LOCALTOON': iList.append(self.parseLockLocalToon(line)) elif command == 'FREE_LOCALTOON': iList.append(self.parseFreeLocalToon(line)) elif command == 'REPARENTTO': iList.append(self.parseReparent(line)) elif command == 'WRTREPARENTTO': iList.append(self.parseWrtReparent(line)) elif command == 'SHOW': iList.append(self.parseShow(line)) elif command == 'HIDE': iList.append(self.parseHide(line)) elif command == 'POS': iList.append(self.parsePos(line)) elif command == 'HPR': iList.append(self.parseHpr(line)) elif command == 'SCALE': iList.append(self.parseScale(line)) elif command == 'POSHPRSCALE': iList.append(self.parsePosHprScale(line)) elif command == 'COLOR': iList.append(self.parseColor(line)) elif command == 'COLOR_SCALE': iList.append(self.parseColorScale(line)) elif command == 'ADD_LAFFMETER': iList.append(self.parseAddLaffMeter(line)) elif command == 'LAFFMETER': iList.append(self.parseLaffMeter(line)) elif command == 'OBSCURE_LAFFMETER': iList.append(self.parseObscureLaffMeter(line)) elif command == 'ARROWS_ON': iList.append(self.parseArrowsOn(line)) elif command == 'ARROWS_OFF': iList.append(self.parseArrowsOff(line)) elif command == 'START_THROB': iList.append(self.parseStartThrob(line)) elif command == 'STOP_THROB': iList.append(self.parseStopThrob(line)) elif command == 'SHOW_FRIENDS_LIST': iList.append(self.parseShowFriendsList(line)) elif command == 'HIDE_FRIENDS_LIST': iList.append(self.parseHideFriendsList(line)) elif command == 'SHOW_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseShowBook(line)) elif command == 'HIDE_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseHideBook(line)) elif command == 'ENABLE_CLOSE_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseEnableCloseBook(line)) elif command == 'OBSCURE_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseObscureBook(line)) elif command == 'OBSCURE_CHAT': iList.append(self.parseObscureChat(line)) elif command == 'ADD_INVENTORY': iList.append(self.parseAddInventory(line)) elif command == 'SET_INVENTORY': iList.append(self.parseSetInventory(line)) elif command == 'SET_INVENTORY_YPOS': iList.append(self.parseSetInventoryYPos(line)) elif command == 'SET_INVENTORY_DETAIL': iList.append(self.parseSetInventoryDetail(line)) elif command == 'PLAY_SFX': iList.append(self.parsePlaySfx(line)) elif command == 'STOP_SFX': iList.append(self.parseStopSfx(line)) elif command == 'PLAY_ANIM': iList.append(self.parsePlayAnim(line)) elif command == 'LOOP_ANIM': iList.append(self.parseLoopAnim(line)) elif command == 'LERP_POS': iList.append(self.parseLerpPos(line)) elif command == 'LERP_HPR': iList.append(self.parseLerpHpr(line)) elif command == 'LERP_SCALE': iList.append(self.parseLerpScale(line)) elif command == 'LERP_POSHPRSCALE': iList.append(self.parseLerpPosHprScale(line)) elif command == 'LERP_COLOR': iList.append(self.parseLerpColor(line)) elif command == 'LERP_COLOR_SCALE': iList.append(self.parseLerpColorScale(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_WRITE_ON': iList.append(self.parseDepthWriteOn(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_WRITE_OFF': iList.append(self.parseDepthWriteOff(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_TEST_ON': iList.append(self.parseDepthTestOn(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_TEST_OFF': iList.append(self.parseDepthTestOff(line)) elif command == 'SET_BIN': iList.append(self.parseSetBin(line)) elif command == 'CLEAR_BIN': iList.append(self.parseClearBin(line)) elif command == 'TOON_HEAD': iList.append(self.parseToonHead(line)) elif command == 'SEND_EVENT': iList.append(self.parseSendEvent(line)) elif command == 'FUNCTION': iList.append(self.parseFunction(line)) elif command == 'BLACK_CAT_LISTEN': iList.append(self.parseBlackCatListen(line)) elif command == 'SHOW_THROW_SQUIRT_PREVIEW': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('SHOW_THROW_SQUIRT_PREVIEW not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') nextEvent = 'doneThrowSquirtPreview' iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseThrowSquirtPreview(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent elif command == 'WAIT_EVENT': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('WAIT_EVENT not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') nextEvent = self.parseWaitEvent(line) def proceed(self = self, nextEvent = nextEvent): self.playNextChapter(nextEvent) def handleEvent(*args): proceed = args[0] proceed() iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, handleEvent, [proceed])) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent elif command == 'SET_MUSIC_VOLUME': iList.append(self.parseSetMusicVolume(line)) else: notify.warning('Unknown command token: %s for scriptId: %s on line: %s' % (command, self.scriptId, lineNum)) self.closePreviousChapter(chapterList) if timeoutList: self.timeoutTrack = Sequence(*timeoutList) self.playNextChapter('start') return def closePreviousChapter(self, iList): trackList = self.chapterDict.setdefault(self.currentEvent, []) trackList.append(Sequence(*iList)) def parseLoad(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, varName, modelPath = line node = loader.loadModel(modelPath) elif len(line) == 4: token, varName, modelPath, subNodeName = line node = loader.loadModel(modelPath).find('**/' + subNodeName) else: notify.error('invalid parseLoad command') self.setVar(varName, node) def parseLoadSfx(self, line): token, varName, fileName = line sfx = base.loader.loadSfx(fileName) self.setVar(varName, sfx) def parseLoadDialogue(self, line): token, varName, fileName = line if varName == 'tomDialogue_01': notify.debug('VarName tomDialogue getting added. Tutorial Ack: %d' % base.localAvatar.tutorialAck) if base.config.GetString('language', 'english') == 'japanese': dialogue = base.loader.loadSfx(fileName) else: dialogue = None self.setVar(varName, dialogue) return def parseLoadCCDialogue(self, line): token, varName, filenameTemplate = line if self.toon.getStyle().gender == 'm': classicChar = 'mickey' else: classicChar = 'minnie' filename = filenameTemplate % classicChar if base.config.GetString('language', 'english') == 'japanese': dialogue = base.loader.loadSfx(filename) else: dialogue = None self.setVar(varName, dialogue) return def parseLoadChar(self, line): token, name, charType = line char = Char.Char() dna = CharDNA.CharDNA() dna.newChar(charType) char.setDNA(dna) if charType == 'mk' or charType == 'mn': char.startEarTask() char.nametag.manage(base.marginManager) char.addActive() char.hideName() self.setVar(name, char) def parseLoadClassicChar(self, line): token, name = line char = Char.Char() dna = CharDNA.CharDNA() if self.toon.getStyle().gender == 'm': charType = 'mk' else: charType = 'mn' dna.newChar(charType) char.setDNA(dna) char.startEarTask() char.nametag.manage(base.marginManager) char.addActive() char.hideName() self.setVar(name, char) self.chars.append(char) def parseUnloadChar(self, line): token, name = line char = self.getVar(name) track = Sequence() track.append(Func(self.__unloadChar, char)) track.append(Func(self.delVar, name)) return track def parseLoadSuit(self, line): token, name, suitType = line suit = Suit.Suit() dna = SuitDNA.SuitDNA() dna.newSuit(suitType) suit.setDNA(dna) self.setVar(name, suit) def parseSet(self, line): token, varName, value = line self.setVar(varName, value) def parseCall(self, line): token, scriptId = line nmp = NPCMoviePlayer(scriptId, self.toon, self.npc) return Func( def parseLockLocalToon(self, line): return Sequence(Func(self.toon.detachCamera), Func(self.toon.collisionsOff), Func(self.toon.disableAvatarControls), Func(self.toon.stopTrackAnimToSpeed), Func(self.toon.stopUpdateSmartCamera)) def parseFreeLocalToon(self, line): return Sequence(Func(self.toon.attachCamera), Func(self.toon.startTrackAnimToSpeed), Func(self.toon.collisionsOn), Func(self.toon.enableAvatarControls), Func(self.toon.startUpdateSmartCamera)) def parseDebug(self, line): token, str = line return Func(notify.debug, str) def parseReparent(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName = line subNodeName = None elif len(line) == 4: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName, subNodeName = line childNode = self.getVar(childNodeName) if subNodeName: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName).find(subNodeName) else: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName) return ParentInterval(childNode, parentNode) def parseWrtReparent(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName = line subNodeName = None elif len(line) == 4: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName, subNodeName = line childNode = self.getVar(childNodeName) if subNodeName: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName).find(subNodeName) else: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName) return WrtParentInterval(childNode, parentNode) def parseShow(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func( def parseHide(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.hide) def parsePos(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setPos, x, y, z) def parseHpr(self, line): token, nodeName, h, p, r = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setHpr, h, p, r) def parseScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setScale, x, y, z) def parsePosHprScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, h, p, r, sx, sy, sz = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setPosHprScale, x, y, z, h, p, r, sx, sy, sz) def parseColor(self, line): token, nodeName, r, g, b, a = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setColor, r, g, b, a) def parseColorScale(self, line): token, nodeName, r, g, b, a = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setColorScale, r, g, b, a) def parseWait(self, line): token, waitTime = line return Wait(waitTime) def parseChat(self, line): toonId = self.toon.getDoId() avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) chatFlags = CFSpeech | CFTimeout quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) if extraChatFlags: chatFlags |= extraChatFlags if len(dialogueList) > 0: dialogue = dialogueList[0] else: dialogue = None return Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, chatString, chatFlags, dialogue) def parseClearChat(self, line): toonId = self.toon.getDoId() avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatFlags = CFSpeech | CFTimeout return Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, '', chatFlags) def parseExtraChatArgs(self, args): quitButton = 0 extraChatFlags = None dialogueList = [] for arg in args: if type(arg) == type(0): quitButton = arg elif type(arg) == type(''): if len(arg) > 2 and arg[:2] == 'CF': extraChatFlags = eval(arg) else: dialogueList.append(self.getVar(arg)) else: notify.error('invalid argument type') return (quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseChatConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) toonId = self.toon.getDoId() avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) return Func(avatar.setPageChat, toonId, 0, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseLocalChatConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) return Func(avatar.setLocalPageChat, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseLocalChatPersist(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) if len(dialogueList) > 0: dialogue = dialogueList[0] else: dialogue = None return Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, chatString, CFSpeech, dialogue) def parseLocalChatToConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarKey = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarKey) toAvatarKey = line[2] toAvatar = self.getVar(toAvatarKey) localizerAvatarName = toAvatar.getName().capitalize() toAvatarName = eval('TTLocalizer.' + localizerAvatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[3]) chatString = chatString.replace('%s', toAvatarName) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[4:]) return Func(avatar.setLocalPageChat, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseCCChatConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) if self.toon.getStyle().gender == 'm': chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2] % 'Mickey') else: chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2] % 'Minnie') quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) return Func(avatar.setLocalPageChat, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseCCChatToConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarKey = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarKey) toAvatarKey = line[2] toAvatar = self.getVar(toAvatarKey) localizerAvatarName = toAvatar.getName().capitalize() toAvatarName = eval('TTLocalizer.' + localizerAvatarName) if self.toon.getStyle().gender == 'm': chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[3] % 'Mickey') else: chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[3] % 'Minnie') chatString = chatString.replace('%s', toAvatarName) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[4:]) return Func(avatar.setLocalPageChat, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parsePlaySfx(self, line): if len(line) == 2: token, sfxName = line looping = 0 elif len(line) == 3: token, sfxName, looping = line else: notify.error('invalid number of arguments') sfx = self.getVar(sfxName) return Func(base.playSfx, sfx, looping) def parseStopSfx(self, line): token, sfxName = line sfx = self.getVar(sfxName) return Func(sfx.stop) def parsePlayAnim(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, actorName, animName = line playRate = 1.0 elif len(line) == 4: token, actorName, animName, playRate = line else: notify.error('invalid number of arguments') actor = self.getVar(actorName) return Sequence(Func(actor.setPlayRate, playRate, animName), Func(, animName)) def parseLoopAnim(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, actorName, animName = line playRate = 1.0 elif len(line) == 4: token, actorName, animName, playRate = line else: notify.error('invalid number of arguments') actor = self.getVar(actorName) return Sequence(Func(actor.setPlayRate, playRate, animName), Func(actor.loop, animName)) def parseLerpPos(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpPosInterval(node, t, Point3(x, y, z), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpHpr(self, line): token, nodeName, h, p, r, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpHprInterval(node, t, VBase3(h, p, r), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpScaleInterval(node, t, VBase3(x, y, z), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpPosHprScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, h, p, r, sx, sy, sz, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpPosHprScaleInterval(node, t, VBase3(x, y, z), VBase3(h, p, r), VBase3(sx, sy, sz), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpColor(self, line): token, nodeName, sr, sg, sb, sa, er, eg, eb, ea, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpColorInterval(node, t, VBase4(er, eg, eb, ea), startColorScale=VBase4(sr, sg, sb, sa), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpColorScale(self, line): token, nodeName, sr, sg, sb, sa, er, eg, eb, ea, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpColorScaleInterval(node, t, VBase4(er, eg, eb, ea), startColorScale=VBase4(sr, sg, sb, sa), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseDepthWriteOn(self, line): token, nodeName, depthWrite = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.setDepthWrite, depthWrite)) def parseDepthWriteOff(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.clearDepthWrite)) def parseDepthTestOn(self, line): token, nodeName, depthTest = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.setDepthTest, depthTest)) def parseDepthTestOff(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.clearDepthTest)) def parseSetBin(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, nodeName, binName = line sortOrder = 0 else: token, nodeName, binName, sortOrder = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.setBin, binName, sortOrder)) def parseClearBin(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.clearBin)) def parseWaitEvent(self, line): token, eventName = line return eventName def parseSendEvent(self, line): token, eventName = line return Func(messenger.send, eventName) def parseFunction(self, line): token, objectName, functionName = line object = self.getVar(objectName) cfunc = compile('object' + '.' + functionName, '', 'eval') return Func(eval(cfunc)) def parseAddLaffMeter(self, line): token, maxHpDelta = line newMaxHp = maxHpDelta + self.toon.getMaxHp() newHp = newMaxHp laffMeter = self.getVar('laffMeter') return Func(laffMeter.adjustFace, newHp, newMaxHp) def parseLaffMeter(self, line): token, newHp, newMaxHp = line laffMeter = self.getVar('laffMeter') return Func(laffMeter.adjustFace, newHp, newMaxHp) def parseObscureLaffMeter(self, line): token, val = line return Func(self.toon.laffMeter.obscure, val) def parseAddInventory(self, line): token, track, level, number = line inventory = self.getVar('inventory') countSound = base.loader.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/sfx/tick_counter.ogg') return Sequence(Func(base.playSfx, countSound), Func(inventory.buttonBoing, track, level), Func(inventory.addItems, track, level, number), Func(inventory.updateGUI, track, level)) def parseSetInventory(self, line): token, track, level, number = line inventory = self.getVar('inventory') return Sequence(Func(inventory.setItem, track, level, number), Func(inventory.updateGUI, track, level)) def parseSetInventoryYPos(self, line): token, track, level, yPos = line inventory = self.getVar('inventory') button = inventory.buttons[track][level].stateNodePath[0] text = button.find('**/+TextNode') return Sequence(Func(text.setY, yPos)) def parseSetInventoryDetail(self, line): if len(line) == 2: token, val = line elif len(line) == 4: token, val, track, level = line else: notify.error('invalid line for parseSetInventoryDetail: %s' % line) inventory = self.getVar('inventory') if val == -1: return Func(inventory.noDetail) elif val == 0: return Func(inventory.hideDetail) elif val == 1: return Func(inventory.showDetail, track, level) else: notify.error('invalid inventory detail level: %s' % val) def parseShowFriendsList(self, line): from toontown.friends import FriendsListPanel return Func(FriendsListPanel.showFriendsListTutorial) def parseHideFriendsList(self, line): from toontown.friends import FriendsListPanel return Func(FriendsListPanel.hideFriendsListTutorial) def parseShowBook(self, line): return Sequence(Func(, self.toon.mapPage), Func(, Func( def parseEnableCloseBook(self, line): return Sequence(Func( def parseHideBook(self, line): return Func( def parseObscureBook(self, line): token, val = line return Func(, val) def parseObscureChat(self, line): token, val0, val1 = line return Func(self.toon.chatMgr.obscure, val0, val1) def parseArrowsOn(self, line): arrows = self.getVar('arrows') token, x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2 = line return Func(arrows.arrowsOn, x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2) def parseArrowsOff(self, line): arrows = self.getVar('arrows') return Func(arrows.arrowsOff) def parseStartThrob(self, line): token, nodeName, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, a2, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) startCScale = Point4(r, g, b, a) destCScale = Point4(r2, g2, b2, a2) self.throbIval = Sequence(LerpColorScaleInterval(node, t / 2.0, destCScale, startColorScale=startCScale, blendType='easeInOut'), LerpColorScaleInterval(node, t / 2.0, startCScale, startColorScale=destCScale, blendType='easeInOut')) return Func(self.throbIval.loop) def parseStopThrob(self, line): return Func(self.throbIval.finish) def parseToonHead(self, line): if len(line) == 5: token, toonName, x, z, toggle = line scale = 1.0 else: token, toonName, x, z, toggle, scale = line toon = self.getVar(toonName) toonId = toon.getDoId() toonHeadFrame = self.toonHeads.get(toonId) if not toonHeadFrame: toonHeadFrame = ToonHeadFrame.ToonHeadFrame(toon) toonHeadFrame.tag1Node.setActive(1) toonHeadFrame.hide() self.toonHeads[toonId] = toonHeadFrame self.setVar('%sToonHead' % toonName, toonHeadFrame) if toggle: return Sequence(Func(toonHeadFrame.setPos, x, 0, z), Func(toonHeadFrame.setScale, scale), Func( else: return Func(toonHeadFrame.hide) def parseToonHeadScale(self, line): token, toonName, scale = line toon = self.getVar(toonName) toonId = toon.getDoId() toonHeadFrame = self.toonHeads.get(toonId) return Func(toonHeadFrame.setScale, scale) def parseBlackCatListen(self, line): token, enable = line if enable: def phraseSaid(phraseId): toontastic = 315 if phraseId == toontastic: messenger.send(DistributedBlackCatMgr.DistributedBlackCatMgr.ActivateEvent) def enableBlackCatListen(): self.acceptOnce(SpeedChatGlobals.SCStaticTextMsgEvent, phraseSaid) return Func(enableBlackCatListen) else: def disableBlackCatListen(): self.ignore(SpeedChatGlobals.SCStaticTextMsgEvent) return Func(disableBlackCatListen) def parseThrowSquirtPreview(self, line): oldTrackAccess = [None] def grabCurTrackAccess(oldTrackAccess = oldTrackAccess): oldTrackAccess[0] = copy.deepcopy(base.localAvatar.getTrackAccess()) def restoreTrackAccess(oldTrackAccess = oldTrackAccess): base.localAvatar.setTrackAccess(oldTrackAccess[0]) minGagLevel = ToontownBattleGlobals.MIN_LEVEL_INDEX + 1 maxGagLevel = ToontownBattleGlobals.MAX_LEVEL_INDEX + 1 curGagLevel = minGagLevel def updateGagLevel(t, curGagLevel = curGagLevel): newGagLevel = int(round(t)) if newGagLevel == curGagLevel: return curGagLevel = newGagLevel base.localAvatar.setTrackAccess([0, 0, 0, 0, curGagLevel, curGagLevel, 0]) return Sequence(Func(grabCurTrackAccess), LerpFunctionInterval(updateGagLevel, fromData=1, toData=7, duration=0.3), WaitInterval(3.5), LerpFunctionInterval(updateGagLevel, fromData=7, toData=1, duration=0.3), Func(restoreTrackAccess), Func(messenger.send, 'doneThrowSquirtPreview')) def parseSetMusicVolume(self, line): if base.config.GetString('language', 'english') == 'japanese': try: loader = type = 'music' duration = 0 fromLevel = 1.0 if len(line) == 2: token, level = line elif len(line) == 3: token, level, type = line elif len(line) == 4: token, level, type, duration = line elif len(line) == 5: token, level, type, duration, fromLevel = line if type == 'battleMusic': music = loader.battleMusic elif type == 'activityMusic': music = loader.activityMusic else: music = if duration == 0: return Func(music.setVolume, level) else: def setVolume(level): music.setVolume(level) return LerpFunctionInterval(setVolume, fromData=fromLevel, toData=level, duration=duration) except AttributeError: pass else: return Wait(0.0) searchPath = DSearchPath() if __debug__: searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('resources/phase_3/etc')) scriptFile = Filename('QuestScripts.txt') found = vfs.resolveFilename(scriptFile, searchPath) if not found: notify.error('Could not find QuestScripts.txt file') readFile(scriptFile)