import Toon, ToonDNA from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer import types from direct.showbase import PythonUtil from pandac.PandaModules import * from libotp import * from otp.avatar import Emote from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal EmoteSleepIndex = 4 EmoteClear = -1 def doVictory(toon, volume = 1): duration = toon.getDuration('victory', 'legs') sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/sfx/ENC_Win.mp3') sfxDuration = duration - 1.0 sfxTrack = SoundInterval(sfx, loop=1, duration=sfxDuration, node=toon, volume=volume) track = Sequence(Func(, 'victory'), sfxTrack, duration=0) return (track, duration, None) def doJump(toon, volume = 1): track = Sequence(Func(, 'jump')) return (track, 0, None) def doDead(toon, volume = 1): toon.animFSM.request('Sad') return (None, 0, None) def doAnnoyed(toon, volume = 1): duration = toon.getDuration('angry', 'torso') sfx = None if == 'bear': sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/dial/AV_bear_exclaim.mp3') else: sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_angry.mp3') def playSfx(): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) track = Sequence(Func(toon.angryEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(, 'angry'), Func(playSfx)) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.normalEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes)) return (track, duration, exitTrack) def doAngryEyes(toon, volume = 1): track = Sequence(Func(toon.angryEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes), Wait(10.0), Func(toon.normalEyes)) return (track, 0.1, None) def doHappy(toon, volume = 1): track = Sequence(Func(, 'jump'), Func(toon.normalEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes)) duration = toon.getDuration('jump', 'legs') return (track, duration, None) def doSad(toon, volume = 1): track = Sequence(Func(toon.sadEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes)) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.normalEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes)) return (track, 3, exitTrack) def doSleep(toon, volume = 1): duration = 4 track = Sequence(Func(toon.stopLookAround), Func(toon.stopBlink), Func(toon.closeEyes), Func(toon.lerpLookAt, Point3(0, 1, -4)), Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'), Func(toon.setPlayRate, 0.4, 'neutral'), Func(toon.setChatAbsolute, TTLocalizer.ToonSleepString, CFThought)) def wakeUpFromSleepEmote(): toon.startLookAround() toon.openEyes() toon.startBlink() toon.setPlayRate(1, 'neutral') if toon.nametag.getChat() == TTLocalizer.ToonSleepString: toon.clearChat() toon.lerpLookAt(Point3(0, 1, 0), time=0.25) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(wakeUpFromSleepEmote)) return (track, duration, exitTrack) def doYes(toon, volume = 1): tracks = Parallel(autoFinish=1) for lod in toon.getLODNames(): h = toon.getPart('head', lod) tracks.append(Sequence(LerpHprInterval(h, 0.1, Vec3(0, -30, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(0, 20, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(0, -20, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(0, 20, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(0, -20, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(0, 20, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.1, Vec3(0, 0, 0)))) tracks.start() return (None, 0, None) def doNo(toon, volume = 1): tracks = Parallel(autoFinish=1) for lod in toon.getLODNames(): h = toon.getPart('head', lod) tracks.append(Sequence(LerpHprInterval(h, 0.1, Vec3(40, 0, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(-40, 0, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(40, 0, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(-40, 0, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(20, 0, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.15, Vec3(-20, 0, 0)), LerpHprInterval(h, 0.1, Vec3(0, 0, 0)))) tracks.start() return (None, 0, None) def doOk(toon, volume = 1): return (None, 0, None) def doShrug(toon, volume = 1): sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_shrug.mp3') def playSfx(): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) track = Sequence(Func(, 'shrug'), Func(playSfx)) duration = toon.getDuration('shrug', 'torso') return (track, duration, None) def doWave(toon, volume = 1): track = Sequence(Func(, 'wave')) duration = toon.getDuration('wave', 'torso') return (track, duration, None) def doApplause(toon, volume = 1): sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_applause.mp3') def playSfx(): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=1, node=toon) track = Sequence(Func(, 'applause'), Func(playSfx)) duration = toon.getDuration('applause', 'torso') return (track, duration, None) def doConfused(toon, volume = 1): sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_confused.mp3') def playSfx(): base.playSfx(sfx, node=toon, volume=volume) track = Sequence(Func(, 'confused'), Func(playSfx)) duration = toon.getDuration('confused', 'torso') return (track, duration, None) def doSlipForward(toon, volume = 1): sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_cannon_hit_dirt.mp3') def playSfx(): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) sfxDelay = 0.7 track = Sequence(Func(, 'slip-forward'), Wait(sfxDelay), Func(playSfx)) duration = toon.getDuration('slip-forward', 'torso') - sfxDelay return (track, duration, None) def doBored(toon, volume = 1): sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_bored.mp3') def playSfx(): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) sfxDelay = 2.2 track = Sequence(Func(, 'bored'), Wait(sfxDelay), Func(playSfx)) duration = toon.getDuration('bored', 'torso') - sfxDelay return (track, duration, None) def doBow(toon, volume = 1): if[1] == 'd': track = Sequence(Func(, 'curtsy')) duration = toon.getDuration('curtsy', 'torso') else: track = Sequence(Func(, 'bow')) duration = toon.getDuration('bow', 'torso') return (track, duration, None) def doSlipBackward(toon, volume = 1): sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_cannon_hit_dirt.mp3') def playSfx(): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) sfxDelay = 0.7 track = Sequence(Func(, 'slip-backward'), Wait(sfxDelay), Func(playSfx)) duration = toon.getDuration('slip-backward', 'torso') - sfxDelay return (track, duration, None) def doThink(toon, volume = 1): duration = 47.0 / 24.0 * 2 animTrack = Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'think', startFrame=0, endFrame=46), ActorInterval(toon, 'think', startFrame=46, endFrame=0)) track = Sequence(animTrack, duration=0) return (track, duration, None) def doCringe(toon, volume = 1): track = Sequence(Func(, 'cringe')) duration = toon.getDuration('cringe', 'torso') return (track, duration, None) def doResistanceSalute(toon, volume = 1): playRate = 0.75 duration = 10.0 / 24.0 * (1 / playRate) * 2 animTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.setChatAbsolute, OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[4020], CFSpeech | CFTimeout), Func(toon.setPlayRate, playRate, 'victory'), ActorInterval(toon, 'victory', playRate=playRate, startFrame=0, endFrame=9), ActorInterval(toon, 'victory', playRate=playRate, startFrame=9, endFrame=0)) track = Sequence(animTrack, duration=0) return (track, duration, None) def doNothing(toon, volume = 1): return (None, 0, None) def doSurprise(toon, volume = 1): sfx = None sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_surprise.mp3') def playSfx(volume = 1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) def playAnim(anim): anim.start() def stopAnim(anim): anim.finish() toon.stop() sfx.stop() anim = Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'conked', startFrame=9, endFrame=50), ActorInterval(toon, 'conked', startFrame=70, endFrame=101)) track = Sequence(Func(toon.stopBlink), Func(toon.surpriseEyes), Func(toon.showSurpriseMuzzle), Parallel(Func(playAnim, anim), Func(playSfx, volume))) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.hideSurpriseMuzzle), Func(toon.openEyes), Func(toon.startBlink), Func(stopAnim, anim)) return (track, 3.0, exitTrack) def doUpset(toon, volume = 1): sfx = None sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_very_sad_1.mp3') def playSfx(volume = 1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) def playAnim(anim): anim.start() def stopAnim(anim): anim.finish() toon.stop() sfx.stop() anim = Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'bad-putt', startFrame=29, endFrame=59, playRate=-0.75), ActorInterval(toon, 'bad-putt', startFrame=29, endFrame=59, playRate=0.75)) track = Sequence(Func(toon.sadEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(toon.showSadMuzzle), Parallel(Func(playAnim, anim), Func(playSfx, volume))) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.hideSadMuzzle), Func(toon.normalEyes), Func(stopAnim, anim)) return (track, 4.0, exitTrack) def doDelighted(toon, volume = 1): sfx = None sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/delighted_06.mp3') def playSfx(volume = 1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) def playAnim(anim): anim.start() def stopAnim(anim): anim.finish() toon.stop() sfx.stop() anim = Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'left'), Wait(1), ActorInterval(toon, 'left', playRate=-1)) track = Sequence(Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(toon.showSmileMuzzle), Parallel(Func(playAnim, anim), Func(playSfx, volume))) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.hideSmileMuzzle), Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(stopAnim, anim)) return (track, 2.5, exitTrack) def doFurious(toon, volume = 1): duration = toon.getDuration('angry', 'torso') sfx = None sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/furious_03.mp3') def playSfx(volume = 1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) track = Sequence(Func(toon.angryEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(toon.showAngryMuzzle), Func(, 'angry'), Func(playSfx, volume)) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.normalEyes), Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(toon.hideAngryMuzzle)) return (track, duration, exitTrack) def doLaugh(toon, volume = 1): sfx = None sfx = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/avatar_emotion_laugh.mp3') def playSfx(volume = 1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) def playAnim(): toon.setPlayRate(10, 'neutral') toon.loop('neutral') def stopAnim(): toon.setPlayRate(1, 'neutral') track = Sequence(Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(toon.showLaughMuzzle), Func(playAnim), Func(playSfx, volume)) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.hideLaughMuzzle), Func(toon.blinkEyes), Func(stopAnim)) return (track, 2, exitTrack) def getSingingNote(toon, note, volume = 1): sfx = None filePath = 'phase_3.5/audio/dial/' filePrefix = 'tt_s_dlg_sng_' fileSuffix = '.mp3' speciesName = ToonDNA.getSpeciesName( sfx = base.loadSfx(filePath + filePrefix + speciesName + '_' + note + fileSuffix) def playSfx(volume = 1): base.playSfx(sfx, volume=volume, node=toon) def playAnim(): toon.loop('neutral') def stopAnim(): toon.setPlayRate(1, 'neutral') track = Sequence(Func(toon.showSurpriseMuzzle), Parallel(Func(playAnim), Func(playSfx, volume))) exitTrack = Sequence(Func(toon.hideSurpriseMuzzle), Func(stopAnim)) return (track, 0.1, exitTrack) def playSingingAnim(toon): pass def stopSinginAnim(toon): pass def singNote1(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'g1') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'g2') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'g3') def singNote2(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'a1') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'a2') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'a3') def singNote3(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'b1') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'b2') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'b3') def singNote4(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'c1') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'c2') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'c3') def singNote5(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'd1') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'd2') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'd3') def singNote6(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'e1') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'e2') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'e3') def singNote7(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'f1') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'f2') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'f3') def singNote8(toon, volume = 1): if base.config.GetBool('want-octaves', True): if == 'short': return getSingingNote(toon, 'g2') elif == 'medium': return getSingingNote(toon, 'g3') elif == 'long': return getSingingNote(toon, 'g4') def singNoteEmpty(toon, volume = 0): track = Sequence() return (track, 0.1, None) def returnToLastAnim(toon): if hasattr(toon, 'playingAnim') and toon.playingAnim: toon.loop(toon.playingAnim) elif not hasattr(toon, 'hp') or toon.hp > 0: toon.loop('neutral') else: toon.loop('sad-neutral') EmoteFunc = [[doWave, 0], [doHappy, 0], [doSad, 0], [doAnnoyed, 0], [doSleep, 0], [doShrug, 0], [doVictory, 0], [doThink, 0], [doBored, 0], [doApplause, 0], [doCringe, 0], [doConfused, 0], [doSlipForward, 0], [doBow, 0], [doSlipBackward, 0], [doResistanceSalute, 0], [doNothing, 0], [doYes, 0], [doNo, 0], [doOk, 0], [doSurprise, 0], [doUpset, 0], [doDelighted, 0], [doFurious, 0], [doLaugh, 0]] class TTEmote(Emote.Emote): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('TTEmote') SLEEP_INDEX = 4 def __init__(self): self.emoteFunc = EmoteFunc self.bodyEmotes = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24] self.headEmotes = [2, 17, 18, 19] if len(self.emoteFunc) != len(OTPLocalizer.EmoteList): self.notify.error('Emote.EmoteFunc and OTPLocalizer.EmoteList are different lengths.') self.track = None self.stateChangeMsgLocks = 0 self.stateHasChanged = 0 return def lockStateChangeMsg(self): self.stateChangeMsgLocks += 1 def unlockStateChangeMsg(self): if self.stateChangeMsgLocks <= 0: print PythonUtil.lineTag() + ': someone unlocked too many times' return self.stateChangeMsgLocks -= 1 if self.stateChangeMsgLocks == 0 and self.stateHasChanged: messenger.send(self.EmoteEnableStateChanged) self.stateHasChanged = 0 def emoteEnableStateChanged(self): if self.stateChangeMsgLocks > 0: self.stateHasChanged = 1 else: messenger.send(self.EmoteEnableStateChanged) def disableAll(self, toon, msg = None): if toon != base.localAvatar: return self.disableGroup(range(len(self.emoteFunc)), toon) def releaseAll(self, toon, msg = None): if toon != base.localAvatar: return self.enableGroup(range(len(self.emoteFunc)), toon) def disableBody(self, toon, msg = None): if toon != base.localAvatar: return self.disableGroup(self.bodyEmotes, toon) def releaseBody(self, toon, msg = None): if toon != base.localAvatar: return self.enableGroup(self.bodyEmotes, toon) def disableHead(self, toon, msg = None): if toon != base.localAvatar: return self.disableGroup(self.headEmotes, toon) def releaseHead(self, toon, msg = None): if toon != base.localAvatar: return self.enableGroup(self.headEmotes, toon) def getHeadEmotes(self): return self.headEmotes def disableGroup(self, indices, toon): self.lockStateChangeMsg() for i in indices: self.disable(i, toon) self.unlockStateChangeMsg() def enableGroup(self, indices, toon): self.lockStateChangeMsg() for i in indices: self.enable(i, toon) self.unlockStateChangeMsg() def disable(self, index, toon): if isinstance(index, types.StringType): index = OTPLocalizer.EmoteFuncDict[index] self.emoteFunc[index][1] = self.emoteFunc[index][1] + 1 if toon is base.localAvatar: if self.emoteFunc[index][1] == 1: self.emoteEnableStateChanged() def enable(self, index, toon): if isinstance(index, types.StringType): index = OTPLocalizer.EmoteFuncDict[index] self.emoteFunc[index][1] = self.emoteFunc[index][1] - 1 if toon is base.localAvatar: if self.emoteFunc[index][1] == 0: self.emoteEnableStateChanged() def doEmote(self, toon, emoteIndex, ts = 0, volume = 1): try: func = self.emoteFunc[emoteIndex][0] except: print 'Error in finding emote func %s' % emoteIndex return (None, None) def clearEmoteTrack(): base.localAvatar.emoteTrack = None base.localAvatar.d_setEmoteState(self.EmoteClear, 1.0) return if volume == 1: track, duration, exitTrack = func(toon) else: track, duration, exitTrack = func(toon, volume) if track != None: track = Sequence(Func(self.disableAll, toon, 'doEmote'), track) if duration > 0: track = Sequence(track, Wait(duration)) if exitTrack != None: track = Sequence(track, exitTrack) if duration > 0: track = Sequence(track, Func(returnToLastAnim, toon)) track = Sequence(track, Func(self.releaseAll, toon, 'doEmote'), autoFinish=1) if toon.isLocal(): track = Sequence(track, Func(clearEmoteTrack)) if track != None: if toon.emote != None: toon.emote.finish() toon.emote = None toon.emote = track track.start(ts) del clearEmoteTrack return (track, duration) def printEmoteState(self, action, msg): pass Emote.globalEmote = TTEmote()