""" SuitPlannerTutorial module: contains the SuitPlannerTutorial class
    which handles management of the suit you will fight during the

from otp.ai.AIBaseGlobal import *

from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from toontown.suit import DistributedTutorialSuitAI
from . import TutorialBattleManagerAI

class SuitPlannerTutorialAI:
    SuitPlannerTutorialAI: manages the single suit that you fight during
    the tutorial.

    notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(

    def __init__(self, air, zoneId, battleOverCallback):
        # Store these things
        self.zoneId = zoneId
        self.air = air
        self.battle = None
        # This callback will be used to open the HQ doors when the
        # battle is over.
        self.battleOverCallback = battleOverCallback

        # Create a battle manager
        self.battleMgr = TutorialBattleManagerAI.TutorialBattleManagerAI(

        # Create a flunky
        newSuit = DistributedTutorialSuitAI.DistributedTutorialSuitAI(self.air, self)
        newSuit.setupSuitDNA(1, 1, "c")
        # This is a special tutorial path state
        self.suit = newSuit

    def cleanup(self):
        self.zoneId = None
        self.air = None
        if self.suit:
            self.suit = None
        if self.battle:
            #RAU made to kill the mem leak when you close the window in the middle of the battle tutorial
            cellId = self.battle.battleCellId
            battleMgr = self.battle.battleMgr
            if cellId in battleMgr.cellId2battle:
            self.battle = None

    def getDoId(self):
        # This is here because the suit expects the suit planner to be
        # a distributed object, if it has a suit planner. We want it to
        # have a suit planner, but not a distributed one, so we return
        # 0 when asked what our DoId is. Kind of hackful, I guess.
        return 0

    def requestBattle(self, zoneId, suit, toonId):
        # 70, 20, 0 is a battle cell position that I just made up.
        self.battle = self.battleMgr.newBattle(
            zoneId, zoneId, Vec3(35, 20, 0),
            suit, toonId,
        return 1

    def removeSuit(self, suit):
        # Get rid of the suit.
        self.suit = None