################################################## # The Toontown Offline Magic Word Manager ################################################## # Author: Benjamin Frisby # Copyright: Copyright 2020, Toontown Offline # Credits: Benjamin Frisby, John Cote, Ruby Lord, Frank, Nick, Little Cat, Ooowoo # License: MIT # Version: 1.0.0 # Email: belloqzafarian@gmail.com ################################################## OUTGOING_CHAT_MESSAGE_NAME = 'magicWord' CLICKED_NAMETAG_MESSAGE_NAME = 'clickedNametag' FOCUS_OUT_MESSAGE_NAME = 'focusOut' PREFIX_DEFAULT = '~' PREFIX_ALLOWED = ['~', '?', '/', '<', ':', ';'] if config.GetBool('exec-chat', False): PREFIX_ALLOWED.append('>') WIZARD_DEFAULT = 'Spellbook' MAGIC_WORD_SUCCESS_PHRASES = ['Alakazam!', 'Voila!', 'Ta-da!', 'Presto!', 'Abracadabra!'] MAGIC_WORD_RESPONSES = { "SuccessNoResp": 'response will be randomly selected from MAGIC_WORD_SUCCESS_PHRASES', "Success": 'response will be provided by magic word', "Teleporting": 'Yikes! Don\'t use Magic words while switching zones!', "OtherTeleporting": 'Your target is currently switching zones!', "BadWord": 'Uh-oh! This Magic Word doesn\'t exist!', "CloseWord": 'This Magic Word doesn\'t exist! Did you mean {}?', "NoEffect": "This word doesn't affect anybody!", "BadTarget": 'Invalid target specified!', "NoAccessToTarget": "You don't have a high enough Access Level to target them!", "NoAccessSingleTarget": "You don't have a high enough Access Level to target {}! Their Access Level: {}. Your Access Level: {}.", "NoTarget": 'Unable to find a target!', "NoAccess": 'Your Toon does not have enough power to use this Magic Word!', "NotEnoughArgs": 'This command takes at least {}!', "TooManyArgs": 'This command takes at most {}!', "BadArgs": 'These arguments are of the wrong type!', "CannotTarget": 'You cannot target other players with this Magic Word!', "Locked": 'You are temporarily locked down and cannot use Magic Words.', "RestrictionOther": 'You may only target one other player with this Magic Word!', 'NonCheaty': 'You cannot use cheaty Magic Words at this time!', 'Tutorial': 'You cannot use Magic Words in the Toontorial!' } MAGIC_WORD_NO_RESPONSE = "...I don't know how to respond!" HAS_EXTRA_MESSAGE_DATA = ["NotEnoughArgs", "TooManyArgs", "CloseWord"] MAGIC_WORD_DEFAULT_DESC = 'A simple Magic Word.' MAGIC_WORD_DEFAULT_ADV_DESC = 'This Magic Word does a lot of things, because reasons.' AFFECT_TYPES = ['singular', 'zone', 'server', 'rank'] AFFECT_TYPES_NAMES = ['Everyone in this zone', 'The entire server', 'Everyone with an Access Level of'] AFFECT_NONE = -1 AFFECT_SELF = 0 AFFECT_OTHER = 1 AFFECT_BOTH = 2 AFFECT_NORMAL = 0 AFFECT_ZONE = 1 AFFECT_SERVER = 2 AFFECT_RANK = 3 GROUP_AFFECTS = [AFFECT_ZONE, AFFECT_SERVER, AFFECT_RANK] EXEC_LOC_INVALID = -1 EXEC_LOC_CLIENT = 0 EXEC_LOC_SERVER = 1 ARGUMENT_NAME = 0 ARGUMENT_TYPE = 1 ARGUMENT_REQUIRED = 2 ARGUMENT_DEFAULT = 3 CUSTOM_SPELLBOOK_DEFAULT = '''{ "words": [ { "name": "SetPos", "access": "MODERATOR" }, { "name": "GetPos", "access": "MODERATOR" } ] } '''