################################################## # The Toontown Offline Magic Word Manager ################################################## # Author: Benjamin Frisby # Copyright: Copyright 2020, Toontown Offline # Credits: Benjamin Frisby, John Cote, Ruby Lord, Frank, Nick, Little Cat, Ooowoo # License: MIT # Version: 1.0.0 # Email: belloqzafarian@gmail.com ################################################## from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.distributed import DistributedObject from panda3d.otp import WhisperPopup from otp.otpbase.OTPGlobals import * from toontown.friends import FriendHandle from toontown.spellbook.MagicWordConfig import * from toontown.spellbook.MagicWordIndex import * from toontown.toon import Toon import json import random import string MagicWordIndex = magicWordIndex.copy() class ToontownMagicWordManager(DistributedObject.DistributedObject): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('ToontownMagicWordManager') neverDisable = 1 def __init__(self, cr): DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr) base.cr.magicWordManager = self # The default chat prefix we use to determine if said phrase is a Magic Word self.chatPrefix = PREFIX_DEFAULT # The default name of the "wizard" that returns responses when executing Magic Words self.wizardName = WIZARD_DEFAULT # Keep track of the last clicked avatar for targeting purposes self.lastClickedAvId = 0 def announceGenerate(self): DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self) # Only use a custom Magic Word activator if the index is allowed activatorIndex = base.settings.getSetting('magic-word-activator', 0) if 0 <= activatorIndex <= (len(PREFIX_ALLOWED) - 1): self.chatPrefix = PREFIX_ALLOWED[activatorIndex] # Accept events such as outgoing chat messages and clicking on nametags self.accept(OUTGOING_CHAT_MESSAGE_NAME, self.checkMagicWord) self.accept(CLICKED_NAMETAG_MESSAGE_NAME, self.__handleClickedNametag) self.accept(FOCUS_OUT_MESSAGE_NAME, self.__handleFocusOutNametag) def disable(self): DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self) # Ignore the events we were accepting earlier self.ignore(OUTGOING_CHAT_MESSAGE_NAME) self.ignore(CLICKED_NAMETAG_MESSAGE_NAME) self.ignore(FOCUS_OUT_MESSAGE_NAME) def setChatPrefix(self, chatPrefix): self.chatPrefix = chatPrefix def __handleClickedNametag(self, avatar): if avatar: # Make sure the nametag we clicked on is a Toon if isinstance(avatar, Toon.Toon) or isinstance(avatar, FriendHandle.FriendHandle): # Store the avId of our target self.lastClickedAvId = avatar.getDoId() return # Clear our target avId self.lastClickedAvId = 0 def __handleFocusOutNametag(self): # We've clicked off of a nametag, so reset the target avId self.lastClickedAvId = 0 def checkMagicWord(self, magicWord): # Well, this obviously isn't a Magic Word if it doesn't begin with our prefix if not magicWord.startswith(self.chatPrefix): return # We don't even have access to be using Magic Words in the first place if base.localAvatar.getAccessLevel() < OTPGlobals.AccessLevelName2Int.get('MODERATOR'): self.generateResponse(responseType="NoAccess") return # Using Magic Words while teleporting or going through tunnels is scary if base.localAvatar.getTransitioning(): self.generateResponse(responseType="Teleporting") return # We're allowed to use the Magic Word then, so let's proceed self.handleMagicWord(magicWord) def generateResponse(self, responseType, magicWord='', args=None, returnValue=None, affectRange=None, affectType=None, affectExtra=None, lastClickedAvId=None, extraMessageData = None): # Generate and send the response to the use of our Magic Word response = self.generateMagicWordResponse(responseType, magicWord, args, returnValue, affectRange, affectType, affectExtra, lastClickedAvId, extraMessageData) base.localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, self.wizardName + ': ' + response, WhisperPopup.WTSystem) self.notify.info(response) def generateMagicWordResponse(self, responseType, magicWord, args, returnValue, affectRange, affectType, affectExtra, lastClickedAvId, extraMessageData): # Start out with a blank response response = '' # If our Magic Word was a success but has no return value, just send a randomized success phrase if responseType == "SuccessNoResp" and magicWord: successExclaim = random.choice(MAGIC_WORD_SUCCESS_PHRASES) response += successExclaim return response # We had a successful Magic Word and also got a return value, so let's just use that elif responseType == "Success": response += returnValue return response # Guess it wasn't a success, so let's grab our response via the given code response += MAGIC_WORD_RESPONSES.get(responseType, MAGIC_WORD_NO_RESPONSE) # If we want to provide extra info, format the response if responseType in MagicWordConfig.HAS_EXTRA_MESSAGE_DATA: response = response.format(extraMessageData) return response def handleMagicWord(self, magicWord): # By default, our Magic Word affects nobody- not even ourself! affectRange = AFFECT_NONE # A normal affect type- we aren't trying to target all Toons in the zone, server, or a specific Access Level affectType = AFFECT_NORMAL # Only used for determining what Access Level will be targeted, if we decide to target a specific one affectExtra = -1 # Used for determining what the affectRange is- it counts the amount of activators uses (ranges 1-3) for x in range(3): if magicWord.startswith(self.chatPrefix * (3 - x)): affectRange = 2 - x break # If so some reason our affectRange is still none, we can't go any further if affectRange == AFFECT_NONE: self.generateResponse(responseType="NoEffect") return # Our affectRange is other, meaning we want to target someone- let's make sure we're allowed to elif affectRange == AFFECT_OTHER: # If they don't exist, why would we want to continue? toon = base.cr.doId2do.get(self.lastClickedAvId) if not toon: return # Like earlier, Magic Words are no good if used while moving between zones if toon.getTransitioning(): self.generateResponse(responseType="OtherTeleporting") return # Get how many activators were used in this Magic Word execution activatorLength = affectRange + 1 # The Magic word without the activators magicWordNoPrefix = magicWord[activatorLength:] # Iterate through the affectType strings and see if any of them were used (e.g. zone, server, or rank) for type in AFFECT_TYPES: if magicWordNoPrefix.startswith(type): magicWordNoPrefix = magicWordNoPrefix[len(type):] affectType = AFFECT_TYPES.index(type) break # Calculate the Access Level to affect if affectType is RANK if affectType == AFFECT_RANK: # Iterate over all the possible Access Level integers and see if any match with the one provided for level in list(OTPGlobals.AccessLevelName2Int.values()): # It matches, woohoo! if magicWordNoPrefix.startswith(str(level)): # Sorry, I'm commenting this way after the fact, so not even I know why there is a try/except here # My guess is that sometimes this doesn't work for whatever reason, but I'm not too sure # It typically works fine for me but I will keep it here just in-case try: int(magicWordNoPrefix[len(str(level)):][:1]) self.generateResponse(responseType="BadTarget") return except: pass # Strip the Access Level integer from the Magic Word string magicWordNoPrefix = magicWordNoPrefix[len(str(level)):] # Store the Access Level integer here instead affectExtra = level break # The invoker wanted to target an Access Level but provided an invalid integer, so let them know if affectExtra == -1: self.generateResponse(responseType="BadTarget") return # Finally, we can get the name of the Magic Word used word = magicWordNoPrefix.split(' ', 1)[0].lower() # The Magic Word the invoker used doesn't exist if word not in MagicWordIndex: # Iterate over all Magic Word names and see if the one provided is close to any of them for magicWord in list(MagicWordIndex.keys()): # If it is close, suggest to the invoker that they made a typo if word in magicWord: self.generateResponse(responseType="CloseWord", extraMessageData=magicWord) return # Couldn't find any Magic Word close to what was provided, so let them know the word doesn't exist self.generateResponse(responseType="BadWord") return # Grab the Magic Word info based off of it's name magicWordInfo = MagicWordIndex[word] # The location of the Magic Word's execution was not specified, so raise an error if magicWordInfo['execLocation'] == EXEC_LOC_INVALID: raise ValueError("execLocation not set for magic word {}!".format(magicWordInfo['classname'])) # The execLocation is valid, so let's finally send data over to the server to execute our Magic Word elif magicWordInfo['execLocation'] in (EXEC_LOC_SERVER, EXEC_LOC_CLIENT): self.sendUpdate('requestExecuteMagicWord', [affectRange, affectType, affectExtra, self.lastClickedAvId, magicWordNoPrefix]) def executeMagicWord(self, word, commandName, targetIds, args, affectRange, affectType, affectExtra, lastClickedAvId): # We have have a target avId and the affectRange isn't ourself, we want to execute this Magic Word on the target # This is alright, but we should only execute it on the target if they are visible on our client if self.lastClickedAvId and affectRange != AFFECT_SELF: toon = base.cr.doId2do.get(self.lastClickedAvId) if not toon: self.generateResponse(responseType="NoTarget") return # Get the Magic Word info based off of it's name magicWord = commandName.lower() magicWordInfo = MagicWordIndex[magicWord] # Load the class tied to the Magic Word command = magicWordInfo['class'] command.loadWord(None, self.cr, base.localAvatar.getDoId(), targetIds, args) # Execute the Magic Word and store the return value returnValue = command.executeWord() # If we have a return value, route it through if returnValue: self.generateResponse(responseType="Success", returnValue=returnValue) # If not just route a generic response through else: self.generateResponse(responseType="SuccessNoResp", magicWord=word, args=args, affectRange=affectRange, affectType=affectType, affectExtra=affectExtra, lastClickedAvId=lastClickedAvId) def teleportResponse(self, loaderId, whereId, how, hoodId, zoneId, avId): # The AI tells the avatar to go somewhere. This is probably in # response to a magic word requesting transfer to a zone. place = base.cr.playGame.getPlace() if loaderId == "": loaderId = ZoneUtil.getBranchLoaderName(zoneId) if whereId == "": whereId = ZoneUtil.getToonWhereName(zoneId) if how == "": how = "teleportIn" if hoodId == 0: hoodId = place.loader.hood.id if avId == 0: avId = -1 try: place.fsm.forceTransition('teleportOut', [{"loader": loaderId, "where": whereId, "how": how, "hoodId": hoodId, "zoneId": zoneId, "shardId": None, "avId": avId}]) except Exception: # Most likely cause is the place the avatar is in has no teleportOut state, for example, boss lobbies. place.fsm.request('DFAReject') # We have to do this, or the avatar will be stuck.